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Kane G.L. — Modern elementary particle physics |
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195 196
85 90 93 146 276
couplings, measurement of and 143—144
couplings, measurement of 150—151
couplings, values 93 273
couplings, variation of 223 226—229 231 273
-Decay 89
-matrices 58
vertex 245
9 203 267
, detection 270
parameter 109
-neutrino 261 267
-parameter 155
Abelian gauge invariance 35—40 78 103—104 318
Abelian vector field 31
Accelerators 155—162 168—170
Additional families 129
AGS 163
Angular momentum and SU(2) 306
anomalies 27
Antiparticle 10 26 33 64 237 264
Approximate calculation 148 218 245 326
asymptotic freedom 209 237
atoms 6 10 12
b (bottom) quark 7 92 199 217—218 259 267 see
b (bottom) quark, decay 253 263—264
b (bottom) quark, decay width 253
b (bottom) quark, electric charge 7
b (bottom) quark, interactions 261
b (bottom) quark, lifetime 167 254
b (bottom) quark, mass 8
Backgrounds 224
Baryon 179 182 184
Baryon asymmetry 290
Baryon number 7 290
Baryon number of the universe 263
Baryon, L = 0 states 187
Beams 168
BEPC 162
Big bang theory 290
Bjorken scaling 207
Bosons 293
Breit — Wigner resonance 122
Brookhaven National Laboratory 163 307
c (charm) quark 7 92 193 217—218 see "D
c (charm) quark, charmed mesons 195 196—198
c (charm) quark, charmonium 193—196
c (charm) quark, electric charge 7
c (charm) quark, lifetime 167
c (charm) quark, mass 8
Cabibbo angle 256
Cerenkov cone 283
CERN 9 134
CESR 163
Charge 4 26 38 39
Charge conjugation 190 264
Charged current 88—90 92 146 147 249 252 257
Charged current interaction 263
Charged current, Kobayashi — Maskawa matrix 253
Charmed mesons 199 see "D
Charmed quark 197
Charmonium 197
Classical electrodynamics 17
Color, charge 6 7 10 237
Color, force 6 72 182
Color, number of colors 216—220 271—272
Color, singlets 75 183
Color, space 51
Color, triplets 75
Complex scalar 30
Confinement of color 180
Conserved current 25 26
Constituent cross section 135
Constituent mass 189 261
Constituents of matter 7
Cosmic ray 76
Cosmological constant 112
Coulomb gauge 41
Coulomb's law 5 230
Covariant derivative 38 48 76 108 282
cp 258
CP invariance 155
CP violation 263 290
CPT 264
Critical mass 310
Cross section 12 117 217
Current 22 25 67
d (down) quark 7 10 75—77 217—218 see
d (down) quark, electric charge 7
d (down) quark, mass 8
D meson, composition of 196
D meson, decay 198 200
D meson, mass 197
D meson, produced in charmonium decay 195—196
Dark matter 177 299
Decay rates and modes, 259
Decay rates and modes, 219
Decay rates and modes, b quark 253 263—264
Decay rates and modes, c quark 197 251
Decay rates and modes, charmonium 193—196 240
Decay rates and modes, D meson 198 200
Decay rates and modes, electromagnetic 188
Decay rates and modes, fermion 146
Decay rates and modes, forbidden and rare 174
Decay rates and modes, general 116—118
Decay rates and modes, Higgs boson 237—239 247
Decay rates and modes, muon 146
Decay rates and modes, neutrino 301
Decay rates and modes, proton 280
Decay rates and modes, s quark 251
Decay rates and modes, strong 188
Decay rates and modes, t quark 199
Decay rates and modes, toponium 199
Decay rates and modes, W boson 124 136—137 140—141
Decay rates and modes, weak 131 188
Decay rates and modes, Z boson 125 131 265
Deep inelastic scattering 205
DESY 162
Detectors 163—172
Detectors, detectors 163
Detectors, calorimeters 167
Detectors, proton decay 282—283
Detectors, solar neutrinos 300
Detectors, triggering 166—167
Detectors, vertex detector 167
Dirac current 60
Dirac equation 59
Dirac mass 303
Doublets of leptons 8 73 81
Doublets of nucleons 44
Doublets of quarks 7 73 90
| Drell — Yan cross section 210
Eigenvalue of 87
Electric charge 43
Electric charge operator 278
Electric current 61
Electromagnetic decays 192
Electromagnetic interaction 37 67 82
Electromagnetism 5 6 9
