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Prigogine I., Rice S. — Advances in Chemical Physics.Volume 18. |
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"Differential scattering cross section" (DCS) 16 30 39 74
"Threshold excitation spectra" 19 20 43
"Total cross section" 16
71 218 219 220 221 222 232
Abragam, A. 167 247
Absolute cross sections 27
Adiabatic potential curve 138
Alexander, M.H. 108 146 286(80) 311
Allen, L.C. 265(44 45) 293(23a 101) 307 309 311
Altmann, S.L. 286(82) 311
Amano, T. 232 248
Andrick, D. 21(45) 87 141(65) 144 147
Angular resolution 23 86
Ardill, R.W.B. 70(114) 89
Asundi, R.K. 132 147
Asymptotic perturbation theory 107
Bailey, V.A. 71(116) 89
Baird, J.C. 220 221 247
Baird, N.C. 288(91) 311
Ballhausen, C.J. 277(58) 309
Bandel, H.W. 74 80 90 124(44) 147
Bardsley, et.al. method 115
Bardsley, J.N. 17(6) 71(6) 81(139) 86 90 115 129(50) 146 147
Barfield, M. 61(97) 89
Bates, D.R. 18
Beauchamp, J.L. 20(23) 87
Bender, C.F. 144(68) 147
Benesch, W. 43 45(77) 46 88
Berry, R.S. 1(1) 14 63(110) 80 81(137) 89 90
Berthier, G. 266(47) 290(47) 309
Bethe, H.A. 1(1) 6(3) 14 168(20) 247
Beunker, R.J. 61(98) 89
Beveridge, D.L. 272(7i) 291(7) 306
Bhatia, A.K. 99(14) 104(14) 114(14) 146
Boer, F.P. 253(9a) 254(9) 258(9a 9c) 260(9) 264(9a 9c) 282(9a) 290(9) 298(9c) 301(9) 303(9) 306
BOR calculations 80 81
Born approximation 20 21 31 65 72 74 75 78 80 81
Born — Oppenheimer exchange approximation 31 33
Born, M. 151 247
Bowers, K.D. 221(40) 247
Bowman, C.R. 19 56 59(19) 60(19) 63 66(19) 86
Boyd, D.B. 254(13) 290(13) 306
Boyd, M.E. 307
Breig, E.L. 72 75 90
Breit, G. 168 172 247
Briglia, D.P. 81(141) 90 127(48) 128 147
Brink, D.M. 157 162(12) 165(12) 166(12) 173(12) 185(12) 186(12) 196(12) 247
Brinkmann, R.T. 26(57) 52(57) 54(57) 71(120) 72(120) 79(120) 83(120) 85(120) 88 89
BRO 216 228 229 231 233
Bromberg, J.P. 27(59) 88
Brongersma, H.H. 20 43 48 54(87) 56(87) 60 63 86 89
Brown, R.D. 304(84) 311
Brown, R.L. 216(33) 228(33) 233 247
Burhop, E.H.S. 17(4 5) 19 20(4) 79(4) 86
Burke, P.G. 17(8 10) 27(10) 86 91(1) 94 97 98(10) 99 104(14) 114(14) 143—145 145 146
Burnelle, L. 265(41) 308
Burns 48
Burrow, P.D. 85 90
Burrus, C.A. 150(2) 246
Carlson, B.C. 270(55) 309
Carrington, A. 149 210(27 28) 212(27 28) 214(31 32 46) 215(31 32) 216(31 32 46) 220(38) 221(38) 222(42) 228(31 45—47) 231 232 233(31 32 46 47) 237(60) 238(60) 242(60) 245(62) 247 248
Carson, T.R. 72 78(127) 90
Cartwright, D.C. 26(57) 28(60) 31(67 68 70) 32(70) 33 40(70) 41(68 70) 42(75) 47(70) 52(57) 54(57) 80(135) 88 90
Caulton, K.G. 255(16) 290(16) 306
Cermak, V. 46(79) 88
CF 228
Chamberlain, G.E. 21(40 42 43) 24(54) 25(54) 26 32 36 40(40) 41(74) 43 46 52 87 88 124(45) 141 147
