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Deitel H.M. — C++ How to Program
Deitel H.M. — C++ How to Program

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Название: C++ How to Program

Автор: Deitel H.M.


With nearly 250,000 sold, Harvey and Paul Deitel'sC++ How to Programis the world's best-selling introduction to C++ programming. Now, this classic has been thoroughly updated! The authors have given this edition a general tune-up of object-oriented programming presentation. The new Fourth Edition has a new code-highlighting style that uses an alternate background color to focus the reader on new code elements in a program. The Deitels' C++ How to Program is the most comprehensive, practical introduction to C++ ever published — with hundreds of hands-on exercises, roughly 250 complete programs written and documented for easy learning, and exceptional insight into good programming practices, maximizing performance, avoiding errors, debugging, and testing. This new Fourth Edition has an upgraded OOD/UML case to latest UML standard, as well as significant improvements to exception handling and operator overloading chapters. Features enhanced treatment of strings and arrays as objects earlier in the book using standard C++ classes, string and vector. The Fourth Edition retains every key concept and technique ANSI C++ developers need to master: control structures, functions, arrays, pointers and strings, classes and data abstraction, operator overloading, inheritance, virtual functions, polymorphism, I/O, templates, exception handling, file processing, data structures, and more. It also includes a detailed introduction to Standard Template Library (STL) containers, container adapters, algorithms, and iterators. The accompanying CD-ROM includes all the code from the book as well as essential software for learning C++. For anyone who wants to learn C++, improve their existing C++ skills, and master object-oriented development with C++.

