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De LA Pena V., Gine E. — Decoupling: From Dependence to Independence: Randomly Stopped Processes U-Statistics and Processes Martingales and Beyond
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Название: Decoupling: From Dependence to Independence: Randomly Stopped Processes U-Statistics and Processes Martingales and Beyond
Авторы: De LA Pena V., Gine E.
Аннотация: This book presents the theory and several applications of the decoupling princi-ple, which provides a general approach for handling complex problems involving dependent variables. Its main tools consist of inequalities used for breaking (decoupling) the dependence structure in a broad class of problems by introducing enough independence so that they can be analyzed by means of standard tools from the theory of independent random variables.
Since decoupling reduces problems on dependent variables to problems on related (conditionally) independent variables, we begin with the presentation of a series of results on sums of independent random variables and (infinite-dimensional) vectors, which will be useful for analyzing the decoupled problems and which at the same time are tools in developing the decoupling inequalities. These include several recent definitive results, such as an extension of Levy's maximal inequalities to independent and identically distributed but not necessarily symmetric random vectors, the Khinchin-Kahane inequality (Khinchin for random vectors) with best constants, and sharp decompositions of the Lp norm of a sum of independent random variables into functions that depend on their marginals only. A consequence of the latter consists of the first decoupling result we present, namely, comparing the Lp norms of sums of arbitrary positive random variables or of martingale differences with the Lp norms of sums of independent random variables with the same (one-dimensional) marginal distributions. With a few subjects, such as Hoffmann-J0rgensen's inequality, we compromise between sharpness and expediency and take a middle, practical road.
Рубрика: Математика /
Статус предметного указателя: Готов указатель с номерами страниц
ed2k: ed2k stats
Год издания: 1999
Количество страниц: 392
Добавлена в каталог: 19.09.2006
Операции: Положить на полку |
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-capacity 216
(dual) bounded Lipschitz distance 180 214
Angularly symmetric distribution 268—269
Anscombe's Theorem for degenerate V-statistics 363 366
Anscombe's Theorem for sequences 362 363
Anscombe's Theorem for sums of independent variables 361
Asymptotic equicontinuity criterion 211
Banach space of type 2 249
Bracketing numbers 233
Burkholder — Davis — Gundy inequalities for martingales 34 316
Burkholder — Gundy inequalities for randomly stopped processes 81—82
Burkholder — Gundy type exponential inequality 84
Canonical kernel 137
Central limit theorem for B-valued V-statistics 250
Central limit theorem for martingales (Brown Eagleson) 330
Central limit theorem for two two tables 331
Central limit theorem for U-processes 238—247
Central limit theorem for U-statistics 180—183
Chaining 216—218
CI condition 293
Completely degenerate kernel see canonical kernel
Conditional Jensen inequalities for nonnegative, nondecreasing functions 123—125
Conditional Khinchin inequalities for nonnegati ve, nondecreasing functions 122—123
Conditionally symmetric sequences 293
Conditionally symmetric sequences, inequalities 302 308 312—315
Contraction principle 6—7 114
Convergence in law in 209
Covering numbers (of a metric space) 216
Criterion function (for M-estimators) 265
Cumulative hazard function 281
Decoupled sequences 293
Decoupled version 293
Decoupling counter-examples 345 348
Decoupling of autorregressive models 295
Decoupling of constrained intersections of sets 298
Decoupling of constrained products 297
Decoupling of constrained sums 300
Decoupling of Gaussian chaos 183—186
Decoupling of intersections of tangent events 298 299
Decoupling of martingales 34—35 300 320 322
Decoupling of moment generating functions of tangent sequences 300
Decoupling of multilinear fonns in independent random variables 135—136
Decoupling of order statistics 299
Decoupling of products of tangent variables 297
Decoupling of randomly stopped Bessel processes 83
Decoupling of randomly stopped sums 54 62 321
Decoupling of randomly stopped U-statistics 352 356
Decoupling of sampling without replacement 295
Decoupling of sums of nonnegative variables 33—34
Decoupling of sums of tangent variables: moments 307 308 312 336 347 348
