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Sturrock P. — Plasma Physics: An Introduction to the Theory of Astrophysical, Geophysical and Laboratory Plasmas |
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drift 22
21-cm line 91
Absolute instability 112 319
Absorption 5 301
Acceleration 5
Acceleration at shock wave 309
Acceleration, stochastic 5 289 294 309
Acoustic resonant frequency 243
Acoustic waves 245
action 36
Adiabatic equation of state 180
Adiabatic invariants 28 32
Adiabatic invariants, bounce invariant 40 44 46
Adiabatic invariants, first adiabatic invariant 28 32 37 47 53
Adiabatic invariants, first adiabatic invariant - relativistic case 38
Adiabatic invariants, second adiabatic invariant 40 44 47
Adiabatic invariants, third adiabatic invariant 46
Alfven 3
Alfven speed 3 59 235
Alfven waves 3 60 235 293 309
Aly 226 227
Aly's conjecture 227
Amplifying waves 319
Antiochos 214
Arons 309
Astrophysical quantities 312
Astrophysics 184 185 203 275
Barkhausen 91
Barometric atmosphere 8 239
Barometric waves 239
Bateman 248
Bell 309
Bender 281
Bennett 249
Bennett's relation 249
Bernstein 260 270
Bers 321
Bi-maxwellian distribution 56
Birdsall 17
Birdsall's problem 17
Birn 210
Blast wave 17
Boltzmann factor 9
Boltzmann's equation 121 145
Bounce motion 42 45
Bounce period 47
Boundary-layer theory 281
Bow shock 17
Boyd 248 273
Brownian motion 288
Brunt — Vaeisaelae frequency 244
Buneman 116
Buneman instability 116
Buoyancy instability 4
Cairns 91
Canonical momentum 32
CASE 125
Case — Van-Kampen analysis 125
Causality requirements 128
Cerenkov effect 10
cgs units 311
Charge conservation equation 7 174
Charge density 119
Charge neutrality 7 14
Chodura 214
circular polarization 83 87 101
Clebsch variables 190 212 222
Coherent behavior 5
Cold electron plasma 66
Cold magnetized electron plasma 77
Collective behavior 5
Collective modes 13
Collision frequency 74
Collision theory 145
Collisions 3 15 121 171
Collisions, effect on wave propagation 74
Collisions, large-angle 12
Collisions, small-angle 13
Collisions, three-body 12
Collisions, two-body 12
Conductivity 176
Conductivity, tensor 67 68 78 98 180
confinement 3 43
Convection of magnetic field 262
Convective instability 112 319
Coronal mass ejections 212
Correlation functions 289 295
Cosmic rays 5
Coulomb collisions 149
Coulomb scattering 149
Cowling approximation 266
cross 287
Cross-field diffusion 3
Current concentration 4
Current sheet 186
Curvature drift 53
Cutoff 70 102 104
Cutoff, frequency 81 84 112
Cyclotron cutoff 102 104
Cyclotron frequency 20
Damping of Langmuir waves 125
Debye length 7 8 10 11 72 156
Debye shielding 9 10 11 156
Deflection time 164
Density fluctuations 13
Density scale height 240
Detailed balancing 303
Deubner 266
Dielectric coefficient 59 60
Dielectric function 124 127
Dielectric tensor 66 67 68 69 78 98
Diffusion 4
Diffusion of magnetic field 191
Diffusion, coefficient 185
Diffusion, equation 292 296 301
Dispersion measure 90 91
Dispersion of radio waves 89
dispersion relation 69 79 82 83 91 123 315
Dispersion relation for warm plasma 124
Displacement current 84 275
Displacement vector 59 262
Distance of closest approach 12
Distribution function 118
Dreicer 166
Dreicer field 167
Drift motion 22 44 55
Drift motion, 22
Drift motion, gravitational field 57
Drift motion, paradox 55
Drift motion, time-varying electric field 57
Drift velocity 22
Drummond 288 299
Dungey 4
Dynamo process 193
Eckersley 91
Einstein 5
Einstein coefficients 303
Einstein relations 5 303
Electromagnetic skin depth 72
Electromagnetic units 311
Electromagnetic waves 66 75 79
Electron cyclotron resonance 104
Electron run-away 165
Electron stream and stationary plasma 113
Electron-ion plasma 97
Electrostatic oscillations 118
Electrostatic turbulence 309
Electrostatic units 311
