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Mathews J., Walker R.L. — Mathematical Methods of Physics |
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Group, alternating 438
Group, characters of 433
Group, class 428
Group, coset 426
Group, infinite 449
Group, O(n) 450
Group, order 425
Group, physical applications of 440
Group, representation 430
Group, SU(n) 450
Group, subgroup 426
Group, symmetric 425
Hamilton's variational principle 324
Hankel functions , 185
Hankel functions , , spherical Hankel functions , 229
Hankel transform 109 212
Heat conduction in a cube 234 245
Heat conduction in a cube in a semi-infinite medium 240 245
Heat conduction in a cube in a slab 235
Heat conduction in a cube in an infinite medium 242
Heaviside step function 107
Helmholtz equation 227 232
Helmholtz equation in an equilateral triangle 237
Helmholtz equation, Green's function 283 284
Hermite differential equation 20
Hermite polynomial 21 196
Hermite polynomial , generating function of 211
Hermitian conjugate of a matrix 145
Hermitian kernel 306
Hermitian linear operator 263
Hermitian matrix 145
Hilbert space 162
Hilbert transform 109 316
Hill equation 200
Homogeneous differential equation, ordinary 4 6 12
Homogeneous differential equation, partial 218
Homogeneous function 4
Homographic transformation 189
Homomorphic 430
Homomorphic, relation of SU(2) to 466
Horner's method, for roots of polynomials 361
Hyperbolic partial differential equation 221
Hypergeometric differential equation 187
Hypergeometric differential equation, confluent hypergeometric differential equation 194
Hypergeometric differential equation, second solution to 190
Hypergeometric series or function 187
Hypergeometric series or function, confluent hypergeometric function 195
Hypergeometric series or function, convergence of 46
Hypergeometric series or function, integral representation of 191
Idempotent matrix 145
Identity Theorem 482
Images, method of 245
Improper rotation 407
Indicial equation 16
Infinitesimal rotation 455 464
Inhomogeneous differential equation 6
Inhomogeneous problems involving partial differential equations 267
Inner product 149
Integral equations 299
Integral equations in dispersion theory 316
Integral equations in Volterra equations 300 311
Integral equations with degenerate kernel 300
Integral equations, Fredhlom theorems for 301
Integral equations, Neumann and Fredholm series in 302
Integral equations, Schmidt — Hilbert theory for 305
Integral equations, variational approach to 340
Integral equations, Wiener — Hopf method for 312
Integral representations 79
Integral representations of 185
Integral representations of 169 170
Integral representations of 102
Integral representations of 105
Integral representations of 195
Integral representations of 191
Integral transforms 96
Integral transforms, applied to integral equations 312
Integral transforms, applied to partial differential equations 239
Integral transforms, Fourier transforms 101
Integral transforms, Laplace transforms 107
Integral transforms, other transforms 109
Integral transforms, properties and applications 110
Integrals, evaluation 58
Integrals, evaluation by contour integration 65
Integrals, evaluation by differentiation or integration with respect to a parameter 60
Integrals, evaluation by expansion in series 80
Integrals, evaluation by saddle-point methods 82
Integrals, evaluation by symmetry arguments 62
Integrals, evaluation, use of complex variables in 59
Integrating factor 3
Integration, numerical 349
Interpolation 345
Interpolation, error estimation 348
Interpolation, Lagrangian interpolation 347
Interval in Riemann geometry 416
Invariant subgroup 430
Inverse distance formula 170
Inverse of a matrix 144
Inverse of an operator 142
Irreducible representations 431
Irreducible representations of 461
Irreducible representations of SU(2) 457
Irreducible representations of SU(3) 459
Irregular singular point of a differential equation 14
Isobaric differential equation 5 12
Isolated singularity 479
Isomorphism 430
Isomorphism of Lie algebras of SU(2) and O(3) 456 464
Isoperimetric problems 331
Iteration, applied to differential equations 25
Jacobi polynomials 194
Jacobian elliptic functions sn x, cn x, dn x 204 209
Joint probability 374
Jordan's lemma 67
K(k), elliptic integral 79
Kernel of an integral equation 163 299
Kernel of an integral equation, degenerate 300
Kernel of an integral equation, displacement kernel 312
Kernel of an integral equation, symmetric, Hermitian 305 306
Kronecker delta , 100
Kronecker delta , as a Cartesian tensor 406
Kronecker delta , as a general tensor 412
Kummer function 195
Kummer's transformation 197
Lagrange's equations of motion 324
Lagrangian interpolation 347
Laguerre polynomial, 196
Langrange multiplier 331
Laplace transforms 107
Laplace transforms, applied to a partial differential equation 240
Laplace transforms, applied to integral equation 312
Laplace transforms, convolution theorems 113
Laplace transforms, properties and applications 110
Laplace's equation 218 232
Laplace's equation, Green's function 277
Laplace's equation, two-dimensionai 124
Laplace's equation, variational approach to 333
Laplace's integral representation of 170
Laurent expansion 479
Least-squares fit 391
Legendre elliptic integrals , , , K(k), E(k), 78 79
Legendre functions , 167
Legendre functions , , associated functions , 175 228
Legendre polynomials 16 169
Legendre's differential equation 14 167
Legendre's differential equation, associated equation 21 175 228
Legendre's differential equation, second solution 174
Length of a vector 149
