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Gorenstein D., Lyons R., Solomon R. — Classification of Finite Simple Groups: Groups of Noncharacteristic 2 (Part 1 G) |
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-property 5
-group 2
-component 18
-layer 18
Alperin — Goldschmidt conjugation family 96
Alperin, J.L. 96 144
Amalgam 162
Amalgam method 161—169
Amalgam method, amalgam hypothesis 164
Amalgam method, associated tree 165
Amalgam method, critical pair 166
Amalgam, completion of 162
Amalgam, completion of morphism of completions 162
Amalgam, defining X-amalgam 163 170—174
Amalgam, morphism of 162
Amalgam, morphism of injective, surjective, isomorphism 162
Amalgam, universal completion of 162
Amalgam, X-amalgam 162
Aschbacher x-block 159
Aschbacher, M. 37 79 118 144 150 155 158—159 170
Baer, R. 90
balance see “Group” (see also “Signalizer functor”)
Balance in solvable groups 16
Balance, -balance, , -balance 29—31
Balance, -balance 26
Balance, k-balance 118—129
Balance, solvable -balance 82
Baumann, B. 158
Bender method 110—117
Bender, H. 7 16 23 101 110—116 129—130 193 199
Block 195
Block, principal block 195
BN-pair 174—180
BN-pair, rank of 174
BN-pair, saturated 174
BN-pair, split 174
Brauer correspondence 195
Brauer, R. 89 192 193 195—197 198 200—202
Building 174
Burnside, W. 72 97 146 156 199
Character, coherence 193—194
Character, F-character 188
Character, induction 191
Character, inertia group of 191
Character, irreducible 188
Character, isometry of 194
Character, virtual 188
Clifford, A.H. 55 191
Cohomology of groups 58—61
Cohomology of groups, and extensions 60
Cohomology of groups, cochains, coboundaries, cocycles 59
Commutators 3 7 18
Component 6—16 44—53
Component, homogeneous or Wedderburn 54
Component, semirigid 45
Component, standard 107
Component, terminal 34 106
Connected partially ordered set 162
Coprime action 17—18 72—78
Coset complex see “Simplicial complex”
Coset geometry 163
Coset geometry, critical pair 166
Coset geometry, distance between vertices in 178
Coset geometry, path in 165
Coset geometry, path in interior of 178
Coset geometry, path in length of 178
Cover 2
Covering group 6
Covering group, universal covering group 6
Critical section 12 72—73
Critical subgroup 73
Defect group 195
Delgado, A. 168
Diagonal 13
Diagonal pumpup 31 36
Extensions and cohomology 59—60
Extensions of extra-special 2-groups 183—187
Extensions, split 60
Extremal conjugate 92
Failure of factorization 147—157
Failure of factorization, -module 151
Failure of factorization, failure of factorization module or F-module 148
Feit, W. 1 17 110 133 194
Fitting subgroup 6
Fitting subgroup, generalized Fitting subgroup 6—13 27
Fitting, H. 6
Four-group 3
Frattini argument 18
Frattini Q-conjugacy class 181
Frattini Q-conjugacy class, relative 181
Frattini Q-separated 181
Frattini subgroup 10
Frattini, G. 10 18
Frobenius group 55—56
Frobenius group, Frobenius complement 56
Frobenius group, Frobenius kernel 56
Frobenius, G. 56 98 191
Fusion of p-elements 89 96—100
Fusion of p-elements, by conjugation family 96
Fusion of p-elements, control of 91
Fusion of p-elements, extremal conjugates 92—93
Fusion of p-elements, fusion pattern 89
Fusion of p-elements, isolated p-element 90
Fusion of p-elements, strong fusion pattern 89
Gaschutz, W. 61
Generalized Fitting subgroup see “Fitting subgroup”
Generation 15—16 74 77—78
Gilman, R.H. 37—38
Glauberman property 5
Glauberman, G. 4—5 23 89 98 100 118 122 140—141 147 149 158 193 196
Goldschmidt, D. 77 85 96 118 122 164
Goldschmidt-O’Nan pair 85 (see also “Module shape of”)
Gomi, K. 168
Gorenstein, D. 5 7 16 118 122
Graph 4 66 126—129 165 176
Green, J.A. 196
Griess pair 184
Griess pair, admissible 185
Griess pair, equivalent 184
Griess type 184
Griess, R.L. 6 184
Group order formulas 198—202
Group with a split BN-pair 174—180
Group with a split BN-pair, root subgroup of 175
Group with a split BN-pair, Weyl group of 174
Group, -balanced 118
Group, -quasisimple, -semisimple 18
Group, covering 6
Group, covering, universal covering 6
Group, dihedral 2 102
Group, indecomposable 12
Group, k-balanced 118
Group, k-connected 66
Group, locally k-balanced 119
Group, of -type 135
Group, of Griess type 184
Group, of Griess type, full extension of 185
Group, one-headed 8
Group, outer generated 108
Group, outer locally balanced 121
Group, outer p-cyclic 5
Group, p- closed 2
Group, p-constrained 78—79
Group, p-solvable 79