Electrostatic waves 5 125
Emission processes 301
| Emslie 4
Energy in MHD systems 260
Energy, conservation equation for MHD systems 262
Energy, density in MHD systems 261
Energy, equation for a fluid 174 175
Energy, flux in MHD systems 260
Energy, principle for MHD systems 4 260
Energy, propagation velocity 314
Energy, transfer equation 172
Energy-loss time 164
Energy-momentum tensor for MHD systems 269
Ensemble 119
Equation of motion for a fluid 174
Equation of motion for ideal MHD systems 179
Euler — Lagrange equations 261
Eulerian description 120
Evanescent waves 71 81 112 245 319
Extraordinary mode 85 91
Faraday 3
Faraday rotation 85 88
Fast magneto-acoustic wave 237
Fermi 5
Fermi acceleration 5
Finite resistivity 4
Finite-electron-inertia effects 287
Floating flux 211 212
Fluctuations 288
Fluid representation of a plasma 173
Flux of particles 119
Flux tube 2 3 4 216
Fokker — Planck equation 121 145 147 158 159 169 292 296 301
Fokker — Planck equation for Coulomb collisions 153 159
Force-free magnetic field 4 201
Force-free magnetic field, generating function method 208
Force-free magnetic field, linear theory 204 214 224
Fossil magnetic field 192
Free-free absorption 76
Frieman 260 270
Frozen field 186
Frozen-flux theorem 272
Furth 4 272 286 287
Fusion devices 2 3 5 16 275
Galaxy 2
Gardner 132
Gardner's theorem 132 136 141
Gauge transformation 220
Gaussian units 311
Generating-function method for force-free magnetic fields 208
Geophysical quantities 312
Geophysics 185
Ginzburg 301
Gold 216
Goldstein 210
Gough 266
Grad B drift 53
Grad — Shafranov equation 209
Gradient drift 45 52 53
Granropth 91
Gravitational field 8 233 239
Gravitational field in variation principle 266
Gravitational force 196
Gravitational interchange instability 287
Gravity resonant frequency 244
Gravity waves 245
Group velocity 15 70 73 76 89 90 92 108 135 236 314
Gurnett 91
Gyrofrequency 20 38 40 77
Gyromotion 45 50
Gyroperiod 49
Gyroradius 21 47 49 50
Gyrosynchrotron radiation 45
Hall conductivity 181
Harris 301
Heat bath 55
Heat-flow vector 171
Helicity 220
Helioseismology 266
Helliwell 2 91 92
Helmholtz equation for linear force-free fields 204
hess 2
Heyvaerts 309
Hoyle 216
Ideal MHD equations 177
Ideal plasma 4
Instability 4 66 71 307
Instability of electrostatic waves 132
Instability-two stream 17
Interchange instability 287
Interparticle distance 12
Interplanetary space 17
Ionospheric propagation 83 89
Ionospheric sounding 72
Jackson 311
Jupiter 91
Killeen 4 272 286 287
Kink instability 254
Klimchuk 212
Kruskal 260 270
Kurth 91
L-mode 85
Laboratory plasmas 145 185 250
Lagrange expansion 145
Lagrangian description 120
Lagrangian function for MHD systems 4 260
Landau 125
Landau damping 16 125 133 136 297
Landau initial-value problem 125
Langmuir 6 15
Langmuir waves 307
Langmuir waves in a warm plasma 125
Larmor frequency 20
Laval 287
Left-hand polarization 89
Lighthill 314
Lightning 91
Line-tying 293
Linear force-free magnetic field 204 214 224
Linear pinch 248
Linear pinch, stability condition 257
Longitudinal mass 110
Longitudinal mode 70 79
Lorentz force 4 53
Loss cone 42 47
Loss of equilibrium 212
Low 210 212
Low-beta plasma 202
Magnetic bottle 41
Magnetic confinement 193
Magnetic flux tubes 2
Magnetic islands 272 273 279
Magnetic mirror 40
magnetic moment 27 37 47 54
Magnetic pressure 3
Magnetic reconnection 272
Magnetic Reynold's number 185
Magnetic tension 3
Magnetic trap 41 43 47
Magnetized plasma 2
Magneto-acoustic waves 237
Magneto-frictional method 214
Magneto-ionic theory 2
Magnetohydrodynamics (MHD) 3 169 182 184
Magnetosonic waves 235
Magnetosphere, Earth's 2 44 46 56 91 186
Magnetosphere, planetary 3
Manchester 91
Mass conservation equation 173
MAX 309
Maxwell tensor 224
Maxwell — Boltzmann distribution 9
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