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Wester M.J. — Computer Algebra Systems: A Practical Guide
Wester M.J. — Computer Algebra Systems: A Practical Guide

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Íàçâàíèå: Computer Algebra Systems: A Practical Guide

Àâòîð: Wester M.J.


This thorough overview of the major computer algebra (symbolic mathematical) systems compares and contrasts their strengths and weaknesses, and gives tutorial information for using these systems in various ways.
  • Compares different packages quantitatively using standard 'test suites'
  • Ideal for assessing the most appropriate package for a particular user or application
  • Examines the performance and future developments from a user's and developer's viewpoint
Internationally recognized specialists overview both the general and special purpose systems and discuss issues such as denesting nested roots, complex number calculations, efficiently computing special polynomials, solving single equations and systems of polynomial equations, computing limits, multiple integration, solving ordinary differential and nonlinear evolution equations, code generation, evaluation and computer algebra in education. The historical origins, computer algebra resources and equivalents for many common operations in seven major packages are also covered.

By providing such a comprehensive survey, the experienced user is able to make an informed decision on which system(s) he or she might like to use. It also allows a user new to computer algebra to form an idea of where to begin.

Since each system looked at in this book uses a different language, many examples are included to aid the user in adapting to these language differences. These examples can be used as a guide to using the various systems once one understands the basic principles of one CAS. The book also includes contributions which look at the broad issues of the needs of various users and future developments, both from the user's and the developer's viewpoint.

The author is a leading figure in the development and analysis of mathematical software and is well known through the 'Wester test suite' of problems which provide a bench mark for measuring the performance of mathematical software systems. The book will help develop our range of titles for applied mathematcians.

The book will provide a unique, fully up-to-date and independent assessment of particular systems and will be of interest to users and purchasers of CAS's.

ßçûê: en

Ðóáðèêà: Computer science/

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Äîáàâëåíà â êàòàëîã: 11.02.2015

