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Jork H. (ed.) — Thin-layer chromatography (Vol. 1a) |
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Mercury high pressure lamp, emission lines 1a 23 24
Mercury high pressure lamp, technical data 1a 23
Mercury lamps 1a 20 22ff
Mercury(D) salt, reagent 1a 340
Mercury(I) nitrate, reagent 1a 337
Mesaconic acid, reduction 1a 61
Mescaline 1b 268
Mesoporphyrin 1a 101 102
Metabenzthiazurone 1b 33 418
Metabolites 1b 37 135 268 358
Metal cations 1a 310—312 398 1b 317
Metal chelates 1a 248
Metal complexes 1a 248 398 1b
Metal ions 1a 398
Metamitron 1b 418
Metasystox 1b 338
Metazachlor 1b 417
Methadone 1b 43 358 360
Methamidophos 1b 164 165
Methamphetamine 1b 268 283
Methanol, dipole moment 1a 97
Methaqualon 1b 258
Methazolamide 1b 188
Methicillin 1b 84 301
Methionine 1b 301 358
Methionine sulfoxide 1b 75
Methoprotryn 1b 207 208 230 231 413 414
Methoxybenzaldehyde derivatives 1a 72
Methoxychlor 1b 227
Methoxycinnamic acid 1a 277
Methyl desoxyglycyrrhetate 1a 61
Methyl dopa 1b 125 136
Methyl elaidate, oxidation products 1b 372
Methyl glycyrrhetate, reduction 1a 61
Methyl iodide 1a 70
Methyl ketols 1b 236
Methyl linoleate oxidation products 1b 372
Methyl oleate oxidation products 1b 372
Methyl sugars 1a 188
Methyl-2-benzamidazolyl carbamate 1b 194
Methylamine 1b 104
Methylarbutine 1a 327
Methyldigoxin 1a 104
Methylephedrine 1b 327
Methylglucoside 1b 33
Methylmercury chloride 1b 156
Methylpaludinium chloride 1b 358
Methylsuccinic acid 1a 349
Methylumbelliferone, pH dependent fluorescence 1a 91
Methysergide 1b 249
Methysergide maleate 1b 249 257
Metobromuron 1b 418
Metolachlor 1b 417
Metoprolol 1b 268
Metoxurone 1a 74 1b
Metribuzin 1b 204 418
Mevinphos 1b 412
Mevinphos, cis 1b 164 165
Mevinphos, trans 1b 164 165
Mexacarabate 1b 312
Michler’s thioketone 1b 154 155
Microwave apparatus 1a 96ff
Mineral oil 1b 344
Mirsol 1a 45
Mitragyna alkloids 1a 314
Mixing mobile phases 1a 132
Molybdatophosphoric acid 1a 89 376
Molybdenum (VI) ions 1b 151 152
Molybdenum blue 1b 79
Molybdenum cations 1a 398
Molybdenum(VI) anions 1b 88 89
Monensin 1b 446
Moniliformin 1a 347 348 6
Monoacetylmorphine 1a 74 108 166 168 299 301 302 351 353
Monocarboxylic acids (see Carboxylic acids)
Monoglycerides 1a 45 1b
Monolinuron 1b 418
Monomethylhydrazine 1a 270
Monomethyltryptamine 1b 252
Mononitrophenyl acetate 1b 365
Monophosphate 1a 172
Monosaccharides 1a 154 160 163 179 181 185 186 188 199 200 325 1b 421
Monoterpene glucosides 1a 327 328
Monoterpene hydrocarbons 1a 76
Monoterpene ketones 1b 252—254
Monoterpenes 1b 448
Monuron 1b 252 418
Morazone 1a 45
Morgan — Elson reagent 1b 63
Morin 1a 44 91
Morphine 1a 74 105 108 166—168 235 299—302 352 353 376 1b 63 188 192 193 268 280 358 360 362 363
Morphine derivatives 1b 63
Morphine-6-nicotinate 1a 74
Morpholine lb 48 124 125
Mucolytics 1b 103
multiple development 1b 2
Murexide 1b 174
Murexide reaction 1b 174 176
Mustard gas derivatives 1a 359
