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Jork H. (ed.) — Thin-layer chromatography (Vol. 1a) |
Предметный указатель |
Hordenin 1b 229
Horizontal chamber 1a 127
Hormones, steroidal 1a 206
Hotplates 1a 93
Hotplates, temperature adjustment 1a 94
Hotplates, temperature distribution 1a 95
Husemann reaction 1b 64
Hydastin 1b 358
Hydrazines 1a 269 284 1b
Hydrazone formation 1a 71
Hydrazone formation with 2,4-dinitrophenylhydrazine 1a 71 72 274
Hydrazone formation, 2,4-dinitrophenylsemicarbazide 1a 72
Hydrazone formation, 4-nitrophenylhydrazine 1a 72
Hydrazone formation, Girard’s reagent 1a 72
Hydrazone formation, trimethylacetohydrazide 1a 72
Hydrides, complex, reduction with 1b 54
Hydrocarbons 1a 39 43—46 191 210 214 252 260 299 404 416 1b 291
Hydrocarbons, aromatic 1a 46 210 252 260 299 416
Hydrocarbons, chlorinated 1b 418
Hydrocarbons, fluorescence enhancement 1a 103 108
Hydrocarbons, oxidation 1a 60
Hydrocarbons, polycyclic aromatic 1b 278
Hydrochloric acid 1a 269
Hydrochloric acid, vapor 1a 86 303
Hydrochlothiazide 1b 95—97 135 136
Hydrocortisone 1a 221 1b
Hydrocortisone as dansylhydrazone 1a 221
Hydrocyanic acid glycosides 1b 120
Hydrogen lamp la 21 22
Hydrogen peroxide 1a 307ff 368
Hydrogen sulfide vapor 1a 86
Hydrolysis, enzymatic 1a 63 64
Hydrolysis, hydrochloric acid 1a 62
Hydrolysis, in ammonia atmosphere 1a 63
Hydrolysis, in methanolic potassium hydroxide 1a 63
Hydrolysis, in methanolic sodium hydroxide 1a 63
Hydrolysis, phosphate monoesterase 1a 63
Hydrolysis, phosphodiesterase 1a 63
Hydrolysis, phospholipase 1a 64
Hydrolysis, phosphoric acid 1a 63
Hydrolysis, potassium hydoxide 1a 63
Hydrolysis, with Luizym® solution 1a 64
Hydroperoxides 1a 368 1b
Hydroperoxides, alkyl 1b 227 1
Hydroquinone 1a 44 89 174 1b 172 181 268
Hydroxamic acids 1b 307
Hydroxy flavones 1b 158 159 6
Hydroxy lupanine 1b 32
Hydroxyacetophenone derivatives 1b 282
Hydroxyamino acids 1b 133
Hydroxyanthraquinone 1a 148 288
Hydroxybenzaldehyde derivatives 1a 72
Hydroxycinnamic acid 1a 277
Hydroxycinnamic acid derivatives 1b 307
Hydroxycitronellal 1b 451
Hydroxyflavone 1a 70 5
Hydroxyflavonoids 1b 159
Hydroxyindole derivatives 1b 252 442
Hydroxyindoyl-3—acetic acid 1b 243
Hydroxyproline 1a 240 241 246 435 1b 323
Hydroxyskatoles 1b 252 254
Hymenin 1b 446
Hyodesoxycholic acid 1a 334
Hypericin 1a 148 279 280
Hyperoside 1a 149 279 323
Hypnotics, bromine-containing 1b 227
Imiclopazine 1b 354
Imidan 1b 32
Imidazole 1b 268 270
Imidazole antimycotics 1b 98
Imidazole derivatives 1a 380 1b 50 99 290 401
Imidazole thioethers 1b 401
Imino groups 1b 194
Imipramine 1b 327 328 352—354 358
Imipramine derivatives 1b 352—354
Imperatorin 1a 65
Impregnation, - silver nitrate 1a 86
Impregnation, - tungstate 1a 86
Impregnation, with caffeine 1a 86
Indandione derivatives 1b 359 401
Indenc(1,2,3—cd)pyrene 1a 39 85
Indium cations 1a 144
Indol-3-acetic acid 1b 234 343
Indole alkaloids 1a 66 314 1b
Indole amines 1a 76 294 296
Indole derivatives 1a 45 76 106 260 270 294 296 376 380—382 416 417 1b 63 236 243 245 246 247 252— 254 277 348 350 440 441 444