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Matrix operations, performance of various CASs      50—52
Matrix operations, synonyms      32 392—393
Maxima      337 355 see
MEGA symposiums      370
Mellin transform, performance of various CASs      57
Memo functions      266—267
Menabrea, Luigi F.      325
Menabrea, translation by Ada Lovelace      325 329
Mixed-mode expressions, CAS-generated Fortran code for      242—243
Mixed-mode expressions, evaluation in Fortran      242—243
Mock-Mma      341
Modulo, synonyms      391
MPP/MPP3D quasi-CAS software      311
Multiple-valued complex functions      73—76
Multiplication of matrices, synonyms for      392
Multiplication, noncommutative multiplication, synonyms      391
MuMATH.      333 358—359 360
MuPAD, architecture      2 11
MuPAD, capabilities      11 341
MuPAD, case-sensitivity      241
MuPAD, code generation facilities      235 237
MuPAD, development of      11
MuPAD, general characteristics      341 358—359
MuPAD, integrability tests in      229 232
MuPAD, language syntax      11 31
MuPAD, latest version (1.4.0) introduced      26
MuPAD, manuals      363
MuPAD, newsletter      365
MuPAD, operating systems      341 355
MuPAD, origin of name      360
MuPAD, parallel functionality in      333 341
MuPAD, performance      10 12 13 41—60
MuPAD, performance, algebra      44—45
MuPAD, performance, Boolean logic      41
MuPAD, performance, Chebyshev polynomials      46 82—85 87—91 93 95—97
MuPAD, performance, code generation      42 238
MuPAD, performance, combinatorial theory      43
MuPAD, performance, complex analysis      34 46—47
MuPAD, performance, differentiation      13 54
MuPAD, performance, equations      13 48—49 103—110 112—120
MuPAD, performance, factoring of polynomials      13
MuPAD, performance, graphing      13
MuPAD, performance, inequalities      49—50 119
MuPAD, performance, integration      13 14 54—56
MuPAD, performance, limits computation      13 53—54 157 158 165 167 169
MuPAD, performance, matrix theory      50—52
MuPAD, performance, nonlinear equations      13
MuPAD, performance, number theory      43—44
MuPAD, performance, numbers      41—42
MuPAD, performance, numerical analysis/calculations      13 42
MuPAD, performance, operators      58—59
MuPAD, performance, ordinary differential equations      13 57—58 194 197 198 201 203 207 209
MuPAD, performance, partial differential equations      58
MuPAD, performance, pattern matching      60
MuPAD, performance, polynomial systems solution      103 126 129 131n[5] 133 135 140 142 147—148
MuPAD, performance, products      53
MuPAD, performance, programming operations      59
MuPAD, performance, recursion relations      13
MuPAD, performance, series      13 15 56—57
MuPAD, performance, set theory      41
MuPAD, performance, simplifications      13 28 29 33 43 44
MuPAD, performance, special functions      46
MuPAD, performance, statistics      43
MuPAD, performance, sums      13 52—53
MuPAD, performance, tensor analysis      52
MuPAD, performance, transforms      57
MuPAD, performance, trigonometries      45—46 115 117
MuPAD, performance, vector analysis      50
MuPAD, performance, zero equivalence determination      47—48
MuPAD, price/cost (nil!)      11 12 18
MuPAD, synonyms for, code generation      253 382
MuPAD, synonyms for, graphics operations      394
MuPAD, synonyms for, mathematical operations      150—151 388—394
MuPAD, synonyms for, programming operations      381—388
MuPAD, user interface      11
MuPAD, workshops      380
NAG Ltd      see also "Numerical Algorithms Group"
NAG Ltd, packages offered by      17 334
Nested radicals      62
Nested radicals, causes      63—64
Nested radicals, measure of degree of nesting      69—70
Nested radicals, simplifying of      64—71
Nested radicals, simplifying of, control of recursive simplification      70—71
Nested radicals, simplifying of, implementation of algorithms      68—69
Nested radicals, simplifying of, mathematical basis of algorithms      65—67
New Mexico Initiative for Math Reform, Best of Both Worlds forum      289
New Mexico Initiative for Math Reform, survey of technology usage      312—313
New Mexico, University of      312
New Zealand, conferences covering CA      376
Newsletters and journals [covering CAS]      364—365
Newspeak programming language      280n[7]
Noncommutative multiplication, synonyms      391
Nonlinear equations, integrability tests      211—232
Nonlinear equations, numerical solutions, performance of various CASs      13
Nonlinear equations, numerical solutions, test problem      15—16
Nonlinear ordinary differential equations, solution of      200—202
Nonlinear ordinary differential equations, solution of, by Bernoulli equations      201—202
Nonlinear ordinary differential equations, solution of, by contact transformation      201
Nonlinear ordinary differential equations, solution of, by dependent-variable-missing method      202
