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Coutinho S. — The mathematics of ciphers: number theory and RSA cryptography |
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Pseudoprimes of the form 139
Pseudoprimes to all bases 96—97
Pseudoprimes to base 2 96 104—106 140
Pseudoprimes to base b 6 96 101 139
Pseudoprimes to bases 2 and 3 96
Pseudoprimes to bases 2, 3 and 5 96
Pseudoprimes, strong 102 105
Public key 3 163—164 172
Public key cryptography 3
Pythagoras 12 43
Qin Jiushaq 110
Quadratic equation 126
Quadratic number field 177
Quadratic polynomial 51
Quadratic reciprocity 152 177
Quadratic sieve 176—177
Quotient 19
Quotient set 65 67
Rabin cryptosystem 168 172—173
Rabin probabilistic primality test 103
Rabin theorem 102—103
Rabin, M.O. 102 172
Ramanujan, S. 47
Rational point 176
Real number 42 55
Reasoning by recurrence 84—85
Reblocking 171
Recipe 17
Recorde, R. 69
Recreations Mathematiques see "Lucas F.E.A."
Recursive formula 82 179
Reduced equation 31
Reduced form 42 68 147
Reflection 123—126 157
Reflexive property 64 67 136
Relation 63
Relation, equivalence 63—67 77
Relation, reflexive 64 67
Relation, symmetric 64 67
Relation, transitive 64 67
Rep-unit 46 95 152—153
Residue modulo n 68 77
Riemann, B. 56
Rivest, R.L. 3
Rosen, M. 178
Rotation 123—126 157
RSA cryptosystem 1 12 30 37 40 49 132 163
RSA cryptosystem, choosing primes for 168—170
RSA cryptosystem, security of 167—168
RSA cryptosystem-129 4 176
RSA cryptosystem-130 4 177
Satellite 108—109
| Science and Hypothesis see "Poincare H."
Secret key 3
Seelhof, P 52
Selfridge, J.L. 154
Shamir, A. 3
Sieve of Erathostenes 57—62 94 105—106 170 177
Silverman, J.H. 176
Single precision integers 6
Solving equations by radicals 127
Square root algorithm 179—180
Subgroup 132—140 176
Subgroup, cyclic 134—135
Subgroup, non-cyclic 135
Subgroup, proper 135
Supercomputer 4
Symmetric element 70 132
Symmetric property 64 67 136
Symmetry of a regular polygon 126
Symmetry of a regular tetrahedron 139
Symmetry of a square 138
Symmetry of an equilateral triangle 123 157
System of linear congruences 107—119
Table (and the Chinese remainder theorem) 111—114 130
Tartaglia, N. 126
Tate, J. 176
tetrahedron 137
Tetrahedron, group of 137 139—140
Thales 12
Theetetus 43
Theodorus of Cirene 43
Theorem 13
Theory of equations 126
Threshold (of a finite set of integeres) 116
Torus 112
Totient 140
Totient function see "Phi function"
Towers of Hanoi 79—86
Transitive property 64 67 136
Trial division algorithm 35—36 97 143 179
Twin Prime Conjecture 12
Udresco, V.St. 74
Unique factorization theorem 22 33—36 43—45 55
Variables 20
Vector 59
Vector product 121—122
Weil, A. 178
Weyl, H. 128
Wiles, A. 45
Wilson's theorem 160—161
Witness 95
Wright, E.M. 177—178
Yi-hing 118
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