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Gripenberg G., Londen S.O., Staffans O. — Volterra integral and functional equations |
Предметный указатель |
Initial function semigroup see "Semigroup initial
Inner product 526
Integrable resolvent see "Differential resolvent integrable" "Resolvent integrable"
Integral inequality see "Gronwall's inequality"
Interpolation results 28[1.3.18] 231
Interpolation technique 564
Invariant see "Autonomous" "Kernel C-totally "Resolvent C-totally
Isolated point see "Spectrum isolated
Jensen's inequality 64
Kamke function 410
Kernel 35
Kernel, -totally invariant type 629[20.4.13] 630[20.4.14]
Kernel, 548[17.3.8] 591[19.2.1] 598[19.3.1] 599[19.3.2] 604[19.4.1] 605[19.4.2] 606[19.4.3] 608[19.4.4] 608[19.4.5]
Kernel, -anti-accretive type 625[20.4.6]
Kernel, -anti-accretive type 624[20.4.4]
Kernel, -anti-accretive type 623[20.4.1] 623[20.4.2] 623[20.4.3]
Kernel, -anti-accretive type 625[20.4.6] 628[20.4.13] 630[20.4.14] 631[20.4.15] 633[20.4.16] 638[20.4.18] 647
Kernel, -totally invariant type 625[20.4.8] 626[20.4.10] 626[20.4.11] 627[20.4.12]
Kernel, anti-coercive type 27[1.3.16] 516[16.5.4] 516[16.5.5] 517[16.5.7] 517 518[16.5.8] 545[17.3.2] 555[17.5.2] 556[17.5.4] 569[18.3.1] 571[18.3.2] 601
Kernel, anti-coercive type, equivalent conditions 516[16.5.6]
Kernel, asymptotically periodic type 252[9.6.11] 252[9.6.12]
Kernel, bounded continuous type 242[9.5.2] 243[9.5.3] 316[11.2.4]
Kernel, bounded periodic type 250[9.6.8] 251[9.6.9]
Kernel, bounded type 242[9.5.1] 243[9.5.3] 287[10.2.3]
Kernel, bounded uniformly continuous type 242[9.5.2] 243[9.5.3]
Kernel, completely monotone 5[1.2.1] 17[1.3.5] 148[5.3.1] 150[5.4.1] 159[5.5.4] 164
Kernel, completely positive 649
kernel, continuous 246[9.5.7]
Kernel, continuous periodic type 250[9.6.8] 251[9.6.9]
Kernel, continuous type 242[9.5.2] 243[9.5.3] 316[11.2.4] 627[20.4.12] 628[20.4.13] 630[20.4.14]
Kernel, convex 18[1.3.6] 169[6.2.1] 180[6.4.1] 181[6.4.3] 184
Kernel, convex, nonconvolution 615[20.2.2] 616[20.2.3] 617[20.2.4]
Kernel, differentiable with respect to a parameter 385[13.1.2]
Kernel, finite first moment 62[2.6.6] 89[3.3.17] 201[7.4.1] 591[19.2.1] 594[19.2.2] 605[19.4.2] 606[19.4.3] 608[19.4.4] 608[19.4.5]
Kernel, Fourier zero-set 547[17.3.6] 548[17.3.7]
Kernel, Fourier zero-set, countable 548[17.3.8] 591[19.2.1] 605[19.4.2] 608[19.4.5]
Kernel, Fredholm kernel 227[9.2.1] see
Kernel, log-convex 147[5.2.8] 264[9.8.8]
Kernel, log-convex, nonconvolution 29-1.3.20] 259-9.8.6] 620-20.3.1] 622-20.3.2] 625-20.4.6] 626-20.4.10]
Kernel, measure kernel 15-1.3.3] 16-1.3.4] 76 111
Kernel, nonconvolution 225
Kernel, nonconvolution measure kernel 283 305-306
Kernel, nonconvolution measure kernel, bounded continuous type 305
Kernel, nonconvolution measure kernel, bounded uniformly continuous type 305
Kernel, nonconvolution measure kernel, continuous type 305
Kernel, nonconvolution measure kernel, type 20[1.3.10] 284[10.2.1] 285[10.2.2] 287[10.2.3] 287[10.2.4] 289[10.2.8] 291[10.2.14] 294[10.3.5] 303[10.4.6]
