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Schwartz R.L. — Learning Perl Objects, References & Modules |
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"take a reference to" operator 2nd 3rd
# (pound sign) 2nd
$@ variable 2nd
$AUTOLOAD variable
$TODO variable
$VERSION variable
& (ampersand) 2nd
() (parentheses) 2nd 3rd
+ (plus sign) 2nd
, (comma)
.pl (Perl Library) extension
.plx (Perl Executable) extension
.pm (Perl Module) extension
: (colon)
:: (double colon) 2nd
; (semicolon) 2nd
<=> (spaceship operator)
= operator
?: operator
@EXPORT variable 2nd 3rd
@EXPORT_OK variable 2nd 3rd
@INC array
@INC array, require operator and
@INC array, use operation and
@ISA variable
@ISA variable, features 2nd
@ISA variable, inheritance hierarchies and
@ISA variable, multiple inheritance
@_ array
@_ array, accessing instance data
@_ array, changes reflected
@_ array, creating
@_ array, dereferencing and
@_ array, nested data structures
@_ array, passing uninterrupted
@_ array, references and scoping
@_ array, removing items from
absent import lists
abstract methods
accessors, AUTOLOAD method and 2nd
accessors, Class::MethodMaker module
anonymous arrays
anonymous arrays, complex data and
anonymous arrays, creating directly
anonymous arrays, defined
anonymous arrays, hash references and
anonymous arrays, square brackets and
anonymous hash
anonymous hash, creating
anonymous hash, filesystem capture example
anonymous subroutines 2nd
API (Application Programming Interface)
Arguments [See parameters]
array reference
array reference, anonymous array constructors and 2nd
array reference, arrows and 2nd
array reference, blessing
array reference, curly braces and 2nd
array reference, dereferencing 2nd 3rd 4th
array reference, efficient sorting example
array reference, empty arrays and
array reference, features 2nd
array reference, hashes into
array reference, IO::File objects and
array reference, modifying 2nd
array reference, nested data structures
array reference, Schwartzian Transform
Arrays [See also anonymous arrays][See also anonymous arrays]
arrays, curly braces
arrays, dereferencing and 2nd
arrays, modifying 2nd
arrays, nested data structures and
arrays, ordered lists and
arrays, package names and
arrays, referencing 2nd 3rd 4th
arrays, scalars and
arrays, scoping considerations
arrows, drop arrow rule
arrows, hash references and 2nd
arrows, method invocation arrow 2nd 3rd 4th
AUTOLOAD method, accessors and 2nd
AUTOLOAD method, functionality 2nd
AUTOLOAD method, inheritance and
AutoLoader core module
autovivification, hash references and
autovivification, process defined
backstop method 2nd
basename subroutine (File::Basename)
BEGIN block
BEGIN block, importing subroutines
BEGIN block, purpose
BEGIN block, setting constants
BEGIN block, setting paths
BEGIN block, use list and
BEGIN block, use operation and
behavior, classes and
behavior, instances and
behavior, passing as parameter
behavior, subroutine references and
behavior, testing with isa and can methods 2nd
blessed references
blessed references, indirect object syntax and
blessed references, instances as 2nd 3rd
blessed references, isa method and
blessed references, nested object destruction
blessed references, ref operator and
blessed references, returning
block form
block form, grep operator
block form, map operator
callbacks, accessing variables 2nd
callbacks, find( ) function and 2nd
callbacks, invoking subroutines multiple times
callbacks, subroutine references and 2nd
can method (UNIVERSAL) 2nd
can_ok function (Test::More)
catfile method (File::Spec)
CGI module
Changes file
class methods
class methods, building instances
class methods, File::Spec module and
class methods, instance methods and
class methods, OO modules and
class methods, restricting to
Class variables
Class::MethodMaker module
classes, accessors and
classes, defined
classes, instances and
classes, methods working with
classes, UNIVERSAL class and
classes, virtual methods and
closure variables
closures, functionality
closures, lexical variables and
closures, persistence and
closures, scope and
