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Kittel C. — Introduction to solid state physics |
Предметный указатель |
, liquid 170
perturbation theory 267
Absolute thermoelectric power 228
Acceptor ionization energies 225
Acceptor states 224
Acoustical phonon branch 104
acronyms 328
Activation energy 544
Adiabatic demagnetization 431
Alfven waves 302
Alkali halide crystals, table 73
Alloys 611
Alloys, strength 600
Alloys, transition metal 624
Alnico V 476
Amorphous solids 521
Amorphous solids, ferromagnets 529
Amorphous solids, semiconductors 530
Anharmonic interactions 129
Anisotropy energy 470 471
Annihilation operators 641
Anti-Stokes line 323
Antiferroelectric crystals 404 406
Antiferromagnetic crystals 462
Antiferromagnetic magnons 466
Antiferromagnetic resonance 506 508
Atomic form factor 45
Atomic Radii 77
Atomic radii, table 78
Band bending 576
Band gap 175 199
Band structure, GaAs 218
Band structure, germanium 215
Barium titanate 397
Basis 4 5
BCS theory 345 354
BCS theory, energy gap equation 301
Binding, crystalline 54
Biomagnetism 478
Bloch law 456
Bloch equations 492
Bloch frequency 230
Bloch function 179 246
Bloch oscillator 229
Bloch theorem 179 185
Bloch wall 472
Bohr magneton 421
Boltzmann transport equation 647
Boson operators 641
Boundary conditions, periodic 120
Bragg law 29
Bravais lattice 10 556
Brillouin function 422
Brillouin scattering 306
Brillouin zone 37 217 266
Brillouin zone, first 39 100 176
Brillouin zone, volume 51
Bulk moduli, table 59
bulk modulus 86
Bulk modulus, electron gas 169
Bulk modulus, Fermi gas 303
Burgers vector 592
Cauchy integral 309
Causality 329
Cell, primitive 6
Cell, unit 6
Cell, Wigner — Seitz 8 38
Centipoise 527
Central equation 186
Cesium chloride structure 186
Chalcogenide glasses 531
Charge density waves 301
chemical potential 146 153 154 169
Classical distribution 648
Clausius — Mossotti relation 390
Clogston relation 349
Coercive force, small particle 472
Coercivity 470 475
Coherence length 352 660
Coherence length, intrinsic 353
Cohesive energies, table 57
Cohesive energy 57 66 80
Cohesive energy, Fermi gas 170
Cohesive energy, sodium metal 251
Cohesive energy, square well potential 266
Collisionless electron gas 311
Color centers 548
Compressibilities, table 59
Compressibility 86
Concentration, table 24
Conduction band edge 199
Conduction electron ferromagnetism 438
Conduction electrons, susceptibility 433
Conductivity sum rule 330
Conductivity, electrical 156 158 221
Conductivity, impurity 222
Conductivity, ionic 298
Conductivity, thermal 131 166
Conductor, perfect 339
Configurational heat capacity 630
Contact hyperfine interaction 497
Continuum wave equation 112
Cooper pairs 356 656
covalent bond 72
Covalent crystals 72
Creation operators 641
creep 603
Critical currents 372
Critical field 339 372
Critical field, thin films 375
Critical magnetic field 372
Critical point exponents 445
Critical points 312
Critical shear stress 588
Critical temperature 399
Crystal field 426
Crystal field, splitting 426
Crystal growth 25
Crystal momentum 109 186
Crystal structure, elements 23
Crystalline binding 54
Crystallography, surface 556
Cubic lattices 12
Cubic zinc sulfide structure 20
Curie constant 423
Curie constant, law 423
Curie constant, temperature 443
Curie — Weiss law 444
Cyclotron frequency 164
Cyclotron resonance 213
Cyclotron resonance, spheroidal energy surface 231
dangling bonds 554
Davydov splitting 331
De Haas — Van Alphen effect 257
de Haas — van Alphen period 266
Debye law 124
Debye model, density of states 122
Debye scattering 522
Debye temperature 122
DeBye temperature, table 126
Debye — Waller factor 632
Defects, paramagnetic 499
Deficit semiconductors 222
Deformation 80
Degeneracy 145
Degenerate semiconductor 286
Demagnetization factors 504
Demagnetization, isentropic 431
Density of modes see "Density of states"
Density of states 128 149
| Density of states, Debye model 120
Density of states, Einstein model 124
Density of states, general result 127
Density of states, one dimension 118