Kernel, nonconvolution measure kernel, type 290[10.2.11] 290[10.2.12] 290[10.2.13] 396[13.3.1] 433
Kernel, nonconvolution measure kernel, type 21[1.3.10] 292[10.3.1] 292[10.3.2] 294[10.3.5] 445[14.5.3]
Kernel, nonconvolution measure kernel, type 295[10.3.6] 296[10.3.7] 299[10.4.1] 299[10.4.2] 300[10.4.3] 301[10.4.4] 302[10.4.5] 432[14.2.9] 445[14.5.2] 446[14.5.6]
Kernel, nonnegative 258[9.8.3] 258[9.8.4] 258[9.8.5] 259[9.8.6] 263[9.8.7] 440[14.3.9]
Kernel, nonnegative and nonincreasing 73 160[5.5.5] 161[5.5.6] 164[5.6.1] 264 440[14.3.9] 610[19.5.1]
Kernel, nonnegative and nonincreasing, nonconvolution 265[9.9.1] 270[9.9.2]
Kernel, nonpositive 257(9.8.1]
Kernel, periodic type see "Kernel bounded "Kernel continuous
Kernel, periodic type, (C,1)-representation 533
Kernel, periodic type, convex 500[16.3.1]
Kernel, periodic type, convolution product 504[16.3.7]
Kernel, periodic type, differential resolvent 532 604[19.4.1] 605[19.4.2] 606[19.4.3] 609[19.4.6]
Kernel, periodic type, equivalent conditions 494[16.2.4] 495[16.2.5] 497[16.2.6] 513[16.5.1] 521[16.6.2] 532
Kernel, periodic type, inequalities 513[16.5.1] 515[16.5.3] 520[16.6.1] 524[16.6.5] 525[16.6.6] 531[16.9.1] 595[19.2.2]
Kernel, periodic type, integral equation 554[17.5.1] 555[17.5.3] 556[17.5.4] 558[17.6.4] 567[18.2.4] 567[18.2.5]
Kernel, periodic type, integrodifferential equation 540[17.2.1] 541[17.2.2] 542[17.2.3] 544[17.2.5] 544[17.3.1] 548[17.3.8] 557[17.6.2] 558[17.6.3] 565[18.2.1] 565 566[18.2.2] 584[18.5.6] 591[19.2.1] 598[19.3.1] 599[19.3.2] 605[19.4.2] 608[19.4.4] 608[19.4.5] 609[19.4.6]
Kernel, periodic type, limit at infinity 499[16.2.8] 505[16.3.8]
Kernel, periodic type, nonconvolution 614[20.2.1] 615[20.2.2] 616[20.2.3] 617[20.2.4] 619[20.2.5] 624[20.4.4] 645
Kernel, periodic type, positive type 26[1.3.16] 492[16.2.1] 532—533 546[17.3.4] 548[17.3.7] see anti-coercive "Kernel strict "Kernel strong
Kernel, periodic type, product 503[16.3.5] 504[16.3.6]
Kernel, periodic type, remoulded equation 572[18.3.3] 575[18.4.2] 575[18.4.3] 577[18.4.5] 579[18.4.8] 582[18.5.2] 582[18.5.3] 584[18.5.5]
Kernel, periodic type, resolvent 27[1.3.16] 516
Kernel, periodic type, second derivative 26[1.3.16] 505[16.3.8]
Kernel, periodic type, trigonometric polynomial 501 [16.3.4]
Kernel, quasinilpotent 239[9.3.18]
Kernel, strict positive type 26[1.3.16] 413[13.5.7] 510[16.4.4] 510[16.4.5] 547[17.3.5]
Kernel, strict positive type, convex 511[16.4.6]
Kernel, strong positive type 26[1.3.16] 507[16.4.1] 518[16.5.8] 543[17.2.4] 549[17.4.1] 551 566[18.2.3] 567[18.2.6] 569[18.3.1] 571[18.3.2]
Kernel, strong positive type, convex 508[16.4.3]
Kernel, strong positive type, inequalities 523[16.6.3] 524[16.6.4]
Kernel, strong positive type, twice differentiable 508[16.4.2]
Kernel, totally positive type 625[20.4.9] 635[20.4.17] 646 647 647
Kernel, type 247[9.6.1]
Kernel, type 242[9.5.1] 243[9.5.3] 287[10.2.3]
Kernel, type 247[9.6.1] 247[9.6.2] 250[9.6.7] 620[20.3.1]
Kernel, type 249[9.6.4] 249[9.6.5]
