Авторизация |
Поиск по указателям |
Steen S. — Mathematical Logic |
Предметный указатель |
Function of a complex variable 548
Function, calculus 72
Function, over 170
Functionally complete 38 56
functor 15 113 123 214
Fundamental sequence 375
General model 567
General recursive 303
General variable 92 99
Generalization 315 387
Generalize 79
Generalized Continuum Hypothesis 182 183 198 204 205 607
Generally valid 78 108 315
Generating sign 11 42 214
Gentzen, G. 66 68 201 230 286
Goedel numerals 260 388 542 560
Goedel substitution function 271 390 459
Goedel, K. 201 202 203 204 205 274 378 407 508 559 560 600 606 609
Goldbach 564
Goodstein, R.L. 382
Greatest lower bound 192
Greek letters 31 214 230
Greeks 204 609
H-disjunction 99 206
H-model 585
H-scheme 100
Halmos, P.R. 205
Hartley Rogers jun. 380
Hausdorf, F. 200
Heine — Borel theorem 546
Held constant 80 83 432
Henkin, L. 559 606
Herbrand, J. 201 378
Hermes, H. 380
Heyting, A. 9 66 378
Hierarchy of A-definable sets 409
Hierarchy of properties 516
Hierarchy of systems 512 518
Hierarchy, analytical 533
Highest degree of unsolvability 329
Hilbert, D. 31 32 67 202 203 205 407 508 606
Hilbert, D. and Ackermann, W. 201 202
Hilbert, D. and Bernays, P. 31 202 205 273 274 508 560 606
Hintikka, K.L. 202
Huntington, E.V. 65 606
Hypersimple set 324 343 379
Hypothesis 39
Idempotent 47 52
Identifiable 37
Identification 127
Identity calculus 372
Identity function 233
Identity relation 170
Ill-formed 6 15
Immediate predecessor 167
Immune set 323
Implication 66
Implication, symbol 427
Implicational propositional calculus 67
Impredicative 77 198 201 511 540 549 559
Improper primary extension 28
Improper subsystem 28
Improper symbol 13 214
inclusion 167
Incomparable degrees 344
Incompleteness 406 508
Incompleteness of A 390
Indecomposable ordinal 210
Independence 36 53 111 120 198 204 462
Independence, proofs 599
INDEX 311 338
Indiscrete 199
Indistinguishable 37
Individual 76
Individual variable 72 78
Induction 274 423 429 431 438 507 577
Induction formula 8
Induction property 514
Induction theorem 445
Inductive numbers 599
Inequality 213 214 265
Inferior variable 92
Infinite induction 508
Infinite set 177
Infinitesimals 606
Initial 244
Initial function 233
Initial instruction 296
Initial of an ordinal 210
Initial ordinal 180
Initial segment 12 244
Inner model 198 204 600 606
Intensional 203 271
Interior 200
Intersection 61 168
Intuitionism 9 66 227 230 286 407 508
Invalid ancestor 397
Inverse 127
Irresolvable statement, 459 535
Irresolvable statement, A 394
Isomorphic 329 332
Iterator operator 214 508
Jensen, R.B. 204
Jordan, Z. 67
Jump 345
Kalmar, L. 66 202 203 274
Karp, C.R. 559
Kemeny, J.G. 201 606
Kind of normal numerical term 261
Kind of ordinal 177
Klaua, D. 382 560
Kleene — Vesley 66
Kleene, S.C. 202 286 289 378 421 560
Kreisel, G. 407
Kronecker, L. 273
Kuratowski, C. 203 421
Lachlan, A.H. 66 274
Lagrange, J.L. 564
Landau, E. 274
Language 1
Last difference 538
Lattice, point 318 409
Lattice, upper semi- 346
Laws of algebra 423
Least number operator 245
Least upper bound 192 344 360 545
Lebesgue integral 549 560
Lebesque measure 550 551 552
Left parenthesis 13 42 214
Length of a proof 558
Level 440
Leven, F.J. 607
Lewis, C.I. 67
Lexicographic order 94 213
Limit of ordinals 171 546
Limit point 200
Limited subtraction 237
Limited universal quantification 244
Limited, existential quantification 244
Line of a diagram 298
Line of an H-scheme 99
Loeb, M.H. 229 286
Loewenheim, L. 201 202
logical function 133
Lorenzen, P. 201 274 508 559 560
Los, J. 606
Lower formula 19
| Lukasiewicz, J. 31 65 66
Lusin, N. 421
MacColl, S„ 67
Maehover, M. 606
