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Buckmaster J. — The Mathematics of combustion
Buckmaster J. — The Mathematics of combustion

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Название: The Mathematics of combustion

Автор: Buckmaster J.


This book delves into the rapidly changing area of combustion, in which asymptotic methods and bifurcation theory have made a significant impact as have the constant-density, small-heat-release models and other important contributions.

Язык: en

Рубрика: Математика/

Статус предметного указателя: Готов указатель с номерами страниц

ed2k: ed2k stats

Год издания: 1985

Количество страниц: 267

Добавлена в каталог: 21.09.2014

Операции: Положить на полку | Скопировать ссылку для форума | Скопировать ID
Предметный указатель
Acoustic disturbance      17
Acoustic disturbance, linear chemistry      205
Acoustic instability      33 123
Acoustic signal      176
Acoustic time scale      38
Acoustic wave      18 142 143 184 205 208 209
Activation energy      7 12 14 15 16 22 23 26 106 185 188 202 239
Activation energy, asymptotics      22 23 35 119 124
Activation energy, infinite      23
Activation energy, limit, nonlinear chemistry      224
Activation energy, nondimensional      12 14
Activation energy, number      192 194 195
Activation energy, number, nonlinear chemistry      225
Adiabatic flame speed      19 29
Adiabatic flame temperature      11 16 19 23 26 28
Adiabatic treatment for detonation      144
Adjoint technique      77
Age theory      108 120
AIM method      57
Ambient atmosphere      184 185 187 201 204 219
Ambient atmosphere and chemical equilibrium      191
Ambient atmosphere, disturbance behavior      192 220
Ambient atmosphere, equations for      191—194
Ambient atmosphere, gaseous combustion      191—193
Ambient atmosphere, nonlinear chemistry      225
Ambient atmosphere, premixed      191
Ambient atmosphere, spatial uniformity      191
Ambient reaction rate      203
Amplification factor, linear chemistry      210 218 219
Amplitude factor, linear chemistry      204 218 219
Analog, detonation      134—145
Analog, detonation, applications and limitations      152 153
Arrhenius factor      7 24 61 106 151
Arrhenius factor, exponential      23
Arrhenius factor, kinetics      13 43
Arrhenius factor, reaction rate      136 161 188
Arrhenius factor, temperature      164 176
Asymptotic analysis      23—25 28 35 36 73 220
Asymptotic analysis, turbulence      109
atomic scale      47 51 89
Autocatalysis      68
Averaging, turbulence      104
Backward acoustic characteristic      147 148
Beta function distribution      116
Bifurcation points      54
Blowoff      118 119
Bluff-body flame holder      121
Boltzmann equation      102
Boundary condition      34 35 53 60 157 165 166 167 174 176 228
Boundary condition, deterministic      99
Boundary condition, rear      140
Boundary condition, sensitivity      61
Boundary condition, stochastic      99
Boundary condition, turbulent flow      101
Boundary layer formulation      40
Boundary pressure      176 177 178 179
Boundary value problem      184 191
Boundary velocity      140
Bromwich contour      206
Bulk phenomenon      88 89
Buoyancy      40—42
Buoyant instability      122
Burgers equation      133 152 185 186 204 205 211 225 226
Burke — Schumann limit      37
Burning velocity      121 see
Cell structure      19 27 142 161 183
Cellular instability      27 28 42
Chapman — Jouget detonation      138 140 155 156 160 see
Chapman — Jouget point      140 142
Chapman — Jouget velocity      140
Characteristic growth constant      73
Characteristic length      34 41
Characteristic mass flux      34
Characteristic parameter      197
Characteristic parameter, gaseous combustion      240
Characteristic speed      42 140 153 166 167
Characteristic temperature      34
Charles' law      41
Chemical activity      186
Chemical composition field      184
Chemical concentration      55
Chemical energy, gaseous system      183
Chemical equilibrium, turbulent combustion      111
Chemical instability      67 73
Chemical kinetics      7—9 55 89 98 102 107
Chemical reactor      71 121
Chemical species      65 71 72 99
Chemical species, concentration      64 67 73
Chemical species, conservation      101 188
Chemically frozen flow      198
Chuffing      33
CJ      see "Chapman — Jouget"
Classical wave equation      223
Closure      101 105 128
Closure, turbulence      101 102
Coherence      187
Cold boundary difficulty      11 44 191
Cole — Hopf reduction      205
Collision cross section      88
Colored noise      67
Combustible gases, finite amplitude waves in      183—245
Combustion energy number      194
Combustion equations      50 59
Combustion field      10 38
Combustion theory, fundamentals of      3—46
composition      173 175
Compression wave      229 230
Compression wave, gas dynamical      187
Compression wave, linear chemistry      210 211
Concentration      13 16 67 68 76
Concentration as dependent variable      77
Concentration correlation function      68
Concentration gradient      5 55
Concentration profile      59 74 75 89
Concentration trajectory      68
Concentration, mean      68
Conduction coefficient      27
Conduction-diffusion scale      29
Connectivity of reactions      89
Conservation condition      135
Conservation equation      6 99 124 125 188
Conservation equation, nonlinear      104
Conservation equation, small disturbance      236
Conserved scalar      128
Conserved scalar, turbulence      107
Constant density model      26 30 32 101 174
Constant diffusivity      101
Control      49 64 71 90 91
Cordite      35
Correlation      84
Correlation, diffusion and rate      81
Coulombic interaction      88
Countergradient diffusion      107 116
Coupling      54 89 185
Coupling and network theory      89
