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Feynman R., Leighton R., Sands M. — Lectures on Physics 2 |
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Energy density II-27-2
Energy flux II-27-2
Energy in electrostatic field II-8-9 ff
energy levels I-38-7 f
Energy of a condenser II-8-2 ff
Energy theorem I-50-7 f
Energy, chemical I-4-2
Energy, conservation of I-3-2 I-4-1 11-27-1
Energy, elastic I-4-2 I-4-6
Energy, electrical I-4-2 II-15-3
Energy, electromagnetic I-29-2
Energy, electrostatic II-8-1 ff
Energy, gravitational I-4-2 ff
Energy, heat I-4-2 I-4-6 I-10-7 I-10-8
Energy, kinetic I-1-7 I-4-2 I-4-5 I-39-4
Energy, magnetic II-17-12 ff
Energy, mass I-4-2 I-4-7
Energy, mechanical II-15-3 ff
Energy, nuclear I-4-2
Energy, potential I-4-4 I-13-1 I-14-1
Energy, radiant I-4-2
Energy, relativistic I-16-1 ff
Enthalpy I-45-5
entropy I-44-10 ff I-46-7
Eotvos, L. I-7-11
Equilibrium I-1-6
Equipotential surfaces II-4-11 f
Equivalent circuits II-22-10 f
Euclid I-5-6
Euclidean geometry I-12-3
Euler force II-38-1 I
evaporation I-1-5 f
Evaporation of a liquid I-40-3 f I-42-1
Exchange force II-37-2
Excited state II-8-7
Expansion, adiabatic I-44-5
Expansion, isothermal I-44-5
Exponential atmosphere I-40-1 f
Eye, compound I-36-6 ff
Eye, human I-35-1 f I-36-3
Farad (unit) I-25-7 II-6-13
Faraday's Law of Induction II-17-2
Faraday, M. II-10-1
Fermat, P. I-26-3
Fermi (unit) I-5-10
Fermi, E. I-5-10
Ferrite II-37-12
Ferroelectricity II-11-8 ff
Ferromagnetic insulators II-37-12
ferromagnetism II-34-1 f II-36-1 II-37-1
Feynman, R. II-28-8
Field energy II-27-1 ff
Field energy of a point charge II-28-1 f
Field index II-29-5
Field lines II-4-11
Field momentum II-27-9 ff
Field momentum of a moving charge II-28-2 f
Field strength II-1-4
Field-ion microscope II-6-14
Fields I-2-2 I-2-4 I-2-5 I-10-9 I-12-7 I-13-8 I-14-7
Fields in a cavity II-5-8 f
Fields of a charged conductor II-6-8
Fields of a conductor II-5-7 f
Fields, electric I-2-4 I-12-7 II-1-2 II-1-3 II-6-1 II-7-1
Fields, electrostatic II-5-1 ff II-7-1
Fields, magnetic II-1-2 II-1-3 II-13-1 II-14-1
Fields, magnetizing II-36-7
Fields, scalar II-2-2 ff
Fields, superposition of I-12-9
Fields, two-dimensional II-7-2 ff
Fields, vector II-1-4 f II-2-1
Filter II-22-14 ff
Flow, fluid II-12-8 ff
Flow, irrotational II-40-5
Flow, viscous II-41-4 f
Fluid flow II-12-8 ff
Flux II-4-7 ff
Flux of a vector field II-3-2 ff
Flux rule II-17-1 ff
Flux, electric II-1-4
Focal length I-27-1 ff
Focus I-26-5
Force, centrifugal I-7-5 I-12-11
Force, components of I-9-3
Force, conservative I-14-3 ff
Force, Coriolis I-19-8 f
Force, electrical I-2-3 ff II-1-1 I-13-1
Force, electromotive II-16-2
Force, gravitational I-2-3
Force, Lorentz II-13-1 II-15-14
Force, magnetic II-1-2 II-13-1
Force, molecular I-1-3 I-12-6
Force, moment of I-18-5
Force, nonconservative I-14-6 f
Force, nuclear I-12-12
Force, pseudo I-12-10 ff
