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Kane G.L. — Modern elementary particle physics |
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Предметный указатель |
Maxwell's equations 18 38
Mesons 29 182
Mesons, D mesons 195—198
Mesons, L = 0 states 186
Mesons, range of force 29
Missing energy 224
Missing momentum 298
Mixing angles 255
Molecules 6 10
Mott scattering 220
Muon 8 177 178
Muon, charge 8
Muon, conservation of muon number 174
Muon, decay 147
Muon, decay (figure) 146
Muon, decay width 148
Muon, mass 9
Muon, rare decays 173
Narrow width approximation 136
Natural units 11
Neutral currents 85 88 257
Neutral currents, flavor changing 252
Neutrino 8 303
Neutrino , mass 8 111 177 270 303
Neutrino oscillations 177 304
Neutrinoless double decay 177
Neutron 43
Neutron, beta-decay 89
Neutron-proton mass difference 262
Newton's constant 12
Newton's Laws 2 17
Noether's theorem 26
Non-abelian 46
Non-Abelian vector field 31
Non-perturbative phenomena 183 192 261
Nuclear force 6 10
Nuclei 6 10 12
Nucleon decay 177
Nucleons 43
Numerical values for couplings 92
Parity 66 76 190 263
Parity of pseudo scalar mesons 186
Parity, violation 76 88
Partial wave 121
Particle interactions 4
Parton model 208
Parton model, figure 209
Pauli principle 186
Pauli spin matrices 45 57 77 307
PEP 163
Perturbation theory 45
PETRA 9 162
Phase space integration 149
Phase transformation 36 46 see
Phase transformation as gauge transformations (global or local) 26
Photinos 296 see
Photon 9 19 21 29 35 37 108 190 195 198
Pions 43
Pions, charge states 45
Pions, mass 187
Point-like constituent 207
Point-like cross section 218
Point-like objects 205
Point-like scalars 253
Point-like spin-1/2 fermion 217
Point-like structure 205
Precision measurements 240
Propagator 30 33
Proton 43
Proton decay 286
QCD 6 10
Quantum chromodynamics 1 72
Quantum electrodynamics (QED) 224—230
Quantum field theory 1 3 5 9 19 22 29
Quantum numbers 185
Quantum theory 3
Quark 1 7 9 12 134 203 205
Quark, chemistry 181
Quark, electroweak eigenstate 255
Quark, mass eigenstate 255
Quark, masses 7 188 261
Quark, sea quarks 204
Quark, spin-flip transition 192
Quark, structure of hadrons 134
Quark, valence quark 204
Radiated gluon 237
Radiative corrections 240 262
Rare or forbidden decays of kaons 177
Real scalar field 19
Real spin-zero field 30
Renormalizable theory 53
Renormalization 230
Representation of the rotation matrices for spin-one 50
Resonant scattering 120
Right-handed current 67 177
Right-handed fermions 66
Right-handed neutrino 75 111 303
Rotations in the isospin space 45
Running coupling strength 235
s (strange) quark 7 92 217—218 see
s (strange) quark, electric charge 7
s (strange) quark, mass 8
| s (strange) quark, strange particles 185—188
S-matrix 117
Scalar bosons 33
Scalar fields 23 see "Complex
Scalar product 16
Scaling violations 210
Schroedinger equation 3 22 37
screening 235
Sea quarks 208
SLAC 133 163
SLC 133
SNU 308
Soft collisions 169
Solar neutrinos 177 308
Spin flip transition 198
Spin- fermion field 31
Spontaneous symmetry breaking 97 100 243
SPS 161
Squarks 296
SSC 163 173 243—247
Standard model 5
Standard Model tests 109 124 128 137 140 144 174 183 190 205 215—218 220 262
Strange particles 189
Strong decays 192
Strong force 1 3 6 9 see
Strong interaction 5 6 9
Strong isospin 44 see
Strong isospin, invariance 189—190
Strong isospin, space 44
Strong isospin, symmetry 43 193
Structure 220
Structure function 135 137 205 208 210 298
Structure function, 206 290
SU(2) 44 46 52 72 107
SU(2) weak isospin space 50
SU(3) 47 52
SU(5) 277
SU(N) 50
Sun 6
Supersymmetry 164 268 280 283 287
Symmetries 274
Synchrotron radiation 160
t (top) quark 7 92 199 217—218 261 see
t (top) quark, electric charge 7
t (top) quark, mass 8 265
t (top) quark, toponium 242
Tau lepton 8 92 199
Tau lepton , cross section 219
Tau lepton , signatures 218
Tau lepton , conservation of tau number 174
Tau lepton , decay (figure) 219
Tau lepton , lifetime 167
Tau lepton , mass 9
Time reversal 264 see CPT"
Top quark 240 261 265
Toponium 203
Transition matrix element 33
Transverse mass 141
triggering 170
Two doublets of Higgs fields 253
u (up) quark 7 10 217—218 see
u (up) quark, electric charge 7
u (up) quark, mass 8
U(1) hypercharge generator 51
U(1) invariance 71 107
Uncertainty principle 159
Unification scale 284
UNK 162
V-A interaction 67 89 148
Vacuum energy density 112
Vacuum expectation value 99 104 107
Valence quarks 208
Vector bosons 33
VEPP-4 162
Vertex factor 33
Violation of conservation of probability 251
Violation of unitarity 251
W particle 9
W particle, vertex 122
W particle, width 124
W particle, decay asymmetry 140—141
W particle, decay branching ratios 124—125
W particle, discovery 10 137
W particle, mass 108 137—139 256
W particle, production 132—136
W particle, WW scattering 244
Weak decays 192
Weak hypercharge 51 71 77 81—85 107
Weak interaction 5 6 9
Weak isospin 72 see
Weak isospin symmetry 43
WW scattering 250
X bosons 287
Y bosons 287
Yang — Mills gauge theory 47
Z particle 9
Z particle, decay branching ratios 128
Z particle, discovery 10 137
Z particle, mass 109 137 256
Z particle, Z width 125—128 265
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