Kernel, type 242[9.5.1]
Kernel, type 231[9.2.7] 272[9.10.4] 294[10.3.5]
Kernel, type 19[1.3.9] 227[9.2.2] 231[9.2.6] 231[9.2.7] 234[9.3.6]
Kernel, type 240[9.4.1] 399[13.3.2]
Kernel, type 231[9.2.7] 271[9.10.2] 272[9.10.3] 324[11.3.4]
Kernel, type 252[9.6.11] 252[9.6.12]
Kernel, type 250[9.6.8] 251
Kernel, type 252[9.6.11] 252[9.6.12]
Kernel, type 250[9.6.8] 251[9.6.9]
Kernel, type 230[9.2.5] 273
Kernel, type 250[9.6.6] 250[9.6.7]
Kernel, type 21[1.3.10] 293[10.3.3] 293[10.3.4] 294[10.3.5]
Kernel, type 295[10.3.6]
Kernel, type BC 242[9.5.2] 243[9.5.3] 316[11.2.4
Kernel, type BUC 242[9.5.2] 243[9.5.3]
Kernel, type C 242[9.5.2] 243[9.5.3] 316[11.2.4] 627[20.4.12] 628[20.4.13] 630[20.4.14]
Kernel, Volterra kernel 227[9.2.1] see kernel"
Kronecker's theorem 124
Laplace transform 41[2.2.6] 80[3.2.2]
Laplace transform of a completely monotone function 17[1.3.5] 144[5.2.6] 147[5.2.7]
Laplace transform of a convex function 170[6.2.2] 186
Laplace transform of a distribution 496 529 529[16.8.1]
Laplace transform of a kernel of anti-coercive type 516[16.5.6]
Laplace transform of a kernel of positive type 494[16.2.4] 497[16.2.6]
Laplace transform of a kernel of strict positive type 510[16.4.5]
Laplace transform of a kernel of strong positive type 507—508
Laplace transform of a nonnegative, nonincreasing function 173[6.2.3]
Laplace transform of an -function 332[11.6.1]
Laplace transform, analytic 41[2.2.8] 102[3.8.2] 144[5.2.6] 147[5.2.7] 529[16.8.1]
Laplace transform, bilateral 41[2.2.6] 80[3.2.2]
Laplace transform, inversion formula 150 153 193
Laplace transform, properties 41[2.2.7] 41[2.2.8] 42[2.2.9] 101[3.8.1] 102[3.8.2] 102[3.8.3] 103[3.8.4] 103[3.8.5] 103[3.8.6] 104[3.8.7]
Limit of a submultiplicative function 120(4.4.1]
Limit, equation 25[1.3.15] 452 456 457[15.2.12] 457[15.2.13] 458[15.2.14] 545 592 594 598
Limit, principle 24[1.3.14] 434[14.3.2] 435[14.3.3] 435[14.3.4] 437[14.3.6] 438[14.3.7]
Limit, set 25[1.3.15] 453[15.2.1] 453[15.2.3] 454[15.2.7] 455[15.2.8] 456[15.2.11] 592
Limit, set, constant function 458(15.3.3]
Limit, set, finitely generated 459(15.3.6] 460(15.3.7] 484
Limit, set, periodic function 459(15.3.5] 460(15.3.7]
Lipschitz see "Nonlinearity Lipschitz" "Solution Lipschitz-dependence
Log-convex see "Kernel log-convex"
Lyapunov function 426 428
Lyapunov functional 426 592 597
Lyapunov-type result 480[15.8.1]
M(J;Q), , xix
MacCamy's trick 650
Malliavin's Theorem 469[15.4.16]
Mapping see "Kernel" "Operator"
Matrix, adjoint 141[5.2.1] 493[16.2.3]
Matrix, anti-symmetric 141[5.2.1] 493[16.2.3] 501[16.3.3]
Matrix, anti-symmetric part 141
Matrix, completely monotone matrix function 142[5.2.3]
Matrix, imaginary part 141[5.2.1] 493(16.2.3]
Matrix, negative 141[5.2.1] 493[16.2.3]
Matrix, positive 141[5.2.1] 493[16.2.3]
Matrix, real part 141[5.2.1] 493[16.2.3]
Matrix, self-adjoint 141[5.2.1] 493[16.2.3] 493 505[16.3.8]
Matrix, strictly negative 141[5.2.1] 493[16.2.3]
Matrix, strictly positive 141[5.2.1] 493[16.2.3]
Matrix, symmetric part 141
