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Feynman R., Leighton R., Sands M. — Lectures on Physics 2 |
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"Boys" camera II-9-10
"Dry" water II-40-1 ff
"Strange" particles II-8-7
"Strangeness" number I-2-9
"Wet" water II-41-1 ff
Aberration I-27-7 I-34-10
Absolute zero I-1-5
Absorption I-31-8 ff
Absorption coefficient II-32-8
Acceleration I-8-8 ff
Acceleration of gravity I-9-4
Acceleration, components of I-9-3
Accelerator guide field II-29-4 ff
Activation energy I-42-7
Active circuit element II-22-5
Adams, J.C. I-7-5
Adiabatic compression I-39-5
Adiabatic demagnetization II-35-9 f
Adiabatic expansion I-44-5
Affective future I-17-4
Aharanov II-15-12
Air trough I-10-5
Algebra I-22-1 ff
Alnico V II-37-10
Alternating-current circuits II-22-1 ff
Alternating-current generator II-17-6 ff
Ammeter II-16-1
Ampere's law II-13-4
Ampere, A. II-13-3
Amperian current II-36-2
Amplitude modulation I-48-3
Amplitudes of oscillation I-21-3
Analog computer I-25-8
Anderson, C.D. I-52-10
Angle, of incidence I-26-3
Angle, of precession II-34-4
Angle, of reflection I-26-3
Angstrom (unit) I-1-3
Angular frequency I-21-3 I-29-2
Angular momentum of rigid body I-20-8
Angular momentum, conservation of I-4-7 I-18-6 I-20-5
Anomalous refraction I-33-9 f
Antiferromagnetic material II-37-11
Antimatter I-52-10 f
Antiparticle I-2-8
Aristotle I-5-1
atom I-1-2
Atom, metastable I-42-10
Atom, Rutherford — Bohr model II-5-3
Atom, stability of II-5-3
Atom, Thompson model II-5-3
Atomic clock I-5-5
Atomic currents II-13-5 f
Atomic hypothesis I-1-2
Atomic orbits II-1-8
Atomic particles I-2-9 f
Atomic polarizability II-32-2
Atomic processes I-1-5 f
Attenuation I-31-8
Avogadro's number I-41-10
Avogadro, A. I-39-2
Axial vector I-52-6 f
Barkhausen effect II-37-9
battery II-22-6
Becquerel, A.H. I-28-3
Bell, A.G. II-16-3
Benzene molecule III-49-10 ff
Bernoulli's theorem II-40-6 ff
Bessel function II-23-6
Betatron II-17-5
Biot — Savart law II-14-10
Birefringence I-33-3 ff
Blackbody radiation I-41-5 f
Boehm I-52-10
Bohm II-7-7 II-15-12
Bohr magneton II-34-12
Bohr radius I-38-6
Bohr, N. I-42-9 II-5-3
Boltzmann's law I-40-2 f
Boltzmann, L. I-41-2
Bopp II-28-8
Born, M. I-37-1 I-38-9 II-28-7
Boundary layer II-41-9
Boundary-value problems II-7-1
Boyle's law I-40-8
Bragg — Nye crystal model II-30-9 ff
Bragg, L. II-30-9
Breaking-drop theory II-9-9
Bremsstrahlung I-34-6 f
Brewster's angle I-33-6
Briggs, H. I-22-6
Brown, R. I-41-1
Brownian motion I-1-8 I-6-5 I-41-1
Brush discharge II-9-9
bulk modulus II-38-3
Calculus of variations II-19-3
Calculus, differential I-8-4 II-2-1
Calculus, integral II-3-1 ff
Cantilever beam II-38-10
Capacitance I-23-5
Capacitance, mutual II-22-17
Capacitor I-14-9 I-23-5 II-22-3 II-23-2
Capacitor, parallel-plate I-14-9 II-6-11 II-8-3
Capacity II-6-12
Capacity of a condenser II-8-2
Capillary action I-51-8