Group, p-stable 141
Group, perfect 2
Group, quasisimple 6
Group, S-quasisimple 22
Group, S-semisimpIe 22
| Group, semisimple 6
Group, solvably p-quasisimple 80
Group, solvably p-semisimple 80
Group, strongly locally 1-balanced 130
Group, weakly k-balanced 118
Group, weakly locally fc-balanced 119
Half central 67
Half p-central 67
Hall, P. 7 53 57—58 62 64 73 77 95
Higman, G. 7 53 57—58 73 144
Huppert, B. 94
Hyperplane 3
Involutions 102—103 198—202
Isolated p-element 90
Ito, N. 79
Klinger — Mason method 135—140
Klinger, K. 135
Konvisser, M. 66
Layer 6 12—16
Maschke, H. 55
Mason, G. 135
McBride property 5
McBride, P.P. 5 118 123
Module 53—59
Module, absolutely irreducible 54
Module, completely reducible 54
Module, failure of factorization 148
Module, faithful 54
Module, free 54
Module, Goldschmidt-O’Nan 85—89
Module, homogeneous 54
Module, irreducible 54
Module, quadratic 140
Near component 157—161
Near component, alternating 159
Near component, associated module of 158
Near component, linear 159
Niles, R. 158
Normal p-complement 97
O’Nan, M. 13 85—86
p'-component 19
p*-group 23—28
p-component 16—44
p-component preuniqueness subgroup 106
p-component, -rigid 37
p-component, -terminal 36—43
p-component, (x, K)-bouquet of 41
p-component, (x, K)-bouquet of, height of 41
p-component, Gilman-maximal 38
p-component, p-terminal 43
p-component, solvable 80—85
p-component, strongly -rigid 37
p-core, k-generated p-core 101
p-core, weak k-generated p-core 125—126
p-groups 61—71
p-groups, extra-special 62—64 183—187
p-groups, extra-special, width of 63
p-groups, of maximal class 68
p-groups, of symplectic type 62—64 136—138
p-groups, regular 65
p-groups, regularly generated 181
p-groups, special 62
p-layer 19—21
p-layer, extended p-layer 82
p-layer, solvable p-layer 82
p-part of x 196
p-reducible core 147
p-singular element 201
p-stability 141
Permutation group 3
Permutation group, regular 3
Permutation group, semiregular 3
Peterfalvi, T. 102
Properties of quasisimple groups, 5
Properties of quasisimple groups, local k-balance 119
Properties of quasisimple groups, p-Glauberman 5
Properties of quasisimple groups, p-McBride 5
Properties of quasisimple groups, Schreier, p-Schreier 5
Properties of quasisimple groups, semirigidity 45
Properties of quasisimple groups, signalizer 114—115
Properties of quasisimple groups, stable 2-center 48
Properties of quasisimple groups, stable involution 48
Properties of quasisimple groups, strong local 1-balance 130
Properties of quasisimple groups, weak local k-balance 119
Pumpup 31 36
Pumpup, diagonal 31 36
Pumpup, level unbalancing 122
Pumpup, long 36
Pumpup, nonlevel unbalancing 122
Pumpup, nontrivial 31 36
Pumpup, pumpup-closed set 43
Pumpup, trivial 31 36
Pumpup, unbalancing 122
Pumpup, vertical 31 36
Quadratic action 140
Quadratic action, p-stability 141
Quadratic action, quadratic four-groups 144—146
Quasisimple group 6
Quasisimple group of type S 43
Quaternion group 62
Rank of BN-pair 174
Rank of p-group 3
Rank, 2-local p-rank 52 135
Regular generation 181
Representations of groups 53—59 (see also “Modules”)
S-component 22
S-layer 22
Schreier property 5
Schreier property, p-Schreier property 5
Schreier, O. 5
Schur multiplier 6 186
Schur, I. 6 17 54
Section 2
Segev, Y. 170
Signalizer functors 122—129
Signalizer functors, associated -balanced functor 124
Signalizer functors, closed 122
Signalizer functors, complete 122
Signalizer functors, k-balanced 124
Signalizer functors, method 118—129
Signalizer functors, nonsolvable 122
Signalizer functors, solvable 122
Signalizer functors, trivial 122
Signalizer functors, weakly k-balanced 124
Signalizers, p-signalizers 110—134
Simplicial complex 164 170—174
Simplicial complex, coset complex 164 170
Simplicial complex, covering of complexes 170
Simplicial complex, simply connected 170
Solomon, R. 37
Stabilizer of a chain 73
Stable 2-center property 48
Stable involution property 48
Steinberg, R. 6 146
Stellmacher, B. 153 158
Stroth, G. 142
Subgroup, focal 90
Subgroup, generalized Fitting 6—13 27
Subgroup, Hall 77
Subgroup, L-preuniqueness 106
Subgroup, linked 111
Subgroup, maximal 110—117
Subgroup, of parabolic type 134—169
Subgroup, offending 148 151
Subgroup, p-local 3
Subgroup, Prattini 10—11
Subgroup, semisimple 6—16
Subgroup, strongly closed 100
Subgroup, strongly embedded 101 103—104
Subgroup, strongly p-embedded 101 104—105
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