Авторизация |
Поиск по указателям |
Sinclair A., Smith R. — Hochschild Cohomology of Von Neumann Algebras (London Mathematical Society Lecture Note Series) |
Предметный указатель |
Amenability 5
Amenable group 77
Archimedean order 20
Arveson's theorem 17
Automorphism 159
Automorphism, inner 132
Banach limit 18
Bounded group cohomology 170
Cartan subalgebra 8 113 122 125
Coboundary 3
Coboundary operator 2
Cocycle 3
Cohomology group 3
Cohomology group, completely bounded 6
Cohomology group, normal 3
Commutant 7
Commutant, relative 8
Commutant, trivial relative 113
Commutator 102
Conditional expectation 9 110 135
Cyclic vector 11 47
Derivation 3 6 60
Derivation, inner 3
Differential 170
Double commutant theorem 9
Dual normal module 6
Fundamental group 179
GNS representation 8
Group, amenable 77
Group, cohomology 8
Group, compact unitary 77
Group, infinite conjugacy class 178
Haar measure 5 6 80
Hochschild complex 3
Injective norm 32
Invariant mean 77 80
Inversion constant 162
Kaplansky density theorem 9
Map, (A, B)-bimodule 47
| Map, A-multimodular 49
Map, bilinear 39
Map, completely bounded 5 6 11 12
Map, completely contractive 12
Map, completely positive 6 11 12
MASA 7 113
Masa, singular 149
Matrix ordered space 19
Module 1
normalizer 125
Numerical range 72
Operator space 11
Operator system 11 17
Order unit 20
Partition of unity 75
Pisier — Haagerup — Grothendieck inequality 132
Popa subfactor 117
Principal component 160
Projection 9
Projection, central 45
Property 8 145 150
Property T 179
Representation 12
Representation, normal 45
Representation, universal 96
Stability 164
Standard form 9
State space 23
Stinespring's theorem 12
Stone — Cech compactification 151
Tensor product, Haagerup 6 8 29
Tensor product, maximal 65
Tensor product, minimal 64
Tensor product, spatial 65
Trace 9
von Neumann algebra, amenable 4
von Neumann algebra, hyperfinite 4 59 77
von Neumann algebra, injective 49
Wittstock's theorem 59
Реклама |