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Schwartz R.L. — Learning Perl Objects, References & Modules |
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scalars, indirect object syntax
scalars, isa method and
scalars, package names and
scalars, references and 2nd
scalars, single values and
Schwartzian Transform
Schwartzian Transform, dictionary order
Schwartzian Transform, performance
Schwartzian Transform, sorting and
scope, do operator and
scope, global variables and
scope, references and
scripts, alternate installation locations
scripts, complex tests
Search path 2nd
SelfLoader core module
setters, AUTOLOAD method and 2nd
setters, creating 2nd
setters, encapsulation and
setters, getters doubling as 2nd
setters, optimizing 2nd
setters, restricting methods
shifting, @_ array
shifting, argument parsing 2nd
shifting, arguments 2nd
shifting, closure variables
shifting, example eliminating
smoke tests
sorting, dictionary order
sorting, efficient
sorting, glob operator
sorting, review of 2nd
sorting, Schwartzian Transform
sorting, sort blocks
sorting, sorted list
sorting, with indices 2nd
spaceship operator
sqrt function
static local variables
STDERR filehandle
STDOUT filehandle
Storable module
storing data 2nd 3rd
strings [See text strings]
subclasses, abstract methods and
subclasses, instance variables in 2nd
subroutine references
subroutines [See also closures][See also closures]
subroutines, custom import routines
subroutines, extending
subroutines, importing 2nd
subroutines, isa called as
subroutines, modules and
subroutines, out of scope variables and
subroutines, package names and
subroutines, referencing
subroutines, syntax errors and
SUPER pseudo-class
superclasses 2nd 3rd 4th
symbols 2nd
syntax errors 2nd
System performance
t directory
template files
temporary files
temporary files, data destruction and 2nd 3rd
temporary files, STDOUT and
Test::More module 2nd
Test::Simple module 2nd
testing expression (of map or grep) 2nd
testing, code coverage
testing, conditional tests
testing, distributions and 2nd
testing, inequality
testing, isa and can methods 2nd
| testing, Makefile.PL and
testing, multiple test scripts
testing, numeric equality
testing, pound-sign comments and
testing, smoke tests
testing, sqrt function
testing, test harness 2nd 3rd 4th
testing, use operation
testing, writing to STDOUT and STDERR
TEST_VERBOSE option (make test)
text strings
text strings, cmp operator
text strings, like function
text strings, ref operator and
text strings, sorting
TODO blocks
undef (value)
undef (value), autovivification and
undef (value), filesystem capture example
undef (value), ref operator and
undef (value), variables with value of
undef (value), weak references and
unimport method (Exporter)
UNIVERSAL class, inheritance and
UNIVERSAL class, purpose of
UNIVERSAL class, utility methods 2nd
unshift function 2nd
URI::URL module
URIs (universal resource identifiers)
url subroutine (URI::URL)
use base
use CGI
use lib 2nd 3rd
use operation 2nd 3rd 4th
use strict 2nd
Variables [See also instance variables lexical variables scalars][See also instance variables lexical variables scalars]
variables, as repository of values
variables, bless operator
variables, callbacks and 2nd
variables, class variables
variables, closure variables
variables, filehandles and
variables, global variables 2nd 3rd
variables, member variables 2nd
variables, memory addresses of
variables, meta-variables
variables, modules and
variables, my variables 2nd
variables, our variables
variables, out of scope 2nd 3rd 4th 5th 6th
variables, package names
variables, reference removal and 2nd
variables, static local
version numbers 2nd
viewing data
viewing data, Data::Dumper 2nd
viewing data, with debugger
void context 2nd 3rd
wantarray function 2nd
warnings, enabling 2nd
weak references
WeakRef module
whitespace 2nd
Working directory [See current directory]
WriteMakefile subroutine (ExtUtils::MakeMaker)
writing distributions
x command (debugger) 2nd
[] (square brackets) 2nd
\ (backslash) 2nd 3rd
_ (underscore)
_ _END_ _ marker
{} (curly braces)
{} (curly braces), anonymous hash constructors
{} (curly braces), arrays and
{} (curly braces), coderefs and
{} (curly braces), dereferencing
{} (curly braces), dropping 2nd
{} (curly braces), hashes and
{} (curly braces), indirect object syntax and
|| operator
||= operator
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