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Beauchemin B., Sullivan D. — A Developer's Guide to SQL Server 2005
Beauchemin B., Sullivan D. — A Developer's Guide to SQL Server 2005

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Название: A Developer's Guide to SQL Server 2005

Авторы: Beauchemin B., Sullivan D.


Few technologies have been as eagerly anticipated as Microsoft SQL Server 2005. Now, two SQL Server insiders deliver the definitive hands-on guide—accurate, comprehensive, and packed with examples. ADeveloper's Guide to SQL Server 2005 starts where Microsoft's documentation, white papers, and Web articles leave off, showing developers how to take full advantage of SQL Server 2005's key innovations. It draws on exceptional cooperation from Microsoft's SQL Server developers and the authors' extensive access to SQL Server 2005 since its earliest alpha releases.
You'll find practical explanations of the new SQL Server 2005 data model, built-in .NET hosting, improved programmability, SQL: 1999 compliance, and much more. Virtually every key concept is illuminated via sample code that has been fully updated for and tested with the shipping version of the product.
Key coverage includes
• Using SQL Server 2005 as a .NET runtime host: extending the server while enhancing security, reliability, and performance
• Writing procedures, functions, triggers, and types in .NET languages
• Exploiting enhancements to T-SQL for robust error-handling, efficient queries, and improved syntax
• Effectively using the XML data type and XML queries
• Implementing native SQL Server 2005 Web Services
• Writing efficient, robust clients for SQL Server 2005 using ADO.NET, classic ADO, and other APIs
• Taking full advantage of user-defined types (UDTs), query notifications, promotable transactions, and multiple active result sets (MARS)
• Using SQL Management Objects (SMO), SQL Service Broker, and SQL Server Notification Services to build integrated applications