Maximal interval of existence 348
Maximal solution see "Solution of a nonlinear equation maximal"
Maximally defined solution see "Solution of a nonlinear equation noncontinuable"
Maximum principle 494 497 513
Measure see "Kernel measure "Kernel nonconvolution
Measure kernel see "Kernel measure "Kernel nonconvolution
Measure of noncompactness see "Compact measure
Measure resolvent 114[4.1.6] see measure "Resolvent nonconvolution
| Measure, absolutely continuous part 79 113 123
Measure, anti-coercive type 516[16.5.4] see anti-coercive
Measure, arithmetic 511
Measure, discrete part 79 113 123
Measure, nonarithmetic 478 478[15.7.1]
Measure, positive 141[5.2.1] 493[16.2.3]
Measure, positive definite 492
Measure, positive type 26[1.3.16] 492[16.2.1] see positive
Measure, Radon 79
Measure, self-adjoint 517[16.5.7]
Measure, singular part 79 112 123
Measure, strict positive type 510[16.4.4] see strict
Measure, strong positive type 507[16.4.1] see strong
Measure, support 78
Measure, total variation 92[3.5.2] 94[3.5.7]
Minimal solution see "Solution of a nonlinear equation minimal"
Module 233[9.3.4] see
Monotone see "Completely monotone" "Kernel nonnegative "Nonlinearity monotone"
Monotone operator 613
Narrow convergence 454[15.2.6] 454[15.2.7] 456[15.2.9] 456[15.2.11] 457[15.2.13] 458[15.2.14] 465[15.4.9] 480[15.8.1]
Nearly bounded function 73
Negative matrix see "Matrix negative"
Neutral equation 137 307
Nonanticipative 348 see
Nonarithmetic measure 478 478[15.7.1]
Nonautonomous equation 323
Noncontinuable see "Solution of a nonlinear equation noncontinuable"
Nonlinearity, differentiable 396[13.3.1] 399[13.3.2] 401
Nonlinearity, discontinuous 23[1.3.12] 371
Nonlinearity, gradient 28[1.3.17] 540[17.2.1] 541[17.2.2] 543[17.2.4] 544[17.2.5] 549[17.4.1] 551 557[17.6.1] 557[17.6.2] 558[17.6.3] 565[18.2.1] 566[18.2.2] 566[18.2.3] 567[18.2.4] 567[18.2.5] 567[18.2.6] 569[18.3.1] 571 572[18.3.3] 573[18.3.4] 575[18.4.2] 575[18.4.3] 577[18.4.5] 577[18.4.7] 579[18.4.8] 580[18.4.9] 582[18.5.2] 582[18.5.3] 583[18.5.4] 584[18.5.5] 584[18.5.6] 591[19.2.1] 598[19.3.1] 599[19.3.2] 605[19.4.2] 608[19.4.5] 609[19.4.6} 619[20.2.5] 640[20.5.2] 642[20.5.3] 643[20.5.4] 647[20.6.1] 648
Nonlinearity, Lipschitz 349 352[12.2.2] 356[12.2.6] 361[12.4.1] 363[12.4.2] 364[12.4.3] 393[13.2.4] 558[17.6.4] 585[18.6.1] 598[19.3.1] 598 599[19.3.2] 627[20.4.12]
Nonlinearity, monotone 404[13.4.3] 406[13.4.6] 407[13.4.8] 408[13.4.9] 409[13.5.1] 410[13.5.2] 411[13.5.4] 412[13.5.5] 412[13.5.6] 413[13.5.7] 414[13.6.1] 427[14.2.1] 430[14.2.7] 434[14.3.1] 436[14.3.5] 445[14.5.3] 445[14.5.4] 446[14.5.5] 446[14.5.7] 542[17.2.3] 585[18.6.1] 640[20.5.2] 642[20.5.3] 644[20.5.4] 647[20.6.1]
Nonlinearity, odd 427[14.2.1] 430[14.2.7] 445[14.5.3] 446[14.5.5] 446[14.5.7] 542[17.2.3]
Nonlinearity, strictly monotone 631 [20.4.15]
Nonmeasurable function 118
NonNegative see "kernel nonnegative" "Matrix positive" "Resolvent nonnegative" "Solution nonnegative" "Solution nonnegative"
Nonseparable convolution equation 638