cmp operator
cmp_ok routine (Test::More)
| Code [See also OOP][See also OOP]
code references
code references, AUTOLOAD method and
code references, overview
code, decoupling
code, reusability of 2nd
code, testing coverage
code, ways to share
collisions, namespace 2nd
Comments 2nd
compile phase
compile phase, AUTOLOAD and
compile phase, BEGIN keyword and
compile phase, declarations during
compile phase, use base and
complex data structures [See data structures]
composition, inheritance versus
Comprehensive Perl Archive Network [See CPAN]
conditional tests
constants, setting
constructors, anonymous array 2nd 3rd
constructors, anonymous hash 2nd 3rd
constructors, creating instances
constructors, inheriting 2nd
constructors, url subroutine
copyright notices
core modules 2nd 3rd
CPAN (Comprehensive Perl Archive Network)
CPAN, contributing to
CPAN, version numbers and
Current directory
current directory, @INC array and
current directory, find( ) function and 2nd
current directory, search path and 2nd
current directory, testing and
Data structures
data structures, looping and 2nd
data structures, manipulating
data structures, nested 2nd 3rd
data structures, recursively defined
data structures, references to anonymous
data structures, references to subroutines
data, accessing for instances
data, selecting 2nd
data, storing 2nd 3rd
data, viewing with Data::Dumper 2nd
data, viewing with debugger
Data::Dumper module 2nd 3rd
daylight savings time (DST)
dbmopen function
debugging, Changes file and
debugging, enabling warnings during
debugging, viewing complex data
debugging, x command 2nd
dereferencing, array references 2nd 3rd 4th
dereferencing, coderefs 2nd
dereferencing, hash references
dereferencing, lexical variables and
destroy method
DESTROY method, inheritance and 2nd
DESTROY method, nested objects
DESTROY method, purpose 2nd
destructors, class variables and
destructors, IO::File objects and
destructors, nested objects example
direct object syntax 2nd
directories, represented as hashes
directories, separating with colon
directories, t files and
dirname subroutine (File::Basename)
distributions, alternate installation locations
distributions, announcing CPAN modules
distributions, copyrights and licensing
distributions, embedded documentation
distributions, Exporter module
distributions, h2xs tool
distributions, make dist and 2nd
distributions, Makefile.PL
distributions, modules within
distributions, POD format
distributions, preparing 2nd
distributions, qw( ) lists
distributions, template files
distributions, Test::More module
distributions, Test::Simple module 2nd
distributions, testing 2nd
distributions, uploading to CPAN 2nd
distributions, version numbers 2nd
do operator
documentation, distribution considerations
documentation, embedded for distribution
documentation, testing and
drop arrow rule
Dumper subroutine
empty import lists
encapsulation, object
END blocks
eval function 2nd
Exporter module
Exporter module, distributions
Exporter module, importing with 2nd 3rd
Exporter module, package variables
exporting, OO modules and 2nd 3rd
exporting, symbols
export_fail method (Exporter)
export_to_level method (Exporter)
expression form
expression form, grep operator
expression form, map operator
extending, class variables
extending, subroutines
extending, superclass methods 2nd
ExtUtils::MakeMaker module
File::Basename module 2nd 3rd
File::Find module
File::Find module, features 2nd
File::Find module, returning coderefs
File::Spec module
filehandles, instance variables
filehandles, ok function (Test::More) and
filehandles, package names and
filehandles, references to
filehandles, storing in a hash
filehandles, temporary files
filehandles, || operator and
fileparse subroutine (File::Basename) 2nd
files, distribution templates
files, File::Spec module
files, find subroutine
files, finding timestamps
files, parsing specifications
filesystems, capturing information about
filesystems, walking through hierarchy 2nd
find subroutine (File::Find) 2nd
friend classes 2nd
Garbage collection
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