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Honsberger R. — Mathematical Gems
Honsberger R. — Mathematical Gems

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Название: Mathematical Gems

Автор: Honsberger R.


Ross Honsberger is the author of several best-selling and enthusiastically reviewed books published by the Mathematical Association of America. Mathematical Gems II follows and strengthens the tradition established by Honsberger. It has something for everyone - students, teachers, and armchair mathematicians alike. Here you will find gems from elementary combinatorics, number theory, and geometry. Each essay contains historical commentary, interesting anecdotes, mathematical background, and a careful discussion built around a famous problem, theorem, or mathematician. It also contains a collection of fascinating and illuminating exercises related to the topics of the essays.

Язык: en

Рубрика: Математика/

Статус предметного указателя: Готов указатель с номерами страниц

ed2k: ed2k stats

Год издания: 1976

Количество страниц: 191

Добавлена в каталог: 30.11.2014

Операции: Положить на полку | Скопировать ссылку для форума | Скопировать ID
Предметный указатель
Bang's Theorem      93
Bemhart, Frank      19
Boas, R.P.      102
Box-Packing Theorem      74
Brand, Louis      10
Bredihin, B.M.      30
Brooks, Smith, Stone, Tutte      72
Circular inversion      20 21 48
Cleavage      74
Configuration F      124
Convex hull      112
Conway, John      24 77
Coppersmith, Don      87
Coxeter, H.S.M.      50
de Bruijn's Theorem      69
Dirac's theorem      38
Eight-Point Circle      10
Emch, Arnold      20
Erdos, Paul      111 118 124
Euclidean algorithm      54
Euler, Leonhard      29 46 115
Fejes-Toth, L.      14
Fermat's simple theorem      41
Feuerbach, Karl      10
Fibonacci sequence      55
Fuss, Nicholaus      46
Gehrke      93
Gobel, F.      73
Golden mean      27
Golomb, S.W.      38 58 61 65
Gomory, Ralph      60
Graph      147
Grossman, H.      54
Hamilton, W.R.      38
Harmonic brick      69
Harmonic series      98 102
Hautus, M.L.J.      67
Hexlet      49
Irwin, Frank      102
Isosceles 6-Point      124 131
Isosceles n-Point      123
Johnson, Roger      18
Kelly, L.M.      124
Kempner, A.J.      99
Klamer, David      63 67 73 80 88
Klee, Victor      104
Kollros, Louis      50
Lagrange, J.L.      31
Lapcevic, Brian      71
Lattice point      140
Legendre, A.      2
Lehmer, D.H.      30
Leibniz, W.G.      31
Lenz      122
Lovasz, Laszlo      147
Mills, W.H.      30
Newman, Donald J      38
Nine-point circle      10
One-Factor      147
Packing the Line      83
Packings in the Plane      58 87
Pascal triangle      3 4
Polyominoes      58
Poncelet, J.-V.      10 47
Posa, Louis      38
Primality Congruence      37
Prime Boxes      72
Saturated graph      151
Schmall, C.N.      10
Sea Gulls      162
Sierpinski, W.      54
Slothouber — Graatsma Puzzle      75
Soddy, Frederick      49
Solid packings      69 88
Stained-Glass Windows      66
Steiner Chains      48
Subbarao, M.V.      34
Thompson, S.T.      16
Tutte, W.T.      72 147 150
U.S.A Olympiad      92 97
Wadhwa, A.D.      102
Walkup, D.W.      65
Waring, Edward      31
Wilson's theorem      31
Wrench, J.W.      102
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