Nuclear reactor dynamics 8[1.2.5]
Nyquist's Theorem 14[1.3.2] 61(2.6.3] 89(3.3.15]
Operator see "Kernel"
Operator, accretive 624
Operator, autonomous 454[15.2.5] 454[15.2.7] 456[15.2.9] 456[15.2.11] 480[15.8.1] 624 see invariant
Operator, causal 345 348 see
Operator, coercive 515
Operator, compact 40 see mapping"
Operator, convolution operator mapping into 332[11.6.1]
Operator, monotone 613
Operator, nonanticipative 348
Operator, projection 370 606 608[19.4.5]
Operator, spectrum of an operator 212
Ordinary differential equation 203 302[10.4.5] 425
Ordinary differential equation, uniformly asymptotically stable 330
Ordinary differential equation, uniformly stable 330
Orthogonal projection 606 608[19.4.5]
Osgood's uniqueness theorem 414[13.6.2]
Paley — Wiener lemma 50[2.5.1] 136[4.6.1] 332[11.6.1]
Paley — Wiener theorem 14[1.3.2] 45[2.4.1] 46[2.4.3] 73 83[3.3.5] 83[3.3.7]
Paley — Wiener theorem, applications 239[9.3.19] 264 291 299[10.4.2] 300[10.4.3]
Paley — Wiener theorem, extensions 180[6.4.1] 181 181 181
Parseval's identity 514 531 577 see
Passive causal systems 533
Perfect set 126[4.4.6] 467[15.4.13]
Periodic see "Differential resolvent periodic" "Resolvent periodic" "Solution variation periodic" "Solution periodic"
Periodic, equation 457[15.2.13] 458[15.2.14]
Periodic, function 459[15.3.5] 460[15.3.7] 470[15.4.17]
Perron — Stieltjes integral 309 380
Perturbation of a convolution kernel, integral equation 239[9.3.19] 291[10.2.14]
Perturbation of a convolution kernel, integrodifferential equation 299[10.4.2] 300[10.4.3]
Perturbation of a nonconvolution equation 22[1.3.11] 324[11.3.4]
Perturbation of a nonconvolution kernel, integral equation 235[9.3.9] 288[10.2.6]
Perturbation of a nonconvolution kernel, integrodifferential equation 299[10.4.1]
Perturbation of an integral equation 22[1.3.11] 317[11.3.1] 322[11.3.3]
Perturbation of an integral equation, whole line 319[11.3.2]
Perturbation of an integrodifferential equation 325[11.4.1] 327[11.4.2] 336[11.7.4]
Perturbation of an ordinary differential equation 301 330[11.5.1]
Perturbation, -perturbation of an integral equation 22[1.3.11] 332[11.6.2] 333[11.6.3]
Perturbation, -perturbation of an integrodifferential equation 334[11.6.4]
Perturbation, periodic 337[11.7.5] \
Perturbation, use of the variation of constants formula 22[1.3.11]
Pitt's form of Wiener's Tauberian theorem 477[15.6.4]
Plancherel's Theorem 496 522 530[16.8.2] see
Poisson integral 145
Poisson kernel 145 182
Polar decomposition 96 525
Population dynamics 5[1.2.2]
Population model 610
Positive see "Nonnegative"
Positive, definite function 426
Positive, definite measure 492
Positive, matrix see "Matrix positive"
Positive, measure 141[5.2.1] 493[16.2.3]
Positive, type see "Kernel positive
Positive, type, measure 492[16.2.1]
Positive, type, resolvent of a kernel of positive type 516
Positive, type, strict 510[16.4.4]
Positive, type, strong 507[16.4.1]
Principal part 192[7.2.1] 196[7.2.4]
Radon measure 79
Radon — Nikodym derivative 526