Chantry, P.J. 135 147
Chen, J.C.Y. 91(3) 99(18) 116 118 145 146
Chirgwin, B.H. 277 310
Chiu, L.-Y. 172(24) 176(24) 194(24) 247
Chiu, Y.N. 224 247
Christophorou, L.G. 20(22) 43(22) 87
Ciullo, G. 290(48) 309
Cizek, J. 265(42) 308
Clark, P.A. 294(103) 277
Clementi, E. 250(4) 277(63) 288(93) 305 310 311
Clementi, H. 277(63) 310
Clinton, W.L. 265(41) 308
CLO 216 228 231 232 233
Close-coupling calculations 72
CO 48
Cohan, N.V. 286(82) 311
Coller, B.A.W. 304(84) 311
Compton, D.N. 20(22) 43 87
Cook, D.B. 271(26) 275(26) 277(26) 291(26) 301(26) 307
Cooper, J. 1(1) 14
Cooper, J.W. 98(10) 144(10) 145(71) 146 147
Costello, D.G. 86(149) 90
Coulson, C.A. 277 310
Coupled representation 195
Cox, J.T. 233(55) 248
Currie, G.N. 210(28) 212(28) 214—216(31) 222(42) 228(31) 233(31) 247
Cusachs, B.B. 271(56) 309
Cusachs, L.C. 271(56) 309
Cusp-type effect 134
Dahl, J.P. 273(58a) 277(58) 309
Dalton, B.J. 1(1) 14
Damburg, R. 99 146
Daniels, J.M. 220(37) 221(37) 244(37) 247
Darwin, C.G. 172 247
Davidovits, P. 85 90
Davidson, E.R. 144(68) 147
Davison, W.D. 70(114) 89
De Michelis, G. 286(76) 310
Decoupled representation 195
Del Bene, J. 294(105) 312
Demkov, Yu.N. 130(51) 133 147
Detailed balancing 84
Dewar, M.J.S. 61(96) 89 288(91) 311
di Sipio, L. 286(76) 310
Diabatic potential curve 138
Dillon, M.A. 20 42(35) 43 48(35) 49 63(29) 65(35) 71 82(36) 87
Dirac Hamiltonian 168
Dirac, P.A.M. 168 170(18) 247
Discharges 84
Dissociative attachment 129
Distorted wave approximation 75
Dixon, R.N. 272(59) 309
Dobosh, P.A. 272(7i) 291(7) 306
Doering, J.P. 20(33) 21 26 30(33) 43 63 64 66(33c) 87 88
Dorain, P.B. 220(37) 221(37) 244(37) 247
Double scattering 24 25 26
Dousmanis, G.C. 150(4) 246
Dowell, J.T. 20 51 56(89) 71 87 89 131(52) 133 147
Dressier, K. 46(78) 88
Drexler, K. 21(49) 88
Dunning, T.H. 61(100) 89 287(89) 311
Dyer, P.N. 214(32 46) 215(32) 216(32 46) 228(45 46) 233(32 46) 247 248
Dymond, E.G. 19 86
Edmonds, A.R. 90
Effective Hamiltonian 183
Effective scattering length 24 26
Ehrhardt, H. 21 70(112) 71 77(46) 81 87 89 94(7) 115(33) 118(33) 122(33) 123 141(65 66) 144 145 146 147
Elastic scattering 72 74 80 81
electric dipole moment 75
Electric dipole transitions 235
Electric field Hamiltonian 178
Electric quadrupole moment 65 74 78 83
Electron beam method 20
Electron exchange 15 17 19 80
Electron swarms 19 71
Electronic excitation 15 17 21 42 48 49 51 56 57 60 61 63
Electronic excitation, 56 57
Electronic excitation, 21
Electronic excitation, 70 71
Electronic excitation, 21 71 72 81 82 83
Electronic excitation, 20 21 60 71 72 82 83
Electronic excitation, Ar 21
Electronic excitation, CO 49 60 71
| Electronic excitation, He 21
Electronic excitation, NO 71
Eliezer, I. 124(39) 137(39) 144(69) 147
