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Sturrock P. — Plasma Physics: An Introduction to the Theory of Astrophysical, Geophysical and Laboratory Plasmas |
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Maxwell's equations 6 66
Maxwellian distribution 55 136
McKee 309
Melrose 10 301
MHD approximation 3 60 169
MHD instability 4 248
MHD systems 260
MHD turbulence 309
Mhd waves 233
Microscopic reversibility 303
Milne 210
Modified Gaussian units 311
Moment equations 169 172
Moments of distribution function 119
Momentum, collision frequency 176
Momentum, conservation equation for MHD systems 262
Momentum, density in MHD systems 260 262
Momentum, flux in MHD systems 260 262
Momentum, loss rate 309
Momentum, transfer equation 172
Momentum-space diffusion 309
Montgomery 167
Murray 16
Negative-energy waves 269
Neptune 91
Neutral points, O-type 279
Neutral points, X-type 279
Neutron stars 241
Nicholson 288
Noise 5
Normalized distribution function 122
Nose whistler 92
Nyquist 137
Nyquist's Theorem 137
O-type neutral point 279
Ohm's law for a plasma 67 175 184
Ohm's law for ideal MHD systems 178
Orbit theory 2 19 49
Orbit theory, electric and magnetic fields 22
Orbit theory, Lagrangian description 32
Orbit theory, magnetic and gravitational fields 24
Orbit theory, magnetic flux 27
Orbit theory, magnetic moment 27 32
Orbit theory, rapidly varying electric field 60
Orbit theory, static inhomogeneous magnetic field 53
Orbit theory, time varying magnetic field 25
Orbit theory, uniform magnetic field 19
Ordinary mode 85
Orszag 281
Parker 4
Particle kinetic energy 39
Particle trapping 3
Pellat 287
Penrose 137
Penrose criterion for stability 136 142
Phase mixing 16 126
Physical constants 312
Pierce 112
Pinch effect 219
Pines 288 299 301
Pitch-angle scattering 3
Plasma beta 202
Plasma cutoff 102 104
Plasma frequency 2 15
Plasma oscillations 3 14 62 63 70 74 79 124 297
Plasma oscillations, damping 15
Plasma oscillations, nonlinearity 16
Plasma parameter 11
Plasma physics - defined 1 6 11
Plasmoid 1
Poincare invariant 33 35
Poisson's equation 9 122
Polarization current 59
Polarization drift 57
Polarization vector 59
Power spectrum 291 295
Pressure tensor 171 174
Priest 210
Pseudo-energy 269 318
Pseudo-energy-momentum tensor 318
Pseudo-momentum 318
Pulsars 89
Quantum-mechanical formulation 5
Quasi-neutrality 8
Quasi-quantum-mechanical theory 301
Quasilinear theory 288 297
R-mode 84
Radiation 5 21 22
Radiation belts 2
Radiation, synchrotron radiation 21
Radio astronomy 87 89
Random walk 288
Rayleigh — Ritz method 213
Rayleigh — Taylor instability 247
Reconnection of magnetic field 272 282
Reduced mass 149
Refractive index 84
Relativistic gas 121
Relaxation time for energy equilibrium 164
Relaxation time for isotropization 164
Relaxation times 159
Resistive instabilities 4 272
resistivity 176 275
Resonance cone 73 81 85 102 103 104
Right-hand polarization 83 89
Rosenbluth 4 121 158 272 286 287
Rosenbluth potentials 158
Rotation measure 88
Rowe 16
| Rutherford cross-section 153
Sakurai 213
Sanderson 248 273
Sausage instability 254 257
Scale height 8 202 240 241
Scarf 91
Schindler 210
Schluter 214
Schrieffer 301
Semi-classical theory 301
Separatrix 279
shielding 10
Shock wave 3 17 309
Shock wave, acceleration 309
Slow magneto-acoustic wave 237
Slowing-down time 162
Small-amplitude disturbances of MHD systems 267
Smerd 301
Solar active regions 4 45
Solar corona 2 3 8 9 16 186 201 211 241
Solar eruptive events 212
Solar flares 4 45 216 224 309
Solar magnetic field 192
Solar radio bursts 16 45
Solar wind 62 288
Space-like wave packet 320
Spitzer 166 176 293
Spontaneous emission 5
Stability 4 197 248
Star-stability of 198
Stellar atmospheres 201
Stimulated emission 5
Stix 73 97
Stochastic acceleration 5 289 294 309
Stochastic diffusion 288 297
Stochastic processes 5 288
Storey 91
Stress tensor 193
Sturrock 34 190 212 213 214 228 269 294 314 318 321
Sun 2 192
Sunspots 45 186 205
Synchrotron radiation 5 21
Tandberg-Hanssen 4
Taylor 91 224
Tearing of magnetic field 282
Tearing-mode instability 4 272 278
Tearing-mode instability, collision-free theory 287
Test particle 9 11 160
Thermal excitation 13
Thermal fluctuations 14
Thompson 248
Tidman 167
Time-like wave packet 320
Tokamak 4
Tonks 6 15
Transfer equations 170
Transverse mode, wave 70 75 79 83
Trapping 2 3 43
Traveling-wave tube 112
Turbulence 5
Two-humped velocity distribution 141
Two-stream instability 4 5 106 109 136
Two-stream instability, electron-ion plasma 115
Two-stream instability, relativistic form 110
Type II solar radio bursts 3 17
Type III solar radio bursts 3 16 17
Type IV solar microwave bursts 45
UNITS 6 311
Units, electromagnetic 6
Units, electrostatic 6
Units, modified Gaussian 6
Upper hybrid frequency, resonance 81 103 104
Van Allen radiation belts 2
Van Hoven 287
van Kampen 125
Variation principle 4 260 264 314 315
Variation principle with gravitational field 266
Variational expression for frequency 269
Virial theorem 193 224
Vlasov equation 121 145
Vuillemin 287
Warm plasma-dispersion relation 124
Wave analysis 314
Wave dissipation 3
Wave energy 314
Wave energy flux 314
Wave equation 68
Wave momentum 314
Wave momentum flux 314
Wave packet 316 319
Wave polarization 21
Wave propagation 2 3
Wave propagation, anisotropy 2
Wave reflection 72 73
Waves in electron plasmas 101
Waves in electron-ion plasmas 97
Weinberg 240
Westfold 301
Whistler ducts 92
Whistlers 2 91 92
White 272 279 283 285
Whitham 314
Wild 16
WKB approximation 240
Woltjer 223
Woltjer's theorem 223
Woodbury 190 213
X-type neutral point 279
Yang 214
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