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Snygg J. — Clifford algebra: a computational tool for physicists |
Предметный указатель |
Reverse of a Clifford number, real 57—58 307
Ricci rotation coefficients 92
Ricci tensor 99
Richards, James A, Jr. 38
Riefin, Edgar 11
Riemann curvature tensor, definition 78—79 96—97
Riemann curvature tensor, formula for in terms of Christoffel symbols 80
Riemann curvature tensor, symmetries of 96—100
Riesz, Marcel 57 76 288
Riesz, Marcel, theorem on universal Clifford algebras 43 288—290
Rindler, Wolfgang xiv 89 97 322
Rotation as product of reflections in 9
Rotation as product of two reflections in 5—8
Sauter, Fritz 170
scalar 8—9
Scalar product for two p-forms 57—58
Scalar product for two real Clifford numbers 57—58
Scalar product for two real vectors 47
Scalar product, complex 171
Schiffer, Menachem 217
Schroedinger's equation, solutions of, from limits of solutions for Dirac's equation 214—215
Schwarzschild metric 111—128 264—266
Schwarzschild metric, Eddington's form of 283 286
Schwarzschild radius 116
Schwarzschild, Karl 111
Semicolon notation 89
Shapiro, Arnold 294
Signature matrix 43
Simple Clifford number 309
Simple unit space-space bivector 309
Simple unit space-time bivector 309—310
Singular Clifford algebra 76
Singular metric 76 79
Sirlin, Alberto 170
Sobczyk, Garret 57
Sommerfeld, Arnold 170
Soni, Raj Pal 209 214—215
Special relativity 25—40
Spherical coordinates 45 52—53
Spherical excess of a spherical triangle 62
| Spherical harmonic Clifford functions 189—203
Spherical harmonics 191
Spherical triangle, area of 61
Spin angle for spinning top 14
Stegun, Irene A. 191
Stehney, Ann 267
Step up and step down operators 192
Stephani, H. 264
Stoke's theorem, generalized 161—169
SU(2) group 11
Tangent space 46
Tangent vector 46
Tensor product 295
Tensor, components of 51
Thirring, Hans 246
Thorne, Kip 116
Tilt angle for spinning top 14
Torsion-free differential operator 86
Total quantum number for Schroedinger's equation 212 215
Universal Clifford algebras 44 288—290
Upper index Dirac matrices 48
Vector, 1-vector 42
Vector, isotropic 76
Vector, light-like 76
Vector, null 76
Vector, p-vector 42
Vector, position 45
Vector, potential 140
Vierbem 94
Vulcan, hypothetical planet 127
Wald, Robert M. 89 116 150
Wedderburn, Joseph H.M. 308
Wedderburn, Joseph H.M., theorem of 308
Wehr, Russell M. 38
Weyl matrix 251—253
Weyl tensor 250—251
Wheeler, John Archibald 116
World velocity 36
Yang — Mills fields xv 144—154
Zuber, Jean-Bernard 179
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