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Deitel H.M. — Visual C# How to Program
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Название: Visual C# How to Program
Автор: Deitel H.M.
Аннотация: Learn how to build winning C# applications, start to finish, using the Deitels' proven methodology and signature Live-Code(tm) Approach! This new edition includes extensive use of Visual Studio 2005's new visual programming tools that tremendously reduce the amount of code programmers need to write in ADO.NET and ASP.NET applications. With these new tools, programmers can develop powerful ADO.NET and ASP.NET applications quickly and easily. You'll start with an introduction to C# and Visual C# 2005 Express. After examining methods and arrays, the Deitels present an in-depth introduction to object-oriented programming. They introduce powerful exception handling techniques for building mission critical software; followed by in-depth coverage of C#-based GUI development. Coverage also includes: multithreading; strings, characters; regular expressions; graphics; files and streams; and more. Next, you'll extend your C# applications to leverage XML and .NET, as you master ADO.NET database access and ASP.NET Web services delivery. An integrated, optional ATM case study teaches object-oriented design with UML(tm) 2.0 while a new GradeBook case study aids in the discussion of early classes and objects. From networking to security, the Deitels present hundreds of expert tips on good programming practices, avoiding errors, maximizing performance, testing, and debugging. For beginning programmers, and for developers experienced with traditional languages who want to master C# quickly.
Рубрика: Технология /
Статус предметного указателя: Готов указатель с номерами страниц
ed2k: ed2k stats
Издание: second edition
Год издания: 2005
Количество страниц: 1648
Добавлена в каталог: 14.11.2006
Операции: Положить на полку |
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Предметный указатель
operators, cast 2nd
Operators, compound assignment operators 2nd
Operators, conditional AND, && 2nd 3rd 4th
Operators, conditional operator, ?: 2nd
Operators, conditional OR, || 2nd 3rd
Operators, decrement operator, --
operators, dot
operators, dot (.) 2nd
operators, increment and decrement
Operators, increment operator, ++
Operators, logical negation, !
operators, logical operators 2nd
Operators, logical XOR, ^
Operators, multiplicative: *, / and %
operators, new 2nd
Operators, postfix decrement
Operators, postfix increment
Operators, prefix decrement
Operators, prefix increment
Operators, remainder, % 2nd 3rd
Operators, subtraction, -
Operators, ^, boolean logical exclusive OR 2nd
Operators, |, boolean logical inclusive OR 2nd
Operators, ||, conditional OR 2nd
optical disk
Optimizing compiler
OR SQL operator
Oracle Corporation 2nd
Orange static property of structure Color
order attribute
ORDER BY SQL clause 2nd 3rd
order in which actions should execute
Ordered List
ordering of records
out keyword 2nd
Out property of class Console
out-of-bounds array index
out-of-range array index
OutOfMemoryException class
Output 2nd
Output device
output parameter
Output unit
Overflow error
overload a method
overloaded constructors
Overloaded constructors used to initialize Time2 objects
overloaded method
Overloaded method declarations
Overloaded methods with identical signatures
overloading generic methods
Overloading operators for complex numbers
override a base class method 2nd
override keyword 2nd 3rd
p (paragraph) element
package diagram (UML)
Package inheritance hierarchy exercise 2nd
Packaging Code in C#
Padding property of class Control
Padding property of class Form
Page class 2nd 3rd
Page class, Session property
Page directive in ASP.NET
Page Hit Counter exercise
page layout software
PageSize property of a GridView ASP.NET control
PageSize property of a GridView control
Page_Init event handler
Page_Load event handler
Page_Unload event handler
Paint event of class Control
Paint Shop Pro™
PaintEventArgs class 2nd
PaintEventArgs class, ClipRectangle property
PaintEventArgs class, Graphics property
PaintEventArgs properties
Panel class 2nd
Panel class, AutoScroll property
Panel class, BorderStyle property
Panel class, Controls property
Panel control
Panel properties
Panel with scrollbars
parameter (UML) 2nd 3rd
Parameter ASP.NET element
Parameter Info window
parameter list 2nd
parameter, output
ParameterizedThreadStart delegate
parameterless constructor 2nd 3rd 4th
params keyword
Parent element
parent menu
parent node 2nd 3rd 4th
Parent property of class DirectoryInfo
Parent property of TreeNode class
parent window
parent/child relationships between data
Parentheses 2nd
parentheses, nested
parentheses, redundant
parentheses, unnecessary
