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Beauchemin B., Sullivan D. — A Developer's Guide to SQL Server 2005
Beauchemin B., Sullivan D. — A Developer's Guide to SQL Server 2005

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Название: A Developer's Guide to SQL Server 2005

Авторы: Beauchemin B., Sullivan D.


Few technologies have been as eagerly anticipated as Microsoft SQL Server 2005. Now, two SQL Server insiders deliver the definitive hands-on guide—accurate, comprehensive, and packed with examples. ADeveloper's Guide to SQL Server 2005 starts where Microsoft's documentation, white papers, and Web articles leave off, showing developers how to take full advantage of SQL Server 2005's key innovations. It draws on exceptional cooperation from Microsoft's SQL Server developers and the authors' extensive access to SQL Server 2005 since its earliest alpha releases.
You'll find practical explanations of the new SQL Server 2005 data model, built-in .NET hosting, improved programmability, SQL: 1999 compliance, and much more. Virtually every key concept is illuminated via sample code that has been fully updated for and tested with the shipping version of the product.
Key coverage includes
• Using SQL Server 2005 as a .NET runtime host: extending the server while enhancing security, reliability, and performance
• Writing procedures, functions, triggers, and types in .NET languages
• Exploiting enhancements to T-SQL for robust error-handling, efficient queries, and improved syntax
• Effectively using the XML data type and XML queries
• Implementing native SQL Server 2005 Web Services
• Writing efficient, robust clients for SQL Server 2005 using ADO.NET, classic ADO, and other APIs
• Taking full advantage of user-defined types (UDTs), query notifications, promotable transactions, and multiple active result sets (MARS)
• Using SQL Management Objects (SMO), SQL Service Broker, and SQL Server Notification Services to build integrated applications

