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O'Malley R.E. — Introduction to Singular Perturbations |
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Abrahamsson, L. R. 60 190
Ackerberg, R. C 187 188 189 190
Airy’s equation 181
Amundson, N. R. 157 198
Anderson, B. D. O. 140 190
Angular solution 119
Arbib, M. A. 141 154 194
Arts, R. 86 194
Asymptotic approximation 13
Asymptotic equality 13
Asymptotic expansion 13 15
Asymptotic sequence 12
Asymptotically negligible 13
Athans, M. 140
Bagirova, N. Kli. 156 190
Bang-bang control 156
Bellman, R 33 58 190
Bjurel, G. 60 190
Bobisud, L. E. 60 190
Borel — Ritt theorem 14
Boundary layer 8
Boundary layer correction 8 80
Boundary layer jump 78
Boundary layer thickness 75 101
Boundary layer type, functions of 85
Boyce, W. E. 60 191
Burghardt, A. 157 191
Calvert, J. 60 190
Cancellation law 49 71
Carrier, O. F. 12 191
Casten, R. G. 16 17 195
Cauchy problems 85 102
Chemical reactors 157
Chen, J. 73 102 134 158 167 191
Cherry, T. M. 181 191
Cochran, J. A. 22 39 41 191
Coddington, E. A. 36 50 116 120 191
Cohen, D. S. 116 157 167 191
Cole, J. D. 10 22 191
Collins, W. D. 156 191
Comparison equation 180 181
Composite expansion 17 18
Controllability 154
Cooke, K. L. 106 191
Courant, R. 141 192
Dahlquist, G. 60 190
Delay equations 102
Delta function 156
Desoer, C. A. 60 192
Dickey, R. W. 136 192
Difference equation 111
Differential-difference equations 102—114
DiPrima, R. C 73 192
Dorr, F. W. 9 12 192
Eckhaus, W. 16 192
eigenvalue problems 60—66
Enzyme kinetics 86
Erdelyi, A. 2 12 15 22 23 31 39 84 94 120 192
Exceptional case 49 71
Falb, P. L. 140 141 154 190 194
Fast-time 22
Feshbach, H. 32 196
Fife, P. C 119 123 125 192
Fraenkel, L. E. 16 17 192
Friedman, A. 60 192
Friedman, B. 56 193
Friedrichs, K. O. 15 193
Fundamental set of asymptotic solutions 46 61 68 69
Genetics 86
Geometrical optics 48
Gilbarg, D. 97 193
Gol’denveizer, A. L. 17 47 193
Gordon, N. 102 193
Haber, S. 119 193
Haddad, A. H. 155 193
Hadlock, C. R. 140 155 193
Hale, J. K. 78 107 193
Hamilton — Jacobi theory 141
Hamiltonian 141
Handelman, G. H. 60 65 191 193
Hanson, R. J. 181 193
Harris, W. A., Jr. 60 73 134 193 194
Heinekin, F. G 86 194
Hilbert space 60
Hilbert, D. 141 192
Hoppensteadt, F. C 85 86 134 154 194
Hukuhara, M. 59 194
Hutchinson, G E. 111 194
Imanaliev, M. I. 156 190
Implicit function theorem 78
Infinite interval problems 4 85 154
Inner and outer expansions see “Matched asymptotic expansions”
Inner expansion 17
Inner region 17
Interior nonuniformities 117
Jameson, A. 156 194
Jamshidi, M. 140 193
JWKB approximation 181
Kalman, R. E. 141 154 194
Kaplun, S. 15 194
Kasymov, K. A 116
Kato, T. 32 194
Keller, H. B. 60 167 190 195
Keller, J. B. 48 50 59 60 65 181 193 195 196 198
Kevorkian, J. 22 195
Kokotovid, P. V. 140 155 193 195
Kollett, F. W. 22 195
Krein, S. G 85 195
Kreiss, H. O. 60 189 190 195
Kung, C-F 155 195
Lagerstrom, P. A 15 17 195
Langer, R. E. 181 195
Latta, G E. 195
Lee, R. Y. 181 184 195