Coupling, chemical      89 185 186 189
Coupling, chemical radicals      71 72
Coupling, chemistry and wave processes      185 189
Coupling, diffusion and kinetic      80
Coupling, gas dynamical      186 187
Covariance      66 84 85
Curvature      19 20 21 124 143
Curvature, laminar flame      121
Curvature, reaction sheet      124
Daemkohler number      36 110 112 113 124
Darrieus — Landau analysis      19 33
DDT      see "Deflagration to detonation transition"
Dead water hypothesis      22
Deflagration      16 17 25 26
Deflagration initiation, detonation      144
Deflagration to detonation transition      44 144 145 187
Deflagration wave      10—12 19 23 25 26 33 133 see
Delta function      25—35 115 124
Delta function, Dirac      25 76 238
Delta function, Kronecker      57
Derived sensitivity      76—82
Deterministic system      52 53 69
Detonation      9 17 44 133 see
Detonation front      138 143
Detonation Hugoniot      142
Detonation in a tube      143 157
Detonation in miniature      133—181
Detonation pressure      140
Detonation velocity      140 143
Detonation wave      35 133 152 183
Detonation wave, ZND model      138
Detonation, current theory      134 142—145
Detonation, galloping      161 162 164
Detonation, initiation      144 172—180
Detonation, physical system for      134—145
Detonation, spherical      142
Detonation, steady      154
Detonation, two-dimensional      144
Diffusion approximation      105
Diffusion coefficient      27 53 82
Diffusion dominated process      185
Diffusion flame      7 16 35—42 111 113 117 120
Diffusion flame, chemical equilibrium      118
Diffusion flame, distributed reaction      119
Diffusion flame, instability      122
Diffusion flame, reaction sheet      115—119 127
Diffusion flame, turbulent jet      120
Diffusion process      80
Diffusive mass flux      188
Diffusive term      152
Diffusive-thermal instability      123
Diffusivity      209
Dimensionless equations, gaseous combustion      193—195
Dirichlet problem      61
Dispersive wave system      186 223 242
Dissipation length      116
Distinguished limit      24 200 201 220
Distributed parameters      49 50
Distributed reaction regime      127
Disturbance amplitude      185
Dynamic equilibrium      57 58
Dynamical equation      50 54
Eddy breakup model      105 121
Eigenvalue detonation      141 156
Eigenvalue detonation, unsupported      156
Eigenvalue-eigenvector analysis      91
Elementary sensitivity      see "Sensitivity"
Elliptic problem      29
Energy balance equation      53 61
Energy conservation      61 136 188
energy equation      4 11 13
Energy flux      4 6 61 188
Enthalpy      4 5 107 111 188 189
entropy      17 136
Entropy, analog      151
Equal-areas formula      213
Equation of motion      53 166
Equation of state      4 10 11 38 41 137 145 161 165 166 176 189
Equation of state, analog      149 150 152
Equation of state, polytropic gas      177
Equation of state, thermal      136
Equation of state, turbulent combustion      111
Equilibrium constant      8
Equilibrium constant, analog      151
Equilibrium dependence      117
Equilibrium limit      37
Equilibrium sound speed      153 154
Error analysis      48 82 85
Error analysis, sensitivity analysis      82
Error propagation      51
ESCIMO theory      108
Euler equation      19 103
Euler equation, inviscid compressible flow      134 135
Euler equation, nonreactive      145
Exothermic reaction      15 184
Exothermic reaction, gaseous combustion      196
Expectation      66 67
Extinction      31 38 45 118
Extinction, fuel drop      45
Extinction, laminar flame      127
Extinction, local      118
Extracted parameter      82
Far field      28 123 126 175
Favre average      106
Feature parameter      75 76
Feature sensitivity analysis      52 73—77 86
Fick's law      5 188
Finite amplitude waves in combustible gases      183—245
Finite difference method      88
Finite difference method, turbulence      103
Finite element method, turbulence      103
Finite excursion      91 92
Fitting      74 75
Fizz burning      33—35
Flame bubble      28
Flame curvature      see "Curvature"
Flame length      18 19 117
Flame profile      82
Flame propagation      28 44
Flame sheet      23 24 26 29 30 37 39 40 122 134
Flame sheet model      32 37 117
Flame sheet, spherical      28
Flame sheet, thickness      39
Flame speed      11 12 22 26 31 82
Flame speed, negative      31 32
Flame stretch      123 124
Flame stretch, reaction-sheet regime      123
Flame stretch, weak      124
Flame structure      17 18 23
Flame tip      22 29
flicker      40
Flow characteristic      174
Flow field      30 183
Flow, statistical properties      101
Flow, turbulent variable density      106
Fluctuation dissipation theorem      66 67
Fluid dynamic instability      123
Fluid flow, equations of      98
Fluid instabilities      99
Fluid mechanics      26 32 38 42 47 121
Fluid mechanics, turbulence      107
Fluid mechanics, velocity, upstream      124
Flux      see "Specific parameters"
Fokker — Planck equation      68
Following flow      160
Forced convection      40
Forward acoustic characteristic      147 148
Frechet derivative      63
Frequency dependence      59
Fresh gas      19 21
Front      19
Frozen chemistry      210 211
Frozen Rankine — Hugoniot shock      212
Frozen sound speed      136 143 150 153 190 222 223 237
Frozen sound speed, adiabatic      223
Frozen sound speed, nonlinear chemistry      224
Frozen specific heat      189
Fuel drop      35
Fuel-lean (rich) mixture      12 13 27 28
Functional derivative      63 64 65 70
Functional equation, turbulent combustion      99
Functional sensitivity analysis      49 62—65
Functional variation      63 70
Fundamental equations of combustion theory      3—7
Gallop      161 162 164
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