Indoleacetic acid 1a 45
Indoles 1a 46 252 260 269 314 315 364 417 418 1b 270 379 440 441 443—445
Indoles, -substituted 1a 270
Inflammation inhibitors 1b 312
INH reagent 1a 318
Inositol 1b 43
Insecticides 1a 7 44 76 1b 83 229 327 338
Insecticides, carbamate 1b 83 332 334 415
Insecticides, chlorinated 1b 83
Insecticides, chlorine-containing 1b 227
Insecticides, organophosphorus 1a 337 340 341 359 351—363 1b 332 415
Insecticides, pyrethroid 1a 359
Insecticides, thiophosphoric acid 1b 113—115 162- 164 301 304 305 333—335 338—340 367 413
Insulin derivatives 1b 401
Iodate anions 1a 188 190 1b
Iodazide reaction 1b 301 303
Iodide anions 1a 190 1b 77 128 129
Iodide vapor 1a 46 64 78
Iodination 1a 66
Iodine compounds 1b 76 77
Iodine staining 1b 278
Iodine substitution under the influence of light 1a 47
Iodine-azide reaction 1b 85 301 304
Iodine-starch complex 1b 195
Iodine-starch inclusion compounds 1a 46
Ipecacuahna extract 1a 263 1b
Ipecacuanha 1a 47
Ipecacuanha, tincture 1b 292 293
Ipecacuanhae radix 1a 263
Iprodion 1b 230
Irgasan 1b 227
Iridoids 1b 446
Iron cations 1a 144 217 311 1b 159 160
Iron(M) chloride, reagent 1a 170 216 314
Isoacsorbic acid 1a 376
Isobomyl acetate 1b 451
Isocorydin 1b 358
Isocyanates 1b 106 107
Isogentisin 1b 365
Isoleucine 1a 246 247
Isolysergamide 1b 243
Isomerization 1b 18
Isomethone 1b 437
Isonicotinic acid hydrazide 1a 311
Isoprenaline 1a 395 396 1b
Isoprenoids 1a 44
Isopropaline 1b 110—112
Isopropylamine 1b 104 4
Isopropylaniline 1b 395—396
Isoproturon 1b 418
Isopulegol, oxidation 1a 59
Isoquercitrin 1a 279 280 323
Isoquinoline alkaloids 1a 46 66 262 1b
Isorhamnetin 1a 323
Isothiazolone, microbiocidal 1a 45
Isothiocyanate anions 1b 307
Isothiocyanates 1a 75 1b
Isotopes, detection limits 1a 41
Itaconic acid, reduction 1a 61
JENSENS’s reagent 1b 183
Kaempferol glucoside 1a 323
Kedde’s reagent 1b 236 237
Ketazon 1b 280
Keto acids 1a 262
| Keto groups, free 1a 273
Ketobetulic acid 1a 59 7
Ketocholesterol, reduction 1a 60
Ketoetiocholanolone 1b 346 3
Ketoglutaric acid 1a 45 249
Ketohexoses 1a 180 181
Ketone peroxides 1a 368 1b
Ketones 1a 72 1b 51—54
Ketoprofen 1b 223 225 226
Ketoses 1a 180 181 202 203 220 273 274 428 1b
Ketosteroids 1a 333 1b
Ketosugars 1b 223 224 3
Ketoursolicacid 1a 59
Khusol, oxidation 1a 59
Knoevanagel reaction 1b 53
Kober reaction 1b 65
Kojicacid 1b 401
Kryptobases 1b 53
Kubelka — Munk function 1a 35 36
k—Strophantin 1b 265 266
L — Bomeol glucoside 1a 327
l,l’-Carbonyldiimidazole 1b 327
Labelling of chromatograms 1a 131
Lactic acid 1a 45 171 230 233 250 258 259 308
Lactose 1a 155 156 161 162 181—183 277 278 1b 223 423
Lamps, deuterium 1a 21
Lamps, halogen 1a 22
Lamps, hydrogen 1a 20 21
Lamps, mercury 1a 20 23
Lamps, radiation characteristics 1a 20 21
Lamps, tungsten 1a 21
Lamps, UV 1a 13—17
Lamps, working life 1a 21
Lamps, xenon 1a 20 22
Landrin 1b 29 312
Lanthanum cations 1a 144
Lasalocid 1b 446
Laser, He — Ne 1a 22
Laurie acid 1a 402 406
Lauryl alcohol 1b 43
Lavender oil 1b 451
Lead cations 1a 144 1b
Lead(II) acetate basic reagent 1a 322
