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Kurosh A.G. — Theory of Groups (vol 1) |
Предметный указатель |
Product, direct, restricted 122
Product, direct, unrestricted 122
Product, direct, with prescribed subgroups 122
Product, of automorphisms 87
Pruefer, H. 173 177 179 180 181 189 190 193 196 198 200
Quaternion group 67
Rank, of abelian group 138 140
Rank, of free group 127
Reduced Abelian group 164
Refinement of normal series 110
Relations in group 129
Relations in group, defining 129
Remak, R. 8
Representative of coset 60
Ring 105
Ring of endomorphisms 153
Ring of operators 158
Ring of p-adic integers 155
Roots of unity, group of 38
Schmidt, O.J. 7 8 12 57
Schreier, J. 95
Schreier, O. 11 112 114 116
Schur, I. 11
Sequence, ascending, of groups 54
Sequence, ascending, of subgroups 51
Series, characteristic 116
Series, composition 112
Series, fully invariant 116
Series, normal 110
Series, principal 116
Shiffman, M. 158
Shoda, K. 158
Splitting of mixed abelian group 201
Steinitz, E. 139
Stickelberger, L. 148
Stone, A.H. 228
Subgroup 42
Subgroup of finite index 61
Subgroup, accessible 113
Subgroup, admissible 105
Subgroup, admissible, normal 107
Subgroup, basic 181
Subgroup, characteristic 96
Subgroup, closed 206
Subgroup, cyclic 46
Subgroup, division 206
Subgroup, finitely generated 54
Subgroup, fully invariant 96
Subgroup, generated by subgroups 48
Subgroup, generated by subset 46
Subgroup, inextensible 206
Subgroup, invariant 64
Subgroup, isolated 175
Subgroup, maximal periodic 137
Subgroup, monogenic 107
Subgroup, normal 64
Subgroup, normalizer of 79
Subgroup, null 137
Subgroup, perfect 194
Subgroup, proper 42
Subgroup, pure 175
Subgroup, regular, of symmetric group 45
Subgroup, self-conjugate 64
Subgroup, serving 175
Subgroup, trivial 42
| Subgroup, unit 42
Subgroups, conjugate 65
Subgroups, of equal type 95
Subgroups, permutable 58
subsets 46
Subsets, invariant 80
Subsets, normal 80
Subsets, permutable 58
Subsets, product of 58
Subsets, subgroup generated by 46
Sum, direct 137
Sum, direct, of endomorphisms 152
Sylow, L. 11
Symmetric group 39
Symmetric group, regular subgroup of 45
Symmetric group, restricted 226
Symmetric group, unrestricted 226
Systems, equivalent, of defining relations 129
Systems, equivalent, of elements 138
Systems, equivalent, of generators 48
Systems, equivalent, of generators, free 128
Systems, irreducible 48
Systems, linearly dependent 138
Systems, linearly independent 138
Szekeres, G. 221
Teichmuller, D. 162
Theorem, Cayley's 44
Theorem, Existence 190
Theorem, Homomorphism 35
Theorem, Isomorphism 76
Theorem, Jordan — Hoelder 112
Theorem, Lagrange's 62
Theorem, Poincare's 62
Theorem, Pruefer's First 173
Theorem, Pruefer's Second 173
Theorem, Schreier's 111
Theorem, Steinitz' Exchange 139
Theorem, Ulm's 193
Theorem, von Dyck's 130
threads 54
Threads, product of 55
Torsion coefficient 151
Transformations, group of 40
Transformations, of elements 64
Transformations, of subgroups 65
Type, of element 193
Type, of element, of torsion-free group 210
Type, of equivalent characteristics 207
Type, of reduced group 187
Type, of torsion-free group of rank 1 209
Type-preserving'isomorphism 194
Ulam, S. 95
Ulm factors 188
Ulm, H. 181 187 188 189 190 191 192 193 194 196 197 198 199 200
Unit element 24 32
Unit subgroup 42
Van der Waerden, B.L. 162
Vilenkin, N.Ya. 122
von Dyck, W. 130 131
Wall, G.E. 86
Word 125
Word, empty 125
Word, reduced 125
Zassenhaus, H. 77 78 108 111 115
Zippin, L. 190 193
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