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Lilley J.S. — Nuclear physics: principles and applications |
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Reactions, cross section, differential 25
Reactions, cross section, partial-wave 100
Reactions, direct 29 108—113
Reactions, direct, angular dependence 96
Reactions, direct, angular-momentum transfer 108—110
Reactions, direct, nucleon transfer 29 111
Reactions, direct, selectivity in 110—113
Reactions, elastic scattering see "Scattering"
Reactions, entrance/exit channel 23
Reactions, heavy-ion 117—124
Reactions, heavy-ion, angular dependence 118
Reactions, heavy-ion, angular-momentum transfer 121 122
Reactions, heavy-ion, coulomb excitation 119
Reactions, heavy-ion, coulomb-barrier effects 118
Reactions, heavy-ion, critical angular momentum 122
Reactions, heavy-ion, deep inelastic 122—124
Reactions, heavy-ion, fusion 120—122
Reactions, heavy-ion, grazing angular momentum 123
Reactions, heavy-ion, high-spin states 121
Reactions, heavy-ion, mass transfer 122
Reactions, heavy-ion, scattering 118
Reactions, inelastic scattering 29 93 110—111
Reactions, multistep 113
Reactions, neutron 30 116—117 142 166 267—268
Reactions, neutron, law 30 104 166 267
Reactions, neutron, s-wave scattering and absorption 101—104
Reactions, pickup 29
Reactions, resonance 30 114—116
Reactions, stripping 29
Reactions, transfer 29 111—113
Reactor see "Fission reactor" "Fusion
Reactor equation 279—281
Reduced transition probability 68
Relative biological effectiveness (RBE) 186
Rem (unit) 188
Repair of radiation damage 185 190—192
Resolution see "Energy resolution in detectors"
Resonance 30 114—116
Resonance, Breit — Wigner formula 114—115
Resonance, giant quadrupole 57
Risk see "Radiation"
Roentgen (unit) 185
Rotation, nuclear 54 59
Rotational band 59
Rotational state 59
Rutherford (Coulomb) scattering 27 215 341—342
Rutherford (Coulomb) scattering, nd nuclear size 28
Rutherford backscattering 215—219
Rutherford backscattering for surface structure analysis 217—219
Rutherford backscattering, differential cross section 215
Rutherford backscattering, mass dependence 215
Rutherford backscattering, sample thickness dependence 215—216
Rutherford backscattering, sensitivity 217
S process 320
s process abundances 321
Scattering 27 29 97 101—108
Scattering, alpha-particle 27—28
Scattering, alpha-particle, apsidal distance 27
Scattering, and charge distribution 105
Scattering, and nuclear size and shape 28 104—108
Scattering, cinematics 144—145
Scattering, closest approach 27 98
Scattering, Coulomb see "Rutherford scattering"
Scattering, diffraction effects 28 105 119
Scattering, elastic 27 93 104—108 118
Scattering, electron 104—106
Scattering, inelastic see "Reactions"
Scattering, neutron 142—143 144—145 166—167 267—268
Scattering, optical model analysis 106—108
Schroedinger equation 10 329
Scintillation detector 156—158
Scintillation detector, energy resolution 164—165
Scintillation detector, gamma-ray spectrum 162
Scintillation detector, NaI(TI) 158
Scintillator 156
Scintillator, fluorescent light 156
Scintillator, fluorescent light, light output 158
Scintillator, fluorescent light, time constant 158
| Scintillator, inorganic 157
Scintillator, inorganic, activator impurity 158
Scintillator, inorganic, band structure 157
Scintillator, organic 157
Semi-empirical mass formula 38—41
Semi-empirical mass formula, beta-decay systematics 41—42
Semiconductor 158
Semiconductor detector 158—162
Semiconductor detector, energy resolution 164—165
Semiconductor detector, gamma-ray spectrum 162
Semiconductor detector, germanium 158 162
Semiconductor detector, intrinsic 162
Semiconductor detector, leakage current 161
Semiconductor detector, p-n junction 160—162
Semiconductor detector, radiation damage 162
Semiconductor detector, silicon 158 161
Semiconductor, electron-hole excitation 159
Semiconductor, energy gap 159
Semiconductor, n-type 160
Semiconductor, p-type 160
Shell model 35 45—50
Shell model, configuration 39 51
Shell model, independent-particle motion 46
Shell model, occupancy of states 47—48 50
Shell model, potential 46—47
Shell model, spin-orbit potential 48—50
Shell model, states 48 50
Shell stabilization 61 90
Sievert (unit) 188
Silicon detector see "Semiconductor detector"
Single-escape peak in -ray detection 163—164
Single-hole states in shell model 50 51
Single-particle states, in shell model 50 51
Single-photon emission computed tomography (SPECT) 242
Solar constant (luminosity) 317
Spherical harmonic 51 337—339
Spin 6 12
Spin factor in compound-nucleus resonance 115
Spin-lattice relaxation 246
Spin-orbit force 38 49
Spin-spin relaxation 250
Spontaneous fission 9 14 42—44
Stability 13—14 41—44
Stability in beta decay 41—42
Stability of heavy nuclei 42—44
Sterilization 209—210
Stopping power see "Energy loss in matter"
Straggling 134
Stripping reaction see "Reactions"
Strong force 9 14 65
Superdeformation 61—63
Superheavy nuclei 90
Surface energy in semi-empirical mass formula 38
Survival probability 190
Survival probability and poisson statistics 190—191
Symmetry energy in semi-empirical mass formula 39
Tandem see "Accelerator"
Technetium-99m 20 238
Thermal neutron 143 269
Thermonuclear fusion 299—323 see
Thorium series 21
Time of flight see "Particle identification"
Tissue weighting factor 188
Tokamak 309
Tracing 205—207
Transuranic nuclei 89—90
Uncertainty principle 10
Upper limit, in low-level counting 227—228
Van de Graaff see "Accelerator"
Vibrational states 55—58
Volume energy, in semi-empirical mass formula 38
wave number 86 327
Weak interaction 14 65 74
Weisskopf estimates 68
width see "Energy width"
Woods — Waxon (Fermi) potential 46—47 106
X-ray 138
X-ray, fluorescence 138
X-ray, projection imaging 234—235
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