Mustard oil 1b 312
Mycophenolic acid 1b 307
Mycotoxins 1a 7 69 103 105 109 147 148 166 195 347 359 411 438 439 1b 283 307 387
Myoglobin, dipole moment 1a 97
Myristic acid 1a 402 406
N — Acylglycine conjugates 1a 176
N — Arylthiosemicarbazides 1a 248
N — Carbamyltryptophan 1b 243
N — Cyano benzylamphetamine 1b 283
N — Ethylamine derivatives, tertiary 1b 290
N — Heterocyclics 1a 252 1b
n — Hydroxyacids 1a 71
N — Hydroxysuccinimide 1b 199
N — Nitrosamine 1a 107 1b
N — Phenyl carbamate pesticides 1a 63 107
N,N — Dimcthyl-p-toluidinc 1b 268
N,N — DPDD 1b 49 228 229 417
N,N,N-(tri-Haloalkyl)amines 1a 349
N,N-bis-(Haloalkyl)alkylamines 1a 354
N,N—Dimethylaniline 1b 268
N-Aryl-N’,N’-dialkylurea herbicides 1a 43
N-Aryl-N’-benzenesuIfonyl thiocarbamides 1a 248 249
N-Ethyl derivatives 1b 190
N-Ethyl derivatives, secondary 1b 190
N-Ethyl derivatives, tertiary 1b 188 191
N-Ethyl-N’-benzylthiourea 1b 301
n-Hexadecanol esters, alkaline hydrolysis 1a 63
N-Methyl-N-(4-aminobenzyl)-amino derivatives of isocyanates 1b 106
N-Methylphenylalanine 1a 89
Nadolol 1a 299 1b 348
Nafazatrom 1b 237
Nafcillin 1b 188
Naled 1b 412
Naloxon 1b 358
Naltrexon 1b 258
Naphthoquinone glucosides 1a 166
Naphthylamines 1a 66 1b 401
Naproxene 1b 143 145 146
Naptalam 1b 33
Narasin 1b 446
Narceine 1b 193
Narcotics 1a 260
Narcotin 1b 192 193 362 363
Naturstoffreagenz A according to Neu 1a 277
NBD chloride reagent 1a 76 238 287 1b
NBP reagent 1a 90 359
Neatan perservation 1a 134
Neo-kestose 1b 423
Neoamygdalline 1b 121
Neomycin 1a 287 423
Neostigmine 1b 290
| Nephopam 1a 45
Nerol 1a 76 327
Nerol, glucoside 1a 327
Netilmicin 1a 105 286 287
Nettle leaf extract 1b 217
Neuroleptics 1b 352
Nickel cations 1a 144 145 311 1b
Nickel — DMSO complex 1b 259
Nicotinamide 1b 126 127 204 365
Nicotinic acid 1b 126 127
Ninhydrin 1a 87 88 90 354
Ninhydrin, in mobile phase 1a 57 88
Ninhydrin, reaction, stabilization by cadmium 1a 98
Nitralin 1b 110—112
Nitrate 1b 128
Nitrate anions 1b 66 67 129
Nitrate esters 1b 415 417
Nitration 1a 66ff
Nitrazepam 1a 267 364 1b
Nitrite anion 1b 66 67 307 407—410
Nitro derivatives 1b 49
Nitro groups, reduction 1a 77
Nitroaromatics 1b 90 246
Nitroaryl esters 1b 365
Nitrobenzylarenes 1b 290
Nitrocompounds 1a 58 409 411 1b 407 409
Nitrocompounds, aromatic 1a 66 270 1b 94 103 108 109 418 425 426
Nitrocompounds, reduction 1a 61
Nitrogen compounds 1b 358
Nitrogen compounds, tertiary 1b 278 296
Nitroglycerol 1b 415
Nitroindole 1a 418
Nitrophenacyl esters 1b 122
Nitrophenol 1b 199 404 405 426 428
Nitrophenols 1b 404 425 427 428
Nitrophenyl isocyanate 1a 77
Nitrous fumes for nitration 1a 67
Noltran 1b 365
Nomifensin 1b 22 34
Nomifensin metabolites 1b 34
Nomilin 1b 244
Nonanyl peroxide 1b 227
Nondestructive detection 1a 42ff
Nondestructive detection, iodine treatment 1a 46
Nondestructive detection, with fluorescence reagents 1a 44
Nondestructive detection, with pH indicators 1a 45
Noradrenaline 1a 76 240 393—396 1b
