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Thomas C. — Characteristic Classes and the Cohomology of Finite Groups |
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-spectrum 115
(co)induced 2
Adams operations 54
Adams, J.F., xi 118
Algebraic integers 85
Augmentation ideal, 9
Automorphism group, Aut(G) 7
Bernoulli numbers 80
Blackburn, N., xi 95
Blackburn’s Theorem 95
Blichfeldt’s Theorem 53
Brauer lifting 109
Brauer’s Theorem 52
Bundle, coordinate 56
Bundle, defined by a representation 57
Bundle, direct image 67
Bundle, flat 64
Bundle, induced 57
Bundle, vector 57
Burnside, W. 122
Centraliser, , 28 92 103
Character table of 103
Character, virtual 51
Charlap, L., & Vasquez, A. 48
Chern character 117
Chern classes of bundles 60
Chern ring 71
Class function 50
Classifying spaces for finite groups 65
Classifying spaces for topological groups 62
Coboundary homomorphism 4
Cohomological extension 3
Cohomological p-period 32 92
Cohomology equivariant 107
Cohomology groups 3
Cohomology operations 116
Cohomology periodic 6 31
Coinvariant elements 8
Compatible pair 19
Conjugation 20
Connecting homomorphism 3
Connective k-theory 115
Corestriction 20
Crossed homomorphism 6
Crossed homomorphism, principal 6
Cup product 17
Detecting family of subgroups 108
Diagonal subgroup 102 109 113
Dimension shifting 4 20 23 42
Double coset 25
Double coset formula 25
Duality 29
Eckmann — Shapiro Lemma 20
Eckmann, B., xi 20 86
Edge homomorphism 39 41
Elementary subgroup 52
Euler class 61
Evens, L., & Kahn, D. 69 90
Extension 7 13
Extension, central 76
Factor systems 6
Farrell, T. 12
Field, cyclotomic 86
Field, exceptional 86
Field, quadratic 87
Frobenius automorphism 103
Frobenius reciprocity 23 52
Galois invariance 81 86-8
Global cohomological period 35
Grassmann manifold 62
Grothendieck topologies 88
Grothendieck, A. 87 111
Group of order 7 46 99 120-1
Group of order 8 13 122
Group, alternating, 100
| Group, binary dihedral, 34
Group, differential graded abelian 39
Group, dihedral, 47
Group, extra special 75
Group, extra special 2-group 77
Group, general linear (over ) 104
Group, generalised quaternion 34
Group, minimal non-abelian 63
Group, p-normal 36
Group, p-solvable 95
Group, semidihedral 106
Group, special linear, xi 106
Group, special linear, over 102
Group, special linear, over 85
Group, split metacyciic 43 46 74
Group, supersolvable 53
Group, symmetric, 79
Group, Weyl 110
Groupring 1
Herbrand quotient 36
Homology groups 8
Inflation 19
Inflation restriction exact sequence 42
Invariant elements 1
J-homomorphism 89
Kuo, T.N. 73
l-adic classes 88
Lewis, G. 48 99 120
Line bundle 58
Localisation (at fixed point set) 107
Mislin, G. 86
Modular characteristic classes 110 111—112
Newton polynomial 54
Norm homomorphism 9
Normal p-rank 95
Normaliser, , 28 92 103
Outer automorphism, Out(G) 13
p-generator 32
p-rank 91
Pontrjagin class 110
Quillen, D., xi 77 89 110
Representation module 49
Representation, cuspidal 104
Representation, direct image 67 ’
Representation, exterior powers of 54
Representation, induced 52
Representation, modular 111
Representation, regular 51
Representation, restricted 52
Resolution 3
Resolution, complete 11
Resolution, free 5
Resolution, standard 4
Restriction 19
Riemann — Roch formulae 69 96—97 114ff
Singer cycle 105
Spectral sequence 43—45 96—99 107—108
Spectral sequence, Lyndon — Hochschild — Serrc 41ff
Splitting principle 58 68
Stable elements 26
Steenrod algebra 118
Stiefel — Whitney class 61 77 110
Swan, R.G. 28 36 52 93
Swan’s Lemma 28
Tate cohomology 10
Total Chern class 60
Transfer of bundles 66
Transfer of representation 52
Transfer, abstract 115
Transfer, cohomological 21
Transgression 42
Universal coboundaries 38
Universal cycles 38
Virtually finite cohomological dimension 11
Wall, C.T.C. 46
Whitney sum 58
Wreath product 66 97 106—107
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