Авторизация |
Поиск по указателям |
Balser W. — From divergent power series to analytic functions |
Предметный указатель |
Acceleration operator 42
Acceleration operator, formal 43
Admissible functions 51
Admissible functions, index tupels 94
Admissible functions, multidirections d 52
Admissible functions, parameter vectors k 52
Admissible functions, regions 88
Analytic at the origin 2
Asymptotic expansion 6
Asymptotic expansion of order k 8
Asymptotically equal 6
Asymptotically equal of order k 8
Beta integral 5
Bisecting direction 1
Borel transform 19
Borel transform with index k 19
Borel transform, formal 19
Bounded at the origin 2
Cauchy — heine transform 33
Cauchy — heine transform, formal 35
Continuous at the origin 2
Convolution 47
Coverings, normal 35
Deceleration operator 46
Differential algebra 1
Differential field 12
Direction, bisecting 1
Direction, bisecting, singular 29
Elements, invertible 5
Exponential size 2
Exponential size, order 2
Formal power series 4
Formal power series, laurent series 12
Function, mittag — leffler’s 2
Gevrey order 4
Invertible elements 5
K -sum 24
| K -summability 29
K -summability in a direction 24
K -summability in a multidirection 53
Laplace transform 13
Laplace transform with index k 14
Laplace transform, finite 15
Laplace transform, formal 14
Main asymptotic existence th. v
Mittag — leffler’s function 2
Multi-direction 53
Multi-direction, singular 62
Multisummability 64
Multisummability in a multidirection 54
Multisummability of laurent series 61
Multisummability of power series in roots 58
Normal coverings 35
Normalized system 86
Opening (of a sector) 1
Order, gevrey 4
Poincare rank 83
Power series, formal 4
Power series, formal, convergent 4
Radius (of a sector) 1
Radius of a sector, finite/infinite 1
Ritt’s theorem v
Sector 1
Sector, closed 1
Single-valued 2
Singular direction 29
Singular direction of level k 62
Singular multidirections 62
Size, exponential 2
Stokes directions 92
Summability factor 78
Theorem, main asympt. Existence v
Theorem, main asympt. Existence, ritt’s v
Type of multisummability 54
Реклама |