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Prigogine I., Rice S. — Advances in Chemical Physics.Volume 18.
Prigogine I., Rice S. — Advances in Chemical Physics.Volume 18.

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Название: Advances in Chemical Physics.Volume 18.

Авторы: Prigogine I., Rice S.


The Advances in Chemical Physics series provides a forum for critical, authoritative evaluations in every area of the discipline. In a format that encourages the expression of individual points of view, experts in the field present comprehensive analyses of subjects of interest. This stand-alone, special topics volume reports recent advances in electron-transfer research, with significant, up-to-date chapters by internationally recognized researchers.

Язык: en

Рубрика: Физика/

Статус предметного указателя: Готов указатель с номерами страниц

ed2k: ed2k stats

Год издания: 1970

Количество страниц: 329

Добавлена в каталог: 19.08.2014

Операции: Положить на полку | Скопировать ссылку для форума | Скопировать ID
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Macek, J.      94(8) 146
Magnetic dipole transitions      235
Magnetic hyperfine Hamiltonian      195 197
Magnetic hyperfine Hamiltonian, Electron-nuclear dipolar interaction      197
Magnetic hyperfine Hamiltonian, Fermi contact term      197
Magnetic hyperfine Hamiltonian, I, $l_{i}$ term      196
Mahan, B.H.      212(29) 247
Mandl, F.      17(6) 71(6) 86 115 129(50) 138 146 147
Manne, R.      254(14a) 255(14a) 277(14a 14c) 281(14a) 289(14) 306
Manson, S.T.      1(1) 14
Marriott, R.      99 146
Massey, H.S.W.      17(3—5) 18 19 20(4) 28(3a) 29(3) 41(3c) 72 79(4) 86 90
McClellen, A.L.      304
McConkey      48
McDonald, C.C.      228
McGowan, J.W.      86(149) 90 99(13 15) 146
McKoy, V.      61(100) 89 286(78) 287(89) 310 311
McWeeny, R.      271(26) 275(26) 277(26 66) 291(26) 301(26) 307 310
Mendez, H.G.      143(67) 145(67) 147
Menendez, M.G.      32(73) 41(73) 88
Messiah, A.      16(1) 86 157 172(11) 174(11) 186(11) 247
Meyer, V.D.      20(26 28) 42(28) 46 48(81 82) 49(81 82) 87 89
Midtdal, J.      102 146
Mielczarek, S.R.      21(39 41 44) 24—26(54) 27(44) 30(39 41) 31 32(73) 33(44) 41(73) 52 63 87—89 124(41—42) 143(67) 145(67 72) 147
Miller formula      101
Miller, K.J.      31 33(66) 88
Miller, T.A.      149 182(25) 210(27 28) 212(27 28) 214(31) 215(31) 216(25 31) 218(25) 220(25 38) 221(38) 222(42) 228(31) 232 233(31) 237(60) 238(60) 242(60) 245(62) 247 248
Miller, W.D.      19 56 59(19) 60(19) 63 66(19) 86
Miller, W.H.      92 101 104 111 113 145
Millie, P.      266(47) 290(47) 309
Mittleman, M.H.      99(12) 146
Mizushima, M.      150(1) 233 246 248
Moccia, R.      286(79) 287(79) 310
Model Hamiltonian      100
Moiseivitsch, B.L.      30(64) 88
Moore, C.E.      31 88 288(92) 311
Morino, Y.      232(54) 248
Morrison, D.J.T.      80(135) 90
Morse, P.M.      72 90
Moscowitz, A.      63(110) 89
Mott, N.F.      17(3) 28(3a) 29(3) 41(3c) 86
Mulliken approximation      253 289
Mulliken approximation and SCF matrix elements      258
Mulliken approximation and SCF MO Calculations      256
Mulliken approximation in current use      289
Mulliken, R.S.      21(49) 42(49) 46(49) 61 63 66(103) 87 89 253 254 285(8) 306
Multipole expansion      83
Myers, R.J.      212(29) 228 247
Nakatsuji, H.      288(90c) 289(90) 311
Nakayama, T.      57 59(90) 89
Nazaroff, G.V.      92(5) 102 118(5) 145
Negative ion formation      63
Newton, M.D.      253(9a) 254(9) 258(9a 9c) 260 264(9a 9c) 282(9a) 290(9 95) 298(9c) 301(9 95) 302(21 95) 303(9) 306 311