Electron 8 10 12 19 178
Electron neutrino 10 74
Electroweak charge 86 87
Electroweak force 3
Electroweak mixing angle see " "
Euler — Lagrange equations 17 18 25 27
Expanding Universe 290
Families 7 76 274
Fermi coupling 149
Fermilab 163
fermions 33 293
Fermions, decay 146
Fermions, fermion-Higgs vertex 237
Fermions, masses 8—9 152
Feynman rules 5 19 32 61
Fine structure constant 145 229
Flavor changing neutral currents 258
Flavors see "Families"
Flavors of leptons 8
Flavors of quarks 7
FNAL 163
force 2 4 5 7 12 17 29
Force as an interaction 29
Form factor 206
Forward-backward asymmetry 268
Foundations of the Standard Model 273
Four-vector 16 17
Fractional charge of quarks 278
Free quark mass 8 189 261
Fundamental scalars 273
Gauge boson 1 7 9 10 38 104 286
Gauge boson, mass 104
Gauge Fields 38
Gauge theories 1 4 9
Gauge transformation 35 46—47
Gauge transformation of the first kind 26
Gauge transformation of the second kind 26
Gauge transformation, global 26 36
Gauge transformation, local 26 36 103
Generators 51 278 282
Generators, hypercharge generator 51 77 81 83—85 273
Generators, SU(2) 46 311 316—317
Generators, SU(3) 47 317
Generators, SU(5) 276
Generators, SU(n) 272 316
Generators, trace theorem for generators 277
ggH vertex 245
GIM mechanism 258
Glueball states 184
Gluinos 296
Gluon radiation 223
Gluons (g) 1 9 75 205
Gluons (g), emission 210
Gluons (g), interactions 193
Gluons (g), radiation 221
Goldstone boson 102 246
Grand unified theories 5 274 277
Graviton 9
Gravity 5 9
Group theory 71 311—318
Group theory, rotation in n-dimensional Euclidian space SO(n) 313
Group theory, rules for a group 311
Group theory, SU(2) 44 50 52 72 107 310
Group theory, SU(3) 52 72
Group theory, SU(n) invariance 50 314
Group theory, U(1) 51 71 72 107
Group theory, unitary groups SU(n) 314
Hadronization 181 221
Hadrons 6 7 10 43 189 239
Hadrons, color singlets 179—181
Hadrons, definition 6
Hadrons, gluon and quark structure of 132
Hadrons, mass 255—256
Hamiltonian 3 12 20
Hard collisions 169
Heavy leptons 223
HERA 162
Higgs boson 2 10 105 243 245
Higgs boson, Higgs field 99
Higgs boson, Higgs mechanism 2 94 105 243
Higgs boson, Higgs physics 273
Higgs boson, Higgs searches 243
Higgs boson, Higgs-gauge boson vertex 245
Higgs boson, mass 243 246
Higgs boson, rare decays 243
Higgs boson, two doublets of Higgs fields 247
Higher order corrections 230
Horizontal symmetries 274
Hypercharge (weak) see "Weak hypercharge"
Hypercharge generator 279
Interaction 27—30
Interaction as a force 4 29
Interaction Lagrangian 19 32 45
Invariance and conserved quantities 26 329
Invariance under transformations 24 239
Invariant Lagrangians 19 45
Invariant rotations in isospin space 45
Isospin space 47
Jacobian Peak technique 140
Jets 181 219 221
Jets, figures 215 221
JLC 162
Kaons 27 183 265
Kaons, neutral kaon system 259
Kaons, rare and forbidden decays 173 174
KEK 162
Kinematics 134 319—322
Klein — Gordon equation 328
Kobayashi — Maskawa matrix 259
Lagrangian 3 18 19 20 24 26 27 30 35
Lagrangian, density 20
Lagrangian, mass term 67
Lagrangian, source term 27
Lagrangian, summary of 30—32
Lattice gauge theory 183
Left-handed fermions 66
Left-handed interaction 67
Left-handed neutrino 86
Left-right Symmetric Theories 274
LEP 133
Lepton 1 7 9
Lepton in matter 7
Lepton, basic particle of nature 9
Lepton, masses 9 12
Lepton, mixing angles 260
Lepton, number 8
Lepton, universality 92
LHC 162
Lifetime 117 119 172
Lightest supersymmetric particle 299
Like-sign dilepton 175
Local gauge transformation 26 36 103
Longitudinal polarization state of the gauge boson 105
Longitudinal polarization vectors 246
Longitudinal vector bosons 246
Lorentz invariant 19
Lorentz transformation 66
luminosity 139 223
Majorana fermion 303
Majorana neutrino 175
Masses of quarks and leptons 274
Matter particles 7
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