Язык: en

Рубрика: Руководства по программному обеспечению/

Статус предметного указателя: Готов указатель с номерами страниц

ed2k: ed2k stats

Год издания: 2006

Количество страниц: 1088

Добавлена в каталог: 23.10.2006

Операции: Положить на полку | Скопировать ссылку для форума | Скопировать ID
Предметный указатель
Notification Services, events in 2nd 3rd, classes for      
Notification Services, events in 2nd 3rd, providers for 2nd 3rd      
Notification Services, events in 2nd 3rd, rules for      
Notification Services, events in 2nd 3rd, stored procedures for      
Notification Services, instance configuration files for      
Notification Services, notifications      
Notification Services, NSControl for 2nd 3rd 4th 5th      
Notification Services, subscribers      
Notification Services, subscription classes      
Notification Services, subscriptions 2nd      
Notification Services, terms for      
Notifications, event      
Notifications, query      [See Query Notification support.]
NotificationServices namespace 2nd      
NotificationServices.dll file      
NSApplication class 2nd      
NSBeginEventBatch stored procedure      
NSControl tool 2nd 3rd 4th 5th 6th 7th      
NSDeliveryChannels table      
NSDiagnosticEventClass stored procedure      
NSDiagnosticEventProvider stored procedure      
NSEventBatchDetails stored procedure      
NSEventFlushBatch stored procedure      
NsEventSubmitBatch stored procedure      
NSEventWrite stored procedure      
NSInstance class 2nd      
NSNotificationClasses table      
NSService process      [See Notification Services.]
nssub class      
NSSubscriberChannels table      
NSSubscriptionClasses table      
NTEXT data type      
NTEXT data type for LOBs      
NTEXT data type in clients      
NTEXT data type in XML 2nd      
NTEXT data type vs. MAX      
NTILE function 2nd      
NULL constraint      
Null instances in SSMS      
Null method      
NULL values and property      
NULL values and property in FLWOR expressions 2nd      
NULL values and property in INTERSECT and EXCEPT      
NULL values and property in INullable      
NULL values and property in LDim 2nd 3rd      
NULL values and property in ON DELETE and ON UPDATE      
NULL values and property in SqlTypes 2nd      
NULL values and property in WSDL      
NULL values and property in XML 2nd      
Nullable type      
NUMA (Non-Uniform Memory Access) architecture      
Numeric class      
Numeric operators in XQuery      
NVARCHAR data type      
NVARCHAR data type in clients      
NVARCHAR data type in MAX      
NVARCHAR data type in messaging applications      
NVARCHAR data type in SqlTypes      
NVARCHAR data type in SQLXML      
NVARCHAR data type in XML 2nd
NVARCHAR data type, maximum size for      
NVARCHAR data type, WSDL files for
Object class      
Object data type      
Object Explorer
Object Explorer for SMO object model
Object Explorer for SSMS
Object Oriented Database Management System (OODBMS)      
Object Query Language (OQL)      
Object-oriented programming concepts      
Objects for UDTs
ObjectType function      
ODBC API 2nd      
ODBC API for connection information      
ODBC API, .NET Framework UDTs in      
ODBC API, isolation levels in
ODBC API, Query Notifications in      
Odbc bridge      
OLE DB API 2nd 3rd      
OLE DB API for connection information
OLE DB API, .NET Framework UDTs in      
OLE DB API, isolation levels in      
OLE DB API, Query Notifications in      
OLE DB for Analysis      
OleDb bridge      
OleDbProviderFactory class      
OLTP operations      
ON clause for DDL triggers      
ON CONTRACT clause      
ON DELETE clause      
ON UPDATE clause      
OnChange event
OnNullCall property      
OO4O (Oracle Objects for OLE)      
OODBMS (Object Oriented Database Management System)      
Open Data Services API
Open method 2nd 3rd
OPENROWSET function      
OpenXML 2nd 3rd      
operator + method      
Operators in SqlTypes      
Operators in XQuery      
OPTIMIZE FOR clause      
Optimizing XQuery queries      
OPTION keyword      
Optional features, turned off      
Options dialog box in SSMS      
op_ methods      
op_addition operator 2nd      
op_Equality operator
op_Explicit method      
op_Implicit method
op_Inequality operator      
OQL (Object Query Language)
Oracle Objects for OLE (OO4O)
OracleClient provider
OracleProviderFactory class      
ORDER BY clause      
ORDER BY clause in ranking functions 2nd      
ORDER BY clause in XML      
ORDER BY clause in XQuery 2nd      
ORIGINAL_LOGIN function      
out modifier      
Out-of-memory conditions      
OUTER APPLY operator      
OUTER APPLY operator for joining sets      
OUTER APPLY operator for nodes      
OUTPUT clause      
Output parameters for stored procedures      
OutputCache directive 2nd      
OutputDebugString system      
OVER clause      
OVER clause for aggregate partitions      
OVER clause for ranking functions      
Overflow conditions, stack      
Overloading methods
OverwriteChanges option
Ownership of assemblies      
Ownership, chaining 2nd 3rd      
ParameterDirection enumeration      
Parameterized queries      
Parameters binding problems      
Parameters element      
Parameters for scalar user-defined functions      
Parameters for SqlCommand      
Parameters for stored procedures      
Parameters in CLR
Parameters property 2nd      
Parameters, XML for      
Parent axes in XQuery
Parent navigation in SMO
Parent property 2nd      
Parent-child relationships      
Parents in DependencyTree      
Parse method 2nd 3rd      
Partitions, aggregate      
Partitions, PARTITION BY clause      
Password property      
Passwords change support for      
Passwords for connections      
Passwords for SMO connections 2nd      
Passwords for SQL Server login      
Passwords in HTTP authentication
Passwords in ServerConnection
Passwords policies for 2nd      
PATH indexes      
PATH mode
Path value      
Pathnames in XML      
Paths in data tracing
Paths in HTTP schemes
Paths in XML
Paths in XQuery 2nd      
Pattern-based data types      
PERCENT phrase      
Performance benchmarks
Performance counters in SNAPSHOT isolation
Performance Logs and Alerts snap-in
Permissions for assemblies 2nd 3rd      
Permissions for schema collections
Permissions for security
Permissions for SQLCLR objects
Persistent Stored Modules
PERSON data type
PInvoke for interoperability
PInvoke for safe assemblies
PInvoke for thread scheduling
Pipe property 2nd
Pipeline method      
PIVOT operator      
Plan guides and plan forcing      
Poison messages
PooledConnectionLifetime property
Ports for distribution      
Ports HTTP      
PORTS option
Ports SSL      
POST command
Post Schema Validation Infosets (PSVIs) 2nd
Precision property      
Predicates in XQuery
Preemptive thread scheduling      
PrepareCommand value
Primary indexes 2nd
PRIMARY KEY option      
Principals in security      
Principle of least privilege 2nd      
Private keys      
private keyword      
Procedural code, execution contexts for      
PROCEDURE_NAME clause      
Processes in runtime loading      
ProcessID property
Processing loops in business transactions      
Processing messages in SSB
Processing serialization
processing-instruction function
ProcessObject function
Processors in marshaling data      
Product aggregate      
Projects in SMO      
Projects in SSMS      
Projects in Visual Studio      
Prologs in XQuery      
Promotable transactions      
PromptPassword method      
Properties defined      
Properties folder      
Properties in UDTs      
Properties property      
PROPERTY indexes 2nd      
PropertyGrid control      
PropertyRetrieved property      
Protocols for Notification Services 2nd 3rd      
ProviderBase namespace      
ProviderFactories class      
Providers in ADO.NET      
Providers in ETW      
Providers in Notification Services 2nd 3rd      
Providers SQLXMLOLEDB      
Providers, factories for      
Providers, GUIDs for      
Proxy classes      
Proxy classes, WDSL 2nd
Proxy classes, Web Service
Proxy classes, Webmethods      
PSVIs (Post Schema Validation Infosets) 2nd      
Public keys      
public keyword      
Public members in UDTs      
public principal      
Public-private key pairs      
Pulley class      
pulley.cs file      
Pulley/belt drive database example      
PulleyDistance method      
PulleyDistanceTSQL function      
QNames functions      
Quantum for Notification Services      
Queries, hints for      
Queries, nesting      
Queries, recursive      
Queries, SSMS      
Queries, statement-level recompilation for      
Queries, XPath 2nd      
Queries, XPath for SMO objects      
Queries, XPath in SQLXML      
Queries, XPath, expressions in      
Queries, XQuery      [See XQuery query language.]
Query Designer dialog box      
query method 2nd      
Query Notification support      
Query Notification support, dispatching in
Query Notification support, eager notifications
Query Notification support, from databases
Query Notification support, OLE DB and ODBC
Query Notification support, SQL Server 2005      
Query Notification support, SqlCacheDependency for      
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
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