Язык: en

Рубрика: Руководства по программному обеспечению/

Статус предметного указателя: Готов указатель с номерами страниц

ed2k: ed2k stats

Год издания: 2006

Количество страниц: 1088

Добавлена в каталог: 23.10.2006

Операции: Положить на полку | Скопировать ссылку для форума | Скопировать ID
Предметный указатель
DataTypes metadata category      
Dates in XML      
Dates, representation of      
DATETIME data type      
DBCC CHECKTABLE command      
DbCommand class      
DbCommandBuilder class      
DbConnection class 2nd 3rd      
DbConnectionStringBuilder class      
DbDataReader class 2nd      
DbDataSourceEnumerator class      
DBDROPSET_SS_ROWSET property      
DbMetaDataCollectionNames class      
DbMetaDataFactory class 2nd      
dbo.find_expensive stored procedure      
DbParameter class      
DbProviderFactories class      
DbProviderFactory class 2nd      
DBSCHEMA_COLUMNS property      
DbType class 2nd      
DBTYPE_BYTES data type      
DBTYPE_UDT data type      
DBTYPE_WSTR data type      
DBTYPE_XML data type      
db_owner role      
DCOM systems 2nd      
DDL (data definition language) statements      
DDL (data definition language) statements for code loading      
DDL (data definition language) statements, triggers in      
Deadlock errors      
Debugging in Visual Studio 2nd 3rd      
Debugging parameter binding problems      
DECIMAL data type      
DECIMAL data type in Visual Studio      
DECIMAL data type in XML      
DECIMAL data type precision of      
Declarations endpoint      
Declarations property      
Declarative transactions      
Decomposition functionality      
DecryptByKeyAutoCert function      
DEFAULT contracts 2nd      
DEFAULT message type 2nd 3rd      
Default Windows credentials connections      
DefaultConnection program      
DefaultSMOConnection program      
DEFAULT_SCHEMA keyword      
Deferred processing in messaging      
DEFINITION_SCHEMA for metadata      
DeKlarit tool      
DELETE permission 2nd      
DELETE statement      
DELETE statement CTEs with      
DELETE statement in XML      
DELETE statement OUTPUT clause in      
DELETE statement TOP clause in      
DeleteCommand command      
DELETED table 2nd      
Deleting reservations      
Delivery of Notification Services 2nd      
Delivery of Notification Services channels for      
Delivery of Notification Services customizing      
Delivery of Notification Services protocols for 2nd 3rd      
DeliveryChannelName property      
DeliveryChannels entry      
DENSE_RANK function 2nd      
Dependencies in assemblies      
Dependencies in scripts      
DependencyTree class      
DependencyTreeNodes class      
Deployment in Visual Studio      
Derivation by restriction process      
Descendant axes in XQuery      
Descendant-or-self axes in XQuery      
Describe packets for metadata      
Design patterns for Notification Services      
Deterministic functions      
Development languages      
DeviceAddress property      
DeviceName property      
Devices for Notification Services      
DeviceTypeName property      
Dialogs in Service Broker      
Digest delivery 2nd      
Dimensions for scalars      
Dimensions namespace      
Dirty property      
DISABLE LOGIN statement      
DISABLED option for batches      
DISABLED state for endpoints      
Disconnect method 2nd      
DisconnectIfPooled property      
Dispatching notifications      
Dispose method      
Dispose method in IDisposable      
Dispose method in TransactionScope      
Dispose method in XmlReader      
Disposing objects      
DISTINCT keyword 2nd      
Distinct types      
Distributed processing      
distributed systems      
Distributed transaction coordinator (MSDTC)      
Distributed transactions 2nd 3rd      
Distribution in business transactions      
Distributor node in ADFs      
Distributors in Notification Services 2nd 3rd      
DLINQ language      
DLLs (Dynamic Link Libraries) 2nd      
DML (data manipulation language)      
DMVs (dynamic management views) 2nd      
dm_qn_subscriptions view      
Document fragments 2nd      
DOCUMENT keyword for schema collections      
Document object model (DOM)      
Document order in XQuery      
Document Type Definitions (DTDs)      
Document Type Definitions (DTDs) for message types      
Document Type Definitions (DTDs) in well-formed documents 2nd      
Documents with XML data type      
DOM (Document Object Model)      
Domain-neutral code      
Domain-specific aggregate functions      
DoWork method      
DPAPI (data protection API)      
DROP ASSEMBLY statement 2nd      
DROP ENDPOINT statement      
Drop method      
DROP ROUTE statement      
DROP TABLE statement      
DROP TYPE statement      
DropImpl method      
Drops object      
DTDs (Document Type Definitions)      
DTDs (Document Type Definitions) for message types      
DTDs (Document Type Definitions) in well-formed documents 2nd      
DUMPBIN.EXE tool      
dumpfile.csv file      
Durability in ACID properties 2nd      
Dynamic Link Libraries (DLLs) 2nd      
Dynamic management views (DMVs) 2nd      
Eager notifications      
Element-centric mapping      
Elements in XML      
ELEMENTS XSINIL directive      
EmployeeRoutines library      
EMPTY validation 2nd      
Enable command in NSControl      
ENABLED option for batches      
Encryption, functions for      
Encryption, in SQL Server login      
Encryption, keys for 2nd      
END CATCH phrase 2nd      
END CONVERSATION statement 2nd      
END TRY phrase      
End users, dispatching notifications to      
EndCriticalRegion method      
EndDocument method      
EndExecuteRead method      
Endpoints in HTTP      
Endpoints in HTTP, creating 2nd      
Endpoints in HTTP, declaring      
Endpoints in HTTP, in SQLXML      
Endpoints in HTTP, metadata      
Endpoints in HTTP, SSL for      
Endpoints in HTTP, states      
Endpoints in HTTP, system views for      
Endpoints in HTTP, URL      
Endpoints in message conversations 2nd 3rd      
EnterpriseServices library      
Entitized XML      
ENTITYs for message types      
Enumerating data sources      
Enumerator methods      
Equals method      
Error class      
Error function      
Errors in .NET Framework      
Errors in T-SQL      
Errors messages for      
Errors with conversations      
ErrorTestW stored procedure      
ERROR_LINE function      
ERROR_MESSAGE function 2nd      
ERROR_NUMBER function 2nd 3rd 4th      
ERROR_PROCEDURE function      
ERROR_SEVERITY function      
ERROR_STATE function 2nd      
ETW (Event Tracing for Windows) provider 2nd      
Event Notifications 2nd      
Event property in SqlTrigger 2nd      
Event Tracing for Windows (ETW) provider 2nd      
Event-driven subscriptions      
EventClass node      
EventClasses 2nd      
EventClassName argument      
EVENTDATA function 2nd      
EventRule element      
Events defined      
Events for Notification Services 2nd 3rd      
Events for Notification Services, chronicles for      
Events for Notification Services, classes for      
Events for Notification Services, providers for 2nd 3rd      
Events for Notification Services, rules for      
Events for Notification Services, stored procedures for      
Events for queues      
Events, SSB service for      
EventsData.xml file      
EWT (Event Tracing for Windows) provider 2nd      
EXCEPT operator      
Exception class      
Exception handling      
Exception handling for in-process data access      
Exception handling in hosting      
Exception handling in T-SQL      
ExceptionThrower method      
Executable (EXE) files      
EXECUTE AS clause      
EXECUTE permission      
EXECUTE permission for assemblies      
EXECUTE permission for schema collections      
EXECUTE permission for stored procedures      
EXECUTE permission for UDTs      
Execute Procedure dialog box      
ExecuteAndCaptureSql property      
ExecuteAndSend method 2nd      
ExecuteNonQuery method      
ExecuteReader method 2nd 3rd      
ExecuteScalar method 2nd      
ExecuteSql property      
ExecuteXmlReader method 2nd 3rd      
Executing code in Visual Studio      
Execution contexts      
Execution contexts for procedural code      
Execution contexts in security      
Execution plans      
exist method 2nd      
EXISTS operator      
exit function      
Expensive property      
Expiration time for notifications      
Expired passwords      
Explicit data type conversions      
EXPLICIT mode for XML      
Explorer tree      
Expressions CTEs      
Expressions CTEs in recursive queries      
Expressions CTEs, working with      
Expressions FLWOR 2nd 3rd 4th      
Expressions in XPath      
Expressions regular      
Extended data types      
Extended functions      
Extended stored procedures 2nd 3rd      
Extensible Stylesheet Language Transformations (XSLT) 2nd      
EXTERNAL NAME clause      
EXTERNAL NAME clause for triggers      
EXTERNAL NAME clause for UDTs      
EXTERNAL NAME clause, parts of      
EXTERNAL_ACCESS security level      
EXTERNAL_ACCESS security level for assemblies 2nd 3rd      
EXTERNAL_ACCESS security level, attributes disallowed by      
Facets 2nd      
Factories in ADO.NET      
Factories, provider      
Failover support      
Failure escalation policy      
Fibers in runtime hosting      
Fiddler tool      
Field Object Properties collection      
Fields defined      
Fields in UDTs      
File protocol      
File provider      
File Watcher event provider 2nd      
FileSystemWatcher class      
FileSystemWatcherProvider class      
Fill method      
FillPropertyList method      
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
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