Four-vectors I-15-8 f I-17-5 II-25-1
Fourier analysis I-50-2 ff
Fourier theorem II-7-11
Fourier transform I-25-4
Fourier, J. I-50-2 f
Fovea I-35-1
Frank, I. I-51-2
Franklin, B. II-5-6
Frequency of oscillation I-2-5
Frequency, angular I-21-3 I-29-2
Frequency, plasma II-7-6 II-32-12
Fresnel's reflection formulas I-33-8
Friction I-10-5 I-12-3
Friction, coefficient of I-12-4
Galilean relativity I-10-3
Galilean transformation I-12-11
Galileo I-5-1 I-7-2 I-9-1 I-52-3
Galvanometer II-1-8 II-16-1
Garnet II-37-12
Gauss (unit) I-34-4
Gauss' law II-4-9 f II-5-1
Gauss' theorem II-3-5
Gauss, K. II-16-2
Gaussian surface II-10-1
Geiger II-5-3
Gell-Mann, M. I-2-9
Generator, alternating-current II-17-6 ff
Generator, electric II-16-1 ff II-22-5
Generator, van de Graaff II-5-9 II-8-7
Geometrical optics I-26-1 I-27-1
Gerlach II-35-3
Gradient operator II-2-4 II-3-1
Gravitation I-2-3 I-7-1 I-12-2
Gravitational acceleration I-9-4
Gravitational coefficient I-7-9
Gravitational energy I-4-2 ff
Gravitational field I-12-8 ff I-13-8
Gravity I-13-3 ff
Gravity, acceleration of I-9-4
Green's function I-25-4
Ground state II-8-7
Gyroscope I-20-5 ff
Hamilton's first principal function II-19-8
Harmonic motion I-21-4 I-23-1
harmonic oscillator I-10-1 I-21-1
Harmonic oscillator, forced I-21-5 f I-23-3
Harmonics I-50-1 ff
Heat I-1-3 I-13-3
Heat conduction II-3-6 ff
Heat diffusion equation II-3-8
Heat energy I-4-2 I-4-6 I-10-7 I-10-8
Heat engines I-44-1 ff
Heat flow II-2-8 f II-12-2
Heisenberg, W. I-6-10 I-37-1 I-37-9 I-37-11 I-37-12 I-38-9
| Helmholtz, H. I-35-7 II-40-10
Henry (unit) I-25-7
hess II-9-2
Hexagonal cell II-30-7
High-voltage breakdown II-6-13 f
Hooke's law I-12-6 II-38-1
Huygens, C. I-15-2 I-26-2
Hydrodynamics II-40-2 ff
Hydrostatics II-40-1 ff
Hypocycloid I-34-3
Hysteresis curve II-37-5 ff
Hysteresis loop II-36-8
Ideal gas law I-39-10 ff
Illumination II-12-10 ff
Image charge II-6-9
Impedance I-25-8 f II-22-1
Impedance, complex I-23-7
Incidence, angle of I-26-3
Inclined plane I-4-4
Index of refraction I-31-1 ff
Induced currents II-16-1 ff
Inductance I-23-6 II-16-4 II-17-12 II-22-2
Inductance, mutual II-17-9 ff II-22-16
Induction, laws of II-17-1 ff
inductor I-23-6
Inertia I-2-3 I-7-11
Inertia, moment of I-18-7 I-19-5
Inertia, principle of I-9-1
Infeld II-28-7
Infrared radiation I-23-8 I-26-1
Insulator II-1-2 II-10-1
integral I-8-7 f
Integral calculus II-3-1 ff
Interference I-28-6 I-29-1
Interfering waves I-37-4
Interferometer I-15-5
Internal reflection II-33-12
Ion I-1-6
ionic bond II-30-2
Ionic conductivity I-43-6 f
Ionic polarizability II-11-8
Ionization energy I-42-5
Ionosphere II-7-5 II-9-3
Irrotational flow II-40-5
Isotherm II-2-3
Isothermal atmosphere I-40-2
Isothermal compression I-44-5
Isothermal expansion I-44-5
Isothermal surfaces II-2-3
Isotopes I-3-4 ff
Jeans, J. I-40-9 I-41-6 II-2-6
Johnson noise I-41-2 I-41-8
Joule (unit) I-13-3
