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Kittel C., Knight W., Ruderman M. — Berkeley physics course 1. Mechanics |
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Form invariance of physical laws 119
Form invariant 47
Foucault pendulum 109
Foucault rotating mirror 305—306
Frames of reference 102—124 313—314
Frames of reference, Galilean 116—123
Frames of reference, inertial 102—110 309—312
Frames of reference, relativistic 326—344 350—353
Free fall 113 147
frequency 5 46 202—222
Frequency angular 46 207—208
Frequency cyclotron 77 381
Frequency driving 226—230
Frequency fundamental 226
Frequency harmonic 225—226
Friction 86—89 154—155 214—215 250—252
Friction, coefficient of 87 266
fundamental frequency 226
Fundamental length 279
G 63—65
g, centrifugal correction to 105—106
g, values of 106
Galaxy (ies) 107
Galaxy (ies), diameter 194
Galaxy (ies), gravitational energy 276
Galaxy (ies), mass 195
Galaxy (ies), motion in 295
Galaxy (ies), rotation 323
Galaxy (ies), shape 193—195
Galaxy (ies), velocity 318—319
Galilean frames of reference 116—123
Galilean invariance 102 115—122 174
Galilean transformation 116—122
Galilean transformation, failure of 309 313 326—327
Galileo Galilei 108—109
Galle, J.G. 170
Gamma rays 371—372 382—385
Gamma rays, recoil from 371—372
Gauss, C.F 9 170
Gauss, unit of magnetic field 71 73
Gaussian units 67—70
Genetics, DNA molecule in 6
Geodimeter 309
Geometry 7—14
Gibbs, J.W. 15 29
Gram, definition 62
Gravitational attraction 5 65—67 270—292
Gravitational energy 275
Gravitational energy of galaxy 276
Gravitational energy of sphere 276—277
Gravitational energy of stars 294
Gravitational energy of sun 277
Gravitational field 60 63 104
Gravitational field, uniform 63—65 154
Gravitational length 402
Gravitational mass 66 398—403
Gravitational mass of photons 400—403
Gravitational potential 158—163 271—279
Gravitational red shift 402—405
Gravitational self-energy 275—277
Gravitational waves 407
Greenstein, J.L. 407
Ground speed 128
Guidance, inertial 240
Gyrofrequency 77 80 381
Gyroradius 78 80 81 381
Gyroscope 240 261—263
Gyroscopic stabilization 263
Hadamard, J. 303
Hamiltonian 145
Harmonic frequency 225—226
Harmonic motion about equilibrium 212
harmonic oscillator 157 202—236 293
Harmonic oscillator, damped 217—221 226—231 233—234
Harmonic oscillator, driven 221—222 226—231 234—236
Harmonic oscillator, energy 204—206 213—214 218—220
Harmonic oscillator, power absorption 230—231
Harmonic oscillator, power dissipation 218—220
Havens, W.W., Jr. 337
Hayes, T.L. 22
HCL (hydrogen chloride) 293—294
Heat 155
Heaviside, O. 29
Helium 364—365
Helium-filled balloon 103
Helix 78
Hertz (unit) 5 208
HF (hydrogen fluoride) 293—294
Hole through earth 294
Hooke's law 149
Horsepower 167
Hydrogen atom 363
Hydrogen chloride 293—294
Hydrogen flouride 293—294
Hydrogen, burning of 364—365
Hyperbola 54
Impulse 138
Impulse approximation 405
Inclined plane 87 249
Inductance 202 210—212
Inelastic collision 83—84 120—122 360—361
Inertia see "Moment of inertia"
Inertial mass 66 398—400
Inertial reference frames 102—120 185 309—312
Initial conditions 94
Integral, line 145
Interferometer 312—316
Internal excitation 121
Internal forces 174—175 186—187 240
Internal torques 186—187 240
International System of units, SI units 68—72 159—161
Invariance 13 51 136
Invariance Galilean 119—122
Invariance Lorentz 328
Invariance of velocity of light (c) 317
Invariance rotational 14 191—192
Invariance translational 14
Invariants 46—47 50 328 357—358
Inverse Compton effect 389 391
Inverse-square-law force 66 158—160 270—292
Io, eclipses of 301
Ionization energy 197
Ions, high-speed 96—97
Isotropy of space 326
Ives, H.E. 343
Joule 139
Jupiter, eclipses of Io by 301 322
Kepler problem 280—284
Kepler's laws 190 286—289
Kerr cell 307—309
Kilogram, definition 62
kinetic energy 76 85 120—124 137—167 283—284
Kinetic energy of harmonic oscillator 213—214
Kinetic energy of rotation 241—263
Kinetic energy relativistic 320—321 355—357
Kinetic energy, dimensions of 141
Kinetic energy, random 155
Klein, F. 240
Krotkov, R. 66 400
Laboratory frame of reference 180—181 383—387
Ladder, forces on 197
Lagrangian 145
Larmor, J. 328
Law(s) Hooke's 149
Law(s) of classical mechanics 5
Law(s) of cosines 35
Law(s) of electrodynamics 6