Main formula 42
Many sorted predicate calculus 74 115 520
Many valued model 65 77
Marker 353
Markow, A.A. 31
Mate of a parenthesis 16
Material equivalence 51 213 227 284
Material implication 48 213 227 284 428
Mathematical induction 177 456 508
Matrix 65
Maximal dual ideal 582
Maximal set 366
Meaning 7
Measure, Lebesgue 550 551 552
Membership relation 168 170
meta-language 4 9 40 609
Meta-mathematics 32
Meta-theorem 40
Minimal degree 368
Mixed propositional calculus 34
Modal logic 67
Model 563
Model, basic 37
Model, complete 36 38 76 563
Model, consistent 38
Model, general 567
Model, standard for arithmetic 565
Model, trivial 37
modus ponens 39 65 66 67 84 114 164 230 396 427 470 484 487 512 517 520 534
Monadic predicate calculus 72 130 202
Moody, E.A. 65
Mostowski, A. 421 560 606 607
Mucnik, A.A. 274 379
Multiplication function 237
Multiplication function of ordinals 179 210
Multiplicative axiom 181 549
Myhill, J.R. 229 286 379 382
NAME 260 550 599
Natural number 1 175
Natural translation 35
Necessary 67
Negation 29 42 213 227 283 389 508 512;
Negation, rule of double 42
Negation, two-valued 29
Negative occurrence 157
Neighbourhood 200
NEW 5 9 11
Newton, I. 31
Nicod, J. 67
Non-recursively separable sets 364
Non-standard arithmetic 407 408
Non-standard model 403 571 575
Normal class 173 203
Normal form for ordinals 204
Normal form of a definition 34
Normal forms 64
Normal forms 534
Normal function 262
Normal numerical term 261
Normal proof 92 205
Normal table 296 304 306
Nowhere dense 200
Null class 169 599
Null element 61
Null formula 12
Null sequence 235
Numeral 214
Numeral, Goedel 260
Numerical term 213 214
Object language 4 9
Occurrence 13 21 31
Occurrence, bound 15
Occurrence, free 15
Omission of parentheses 24
One sorted predicate calculus 74
One valued 170
One-one 170
open 19 199
Opposite column 150
Oracl 366 379 553
Order, -defined, for logical functions 133
Order, -defined, of a -0-reduced function 235
Order, -defined, of a closed numerical term 219
Order, -defined, of a constant w.r.t. 578
Order, -defined, of a formula 488
Order, -defined, of a many-sorted predicate calculus 75
Order, -defined, of a predicate calculus 73
Order, -defined, of a proof 429
Order, -defined, of a table 297
Order, -defined, of an H-scheme 100
Order, -defined, of predicates 77
Order, -defined, of properties 198
Order, -defined, of property variables 518 538
Order, -defined, standard 586
Order, -defined, type 572
Ordered pair 169
Ordinals 175 204
Ordinals, constructive 327
Outer pair of parentheses 14
Overlap 17
pair 169
Pairing function 255
Paradox 201
Parallel axiom 601
Parenthesis 13 16
Parenthesis, omission of 214 215
Parmeter 234
Part, consecutive 12 245
Partial function 291
Partial order 605
Partial recursive 303
Partial, f-calculable 337
Partially calculable 281
Partially calculable, f-calculable 337
Passive, instruction 296
Passive, instruction, table 297 378
Peano, G. 30 32 202 230 273 508 560
Peirce, E.C. 609
Peripetetics 65
Permutation 42 217
Permutation, recursive 329
Peter, R. 274
Philo of Megara 66
Poincare, H. 201 559
Poles 67
Positive occurrence 157
Possible 67
Post, E.L. 8 65 66 286 378 421 610
Power class 169
Power function 237
Preciseness 1 288
Predecessor 167
Predecessor function 237
Predicate calculus 72 610
Predicate of predicates 73
Predicative 77 198 201 559
Prefix transformations 554
Premiss 7 19
Prenex normal form 91 205
Primary extension 28
Prime ordinal 211
Primitive arithmetic 4 599
Primitive formalization 243
Primitive function 230 233
Primitive recursion 234
Primitive recursively enumerable 284 285
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