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Brandenberger B.M. — Macmillan Science Library - Mathematics. Volume 1
Brandenberger B.M. — Macmillan Science Library - Mathematics. Volume 1

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Название: Macmillan Science Library - Mathematics. Volume 1

Автор: Brandenberger B.M.


This quote helps demonstrate the content, scope, and nature of this encyclopedia. The rich content covers the gamut from Abacus to Zero. Coverage is given to figures in mathematical history and development such as Galileo, Grace Hopper, and Pythagoras. Careers that rely on mathematics, like air traffic controller, insurance agent, radio disc jockey, and stonemason, have one-half to one-page articles describing how mathematics and a knowledge of it are essential to the profession. Standard mathematical and arithmetical topics are covered as well. The numerous contributors include college and university professors, K-12 teachers, and curriculum specialists. This work is designed to give users a view of how mathematics functions "in everyday life, as well as its role as a tool for measurement, data analysis, and technological development." The "broader look at mathematics" means that articles are written as simply as possible, and topics one would not ordinarily think of being in a work entitled Mathematics (for example, Cooking, measurement of; IMAX technology; Quilting; Television ratings) are included.

Язык: en

Рубрика: Математика/

Статус предметного указателя: Нет и не будет

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Год издания: 2002

Количество страниц: 214

Добавлена в каталог: 20.08.2015

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