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Kittel C. — Introduction to solid state physics |
Предметный указатель |
power absorption 493
Primitive cell 6 193
Pseudopotential, components 283
Pseudopotential, metallic sodium 254
Pseudopotential, method 252 312
Pyroelectric 394
PZT system 409
QHE 564
Quantization, elastic wave 107 638
Quantization, Hall effect 566
Quantization, orbits in magnetic field 255
Quantization, spin waves 454
Quantum corral 581
Quantum interference 366 369
Quantum solid 92
Quantum theory, diamagnetism 419
Quantum theory, paramagnetism 420
Quasi-Fermi levels 577
Quasicrystals 48
Quasiparticles 294
Quenching, orbital angular momentum 426
Radial distribution function 523
Raman effect 322
Raman scattering 306
Random network 526
Random stacking 22
Rare earth ions 423
Rayleigh attenuation 536
Reciprocal lattice points 38
Reciprocal lattice vectors 33
Recombination radiation 321
Reconstruction 554
Rectification 570
Reduced zone scheme 195 235
Reflectance 293 307 308
Reflection, normal incidence 330
Reflectivity coefficient 307
Refractive index 307
Relaxation 366
Relaxation time, longitudinal 490
Relaxation time, spin-lattice 490
Relaxation, direct 492
Relaxation, Orbach 492
Relaxation, Raman 492
Remanence 470
Resistance per square 171
Resistance, surface 171
Resistivity Ratio 162
Resistivity, electrical 158 159
Response function 309
Response, electron gas 426
Rf saturation 516
Richardson — Dushman equation 562
RKKY theory 628
Rotating coordinate system 515
Ruby laser 512
Saturalion rf 516
saturation magnetization 446
Saturation polarization 412
Scanning tunneling microscopy 20
Schottky barrier 573
Schottky defect 541
Schottky vacancies 551
Screened Coulomb potential 282
Screening, electrostatic 280
Screw dislocation 590
Second-order transition 402
Self-diffusion 547
Self-trapping 221
Semiconductor crystals 174 199
Semiconductor lasers 577
Semiconductor, degenerate 286
Semiconductors, deficit 222
Semimetals 174 203 228
Shear constant 94
Shear strength, single crystals 587
Shear stress, critical 587
Short-range order 621
Shubnikov — de Haas effect 583
Single domain particles 477
Singularities, Van Hove 129
Singularity, density of states 139
Slater — Pauling plot 627
SLIP 588
Sodium chloride structure 15
Sodium metal 142
Soft modes 400 413
Solar cells 573
Solidus 622
Solitons 473
Solubility gap 622
Spectroscopic splitting factor 429
Spheres, metal 171
Spin wave 450 see
Spin wave, quantization 454
Spin wave, resonance 506
Spin-lattice interaction 491
Spin-lattice relaxation time 490
Spinel 459
Square lattice 38
Stability criteria 95
Stabilization free energy 347
Stacking fault 589
STM 20
Stokes line 323
Strain component 81
Strength of alloys 600
Stress component 82
| Structural phase transitions 393
Structure factor 42 635
Structure factor, bee lattice 44
Structure factor, diamond 51
Structure factor, fee lattice 45
Substrate 555
Superconductivity, exotic 156 337
Superconductivity, table 336
Superconductivity, Type I 340
Superconductivity, Type II 340 360
Superlattices 618 630
Superparamagnetism 477
Surface crystallography 556
Surface electronic structure 560
Surface nets 558
Surface plasmons 279 302
Surface resistance 171
Surface states 562
Surface subbands 562
Surface transport 564
Susceptibility, dielectric 385
Susceptibility, magnetic 417
Symmetry operation 4
TA modes 104
Taxis 478
Temperature dependence, reflection lines 633
Temperature, Debye 122
Tetrahedral angle 25
thermal conductivity 131 166
Thermal conductivity, glasses 534
Thermal conductivity, isotope effect 138
Thermal conductivity, metals 166
Thermal conductivity, table 126
Thermal dilation 139
Thermal effective mass 156
Thermal excitation of magnons 455
Thermal expansion 130
Thermal ionization 226
Thermal resistivity, phonon gas 133
Thermionic emission 561
Thermodynamics, superconducting transition 347
Thermoelectric effects 227
Thomas — Fermi approximation 28
Thomas — Fermi dielectric function 282
Three-level maser 512
Tight binding method 245
TO modes 104
Tomography, magnetic resonance 342 487
Transistor, MOS 564
Transition metal alloys 624
Transition temperature, glass 527
Transition, displacive 394
Transition, first-order 402
Transition, metal-insulator 284
Transition, order-disorder 394
Transition, second-order 402
Transitions, displacive 398
Translation operation 4
Translation vector 4
Transparency, alkali metals 274
Transport, surface 564
Transverse optical modes, plasma 274
Transverse relaxation time 492
Triplet excited states 437
Tunneling 364
Tunneling microscope 580
Tunneling, Josephson 366
Twinning 589
Two-fluid model 372 376
Two-level system 440
Type I superconductors 340
Type II superconductors 340 360
Ultraviolet transmission limits 275
Umklapp processes 135 162
Unit cell 6
Upper critical field 661
UPS 324
Valence band edge 199
Van der Waals interaction 54 56 304
Van Hove singularities 129
van Vleck paramagnetism 430
Vector potential 651
Vickers hardness number 606
viscosity 527
Vitreous silica 524
Vortex state 340 361 376
Wannier functions 267
Wannier ladder 230
Wave equation, continuum 112
Wave equation, periodic lattice 184
Wave equation, periodic potential 183
Wavevectors, energy gap 196
Weiss field 443
Whiskers 604
Wiedemann — Franz law 166
Wigner — Seitz boundary condition 250 251
Wigner — Seitz cell 8 38 251
Wigner — Seitz method 244 248
work function 560
Work-hardening 603
XPS 324
Young’s modulus 94
Yttrium iron garnet 505
Zener breakdown 231
Zener tunneling 230
Zero-field splitting 510
Zero-point lattice displacement 139
zero-point motion 55 62
ZnS structure 20
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