Nonlinear ordinary differential equations, solution of, by integrating factors      200—201
Normal distribution, performance of various CASs      43
Not equal, synonyms for      384
Not, synonyms for      384
notations      37—38
Noun operator      264
NSF (National Science Foundation) funded projects      289 293 310 311
NTL library      352 355
Number theory, performance of various CASs      43—44
Number theory, programs      343—347
Numbers program      346 355
Numbers, performance of various CASs      41—42
Numerical Algorithms Group      see also "Axiom"
Numerical Algorithms Group, address      17 334
Numerical Algorithms Group, mathematics library      235 334
Numerical analysis/calculations of limits      163—164
Numerical analysis/calculations, CASs compared with compiled programming languages      233
Numerical analysis/calculations, performance of various CASs      13 42 233n[1]
Numerical analysis/calculations, synonyms      390
Numerical analysis/calculations, test problems      12—13
Numerical packages      303
Object-oriented approach to evaluation      262
Object-Oriented Programming      2 3
Online documentation      31
OpenGL, support for      333 338 340
OpenMath project      34
OpenMath project, workshops      371
Operating systems      355
Operators, performance of various CASs      58—59
Or, synonyms for      384
Ordinary differential equations      see also "Linear ordinary differential equations" "Non-linear
Ordinary differential equations, solution of, input-driven methods      191 195—196
Ordinary differential equations, solution of, internal errors      205—206
Ordinary differential equations, solution of, out-of-time/memory errors      206—208
Ordinary differential equations, solution of, output-driven methods      191 198—200
Ordinary differential equations, solution of, performance of various CASs      13 57—58 192—209
Ordinary differential equations, solution of, synonyms for      394
Ordinary differential equations, solution of, test problems      16
Ordinary differential equations, solution of, transformation methods      196—198
Ordinary differential equations, solution of, unable to solve/not implemented failure      205
Ordinary differential equations, systems, higher-order systems      204
Ordinary differential equations, systems, inhomogeneous systems      204—205
Ordinary differential equations, systems, linear ODEs with constant coefficients      202—203
Ordinary differential equations, systems, solution by integrable combinations      203
Ordinary differential equations, systems, triangular systems      203—204
Ordinary differential equations, wrong solutions      208
Origins of CA      323—332
Origins of names of CASs      360
Orthogonal polynomials      see also "Chebyshev polynomials"
Orthogonal polynomials, computation of      79
Output operations, synonyms      382
Pade approximation, notation      38
Pade approximation, performance of various CASs      13 56
Pade approximation, test problems      15 56
Paderbom, University of      see also "MuPAD"
Paderbom, University of, address      18
Painleve test      212
Pancake, Cherri M.      35
PARI/GP package      346 355
Partial differential equations, solution of, performance of various CASs      58
PASCO conferences      371
Pattern containing keywords, finding      381
Pattern matching, notation      38
Pattern matching, performance of various CASs      60
Pattern matching, synonyms      386
Performance of various CASs      8 13 24
Piecewise function, synonyms      389
Pletsch, Bill, article      285—322
Pletsch, biography      411
Plotting, synonyms      394
Polynomial conserved densities algorithm for      216
Polynomial conserved densities algorithm for, implementation in Mathematica      217—218
Polynomials      see also "Chebyshev polynomials" "Legendre
Polynomials with infinitely many solutions      124—125
Polynomials with infinitely many solutions, performance of various CASs in solving      138—142
Polynomials, Fortran code      241—242
Polynomials, manipulation of roots of, synonyms for      391
Polynomials, solution of      61—62 102—103 123—126 174
Polynomials, solution of, performance of various CASs      103 126—148
Polynomials, solution of, synonyms for      149—151
Polynomials, student homework assignment      295—296
Polynomials, zero-dimensional systems      124
Polynomials, zero-dimensional systems with parameters      124—125
Polynomials, zero-dimensional systems with parameters, performance of various CASs in solving      136—138
Polynomials, zero-dimensional systems, performance of various CASs in solving      127—136 144 148
Postel, biography      412
Postel, Frank, article      191—209
Power series in computation of limits      157—159
Power series, Fortran code      242
Power series, notation      38
Power series, performance of various CASs      56
Prentice, biography      412
Prentice, John K., article      233—254