Norephedrine 1a 76
Norfenefrine 1a 76
Norfenfluramine derivatives 1a 45 19
Norsteroids 1b 282
Nortriptyline 1b 100—102 268 354
Novonal 1a 339
NRDC 149 1b
Nucleosides 1a 364 1b
nucleotides 1a 76 234 364
Nux vomica extract 1a 316 1b
Nystatin 1a 148
Nystose 1b 423 424
o-Anisidine 1a 67
o-Diamines, aromatic 1b 383
o-Dihydroxybenzene 1a 89 174 273
o-Phenylphenol 1a 262
o-Phthalaldehyde 1b 349
o-Phthalaldehyde, reagent 1a 287 380
Ochratoxin 1a 69 147 166 167
Oil components 1b 286
Oleanolic acid by reduction 1a 60
Oleanonic acid by oxidation 1a 59 70
Oleanonic acid methyl ester 1a 70
Olefmes 1a 359
Oleic acid 1a 73 89 1b
Oligogalacturonic acids 1a 45 322
Oligopeptides lb 401
Oligosaccharides 1a 86 179 181 188 199 325 408 426 1b 34 421 422
Oligourethanes 1b 72
Oligouronic acids 1a 188
Omethoate 1b 164 165
On-line sample preparator 1b 4
OPA reagent 1a 287 380
Opium alkaloids 1b 192 277 280 283 324 362 363
Oppenauer oxidation 1b 54
Oppenauer reaction 1a 59
OPT reagent 1a 380
Optical trains, evaluation 1a 30 39
Orellanine 1b 307
Orelline 1b 307
Orellinine 1b 307
Organic anions 1a 44
Organoarsenic compounds 1a 269
Organomercury compounds 1b 154 155
Organophosphoric acid insecticides 1b 45
Organophosphoric acid pesticides 1b 387 389 418
Organophosphoric acids 1a 70
Organophosphorus insecticides 1a 337 340 341 359 361—363
Organotin compounds 1a 399 1b 319
Ornithine 1a 235
Orthosipon leaf extract 1b 216 217
Oryzalin 1b 110—112
Ovalbumin 1b 401
Over pressure layer chromatography (OPLC) lb 4
Oxacillin 1b 84 188 301
Oxaflozan 1b 268 358
Oxalic acid 1a 45 171 426
Oxamyl 1b 332
Oxathiine derivatives 1b 301 304
Oxathizine fungicides 1a 44
Oxazepam 1a 364
Oxazolidinthione derivatives 1b 301
Oxeladine citrate 1b 327
Oxidation of primary alcohols 1a 57
Oxidation of primary alcohols, secondary alcohols 1a 57
Oxidation, aluminium isopropoxide 1a 59
Oxidation, atmospheric oxygen 1a 60
Oxidation, chromic acid 1a 59 60
Oxidation, hydrogen peroxide 1a 59
Oxidation, iodine 1a 60
Oxidation, naphthoquinone-potassium tertbutoxide 1a 59
Oxidations 1b 63
Oxides of nitrogen vapor 1a 86 11
Oxoanderosterone 1b 78 11
Oxolanostenyl acetate 1a 62
Oxomemazine 1b 354 17
Oxosteroids 1b 78 79
Oxprenolol 1a 299 1b
Oxycodeinone 1b 280
Oxydemeton methyl 1b 164 165
Oxyhemoglobin, dipole moment 1a 97
Oxymorphone 1b 280
Oxypertin 1b 354
Oxytetracycline 1b 271
p — Benzoquinone derivatives 1a 72
p-Anisidine 1a 67 199
p-Dihydroxybenzcnc 1a 44 89 174
p-O-Methyldhurrin 1b 121
p-O-Methyltaxiphylline 1b 121 4
p-Toluenesulfonic acid reagent 1a 76 6
p-Toluidino-2—naphthalenesulfonic acid reagent 1a 44
PAHs (see Hydrocarbons aromatic)
Palladium cations 1a 144
Palmitic acid 1a 45 402 406
Palmityllactic acid 1a 45
Panose 1b 423
Pantheol 1a 265 267 1b
Papaverine 1a 235 1b 192 193 362 363
Papaverrubines 1a 303
Parabendazole 1b 194
Parabendazole metabolites 1b 194
Paraffin 1b 32
Paraffin derivatives 1a 44
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