Evans, D.F. 61(105) 89
Exchange scattering 57 60 67 70 80 86
Exchange scattering of electrons 15 17 19 25 26 30 42 43 46 69
Exchange scattering, excitation via a direct mecahnism 30
Exchange scattering, singlet-triplet transitions 20 21 67
Excitation or deexcitation of internal states of the target 15
External magnetic field Hamiltonian 205 206 207
External magnetic field Hamiltonian, matrix elements in a decoupled representation 201
External magnetic field Hamiltonian, matrix elements in the coupled representation 200
Eyb, M. 141(65) 144(65) 145(65) 147
Eyring, H. 154(9) 247
Fajen, F.E. 72 90
Falick, A.M. 212(29) 247
Fano, U. 6(4) 74 145(71) 147
Fenske, R.F. 255(16) 290(16) 306
Feshbach theory 104 115 116
Feshbach, H. 101 110 114 146
Fine structure Hamiltonian 173
Fine structure Hamiltonian of the first term 202
Fine structure Hamiltonian, matrix elements 193 202
Fine structure separations 216
Fischer, H. 291(7) 306
Fischer-Hjalmers, I. 271(52) 276(52a) 277(52b) 309
Flux factor 98 99
Foldy, L.R. 169 247
Fonda, L. 99 146
Fox, A.J. 308
Francis 63
Franck — Condon factor 42 46 48 58 129
Franck — Condon principle 124
Franck, J. 19 86
Freed, K.F. 182(26) 185 247
Freund, R.S. 150(6) 246
Fundaminsky, A. 18
Furlani, C. 290(48) 309
Gailitis, M.K. 99 146
Geiger, J. 21 52—54 63 12 87—89
Geltman, S. 70(113) 78 89 99(14) 104(14) 114 146
Gerjuoy, E. 75 90
Gilmore, F.R. 42 88
Goldberger, M.L. 17(2) 86 107 146
Golden, D.E. 74 80 90 124(44) 147
Golebiewski, A. 92(5) 102 118(5) 145
Gordon, M.S. 291(7) 306
Gordy, W. 233(55) 248
Gottfried, K. 25(55) 88
Grace, D.E. 86 90
Graybeal, J.D. 150(2) 246
Hall, G.G. 250(1) 251(1) 305
Hansen, A.E. 286(85) 287(85) 304(85) 311
Harris, F.E. 131(55) 135(55 61) 147 265(42) 308
Hart, R.R. 63(110) 89
Hazi, A. 144(69) 147
Heddle, D.W.D. 145 147
Heideman, H.G.M. 21(40 42 43) 32(40) 36(40) 40(40) 41(74) 43 46 52 87 88 124(45) 141(64) 147
Henry, A.F. 219(35) 247
Henry, R.J.W. 79(131) 90
Hermann, R.B. 286(79 81) 287(79) 310 311
Herring, D.F. 86(149) 90
Hertz, G. 19 86
Herzberg, G. 17(11) 18(11a) 51(11b) 59 61(91—93 106) 66(11c) 86 89 131(54) 134 147 303
Herzenberg, A. 115 129(50) 146 147
Heubner, R.H. 20(22) 43(22) 87
Hill, R.M. 150(1) 246
Hirota, E. 232(54) 248
Hojvat, N.L. 61(96) 89
Hollis, P.C. 271(26) 275(26) 277(26) 291(26) 301(26) 307
Holoeien, E. 102—104 146
Howard, B.J. 228(47) 233(47) 248
Huang, K. 151(8) 247
Hund's case (a) 155 181
Hund's case (b) 155 156 182
Hund's case (c) 156
Hurst, G.S. 20(22) 43(22) 87
Hurst, R.P. 277(67) 310
Hutchisson, E. 53 54 89
Huzinaga, S. 262(12) 287(88) 306 311
Hyiicraas — Undheim theory (H.U.) 102
Hyperfine structure 195
Hyperfine structure, Fermi contact term 208
Hyperfine structure, Hamiltonian 175