Prepend an element to a list, synonyms      383
Previous expression, synonyms      382
Print graph, performance of various CASs      13
Print text and result, synonyms for      387
Product of terms, performance of various CASs      53
Product of terms, synonyms      393
Programming operations, performance of various CASs      59
Programming operations, synonyms for      381—388
Psi function, notation      38
Psi function, performance of various CASs      46
Psi function, synonyms      389
PSODE program      209
Puiseux series      38 164
Purdue Calculus Reform Project      294 311
QEPCAD (Quantifier Elimination by Partial Cylindrical Algebraic Decomposition) algorithm      172 178 180
Quasi-CAS packages      302—304 311
Quit, synonyms      382
Quote operators      264 270
Radicals, equations containing      63—64 110
Radicals, meaning of term      61—62
Radicals, nested      62
Radicals, nested, causes of      63—64
Radicals, nested, measure of degree of      69—70
Radicals, nested, reasons for denesting      62—63
Radicals, nested, simplifying of      64—71
Raksanyi's example [polynomial systems]      137
Range arithmetic      275
Real part, synonyms for      392
Recurrence equations, Chebyshev polynomials, computation by      88—90
Recursion operators for systems      225—226
Recursion operators, algorithm for polynomial recursion operators      222—225
Recursion operators, definition      220—221
Recursion operators, examples      221
Recursion relations, solution of, performance of various CASs      13
Recursion relations, test problems      16
Recursive procedures, translation into C      239—240
Recursive simplification, of nested radicals      70—71
Recussion, meaning of term      69n[8]
RedTen package      350
REDUCE, case-insensitivity      241 n[9]
REDUCE, code generation facilities      234 235 236 237 237 239 240
REDUCE, evaluation in      278 279
REDUCE, general characteristics      341 358—359
REDUCE, historical origins      357
REDUCE, integrability tests in      228 229 231 232
REDUCE, latest version (3.6) introduced      26
REDUCE, manuals      363
REDUCE, operating systems      341 355
REDUCE, origin of name      360
REDUCE, performance      41—60
REDUCE, performance, algebra      44—45
REDUCE, performance, Boolean logic      41
REDUCE, performance, Chebyshev polynomials      46 82—85 87—91 93 95—97
REDUCE, performance, code generation      42 238
REDUCE, performance, combinatorial theory      43
REDUCE, performance, complex analysis      34 46—47
REDUCE, performance, differentiation      54
REDUCE, performance, equations      21 48—49 103—110 112—120
REDUCE, performance, inequalities      49—50 119
REDUCE, performance, integration      54—56
REDUCE, performance, limits computation      53—54 155 165 167 169
REDUCE, performance, matrix theory      50—52
REDUCE, performance, number theory      43—44
REDUCE, performance, numbers      41—42
REDUCE, performance, numerical analysis      42
REDUCE, performance, operators      58—59
REDUCE, performance, ordinary differential equations      57—58 194 195 200 202 209
REDUCE, performance, partial differential equations      58
REDUCE, performance, pattern matching      60
REDUCE, performance, polynomial systems solution      103 127 129 130—131 133 134 135 136 137 138 141 142
REDUCE, performance, products      53
REDUCE, performance, programming operations      59
REDUCE, performance, series      56—57
REDUCE, performance, simplifications      28 29 43 44
REDUCE, performance, special functions      46
REDUCE, performance, statistics      43
REDUCE, performance, sums      52—53
REDUCE, performance, tensor analysis      52
REDUCE, performance, transforms      57
REDUCE, performance, trigonometries      45—46 115 117
REDUCE, performance, vector analysis      50
REDUCE, performance, zero equivalence determination      47—48
REDUCE, synonyms for, code generation      253—254 382
REDUCE, synonyms for, graphics operations      394
REDUCE, synonyms for, mathematical operations      151 388—394
REDUCE, synonyms for, programming operations      381—388
REDUCE, workshops      380
References listed      395—406
Regression analysis, performance of various CASs      43
Return unevaluated symbol, synonyms      385
Review of CASs      13 41—60 313—319 334—342
Rewrite rules, notation      38
Rhine workshops [on CAS]      374
Ricci package      350
Rich, Albert D., article      61—72
Rich, biography      412—413
Riemann sum      13
Riemann sum, student calculations using CA      291—292
Riemann zeta function      38 46
RIKEN symposiums      378
RIMS meetings      377
Risa/Asir      342 355
Ritt — Wu characteristic set method [for polynomial systems]      146
Rodrigues formula, computation of Chebyshev polynomials by      86—87
ROMIN 3R-robot      137
RootOf symbol      128 129—130 131 201
Rosser matrix, performance of various CASs      51
RTA meetings      372
1 2 3 4 5
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