parsed character data
parsing a SOAP message
partial class
Partial modifier
partition step in quicksort 2nd
Pascal casing
Pascal programming language
Pascal, Blaise
pass an array element to a method
pass an array to a method
pass-by-value 2nd
Passing a generic type Stack to a generic method
Passing an array reference by value and by reference
Passing arrays and individual array elements to methods
passing options to a program with command-line arguments
password box
password TextBox
PasswordChar property of class TextBox 2nd
Path property of HttpCookie class
path to a resource
PathGradientBrush class
Paths used to draw stars on a form
Pattern matching
pattern of 0s and 1s
Payable interface hierarchy UML class diagram
payroll file
payroll system
Payroll System Modification exercise
Peedy the Parrot Microsoft Agent character
Peek method of class Stack
Pen class 2nd 3rd 4th
percent (%) SQL wildcard character
Perfect number exercise
perform a calculation
perform a task
perform an action
perform operations concurrently (multithreading)
perform operations in parallel (multithreading)
permission setting
persistent data
persistent database connection
persistent information
Personal Computer 2nd
phases of an application
Phone Book Web Service exercise
Phone Book Web Service Modification exercise
Photoshop Elements
physical output operation
PI (processing instruction)
PictureBox class 2nd
PictureBox class, Click event
PictureBox class, Image property
PictureBox class, SizeMode property
PictureBox control 2nd 3rd
PictureBox properties and event
Pig Latin
pin icon
Pink static property of structure Color
Pixel member of enumeration GraphicsUnit
platform independence 2nd
Play method of interface IAgentCtlCharacter
playback, choppy
player thread
plus box
plus sign (+) for container elements in Internet Explorer
plus sign (+) indicating public visibility (UML)
plus sign (+) occurrence indicator
PNG (Portable Network Graphics) 2nd
Poker 2nd
Poll analysis application
Polygon-drawing demonstration
Polymorphic banking program exercise using Account hierarchy
polymorphic programming
polymorphic screen manager
polymorphically process Invoices and Employees
Polymorphism 2nd 3rd 4th 5th
Polynomial 2nd
pool of threads
pop data off a stack
Pop method of class Stack 2nd
pop stack operation
populating a DataSet
port number
portability of Unicode
Portable Network Graphics (PNG) 2nd
position number
positional notation
positional value
positional values in the decimal number system
PositiveInfinity constant of structure Double
post request type
postback event of an ASP.NET page
postfix decrement operator
postfix increment operator 2nd
postorder traversal of a binary tree
Pow method of class Math
Pow method of Math 2nd 3rd 4th 5th
power (exponent)
Power method
power of 3 larger than 2nd
Precedence 2nd
precedence chart 2nd
Precedence Chart Appendix
precedence, arithmetic operators
precision of a floating-point value
precision, formatting a floating-point number
precision, of double values
precision, of float values
predicate method
prefix decrement operator
prefix increment operator
preorder traversal of a binary tree
prepackaged data structures
presentation logic
presentation of a document
Previous property of class LinkedListNode
PrevNode property of class TreeNode
Primary key 2nd 3rd
primary memory
Prime number
Prime numbers
Principle of Least Privilege
print spooling
PrintArray generic method
PrintArray method in which actual type names are replaced by convention with the generic name E
Printing array elements using generic method PrintArray
Priority property of class Thread
Priority queue
priority queue, multilevel
privacy protection
Private access modifier 2nd
Private members of class Time1 are not accessible
private visibility (UML)
private, access modifier 2nd
private, keyword
private, static class member
procedural programming language
Procedure 2nd
Process class
Process class, Start method
processing instruction (PI)
processing instruction target
processing instruction value
processing phase
processing unit
produce method
producer and consumer threads accessing a circular buffer
producer and consumer threads accessing a shared object with syncronization
producer and consumer threads accessing a shared object without syncronization
producer thread
producer/consumer relationship
product of odd integers
program control
program execution stack
program in the general 2nd
program in the specific
Program to display hidden text in a password box
program, suspend
Programmer 2nd
ProgressChanged event of class WebBrowser
project 2nd
Project Location dialog
Project menu
prolog (XML)
Promotion 2nd 3rd
promotion rules
Properties window 2nd 3rd 4th 5th 6th
Property 2nd
property declaration
property for a form or control