Newton, R.G.      93 96—99 107 110 146
Nichols, R.W.      48 49 89
Nicholson, B.J.      249
NO      228 233
ns      228 233
Nuclear electric quadrupole interaction      199
Nuclear electric quadrupole interaction, matrix elements in the coupled representation      199 208
Nuclear spin Zeeman interaction      209
Nuclear spin Zeeman interaction, matrix elements      209
O'Malley, T.F.      81(140) 90 99(14) 104(14) 114 119(37) 120(37) 122 123(37) 124(37) 129(49) 131(53) 138 140 146 147
Oak Ridge National Laboratory      19(16) 86
Ochkur — Rudge exchange approximations      31 33 80 81
Oh      214 228 231 233
Ohmura, T.      146
Ohno, K.A.      277(66) 310
Oleari, L.      286(76) 310
Oosterhoff, L.J.      20 43 48 54(87) 56(87) 60(20) 86 89
Oppenheimer, J.R.      19 86 151 247
Orloff, M.K.      286(77) 287(87) 310 311
Ormande, S.      98(10) 99(14) 104(14) 114(14) 144(10) 146
Paldus, J.      255(17) 256(17) 306
Palke, W.E.      268(20) 302(21) 307
Palmer, T.W.      106 108(25) 146
Pan, D.C.      265(44) 308
Pann, Y.K.      144(69) 147
Pariser, R.      286(75) 287(156) 310
Parr, R.G.      269(53) 271(53) 286(75) 286(75) 287(156) 309 310
Pcyerimhoff, S.D.      61(98) 89
Pellegatti, A.      265(42) 308
Percival, I.C.      28(61) 88
Perkins, J.F.      99(14) 104(14) 114(14) 146
Peshkin, M.      1
Phelps, A.V.      70(111) 89 118 146
Phillips, M.      167 247
Pitzer, R.M.      302(109) 312
Plane wave approximation      78
Plasmas      84
Polak, R.      255(17) 256(17) 306
Polarization of electronic charge cloud of target by electrons      72 74
Pople, J.A.      255(7a) 270(76) 272(7b) 70 273(7a) 281(7a) 283(7a) 291 292(7b) 293(7b 7c) 294(7b) 306
Positron scattering      86
Posner, J.      294(103) 311
Powell, F.K.      150(3) 246
Predissociation      133
Price, W.C.      59 63(107) 89
Projection operator      100 111
Quadrupole Hamiltonian      175
Quadrupole transition      63 65
Radford, H.E.      214(30 51) 216(33) 228(33 49—51) 231 233 244(50 51) 247 248
Radtke, D.D.      255(16) 290(16) 306
Raff, L.      20(32) 21 30(32) 51 63 64 66(32a) 87
Ragle, J.L.      294(103) 311
Ramien, A.      71(115) 89
Ransil, B.J.      287(86) 300(86) 311
Rapp, D.      81(141) 90 127(48) 128 147
Read, F.H.      20(24) 71(117) 81(117 139) 87 89 90
Reid, C.      61(102 105) 89
Rein, R.      265(42) 308
Reinhardt, P.W.      20(22) 43(22) 87
Reinhardt, W.      101 110 131(21) 146
Resonances      17 63 71 81
Resonances, angular momentum barrier      96
Resonances, core excited      1 92 99
Resonances, core excited II      93
Resonances, core excited II, difficulty in distinguishing      93
Resonances, core excited II, mechanistic model      93
Resonances, core excited II, relation to potential well depth      93 96
Resonances, core excited II, width relative to type I, exception to      94
Resonances, core excited, mechanistic model      92 93
Resonances, core excited, position relative to CE II      93
Resonances, core excited, special class      99
Resonances, core excited, temporary formation of negative ion      93
Resonances, electron affinity of the excited states      93
Resonances, Feshbach compound state      92
Resonances, hole-particle      92
Resonances, inclusion of core polarization      137
Resonances, induction effect      96
Resonances, mathematical formulation      110 111
Resonances, single particle      96 99 115 137
Resonant cavity      244
Resonant cavity, sample cavities      244
Rice, B.      265(41) 308