Hyperfine structure, matrix elements 207
Hyperfine structure, matrix elements in a decoupled representation 200 201
Ingold, C.K. 56 89
Inner shells, neglect of in MO calculations 277
Intensities and lineshape 233
Intensity ratio 25 30 32 39 40 49 51 55 65 68 72 82
Inversion operator 223
Io 216 228 231 233
Irreducible linear operator 185 186
Irreducible linear operator, scalar product 185
Jaffe, H.H. 294(105) 312
Jobe, J.D. 18(69) 31 33(69) 41(69) 88
Johansen, H. 277(58) 309
Johnson, F.A. 308
Joy, H.W. 287(87) 311
Kamper, R.A. 221(40) 247
Karo, A.M. 293(23a 101) 307 311
Kato, H. 288(90c) 289(90) 311
Kato, T. 101 106—108 111 146
Kaufman, J.J. 273(60) 309
Kawamura, T. 288(90c) 289(90) 311
Kayama, K. 220 221 247
Keesing, R.G.W. 145 147
Keiffer, L.J. 30(63) 88
Keller, J.M. 270(55) 309
Kemble, E.C. 105(24) 106(24) 146
Keys, L.K. 219(36) 247
Kimball, G.E. 154(9) 247
King, G.W. 56 89
Klein, M.L. 291(7) 306
Klein, O. 84(143) 90
Klemperer, W. 150(6) 246
Klopman, G. 288(91) 311
Kolos, W. 79 90 124(40) 125(40) 147
Konishi, H. 288(90c) 289(90) 311
Koopmans, T. 285 310
Kopelman, R. 61(101) 63(101) 89
Krasnow 42
Krauss, M. 31 33(66) 88
Krongelb, S. 234 248
Kronig, R. de L. 159(13) 247
Kroto, H.W. 291(7) 306
Krupenie, P.H. 48 89
Kuebler, N.A. 63(110) 89
Kuppermann, A. 15 17(119) 18(71) 20(32 34 56) 21 26(57) 28(60) 30(32) 31 32(70) 33 36 40(70) 41(68 70) 42(75) 43 46 47(70) 48 49 51 52(57) 53 54(57) 57—60(56) 63 64 66(32a) 71(119) 72(119) 74—78(119) 79(119 132) 80(119 135) 81(119) 87 88 90
Kuyatt, C.E. 17(53) 20(38) 21(40—43) 22 24 25(54) 26(54) 27(58) 32(40) 36(40) 40(40) 43 46 52 87—89 124(41—43 45) 145(72) 147
Landau, L.D. 84(144) 85(144) 90
Lane, N.F. 79(131) 90
Langhans, L. 21(46) 71(46) 77(46) 81(46) 87 94(7) 115(33) 118(33) 122(33) 144(33) 146
Lassettre, E.N. 17(25) 20 21(49) 30(25j) 31 40 42 43 46 48(35 81 82) 49 52 57 58 63 65 71 82(36) 87—89
Leech, J.W. 18
Levy, D.H. 149 210(27 28) 212(27 28) 214(31 32 46) 215(31 32) 216(31 32 46) 220(38) 221(38) 222(42) 228(31 45—47) 232 233(31 32 46 47) 237(60) 238(60) 242(60) 245(62) 247 248
Lichten, W. 150(5) 246
Lidc, D.R. 150(3) 246
Lifshitz, E.M. 84(144) 85(144) 90
Lin, C.C. 71 75 90 233 248
Linder, F. 21(46) 70(112) 71 77(46) 81(46) 87 89 94(7) 115(33) 118(33) 122(33) 123 143(33) 146 147
Linzer, M. 228(50) 231(50) 233(50) 244(50) 248
Lipscomb, W.N. 253(9a) 254(9 13) 258(9a 9c) 260(9) 264(9a 9c) 268(20) 282(9a) 290(9 13 95) 298(9c) 301(9 95) 302(95 109) 303(9) 306 307 311 312
Lipsky, L. 99(14) 104 114(14) 146
Lowdin, P.-O. 111 298(106) 312
Lubezky, A. 61(101) 63(101) 89
Lucas, N. 231 248
Lustig, C.D. 221(40) 247
Lutz, B.L. 46(78) 88
Lykos, P.G. 286(79) 287(79) 310
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