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Barnes D., Mack J. — An Algebraic Introduction to Mathematical Logic
Barnes D., Mack J. — An Algebraic Introduction to Mathematical Logic

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Название: An Algebraic Introduction to Mathematical Logic

Авторы: Barnes D., Mack J.


This book is intended for mathematicians. Its origins lie in a course of lectures given by an algebraist to a class which had just completed a sub­ stantial course on abstract algebra. Consequently, our treatment ofthe sub­ ject is algebraic. Although we assurne a reasonable level of sophistication in algebra, the text requires little more than the basic notions of group, ring, module, etc. A more detailed knowledge of algebra is required for some of . the exercises. We also assurne a familiarity with the main ideas of set theory, including cardinal numbers and Zorn's Lemma. In this book, we carry out a mathematical study of the logic used in mathematics. We do this by constructing a mathematical model oflogic and applying mathematics to analyse the properties of the model. We therefore regard all our existing knowledge of mathematics as being applicable to the analysis of the model, and in particular we accept set theory as part of the meta-Ianguage. We are not attempting to construct a foundation on which all mathematics is to be based-rather, any conclusions to be drawn about the foundations of mathematics co me only by analogy with the model, and are to be regarded in much the same way as the conclusions drawn from any scientific theory.

Язык: en

Рубрика: Математика/

Статус предметного указателя: Готов указатель с номерами страниц

ed2k: ed2k stats

Год издания: 1975

Количество страниц: 130

Добавлена в каталог: 21.09.2014

Операции: Положить на полку | Скопировать ссылку для форума | Скопировать ID
Предметный указатель
$\mathscr{P}$ (Peano arithmetic)      59
$\mathscr{P}$ (Peano arithmetic), completeness of      61
$\mathscr{P}$ (Peano arithmetic), models of      61
Addition, theory of      61
Adequacy      18
Adequacy Theorem      22 36
Algebra, free      4
Algebra, full first-order      27
Algebra, Lindenbaum      22
Algebra, proposition      12
Algebra, reduced first-order      28
Algebra, relatively free      8
Algebra, universal      2
Algebraic theory      72
Alphabet of Turing machine      85
Alphabet of Turing machine, universal      90
Arity      1
Axiom of Choice      55 57
Axiom of extension      53 56
Axiom of infinity      54 57
Axiom of pairing      53 57
Axiom of Power Set      54 57
Axiom of regularity      56
Axiom of union      54 57
Axiom Schema of Replacement      55 57
Axiom Schema of Restriction      55 57
axiom schema of subsets      53 56
Axioms of a theory      40
Axioms of Pred(V,$\mathscr{R}$)      30
Axioms of Prop(X)      15
Bounded universal quantifier      108
Cardinal of model      44
Cardinal of theory      45
Categorical      44 47
Categorical in cardinal $\chi$      45 47
Church's Theorem      102
Church's thesis      105
Compactness Theorem      22 37
Completeness      43 44 47 51
Computation by Turing machine      88
Concurrent relation      76
Conjugacy problem      110
Consequence      13 30
Consequence, proper      39
Consistency      18
Consistency of first-order theory      43
Consistency theorem      19 34
Consistent subset      40
Consistent subset, maximal      40
Constant      40
Continuity      83
Continuity, uniform      83
Decidability      19 94
Decidability of Prop(X)      24
Decidability of Theory of Equality      51
Deduction      15 31
Deduction Theorem      19 34
Definable      43
Definable, strongly      97
Dense linear order      47
Depth of quantification      28
Description of relation      76
Description, instantaneous of Turing machine      87
Description, shortest      87
Diophantine set      107
Domain of relation      76
Dual      42
Effectively axiomatised theory      93
Elementary      41
Elementary Group Theory      41
Elementary theory of fields      45
Enlargement of standard object      77
Enlargement of theory      77
Enlargement, full      77
Extension of model      77
Extension of theory      77
Failure of Turing machine      88
Field, algebraic closure of      66