Rice, J.K.      15 17(119) 18(71) 20(34 56) 21(51 52) 23(52) 25(52) 26(57) 31 32(52 70) 33 36 40(70) 41(68 70) 43 46 47(70) 48 49 52(57) 53 54(57) 57—60(56) 64(52) 65(52) 71(119 120) 72(119 120) 74—78(119) 79(119 120 132) 80(119) 81(119) 83(120) 85(120) 87—90
Riddell, R.C.      108 146
Ridge, D.P.      20(23) 87
Robertson, J.C.      228(47) 233(47) 248
Robin, M.B.      63(110) 89
Roothaan, C.C.J.      250(2) 251(2) 285(2) 305
Rose, M.E.      4(2) 8(2) 74 157 184—186(10) 196(10) 247
Ross, I.G.      61(94) 89
Ross, K.J.      20(31 35) 42(35) 46(35) 48(35) 49(35) 63 65 87
Rosseland, S.      84(143) 90
Rotational energy levels      209
Rotational excitation      15 70
Rotational Hamiltonian      187 203
Rotational Hamiltonian, matrix elements      204
Rotationless invariance averaging in MO calculations      281
Rotenberg, M.      99 146
Rozsynai, B.F.      75(138) 77(138) 80 90
Rudenberg approximation      266 290
Rudenberg approximation in current use      290
Rudge, M.R.H.      80(135) 90
Ruedcnberg, K.      254(10) 266 269(10) 278(10) 306
Russek, A.      99(14) 104 114(14) 146
Sahni, R.C.      79 90 277(236) 307
Salerno, J.A.      74 80 90
Salpcter, E.E.      6(3) 74 168(20) 247
Sanders, T.M.      150(4) 246
Santry, D.P.      255(7a) 273(7a) 281(7a) 283(7a) 291(7) 306
Satchler, G.R.      157 162(12) 165(12) 166(12) 173(12) 185(12) 186(12) 196(12) 247
Sawhney, B.C.      79 90
Schawlow, A.L.      243 248
Scherr, C.W.      307
Schultz, N.      21(47) 48 87
Schulz, G.J.      19 51 56 60 71 86 89 116 118 127(47) 128 132 146 147
SD      228
Seaton, M.T.      28(61) 88
SeF      215 216 228 233
Segal, G.A.      255(7a) 270(7b) 272(7b) 273(7a) 281(7a) 283(7a) 291 292(7b) 293(7b 7c) 294(7b 7e) 306
SEH      216 228 231 233
Semiempirical approximation, effect of in MO calculations      285
SEO      218 219 220 221 222
Serre, J.      61(95) 89
SF      215 216 228 233
Sgarnelloti, A.      290(48) 309
sh      228 231 233
Sharp, T.E.      20 51 56(89) 81(141) 89 90 127(48) 128 131(52) 133 147
Sharp-Ritter, J.D.      286(79) 287(79) 310
Shore, B.W.      111 113 146
Shriner, D.F.      294(103) 311
Shull      111
Sichel, J.M.      294(104) 311
Silverman, S.M.      31 40 88
Silverstone, H.J.      287(87) 311
Simpson, J.A.      20 21(39—41 44) 22 24—26(54) 27(44) 30(39 41) 31 32(40 73) 33(44) 41(73) 48 52 63 87—89 124(41—43) 143(67) 145(67 72) 147
Sinanoglu, O.      250(5) 286(77 78) 305 310
Singlet-singlet transitions      54 56 57
Singlet-triplet transitions      20 21 43 46 57 60 67 69
Skerbele, A.      20 42(28 35) 43 46 48(35 81 82) 49 63(29) 65(35) 71 82(36) 87 89
Small magnetic interactions      211 220 221
Smith, K.      17(9) 27(9) 86 91(2) 143(2) 145
Smith, S.J.      30(64) 88
so      218 219 220 221 222 232
Spin-exchange inelastic processes      25
Spin-forbidden transitions      19 21
Spin-free Hamiltonian      172
Spin-rotation interaction      190 192
Spin-rotation interaction, matrix elements      192
Spin-spin Hamiltonian      173
Spin-spin Hamiltonian, matrix elements      194 202
St. John, R.M.      18(69) 31 33(69) 41(69) 48 88
Stabilization method      99 100 101 102 103
Stabilization method, bound state in the continuum      102
Stabilization method, matrix eigenfunctions      101
Stabilization method, test for stability      101
Stabilization method, validity      101
Stanton      48
Stark effects      105 236 237
Stark effects, matrix elements      236 237
Stark modulation      241
Stark modulation, line shape      242
Stein, S.      75 90