Joule heating I-24-2
Karman vortex street II-41-9
Kepler's laws I-7-1 f I-9-1 I-18-6
Kepler, J. I-7-1
Kerr cell I-33-5
Kilocalorie (unit) II-8-5
kinetic energy I-1-7 I-4-2 I-4-5 I-39-4
Kinetic energy, rotational I-19-7 ff
Kinetic theory I-42-1 ff
Kinetic theory of gases I-39-1 ff
Kirchhoff's laws I-25-9 II-22-7
Kronecker delta II-31-6
Lamb II-5-6
Lame elastic constants II-39-6
Lande g-factor II-34-4
Laplace equation II-6-1 II-7-1
Laplace, P. I-47-7
Laplacian operator II-2-10
Larmor frequency II-34-7
Larmor's Theorem II-34-6 f
Laser I-32-6 I-42-10
Laughton II-5-6
Laws, of electromagnetism II-1-5 ff
Laws, of induction II-17-1 ff
Least action, principle of II-19-1 ff
Least time, principle of I-26-3 ff I-26-8
Leibnitz, G.W. I-8-4
Lens formula I-27-6
Lenz's rule II-16-4 II-34-2
Leverrier, U. I-7-5
Lienard — Wiechert potentials II-21-11
Light II-21-1 f
Light waves I-48-1
Light, momentum of I-34-10 f
Light, polarized I-32-9
Light, scattering of I-32-5 ff
Light, speed of I-15-1 II-18-8
Lightning II-9-10 f
Line integral II-3-1
Line of charge II-5-3 f
Linear momentum, conservation of I-4-7 I-10-1
Linear systems I-25-1 ff
Lodestone II-1-10
Logarithms I-22-4
Lorentz condition II-25-9
Lorentz contraction I-15-7
Lorentz force II-13-1 II-15-14
Lorentz formula II-21-12 f
Lorentz gauge II-18-11
Lorentz transformation I-15-3 I-17-1 I-34-8 I-52-2 II-25-1
Lorentz transformation of fields II-26-1 ff
Lorentz, H.A. I-15-3
Mach number II-41-6
Magnetic dipole II-14-7 f
Magnetic dipole moment II-14-8
Magnetic energy II-17-12 ff
Magnetic field I-12-9 f II-1-2 II-1-3 II-13-1 II-14-1
Magnetic field of steady currents II-13-3 f
Magnetic field, relativity of II-13-6 ff
Magnetic force II-1-2 II-13-1
Magnetic force on a current II-13-2 f
Magnetic induction I-12-10
Magnetic lens II-29-3
Magnetic materials II-37-1 ff
Magnetic moments II-34-3 f
Magnetic resonance II-35-1 ff
magnetic susceptibility II-35-7
Magnetism I-2-4 II-34-1
Magnetization currents II-36-1 ff
Magnetizing fields II-36-7
Magnetostatics II-4-1 II-13-1
Magnetostriction II-37-6
Magnification I-27-5
Marsden II-5-3
Maser I-42-10
Mass I-9-1 I-15-1
Mass energy I-4-2 I-4-7
Mass, center of I-18-1 f I-19-1
Mass, electromagnetic II-28-3 f
Mass, relativistic I-16-6 ff
Mass-energy equivalence I-15-10 f
Maxwell's equations I-15-2 I-25-3 I-47-7 II-2-1 II-2-8 II-4-1 II-6-1 II-18-1 II-32-3
Maxwell's equations, currents and charges II-21-1 ff
Maxwell's equations, free space II-20-1 ff
Maxwell, J.C. I-6-1 I-6-9 I-28-1 I-40-8 I-41-7 I-46-5 II-1-8 II-1-11 II-5-6 II-18-1
Mayer, J.R. I-3-2
McCullough II-1-9
Mean free path I-43-3 f
Mean square distance I-6-5 I-41-9
Mechanical energy II-15-3 ff
Mendeleev I-2-9
Metastable atom I-42-10
Meter (unit) I-5-10
Mev (unit) I-2-9
Michelson — Morley experiment I-15-3 ff
Miller, W.C. I-35-2
Minkowski I-17-8
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