Levi-Civita antisymmetric symbol , as a Cartesian tensor 406
Levi-Civita antisymmetric symbol , as a general tensor 413
Levi-Civita antisymmetric symbol , as a tensor under SU(3) 460
| Levi-Civita antisymmetric symbol , as a tensor under SU{2) 458
Lie algebra 456
Lie group 449
Lienard — Wiechert potential 282
Likelihood 387
Linear difference equation 355
Linear differential equation, with constant coefficients 6
Linear differential equation, with constant coefficients with three regular singular points 187 190
Linear differential equation, with constant coefficients, first-order 3
Linear differential equation, with constant coefficients, series solution 13
Linear independence of vectors 140
Linear integral equation 299
Linear operators 141 163
Linear operators, Hermitian 263
Linear scalar function of a vector 148
Linear vector function of a vector 141
Linear vector space 139
Liouville's theorem 483
Loaded string 160
Lowering of tensor indices 416 458
Magnitude of a complex number 472
Mapping 472
Mathieu functions , 200
Mathieu functions , , stability curves 201
Matrices 143
Matrices, diagonalization 158
Matrices, normal 160
Matrices, transformation matrix 147
Mean life of unstable particle 389
Mean value 381
Mellin transform 109
Meromorphic function 483
Metric 149
Metric tensor 416
Mittag-Lefler theorem 53
Mixed tensor 412
Modified Bessel functions , 187
Molecular vibrations 154
Moments of a distribution 381
Multivalued function 473
Neumann boundary condition 219
Neumann series for integral equation 302
Newton's method for roots of equations 360
Nonholonomic constraint 332
Nonsingular operator 142
Normal distribution 378
Normal form of one-dimensional wave equation 223
Normal frequencies of circular drum 233
Normal frequencies of equilateral triangle 239
Normal frequencies, coordinates, modes 157
Normal matrix 160
Normal subgroup 430
Normalization of associated Legendre functions 175
Normalization of Bessel functions 182
Normalization of Legendre polynomials 173
Numerical methods, differentiation 349
Numerical methods, integration 349
Numerical methods, interpolation 345
Numerical methods, roots of equations 358
Numerical methods, solution of differentia! equations 353
Numerical methods, summing series 363
O(n), groups 450
O(n), groups, irreducible representations of 461
Operator, linear 141 163
Operator, linear, Hermitian 263
Order of a group 425
Order of a group element 427
Order of differential equation 1
Ordinary point of a differential equation 14
Ordinary point of a differential equation at infinity 19 20
Orthogonality of associated Legendre functions 175
Orthogonality of Bessel functions 181
Orthogonality of eigenfunctions of Hermitian operator 263
Orthogonality of eigenvectors of Hermitian matrix 152
Orthogonality of group characters 435
Orthogonality of group representations 432
Orthogonality of Legendre polynomials 172
Orthogonality of matrix 145
Orthogonality of vectors 149
Orthonormal vectors 149
Oscillations, small 154
Osculating parameters 9
Outer product of vectors and tensors 405 406
Outgoing wave 230
P symbol, Riemann 189
Parabolic partial differential equation 221
Parameters of an infinite group 449
Parseval's theorem 103
Partial differential equations 217
Partial differential equations, boundary conditions of 219 226
Partial differential equations, classification of 221
Partial differential equations, integral transform methods of 239
Partial differential equations, separation of variables in 226
Partial differential equations, Wiener — Hopf method of 245
Partial fraction representation of cotangent 52
Particular solution or integral 7
Pauli exclusion principle 442
Pauli spin matrices 465
Period of a group element 427
permutations 375
Perturbation theory 286
Perturbation theory, applied to circular drum 290 295
Perturbation theory, applied to Schroedinger equation 291
Perturbation theory, degenerate theory 293
Perturbation theory, rearranged series 292
Phase of a complex number 472
Pochhammer contours 192
Poisson distribution 379
Pole 480
Polyad, polyadic 408
Principal normal 409
Principal value integral 480
Probability theory 372
Probability theory, distributions 377 380
Projection operator 143
Proper rotation 407
Pseudotensor 407
Quadrupole magnet 125
Quotient law 414
Raising of tensor indices 416
Random walk 396 397
Rank of a tensor 406
Ratio test for convergence of an infinite series 45
Rayleigh — Ritz method 337
Rearranged perturbation series 292
Reciprocity relation for Green's functions 270
Recursion relations for Bessel functions 179
Recursion relations for coefficients in solution of differential equations 15 16 20
Recursion relations for Legendre polynomials 171
Recursion relations, three-term, avoidance of 19 21
Recursion relations, three-term, occurrence for Mathieu functions 202
Reducible representation 431 435
Regula Falsi 360
Regular function 477
Regular representation of a group 437
Regular representation of a group of a Lie algebra 469
Regular singular point of a differential equation 14
Regular singular point of a differential equation at infinity 19 20
Relative likelihood 387
Relative tensor 413
Removable singularity 480
Representation of a Lie algebra 469
Representations of a group 430
Representations of a group, characters in 433
Representations of a group, orthogonality theorem of 432
Representations of a group, reducible, irreducible, decomposable 431
Representations of a group, regular 437
Representations of a group, Schur's lemma 432
Residues, theorem 65 66 480
Resolvent kernel, of integral equation 303 309
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