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Robinson A. — Introduction to model theory and to the metamathematics of algebra |
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-persistent 78
Ackermann, W. 272
Adjunction 83
Admissible (antomorphism) 186
Algebraic (predicate) 154 161
Artin, E. 2 214 220 223 225 272
Asser, G. 272
Associated (predicates) 152
Axiom 25
Bar-Hillel, Y. 272
Bernays, P. 22 87 230 271 272
Beth's theorem 117
Beth, E.W. 2 117 118 137 272
Bing, K. 272
Birkhoff, G. 171 172
Block (of quantifiers) 65
Bounded (predicate) 149
Cantor, G. 90
Carnap, R. 272
Chang, C.C. 87 271 272
Church, A. 272
Co-extensive (relations) 23
Compactness Theorem 21
Complete (set of sentences) 88
Completeness theorems 12
Conjunction, infinite 10
Conjunctive 68
Connectives 3
Consistency lemma 114
Consistent 8
Contraction 33
Contradictory 8
Convex 80 161
Convex (strongly) 83
Core Model 83
Correspondence 9
Craig's lemma 116
Craig, W. 116 118 137 272
Curry, H.B. 273
Davis, M. 273
de Bruijn, N.G. 50 272
Definite (models, sets of sentences) 165
Diagram 24
Diagram, negative 24
Diagram, positive 24
Direct product 238
Disjunction, infinite 110
Disjunctive 68 179
Divisor 152 173
Dummy symbol 3
Ehrenfeucht, A. 273
Eichler, M. 50 273
Elementarily equivalent 55
Elementary extension 55
Elimination of quantifiers 231
Engeler, E. 50 273
Equality 23
Erdoes, P. 50 271 273
Existential (sentence) 72
Fefermann, S. 273
Fraenkel, A.A. 273
Fraisse, R. 273
Frayne, T.E. 270 271 273
Free (variable) 4
Froehlich, A. 273
Gillman, L. 271 273
Gilmore, P.C. 271 273
Goedel, K. 12 22 273
Halmos, P.R. 274
Henkin, L. 22 50 225 271 274
Henriksen, M. 271 274
Herbrand functor 51
Herbrand, J. 51 52 87 274
Hewitt, E. 271 274
Heyting, A. 274
Hilbert, D. 2 22 52 87 125 127 214 225 271 274
Homomorphism 25
Horn, A. 274
Ideal (metamathematical) 173
Ideal, arithmetical 205
Ideal, differential 209
Ideal, indecomposable 173
Ideal, irreducible 173
Ideal, order 215
Ideal, perfect 211
Increasing chain 35
Individual 9
Infinitesimal 246
Invariant 67
Irreducible (predicate) 153
Isomorphism 25
Jerison, M. 271 274
Kaplansky, I. 137 274
Keisler, H.J. 87 271 275
Kemeny, J.G. 271 275
Kleene, S.C. 275
Kochen, S. 271 275
Kolchin, E.R. 214 275
Kreisel, G. 138 225 275
Lang, S. 223 225 275
Langford, C.H. 90 111 275
Laugwitz, D. 271 275
Lefschetz, S. 90
Leibniz, G.W. 247
Levy, A. 275
Lightstone, A.H. 270 275
Lindenbaum, A. 88 111
Localization, principle of 21
Loewenheim, L. 20 22 255 276
Lorenzen, P. 275
| Los, J. 50 78 87 271 276
Lyndon, R.C. 87 276
MacDowell, R. 271 276
Malcev, A.I. 22 45 46 50 171 276
Matrix 65
McKinsey, J.C.C. 111 271 276
Mendelson, E. 271 276
Model 10
Model-complete 91 105
Model-completion 109 128
Model-consistent 84 105
modus ponens 7
Monic (polynomial) 30
Montague, R. 276
Morel, A. 271 276
Mostowski, A. 87 276
Mueller, G.H. 277
Neumann, B.H. 50 277
Non-standard analysis 244
Non-standard model of analysis 245
Non-standard model of arithmetic 243
normal 24
Normal chain 47
Oberschelp, A. 277
Object symbol 3
Obstruction 75
Orey, S. 277
Ostrowski, A. 50 277
Partial structure 24
Peano, G. 207 277
Perfect 167
Persistent (under extension) 66 67
Persistent under restriction 66 67
Point 201
Point, compound 201
Point, generic 203
Polynomial (metamathematical) 141
Polynomial structure 142
Predicate 3
Prefix 65
Prenex normal form 8
Prepolynomial 141
Prepolynomial structure 142
Presburger, M. 277
Pretransitive 142
Prime model 94
Quantifier 3
Quantifier, free 69
Quasi-elementary 47
Quasi-standard function 266
Rabin, M.B. 63 87 271 277
Rado, R. 22 277
Rasiowa, H. 22 277
Raudenbush, H.D. 224 277
Reducible (predicate) 153
Related (sets of sentences) 21
Relative symbol 3
Restriction 34
Rieger, L. 271 277
Ritt, J.F. 137 210 211 212 214 224 225 277
Robinson, A. 22 50 87 101 111 137 138 171 191 225 270 271 278
Robinson, J. 278
Robinson, R.M. 87 278
Rosser, J.B. 279
Rules of deduction 6
Rules of formation 3
Ryll-Nardzewski, C. 279
Saturable (predicate) 150
Schmieden, C. 271
Schreier, O. 214 225
Schroeter, K. 279
Scott, D. 50 271 279
Seidenberg, A. 133 137 238 271 279
Semantic interpretation 9
Sentence 3
Separability (metamathematical) 167
Shepherdson, J.C. 279
Shoenfield, J.R. 279
Sierpinski, D. 64 87 279
Sikorski, R. 22 279
Simple extension 83
Skolem function 51
Skolem functor 51 226
Skolem, T. 20 22 51 52 239 271 273 279
Specker, E. 271 280
Standard 247
Standard part 250
Steinitz, E. 90 111 280
Structure 9
Structure, generic 194
Substitutivity 23
Substructure 24
Suszko, R. 78 87 280
Syntactical transform 52
T-system (Tarski system) 21
Tarski, A. 21 22 50 55 87 105 111 173 191 237 271 280
Theorem 6
Transfer principle 35
Transitive 142
Ultrafilter 240
Ultraproduct 241
Universal (sentence) 69
Valuation lemma 13 239
Variety 21 192 202
Variety, irreducible 194
Variety, reducible 194
Vaught, R.L. 55 87 89 111 280
Vocabulary 31
Wang, Hao 280
Well-formed formula (wff) 4
Zakon, E. 111 280
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