Carnot cycle I-44-5 f I-45-2
Carnot, S. I-4-2 I-44-2
Carrier signal I-48-3
catalyst I-42-8
Cavendish's experiment I-7-9
Cavendish, H. I-7-9
Cavity resonator II-23-1 ff
Center of mass I-18-1 f I-19-1
Centrifugal force I-7-5 I-12-11
Cerenkov radiation I-51-2
Cerenkov, P. A. I-51-2
Charge density II-5-4
Charge on electron I-12-7
Charge separation II-9-7 ff
Charge, conservation of I-4-7 II-13-1
Charge, line of II-5-3 f
Charge, motion of II-29-1 ff
Charge, sheet of II-5-4
Charge, sphere of II-5-4 f
Charged conductor II-8-2 ff
Chemical energy I-4-2
Chemical kinetics I-42-7 f
Chemical reaction I-1-6 ff
Chromaticity I-35-6 f
Circuit elements II-23-1 f
Circuit elements, active II-22-5
Circuit elements, passive II-22-5
Circuits, alternating-current II-22-1 ff
Circuits, equivalent II-22-10 f
circular motion I-21-4
Circulation II-1-5 II-3-8
Classical electron radius II-28-3
Clausius — Clapeyron equation I-45-6 ff
Clausius — Mossotti equation II-11-6 f II-32-7
Clausius, R. I-44-2 I-44-3
Cleavage plane II-30-1
Coaxial line II-24-1
Coefficient of coupling II-17-14
Coefficient of friction I-12-4
Coefficient of viscosity II-41-2
Coefficient, absorption II-32-8
Coefficient, gravitational I-7-9
Collision I-16-6
| Collision, elastic I-10-7
Colloidal particles II-7-8 ff
Color vision I-35-1 ff
Color vision, physiochemistry of I-35-9 f
Complex impedance I-23-7
complex numbers I-22-7 ff I-23-1
Complex variable II-7-2 ff
Compound eye I-36-6 ff
Compression, adiabatic I-39-5
Compression, isothermal I-44-5
Condenser, parallel-plate I-14-9 II-6-11 II-8-3
Conductivity II-32-10
Conductivity, thermal II-2-8 II-12-2
Conductor II-1-2
cones I-35-1
Conservation, of angular momentum I-4-7 I-18-6 I-20-5
Conservation, of charge I-4-7 II-13-1
Conservation, of energy I-3-2 I-4-1 II-27-1
Conservation, of linear momentum I-4-7 I-10-1
Contraction hypothesis I-15-3
Copernicus I-7-1
Coriolis force I-19-8 f
Cornea I-35-1
Cosmic rays II-9-2
Couette flow II-41-10 ff
Coulomb's law I-28-2 II-4-2 II-5-6
Coupling, coefficient of II-17-14
covalent bond II-30-2
Cross product II-2-8 II-31-8
Cross section for scattering I-32-7
Crystal II-30-1 ff
Crystal diffraction I-38-4 f
Crystal lattice II-30-3 f
Crystal, geometry of II-30-1 f
Cubic cell II-30-7
Curie law II-11-5
Curie temperature II-36-13
Curie — Weiss law II-11-9
Curl operator II-2-8 II-3-1
Current density II-13-1
Current, Amperian II-36-2
Current, atomic II-13-5 f
Current, eddy II-16-6
Current, electric II-13-1 f
Current, induced II-16-1 ff
Cutoff frequency II-22-14
d'Alembertian II-25-8
da Vinci, Leonardo I-36-2
Debye length II-7-9
Dedekind, R. I-22-4
Degrees of freedom I-25-2 I-39-12
Demagnetization, adiabatic II-35-9 f
density I-1-4
Derivative I-8-5 ff
Derivative, partial I-14-9
Diamagnetism II-34-1 ff
Dicke, R.H. I-7-11
Dielectric II-10-1 ff II-11-1
dielectric constant II-10-1 f
Differential calculus I-8-4 II-2-1
Diffraction I-30-1 ff