Stickel, W.      21(49) 88
Strandberg, M.W.P.      219—221(34) 234 247 248
Stuart, J.D.      277(67) 310
Superelastic scattering      15 83 84 85
Sweeney, C.C.      255(16) 290(16) 306
Switkes, E.      300(107) 312
Symmetry-forbidden transitions      19 20 39 42 63 65
Takayanagi, K.      70(113) 72 75 78 89 90
Taylor, A.J.      98(10) 99 144(10 16) 146
Taylor, H.S.      17(7) 21(46) 71(7 46) 75(136) 77(46 136) 80 81 86 87 90 91 92(5) 102 114(31) 115 118(5 33) 119(37) 120(37) 122(33) 123 124(31 37 39) 127(46) 131(55) 135(39 55 61) 137(39) 141(66) 144(33 69) 145—147
TeH      216 228 233
Tekaat, T.      21(47) 87
Temkin, A.      80 91(2) 99(12 14) 104(14) 143(2) 145 146
Tilford, S.G.      45(77) 46(77) 88
Tinkham, M.      219—221(34) 247
Titchmarsh, E.C.      101 106 110 146
Townes, C.H.      150(4) 243 247 248
Trajmar, S.      15 17(119) 18(71) 20(34 56) 21(51) 26 31 32(70) 33 36 40(70) 41(68 70) 43 46 47(70) 48 49 52 53 54(57) 57 58—60(56) 71(119 120) 72(119 120) 74—78(119) 79(119 120 132) 80(119) 81 83(120) 85(120) 87—90
Transition probabilities      17
Transition probabilities in helium      17
Trapped electron method      19 43 48 51 60 63 71
Trapped electron method, technique      51
Trapped electron method, work      51
Triplet/singlet ratios      32 48 53 56 58 60 66 69
Truhlar, D.G.      17(119) 28(60) 31 32(70) 33(68) 40(70) 41(68 70) 47(70) 70 71(119 120) 72(119 120) 74—78(119) 79(119 120 132) 80(119 135) 81(119) 83(120) 85(120) 88—90
Tully, J.C.      1(1) 14 80 81(137) 90
Tutte, W.T.      63(107) 89
University of Colorado      19(15) 86
van Vleck, J.H.      167 168 182(22) 184(22) 185 233(57) 234 247 248
Vanderslice, J.T.      45(77) 46(77) 88
Veillard, A.      266(47) 290(47) 309
Vibrational excitation      15 17 21 70 71 72 74 80 81 82 83 86
Vibrational excitation, $CO_{2}$      70 71 72
Vibrational excitation, $C_{2} H_{2}$      21 72
Vibrational excitation, angular dependence      119 122
Virtual state      98
Vriens, L.      21(44) 27(44) 31 33(44) 87
Wahlquist, H.      234 248
Walker, J.F.      99(12) 146
Walter, J.      154(9) 247
Watanabe, K.      57 59(90) 63 89
Watson, K.M.      17(2) 86 107 146
Watson, R.E.      285(74) 310
Wayland, H.      30(62) 88
Weak quantization      105
Wei, P.S.P.      20(32 56) 21 30(32) 57—60(56) 63(32) 64(32d) 87 88
Weisskopf, V.W.      233(57) 234 248
Whitaker, W.      99(14) 104(14) 114(14) 146
Whitehead, M, A.      294(104) 311
Whiterod, G.L.      20(24) 87
Wigner, E.P.      165(14) 224(14) 247
Wilkins, R, L.      75(136) 77(136) 80 81 90
Wilkinson, J.H.      308
Wilkinson, P.G.      45(77) 46(77) 59 61(99 103) 63(99) 66(99 103) 88 89
Williams, A.J.      IV 20(33) 21 30(33) 43 63(33c) 64 66(33c) 87
Williams, J.F.      99(15) 146
Williams, J.K.      114 115 124(31 39) 127(46) 137(39) 146 147
Willman, K.      21(45 47) 87
Wittmaack, K.      21(50) 63 72 88
Wolniewicz, L.      79 90 124(40) 125(40) 147
Wouthuysen, S.A.      169 247
Wu, T.      146
Wu, T.-Y.      72 90
Yamaguchi, K.      288(90c) 289(90) 311
Yaris, M.      63(110) 89
Yonezawa, T.      288(90c) 289(90) 311
Yurev, M.S.      18
Zare, R.N.      1(1) 14
Zeeman Hamiltonian      176
Zelikoff, M.      63 89
Zero differential overlap approximation      269 291
Zero differential overlap approximation and orthogonalized AOS      269
Zero differential overlap approximation and SCF matrix elements      271
Zero differential overlap approximation in current use      291
Zumino, B.      112 146
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