Fields, Elementary Theory of      45
Filter      63
Filter, existence of      65
Filter, Frechet      63
Finite intersection property      65
Generalisation      31
Godel's Incompleteness Theorem      100
Goedel number      91 92
Goedel's completeness theorem      37
Hilbert's tenth problem      105
Homomorphism      13
Identical relation      7
Identity, axioms of      38
Identity, Predicate Calculus with      39
Incompleteness of recursive arithmetic      100
Infinite real numbers      81
Infinitesimal real numbers      81
Initial state      88
Internal relation      80
Interpretation      30
Interpretation, proper      39
Isomorphism of models      44
Isomorphism of T-algebras      4
Isomorphism problem      110
Kalmar's Theorem      103
kth-order objects      75
Language of theory      40
Law of a variety      7
Law of an algebra      7
Limit of function      83
Limit of sequence      82
Limit, direct      70
Limit, existence of      72
Logic      18
Loуwenheim — Skolem Theorem      46
Minimalisation      106
Model of first-order theory      42
Model of Peano arithmetic      61
Model, non-standard      75
Model, standard      75
modus ponens      15
Monad      82
Natural numbers in ZF      54
Non-standard model      75
Normal form, conjunctive      24
Normal form, disjunctive      24
Normal form, prenex      37
Operation      1 2
pair      53
Pairing function      106
Path      112
Peano axioms      58 59
Predicate      26
Presentation      110 111
Primary proposition      49
Primitive recursion      105
Problem, Conjugacy      110
Problem, decision      94
Problem, Hilbert's Tenth      105
Problem, Isomorphism      110
Problem, Stopping      95
Problem, word      110
Projective geometry      40
proof      15 31
Proper consequence      39
Proper consequence, interpretation      39
Quantifier, bounded universal      108
Quantifier, elimination      48
Quantifier, existential      26
Quantifier, reduction      48
Quantifier, universal      26
Recursive arithmetic      97
Recursive arithmetic, function      89 106
Recursive arithmetic, subset      90
Recursively enumerable      90 94
Recursively enumerable but non-recursive      95
Recursively soluble      94
Relation, concurrent      76
Relation, definable      43
Relation, external      80
Relation, identical      7
Relation, internal      80
Russell paradox      53
Satisfiability Theorem      21 36 39
see Adequacy Theorem      36
Semantic implication      13 30
Semi-homomorphism      32 33
Semigroup of Turing machine      111
Sequence number function      97
Soundness      18
Soundness Theorem      19 33
Special word      112
Standard model      75
Standard relation      78
Standard system      74
Standard system, higher-order      76
Standard system, language of      74
Standard system, theory of      74
State function      97
State of Turing machine      87
State of Turing machine, initial      88
State of Turing machine, terminal      88
STEP      112
Stopping problem      95
Strongly definable      97
Substitution theorem      17 33
Subsystem of standard system      77
Subultraproduct      69
Successor      54
Syntactic implication      15 31
T-algebra      2
t-subalgebra      3
Tautology      14 30
Terminal state      88
Terminal state, word      112
Theorem      15 31 40 100
Theory      40
Transitive set      55
Truth      13 29
Truth, function      23
Turing machine      85
Turing machine, universal      92
TYPE      2
Ultrafilter      63
Ultrafilter, $\alpha$-complete      67
Ultrafilter, existence of      65
Ultrafilter, principal      63
Ultrafilter, restriction of      63
Ultrafilter, uniform      65
Ultrapowers      67
Ultraproducts      64
Undecidability of predicate calculus      101
Undecidability of recursive arithmetic      100
Uniform convergence      84
Uniform ultrafilter      65
Universal algebra      1
Universal algebra, alphabet      90
Universal algebra, proposition      72
Universal algebra, Turing machine      92
Valid      14 30
Valuation      13
Variable      6
Variables involved in element of $\~{P}$      27
Variables involved in element of element of P      29
Variety of T-algebras      7
Word      6
Word problem      110
Word, special      112
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