Diffraction by screen I-31-10 f
Diffraction grating I-29-5 I-30-3
Diffusion I-43-1 ff
Diffusion of neutrons II-12-6 ff
Dipole II-21-5 ff
Dipole moment I-12-6 II-6-7
Dipole potential II-6-4 ff
Dipole radiator I-28-5 f I-29-3
Dipole, electric II-6-2 ff
Dipole, magnetic II-14-7 f
Dirac equation I-20-6
Dirac, P. I-52-10 II-2-1 II-28-7
Dislocation II-30-8 II-30-9
dispersion I-31-6 ff
Distance I-5-5 ff
Distance measurement, color brightness I-5-6
Distance measurement, triangulation I-5-6
Divergence II-25-7
Divergence operator II-2-7 II-3-1
Domain II-37-6
Doppler effect I-17-8 I-23-9 I-34-7 I-38-6
Dot product II-2-4 II-25-3
double stars I-7-6
Drag coefficient II-41-7
Dynamics I-7-2 f I-9-1
Dynamics, relativistic I-15-9 f
Eddy current II-16-6
Efficiency of ideal engine I-44-7 f
Einstein, A. I-2-6 I-7-11 I-12-12 I-15-1 I-16-1 I-41-8 I-42-8 I-42-9
Elastic collision I-10-7
Elastic constants II-39-6 II-39-10
Elastic energy I-4-2 I-4-6
Elastic materials II-39-1 ff
Elastica II-38-12
Elasticity II-38-1 ff
Elasticity tensor II-39-4 ff
Electret II-11-8
Electric charge density II-2-8 II-4-3
Electric current II-13-1 f
Electric current density II-2-8
Electric current in the atmosphere II-9-2 f
Electric Dipole II-6-2 ff
electric field I-2-4 I-12-7 II-1-2 II-1-3 II-6-1 II-7-1
Electric field, relativity of II-13-6 ff
Electric flux II-1-4
Electric potential II-4-4
Electric susceptibility II-10-4
Electrical energy I-4-2 II-15-3
Electrical forces II-1-1 ff II-13-1
Electrodynamics II-1-3
Electrodynamics, relativistic notation II-25-1 ff
Electromagnet II-36-9 ff
Electromagnetic energy I-29-2
electromagnetic field I-2-2 I-2-5 I-10-9
Electromagnetic mass II-28-3 f
Electromagnetic radiation I-26-1 I-28-1
Electromagnetic waves II-21-1 f
Electromagnetic waves, cosmic rays I-2-5
Electromagnetic waves, gamma rays I-2-5
Electromagnetic waves, infrared I-2-5 I-23-8 I-26-1
Electromagnetic waves, light I-2-5
Electromagnetic waves, ultraviolet I-2-5 I-26-1
Electromagnetic waves, x-rays I-2-5 I-26-1
Electromagnetism II-1-1 ff
Electromagnetism, laws of II-1-5 ff
Electromotive force II-16-2
Electron I-2-4 I-37-1 I-37-4
Electron cloud I-6-11
Electron microscope II-29-3 f
Electron volt (unit) I-34-4
Electron, charge on I-12-7
Electron, radius of, classical I-32-4
Electron-ray tube I-12-9
Electronic polarization II-11-1 ff
Electrostatic energy II-8-1 ff
Electrostatic energy in nuclei II-8-6 ff
Electrostatic energy of a point charge II-8-12
Electrostatic energy of charges II-8-1 f
Electrostatic energy of ionic crystal II-8-4 ff
Electrostatic equations II-10-6 f
Electrostatic field II-5-1 ff II-7-1
Electrostatic field of a grid II-7-10 f
Electrostatic field, energy in II-8-9 ff
Electrostatic lens II-29-2 f
Electrostatic potential, equations of II-6-1
Electrostatics II-4-1 ff II-5-1
ellipse I-7-1
Emissivity II-6-14
Energy II-22-11 f
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