Авторизация |
Поиск по указателям |
Greenberg M. — Advanced engineering mathematics |
Предметный указатель |
Abramowitz, M. 983
Absolute convergence of singular integral 221
Absolutely integrable 924 936
Acceleration 699 701 722
Accumulated roundoff error 1003
Accumulated truncation error 1003
Action potential 375
Acton, F. 854
Adams — Bashforth method 309
Adams — Moulton method 309
Adjoint matrix 511
Adjoint operator 900
Airy equation 192 948
Airy functions 192
Algebraic equation 392 642
Algebraic growth 61
Ampere's law 813 817
Amplitude of vibration 111
Analog circuit 39
Analytic continuation 1218
Analytic function 181
Analyticity 1142
Andronov, A. 337
Angular velocity 708
Aperiodic motion 386
Apostol, T.M. 624 676 725 876 924
ARC 715
Arc length 717
Archimedes's principle 809
Area element 739 740
Argand, J.R. 1111
Argument 1126
Aristotle 414
Asymptotic stability of singular point 353
Autonomous system 344
Average value property 1076
Back substitution 397
Barrett, L.C. 588
Basis 449
Basis of solutions 87
Basis, change of 526
Basis, orthogonal 453
Beam on elastic foundation 134
Beam on elastic foundation by Fourier integral 917
Beam on elastic foundation by Fourier series 862
Beam on elastic foundation by Fourier transform 928
Beats 566
Berg, P.W. 1038
Bernoulli equation 32 840
Bernoulli, Daniel 32 1017
Bernoulli, Jakob 32
Bernoulli, Johann 32
Bessel equation 230 908
Bessel function of first kind 232
| Bessel function of second kind 234
Bessel general solution 235
Bessel inequality 885
Best approximation 458 882
beta function 229
Bifurcation 368
Biharmonic equation 782 972
Biharmonic operator 782
Bilinear (Moebius) transformation 1158
Binder, L. 1000
Binormal 721
Block, H.D. 414
Block-diagonal matrix 493
Boundary condition of first kind (Dirichlet) 951 1170
Boundary condition of second kind (Neumann) 952 1172
Boundary condition of third kind (Robin) 952
boundary conditions 6
Boundary point 616 1114
Boundary-value problem 6 88 317 1066
Bounded function 213
Bounded region 723
Boundedness condition 97
Bounds on integrals, a sharper bound 1189
Bounds on integrals, ML bound 1186
Boyce, W.E. 83
Branch cut 1131
Branch point 1132
Brown, J.W. 851
Buckling, application of quadratic forms 593
Buckling, dynamic formulation 371
Buckling, eigenvalue problem 890 904
Burkill, J.C. 83
Canonical form of wave equation 1044
Canonical quadratic form 590
Capacitor 35
Carbon dating 39 41
Carslaw, H.S. 845 857
Cartesian coordinates 687
Cauchy convergence theorem 176 1210
Cauchy integral formula 1200
Cauchy integral formula for circular disk 1206
Cauchy integral formula for upper half plane 1206
Cauchy integral formula, generalized 1204
Cauchy principal value 1257
Cauchy product of series 180
Cauchy theorem 1191
Cauchy — Euler equation 118
Cauchy — Euler equation, reduced to constant-coefficient equation 132
Cauchy — Riemann equations 1140
Cauchy, A.-L. 492 1140
Cayley product 469
Cayley — Hamilton theorem 554
Cayley — Klein parameters 599
Cayley, A. 469
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