Density of states, singularity 139
Density of states, three dimensions 119
Density, table 24
Depolarization factors 384
Depolarization field 384
Diamagnetism 417
Diamond structure 19 51 195
dielectric constant 388
Dielectric constant, semiconductors 223 330
Dielectric function 307
Dielectric function, electron gas 271
Dielectric function, Lindhard 282
Dielectric function, Thomas — Fermi 282
Dielectric susceptibility 385
Dielectrics 381
Diffraction conditions, wave 34
Diffraction, Josephson junction 369
Diffusion 495 544
Diffusion, particle 648
Difiusivity 544
Dilation 82
Direct gap semiconductor 213
Direct photon absorption 201 202
Dislocation densities 598
Dislocation multiplication 600
Dislocations 589
Dispersion relation, phonons 100 104
Dispersion relation, phonons, electromagnetic waves 273
Displacive transition 394 398
Dissipation sum rule 329
Distribution, classical Fermi — Dirac 130
Distribution, Planck 101
Dog’s bone orbit 263
Domains, origin of 474
Domains, origin of closure 474
Domains, origin of ferroelectric 406
Domains, origin of magnetic bubble 481
Donor ionization energies 224
Donor states 222
Doping 222
Dulong and Petit value 127
Edge dislocation 589
effective mass 209 210 212
Effective mass, negative 211
Effective mass, semiconductors, table 212 214
Effective mass, tensor 210
Effective mass, thermal 156
Einstein equation 561
Einstein model, density of states 124
Elastic compliance 83
Elastic limit 587
Elastic stiffness 83 91
Elastic strain 80
Elastic waves 87
Electric field, local 386
Electric field, macroscopic 382
Electric quadruple moment 503
Electrical conductivity 156 651
Electrical conductivity, table 160
Electrical resistivity 159
Electrical resistivity, table 160
Electromechanical coupling factor 410
Electron affinities 68
Electron compound 615 616
Electron density distribution 67
Electron heat capacity, table 257
Electron orbits 242
Electron spin resonance 485
Electron work functions 560
Electron work functions, table 562
Electron-electron collisions 294
Electron-electron interaction 294
Electron-hole drops 321
Electron-lattice interaction 297
Electron-phonon collisions 662
Electronic polarizabilities, table 391
Electronic structure, surface 560
Electrostatic screening 280
Elementary excitations 98
Empirical pseudopotential method 253
Empty core model 253
Empty lattice approximation 188
Energy band calculation 244
energy bands 173 175
Energy gap 173 175
Energy gap, superconductors 344
Energy gap, table, semiconductors 201
Energy levels, one dimension 144
Energy loss spectra, electrons 279
Energy loss, fast particles 326
Entropy of mixing 620
Entropy, superconductors 342
Equation of motion, hole 208
Equations of motion, electron 203
ESCA 324
Eutectics 622
Ewald construction 37
Ewald sphere 559
Ewald sums 634
Ewald — Komfeld method 637
Exchange energy 446
Exchange field 443
Exchange frequency resonance 516
Exchange integral 443
exchange interaction 74
Exchange narrowing 510
excitons 312
Exclusion principle, Pauli 64
Exotic superconductors 156
Extended zone scheme 238
Extinction coefficient 307
Extremal orbits 260
Factor, atomic form 43 45
Factor, structure 44
Fermi energy 145
Fermi gas 141 146
Fermi level 144
Fermi liquid 294
Fermi surface parameters, table 150
Fermi surface, copper 262
Fermi surface, gold 262
Fermi surfaces 238
Fermi — Dirac distribution 146 643
Fermions, heavy 156 337
Ferroelasticity 410
Ferroelectricity, criterion 412
Ferroelectricity, crystals 381 393
Ferroelectricity, domains 388
Ferroelectricity, linear array 414
Ferromagnetism, amorphous 529
Ferromagnetism, conduction electron 438
Ferromagnetism, crystals 443 449
Ferromagnetism, domains 468
Ferromagnetism, order 458
Ferromagnetism, resonance 503
Fiber optics 535
Fick’s law 544
Fine structure constant 566
First Brillouin zone 39 100 176
First-order transition 402
Flux quantization 356
Fluxoid 358 363
Fourier analysis 30 42 183
Fractional quantized Hall effect (FQHE) 570
Frank — Read source 600
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