Law(s) of physics 5—7 326
Law(s) of quantum mechanics 6
Law(s) of sines 38—39 see "Newton's "Newton's
| Lawrence, E.O. 95—99
LC circuit 209—212
LCR circuit 212
Length in Galilean transformation 116—118
Length, contraction parallel to relative velocity 329—332
Length, perpendicular to relative velocity 332—333
Leverrier, U.J.J. 171
Life 4
Lifetime of particles 336—339
Lift force 129
Light year 4 12 15
Light, curved path of 12—13 404—405
Light, speed of 72 300—322 326—327
Lilliequist, Carl 12
Line integral 145
Linear equation 218
Linear momentum, conservation of 14 82—85 120—124 174—181 350—355
Linear response 202 222
Linear restoring force 149—150
Livingston, M.S. 95—99
Loar, H.H. 337
Local Group 107
Longitudinal acceleration 73—74 376—378
Longitudinal Doppler effect 342—344
Loop the loop 169
Lorentz force 72 154
Lorentz invariant 328 352 357
Lorentz transformation 136 326—343 350—369
Lorentz — FitzGerald contraction 330
Mach's principle 111
Magnetic field 70—72 76—78 81—82 97 154 380—382
Magnetic field and electric, crossed 130—131
Magnetic focusing 81
Magnetic force 40 70—72 76—78 81—82 380—382
Magnitude of vector 28 29 35 46—47
MARS 23 24
Mass 58 60 62
Mass gravitational 66 398—403
Mass inertial 66 398—401
Mass of earth 4
Mass of electron 72
Mass of photon 400—405 572
Mass of Sun 4
Mass on spring 202—204
Mass reduced 290—293
Mass relativistic 355
Mass rest 355 357 358
Mass spectrometer 169
Mass, units of 62
Mass-energy conversions 362—365 372
Mass-energy equivalence 357—359 362—365 372
Mathematical notes 51—53 93—94 231—236
Maxwell, J.C. 310
McDonald, D.F. 301
McMillan, E.M. 392—395
McVitties, G.C. 319
Mechanics, classical 5
Mercury, orbit of 12—13 405—406
Mesons 344—345
Mesons 337
Mesons 337
Mesons , photo production 383—385
Meter stick (length) 118
Meter, definition 62
Michelson — Morley experiments 312—317 326
Michelson, A.A. 306 312 322
Milky Way 107
Molecules, vibration of 293—294
Moment of force see "Torque"
Moment of inertia 242—246 257
Moment of inertia of disk 245
Moment of inertia of plate 246
Moment of inertia of ring 244
Moment of inertia of rod 245
Moment of inertia of sphere 246
Moment of inertia of triangle 264
Momentum linear 58 83 174—181
Momentum of photon 366
Momentum relativistic 350—355 376—382
Momentum selector 81
Momentum total, for particle system 174
Momentum transverse 178
Momentum, conservation of 59 82—85 120—124 174 350—355
Momentum-energy transformation 359—360
Morley, E.W. 312
Mossbauer effect 372
Moving clocks 333
Mulligan, J.F. 301
Neptune, angular momentum of 195—196
Neptune, discovery of 10 170—171
Neutrino 326 337 344 365
Neutron decay 370
Neutron-proton force 271
New particles 376 385—387
Newkirk, Gordon 12
Newton (unit) 58
Newton pendulum 399 408
Newton rotating bucket example 110—111
Newton's laws of motion 13 58—60 102 398
Newtons law of gravitation 65—67
Noninertial frame 111—115
Nonrelativistic dynamics 58
novae 321
Nuclear reactions 362—365
Nuclei, binding energy 363—365
One-body problem (from two-body problem) 289—294
Orbits circular 44—46 66—67 284—286
Orbits equation and eccentricity 279—289
Orbits of planets 288
Origin of elements 365
Orthogonal axes 34 38
Oscillator 202—236
Oscillator anharmonic 224—226
Oscillator critically damped 234
Oscillator damped 217—221 226—231
Oscillator driven 221—222 226—231 234—236
Oscillator overdamped 234
parabola 54 64 283 286
Parallax 11
Parallax stellar 322
Parallel-axis theorem 242—247
Parallelogram law of addition 31
Parallelogram, area of 39
Parallelopiped, volume of 39 50
Parsec 15 288 289
Partial derivatives 156—157
Particles in rigid body 240—241
Particles interacting 174—175
Particles with zero rest mass 365—368
Particles, acceleration of 45
Particles, collision of see "Collision"
Particles, lifetime of 337—339
Particles, orbits of 279—292
Particles, velocity of 42
path integral 153
Pendulum 204—206
Pendulum compound 253
Pendulum Foucault 114—115
Pendulum large amplitude 226
Pendulum Newton 399 408
Pendulum nonlinear effects 224—226
Pendulum reversible 265
Perihelion of Mercury, precession 13 405—406
Period 46
Period oscillator 204—212
Period planets 288—289
Period satellite 67
Perpendicular axis theorem 244
Perpetual motion device 136
Perturbation 225
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