Levin, J. J. 195
Levinson, N. 36 50 116 119 120 191 193 195 196
| Lewis, R. M. 48 195
Limiting solution 7
Lindberg, B. 60 190
Linde, S. 60 190
Lions, J. L. 156 196
Lynn, R. Y. S. 181 196
Lyusternik, L. A. 85 116 200 201
Macki, J. W. 134 196
Mahony, J. J. 22 196
Matched asymptotic expansions 15—21
Matching 17 81
Maximum principle 9
Mazaika, P. K 60 198
McHugh, J. A. M. 179 196
McKelvey, R. W. 181 196
Meerov, M. V. 47 196
Method of perturbation 1
Meyer, K. R. 103 191
Meyer, R. E. 8 16 196
Miranker, W. L. 85 196
Modulo arithmetic 50
Moore, J. B. 140 190
Morrison, J. A 22 196
Morse, P. M. 32 196
Multiple solutions 165 167
Murphy, W. D. 86 196
Murray, J. D. 10 196
Nau, R. W. 60 197
Nayfeh, A. H. 22 197
Newton polygon 59
Nonexceptional case 49 71
Nonuniform convergence 4
Numerical techniques 86
o 1
Oden, L. 60 190
Olver, F. W. J. 2 12 179 181 197
Optimal control 111 139—156
Order reduction 155
Order symbols 1
Outer expansion 16 81
Outer region 16
Outer solution 16 81
O’Malley, R. E., Jr. 22 41 50 59 60 66 71 73 75 101 102 103 109 119 120 123 134 148 151 155 156 167 187 188 189 190 191 193 194 197 198
Parabolic cylinder functions 169
Parasitic parameters 140
Parter, S. V. 9 12 166 189 193 198
Patching 16
Peclet number 158
Perko, L. M. 22 198
Pittnauer, F. 14 198
Population models 111
Power series 14
Prandtl, L. 8 198
Protter, M. H. 9 198
Puiseaux polygon 59
Quasilinear equations 119—124
Quasilinear systems 125—134
Rayleigh, Lord 60 198
Raymond, L. R. 157 198
Reddy, P. B. 111 199
Reduced problem 7 49 50 72
Regular perturbation method 1 27—34
Regulator problems 139—156
Reiss, E. L. 17 23 198 199
Rellich, F. 32 199
Resonance 187
Retarded argument 109
Riccati matrix 154
Riekstins, E. Y 15 199
Russell, D. L. 181 193
Sannuti, P., 111 140 155 195 199
Schmidt, H. 15 199
Searl, J. W. 22 23 199
Secular terms 23
Shampine, L. F. 9 12 192
Shensa, M. J. 60 192
Shock layer 97
Shock phenomena 10
Sibuya, Y. 181 199
Simmonds, J. G. 60 197
Singular arcs 156
Singular perturbation 1
Slow-time 22
Stengle, G. 59 199
Stiff differential equations 60 86
Stoker, J. J. 15 193
Stretched variable 81 95 99 101 116'
Stretching transformation 16
Transition layer 119
Trenogin, V. A. 59 85 199 200
Tsuchiya, H. M. 86 194
Tupciev, V. A. 125 200
Turning point 44 168—189
Turrittin, H. L. 48 59 70 147 199
Two-parameter problems 66—75 94—102
Undetermined coefficients 53 62
Uniform reduction 178—184
Vainberg, M. 59 200
van der Corput, J. G. 15 200
Van Dyke, M. 8 15 16 18 200
Vasil’eva, A. B. 16 73 103 125 190 200
Vibrating string 60—65
Vishik, M. I. 85 116 200 201
Walker, R. J. 59 201
Wasow, W. 12 14 16 44 45 73 120 147 179 181 201
Watson, G. N. 169 180 201
Watts, A. M. 187 201
Weber functions 169 170
Weinberger, H. F. 9 198
Whitham, G. B. 22 201
Whittaker, E. T. 169 180 201
Wilde, R. R. 155 201
Willett, D. 31 94 120 201
Wyman, M. 15 192
Yackel, R. A. 155 195 201
Yarmish, J. 116 125
Zaleski, T. 157 191
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