Radon — Nikodym theorem 79
Rationally independent 124
Razumikhin approach 448
Real part see "Matrix real
Reflected set 112
Regular weight function see "Weight function regular"
Remoulded equation 568 574 581
Renewal equation 6[1.2.2] 201 478[15.7.1]
Resolvent 14[1.3.2] 36 44[2.3.2] see
Resolvent as a sum of iterated kernels 37 43 239[9.3.18]
Resolvent in a Banach algebra 233 235[9.3.7] 235[9.3.8] 256[9.7.5] 275[9.11.1]
Resolvent in a weighted space see "Resolvent measure in
Resolvent in an associative algebra 233[9.3.2] 233[9.3.3]
Resolvent in operator theory 212 233
Resolvent of a completely monotone kernel 17[1.3.5] 148[5.3.1]
Resolvent of a convex kernel 18[1.3.6] 169[6.2.1]
Resolvent of a kernel of positive type 27[1.3.16] 516
Resolvent of a nonnegative, nonincreasing, integrable kernel 73 264
Resolvent of an infinitesimal generator 213[8.2.7]
Resolvent, -theory 22[1.3.11] 331
Resolvent, -anti-accretive type 646
Resolvent, -totally invariant type 626[20.4.11]
Resolvent, completely monotone 17[1.3.5] 148[5.3.1] 159[5.5.4]
Resolvent, continuous 246[9.5.7]
Resolvent, continuous dependence 42[2.3.1] 235[9.3.11] 236[9.3.12] 626[20.4.11]
Resolvent, equation 37 42[2.3.1]
Resolvent, equation, first kind 157
Resolvent, equation, nonconvolution 226 232[9.3.1] 287[10.2.4]
Resolvent, equation, periodic 48 [2.4.7]
Resolvent, equation, whole line 46 46[2.4.3]
Resolvent, exponentially growing 196[7.2.4]
Resolvent, first kind 17[1.3.5] 158[5.5.1] 158[5.5.2] 158[5.5.3] 159[5.5.4] 159 160[5.5.5] 161 161[5.5.7] 164[5.6.1] 419 638[20.4.18]
Resolvent, Fredholm resolvent 232[9.3.1] see "Resolvent whole
Resolvent, generates a compact mapping 253
Resolvent, integrate 18[1.3.6] 45[2.4.1] 46[2.4.3] 47[2.4.5] 48[2.4.6] 59[2.6.1] 62[2.6.5] 62[2.6.6] 70[2.8.2] 71 148[5.3.1] 169[6.2.1] 180[6.4.1] 181 186[6.6.4] 258[9.8.4] 264[9.8.8] 264
Resolvent, maps into 60[2.6.2] 333[11.6.3] 334[11.6.4]
Resolvent, measure resolvent 16[1.3.4] 114[4.1.5] 114[4.1.6] 114[4.1.7] 158[5.5.1] 579
Resolvent, measure resolvent in 125[4.4.3] 125[4.4.4] 127[4.4.7] 127[4.4.8] 128[4.4.9] 128[4.4.10] 129[4.4.11] 129[4.4.12]
Resolvent, measure resolvent in a weighted space 126[4.4.5] 135
Resolvent, measure resolvent, continuous dependence 114[4.1.5]
Resolvent, measure resolvent, equation 16[1.3.4] 114[4.1.5] 125[4.4.4]
Resolvent, measure resolvent, nonunique 126
Resolvent, measure resolvent, unique 114[4.1.5] 125[4.4.4] 287
Resolvent, measure resolvent, whole line 125[4.4.4] 126[4.4.5]
Resolvent, nonconvolution 19[1.3.9] 226
Resolvent, nonconvolution measure resolvent, type 20[1.3.10] 287[10.2.4] 288[10.2.6] 288[10.2.7] 289[10.2.8] 289[10.2.9] 291
Resolvent, nonconvolution measure resolvent, type 290[10.2.12] 290[10.2.13] 396[13.3.1]
Resolvent, nonnegative 258[9.8.3] 258[9.8.4] 258[9.8.5] 260[9.8.6] 264[9.8.8] 621 625[20.4.9]
Resolvent, nonpositive 257[9.8.1] 257[9.8.2]
Resolvent, periodic 49[2.4.8] 70
Resolvent, remainder in M(R) 196[7.2.4]
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