Язык: en

Рубрика: Технология/

Статус предметного указателя: Готов указатель с номерами страниц

ed2k: ed2k stats

Издание: fifth edition

Год издания: 2005

Количество страниц: 1536

Добавлена в каталог: 14.11.2006

Операции: Положить на полку | Скопировать ссылку для форума | Скопировать ID
Предметный указатель
compound statement      2nd
Computer Assisted Instruction
Computer Assisted Instruction exercise
Computer name: field
Computer network      2nd
computer networking
Computer program      
computer programmer
computer simulator
computers in education
Computers in Education exercise      
Computing the sum of the elements of an array      
concatenate stream insertion operations      
concatenate strings      2nd
concatenate two linked list objects      
Concatenation operator      
concrete class      2nd
Condition      2nd 3rd 4th 5th
conditional (?:)
conditional compilation      2nd
conditional execution of preprocessor directives
Conditional expression      2nd 3rd 4th
conditional operator (?:)
conditional preprocessor directives      
conditionally compiled output statement
confusing equality (==) and assignment (=) operators      2nd
conserving memory      
consistent state      2nd 3rd
const      2nd 3rd 4th 5th
const char *      
const in parameter list of function      
const keyword      
const member function      
const member function on a const object
const member function on a non-const object
const object      2nd 3rd
const objects and const member functions
const pointer      2nd
Const qualifier      2nd 3rd
const qualifier before type specifier in parameter declaration
const type qualifier applied to an array parameter      
const variables must be initialized
const version
const version of operator[]
const with function parameters
constant integral expression      2nd
constant pointer      2nd
constant reference
constant reference parameter      
constant runtime
constant variable      2nd
constructed inside out
constructor function
constructor in a class diagram
Constructor with default arguments
constructors and destructors called automatically      
const_cast operator      2nd 3rd
const_iterator      2nd 3rd 4th 5th 6th 7th 8th 9th
const_reverse_iterator      2nd 3rd 4th 5th
contact.html      2nd
container      2nd 3rd 4th 5th 6th
container adapter      2nd 3rd
container adapter functions      
container adapters
Container class      2nd 3rd 4th 5th 6th 7th
container classes
container header files
Content-Type header      2nd 3rd
CONTENT_LENGTH environment variable
CONTINUE      2nd 3rd
continue command
continue command (GNU C++ debugger)
Continue command (Visual C++ .NET debugger)      
continue statement      2nd 3rd
continue statement terminating a single iteration of a for statement      
control character      
control statement      2nd 3rd 4th
Control structure
control variable
controlling expression (in a switch)      
controlling the printing of trailing zeros and decimal points for doubles
converge on the base case (recursion)      
conversational computing
Conversion      2nd 3rd
conversion between a fundamental type and a class      
conversion constructor      2nd 3rd 4th
conversion operator
conversions among fundamental types
convert a binary number to decimal
convert a hexadecimal number to decimal      
convert among user-defined types and built-in types
convert an octal number to decimal
convert between types      
convert lowercase letters
Converting a string to uppercase
converting from a higher data type to a lower data type
converting strings to C-style strings and character arrays
Cookie      2nd 3rd 4th
copy a string using array notation
copy a string using pointer notation
copy constructor      2nd 3rd 4th 5th 6th
copy member function of class string
copy of the argument
copy STL algorithm      2nd
copying strings      2nd
Copying the Book Examples from the CD-ROM (box)
Copying the Examples folder
copy_backward      2nd
copy_backward STL algorithm      2nd 3rd
copy_backward, merge, unique and reverse
core memory      
correct number of arguments      
correct order of arguments      
correctly initializing and using a constant variable
cos function
COUNT      2nd
count function of associative container      
count STL algorithm      2nd 3rd
Counter      2nd 3rd 4th
counter controlled      2nd 3rd
counter variable      
counter-controlled repetition      2nd 3rd 4th 5th 6th 7th 8th 9th
Counter-controlled repetition with the for statement
counting loop      
counting up by one      
count_if      2nd
count_if STL algorithm      2nd 3rd
cout (<<) (standard output stream)      2nd 3rd 4th 5th 6th 7th
cout member function put      
cout member function write
CPU      2nd
craps simulation      2nd 3rd 4th
create new data types      2nd 3rd
CreateAndDestroy class      
CreateAndDestroy class definition
CreateAndDestroy class member-function definitions      
creating a random access file
Creating a random-access file with      
Creating a random-access file with 100 blank records sequentially      
Creating a sequential file      
Creating a server-side file to store user data      
creating an association
Creating and manipulating a GradeBook object in which the course name is limited to      
Creating and traversing a binary tree
Credit inquiry program
credit limit on a charge account
credit processing program
crossword puzzle generator
Ctrl key      
current position in a stream
c_str member function of class string      2nd
dangerous pointer manipulation
dangling pointer      2nd
Dangling reference
dangling-else problem      2nd
Data abstraction      2nd 3rd
data cells
data function      
Data hiding      2nd
data hierarchy      2nd
data member      2nd
data member function of class string
data member function of classstring
Data persistence
Data representation
Data structure      2nd 3rd
Data structures
data tier
Data type      
Data types
Database management system (DBMS)      
Date class      2nd 3rd 4th
Date class definition
Date class definition with overloaded increment operators
Date class member function definitions
Date class member-function and friend-function definitions
Date class test program      
date source file is compiled
DBMS (database management system)
deallocate memory      2nd 3rd 4th
DEBUG      2nd
Debug configuration      
debugge (GNU C++)r
Debugger      2nd
debugger (GNU C++)
debugger (Visual C++ .NET)
Debugging      2nd
debugging aid
debugging tool
dec stream manipulator      2nd 3rd
decimal (base 10) number system      2nd
decimal (base-10) number system      2nd
decimal digit
decimal equivalent of a character      
decimal number      2nd 3rd
decimal point      2nd 3rd 4th 5th
Decision      2nd 3rd
decision in the UML
decision symbol
deck of cards      2nd
declaration      2nd
declaration (prototype)
declaration in the UML      2nd
declaring a static member function const
decrement (--)      2nd
Decrement operator
decrement operators
deeply nested statements
default access mode for class is private
default argument      2nd 3rd
default arguments
Default arguments to a function
default arguments with constructors
default case      2nd 3rd 4th
Default constructor      2nd
default delimiter
default memberwise assignment      2nd 3rd
default memberwise copy      2nd
default precision      
default to decimal
default to public access
defensive programming
define a constructor
define a member function
defining a class      
defining a member function of a class      
Defining and testing class GradeBook with a data member and set and get functions      
Defining class GradeBook with a member function that takes a parameter      
Defining class GradeBook with a member function, creating a GradeBook object and calling its member function
definite repetition
definition showing composition
definition with a composed List object
definition with a static data member to track the number of Employee objects in memory      
definition with operator overloading
definition with overloaded increment operators
definition with overloaded operators      2nd
Deitel Buzz Online newsletter
del element
delay loop
delete a record from a file      
Delete command      
delete debugger command
delete HTTP request type
delete operator      2nd 3rd 4th 5th 6th
delete [] (dynamic array deallocation)
deleting an item from a binary tree
deleting dynamically allocated memory
Delimiter      2nd 3rd
demonstrating a mutable data member
demonstrating class template Stack      2nd
Demonstrating copy_backward, merge, unique and reverse      
demonstrating function substr      
demonstrating functions erase and replace
Demonstrating inplace_merge, unique_copy and reverse_copy
demonstrating input from an istring-stream object
Demonstrating input from an istringstream object
Demonstrating lower_bound, upper_bound and equal_range
demonstrating multiple inheritance
demonstrating operator const_cast
Demonstrating set_new_handler
Demonstrating Standard Library functions fill, fill_n, generate and generate_n
Demonstrating Standard Library functions remove, remove_if, remove_copy and remove_copy_if
Demonstrating Standard Library functions replace, replace_if, replace_copy and replace_copy_if
demonstrating string assignment and concatenation
demonstrating the .* and ->* operators
demonstrating the operator keywords
demonstrating the string find member functions
demonstrating the string insert functions
demonstrating the use of namespaces
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16
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