Lead(IV) acetate dichlorofluorescein reagent 1a 325—328
Lead(IV) acetate fuchsin reagent 1a 329—332
Lecithin 1a 44 377 378 1b 327
Legal’s sample 1b 119
Leucine 1a 246 247 267 268 296 297
Leuckart — Wallach reaction 1b 54
Levomepromazine 1b 354 356
Lichen acids 1a 45
Lidocaine 1b 137 138 188
Lidoflazin 1b 354
Liebermann — Burchard reaction 1b 175
Lignans 1b 312
Lily of the valley extract 1b 185 266
Limonene oxidation products 1b 372
Limonine 1b 244
Linalool 1a 68 69 70 76 327
Linalool, glucoside 1a 327
Linaloyl acetate 1a 68
Lincomycin 1b 446 448
Linear chamber (see also horizontal chamber) 1a 5
Linearity, improvement of the calibration by derivatization 1a 56
Linoleic acid 1a 73
Linoleic acid hydroperoxide 1b 227
Linoleic acid, oxidation products 1b 372
Linolenic acid 1a 73
Linseed oil 1b 286
Linurone 1a 74 108 1b 69 244 252 418
Lipids 1a 44—46 89 191 242 333 376 377 401 404 411 438 439 1b 277 281 282 290
Lipoproteins 1a 44
Lipopurothionine 1b 290
Liquid crystals 1b 343
Lisuride dihydrogen maleate 1b 249
Lisuride hydrogen maleate 1b 257
Lithium cations 1a 144
Lithocholic acid 1a 334
Local anesthetics 1b 137 188
Lofepramine 1b 354 355
LSD 1b 243 323 348
Ludox solution 1b 329
Lugol’s solution 1b 292
Luminal 1a 339 342 343
Luminescence 1a 10 11 15
Lupanine 1b 32
Lupeol 1a 70
Lupeol acetate, alkaline hydrolysis 1a 63
Lupinine 1b 32
Luteolin 1a 220 221 279
Luteoskyrin 1a 104
Lysergamide 1b 243
Lysergic acid 1b 348
Lysergic acid and derivatives 1a 98 340 1b
Lyseric acid diethylamide 1b 252 255
m — Dinitro benzene 1b 379
m-Anisidine 1a 67
m-Dihydroxybenzene 1a 174 273
MACB=5-chloro-2-(methylamino)benzophenone 1a 227
Macrolide antibiotics 1a 195
Magnesium cations 1a 144 145 311 312
Malachite green 1a 45
Malathion 1b 83 304 305 338 340 341
Maleic acid 1a 44 61 171 230 249 250
Malic acid 1a 45 175 230 233 250 258 259 308
Malonic acid 1a 45 249
Maloron 1a 108
Maltodextrin 1a 182
Maltose 1a 164 165 181—184 1b 424
Maltotetraose 1b 423 424
Maltotriose 1b 423 424
Mandelin’s reagent 1a 426
Mandelonitrile glycosides 1b 120—122
Manganese cations 1a 144 1b
Manganese(II) chloride 1a 333
Mannitol 1a 409 410
Mannose 1b 33 423
Maprotilin 1b 268 358
Maretin 1b 32 365
Maridommycins 1b 283
Marking the mobile phase front 1a 132
Marmesin 1a 67
Marquis reaction 1a 352 1b
Marquis reagent 1a 299 1b
Matacil 1a 107 1b
Matricin 1b 239 240
Matrix effect and Rf value 1a 133
MBTH reagent 1a 347
MDPF reagent 1a 344
Measurement wavelength, choice 1a 31
Meerwein — Ponndorff reduction 1b 54
Meisenheimer complex 1b 47 264 366
Melamine resin 1b 212 213
Melezitose 1b 423
Melibiose 1b 423
Melissae folium, essential oil components 1a 195
Melperon 1b 354
Memory effect 1b 20
Menazon 1b 32 365 387
Menthofuran 1a 211 212
Menthol 1a 44 59 68 69 70 197 198 327 1b
Menthol, glucoside 1a 224
Menthone 1a 72 210 211 lb 451
Menthyl acetate 1a 68 197 211 1b
Menthyl glucoside 1a 325 328
Meprobamat 1b 204
Mercaptans 1a 239 1b 339 6
Mercaptoethanol 1b 349
Mercaptopurine derivatives 1b 290
Mercury cations 1a 144 311
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