Decoupling of sums of tangent variables: moment generating function 300
Decoupling of sums of tangent variables: tail probabilities 302 308 313 345
Decoupling of U-processes: convex functions 107
Decoupling of U-processes: tail probabilities 125 134
Decoupling of U-statistics and U-processes 97—98
Decoupling of U-statistics: convex functions 99
Decoupling of U-statistics: moment generating functions 301
Decoupling of U-statistics: tail probabilities 125
Decoupling of UMD (Unifonn martingale difference)-martingales 323
Degenerate kernel 137
Degree of degeneracy of a U-statistic 137
Differentially subordinate sequences and inequalities 313—315
Dudley's theorem (on sample continuity of Gaussian processes) 219
Empirical process 237
Envelope of a class of functions 107 224
Exponential inequalities for canonical U-processes 252
Exponential inequalities for canonical U-statistics 167
Exponential inequalities for chaos 116 118
Exponential inequalities for martingales and ratios 369—370
Exponential inequalities for the ratio of a martingale over its conditional variance 369—374
Exponential inequalities for U-statistics 165 167 171
Exponential inequalities Hoeffding's, for U-statistics 165
Exponential inequalities, Bennett's 167
Exponential inequalities, Bennett's for martingales 367 368
Exponential inequalities, Bernstein's 166
Exponential inequalities, Bernstein's for martingales 367 368
Exponential inequalities, maximal, for processes (chaining) 215—221
Exponential inequalities, maximal, for random variables 189
Exponential inequalities, Prokhorov's for martingales 372
First passage times for a the maximum of a group of agents in a market 84
First passage times for Bessel processes 83 84
First passage times for sums of i.i.d. variables 54 55
First passage times for the maximum volume of a group of spheres 86 87
First passage times, comparison between two processes 92
Fubini's inequality for outer expectations 106
Gaussian chaos 117—118 120 122 173—180
Gaussian chaos process 180 220
Gaussian process 173 219
Generalized Minkowski inequality 112
Hermite polynomials 176
Hoeffding's decomposition 137
Hoeffding's inequality for sampling without replacement 295
Hoffmann — Jorgensen inequalities 8—15 47 155
Hoffmann — Jorgensen inequalities for U-statistics and processes 155—160
Hypercontractivity of Gaussian chaos 117—118
Hypercontractivity of multinomial linear forms 131—132
Hypercontractivity of Rademacher chaos 110—116
Hypergeometric distribution 331 332
Hypergeometric distribution, noncentral 331—333
Hypergeometric distribution, noncentral (representation as sum of independent variables) 333
Identifiability (of parameters) 265
Image admissible Suslin classes of functions 138
Integrability in the CLT 180 181
Integrability in the LIL 192 200—205
Integrability in the LLN 161—164
Isonormal Gaussian process 173
k-function 28—32 56 57
Khinchin inequalities 15—20 121—122
Khinchin — Kahane inequalities 15—20
L-function 35—42 57
Law of large numbers for B-valued U-statistics 234
Law of large numbers for decoupled U-processes 235
Law of large numbers for the empirical simplicial median 267
Law of large numbers for U-processes 228—233
Law of large numbers for U-statistics 160—164
Law of large numbers for V-processes 236
Law of the iterated logarithm for B-valued U-statistics, bounded 255
Law of the iterated logarithm for B-valued U-statistics, compact 262
Law of the iterated logarithm for decoupled and/or randomized U-statistics 198
Law of the iterated logarithm for U-processes, bounded 255
Law of the iterated logarithm for U-processes, compact 256
Law of the iterated logarithm for U-statistics, bounded 192—193
Law of the iterated logarithm for U-statistics, compact I 95
Levy's maximal inequalities 2—7
Levy's maximal inequalities for processes with independent increments 81
M-estimator 265 279
Marcinkiewicz inequalities 34
Marcinkiewicz law of large numbers 162
Marcinkiewicz type law of large numbers for U-statistics 235
Maximal inequality for exponential Orlicz norms 189
Measurability 8 15 106 138
Measurable classes of functions 138
Measurable envelope 107 224
Metric entropy 216
Newton's identities 175
Orlicz norms, Orlicz spaces 36
Outer integral, expectation, probability 106
P-Donsker class of functions 237
Packing numbers (of a metric space) 216
Paley — Zygmund argument 119
Polarization fonnula 174
Principle of conditioning, almost sure convergence 327
Principle of conditioning, weak convergence 328
Product limit estimator (Lynden — Bell) 282
Rademacher chaos 110—118 120 122—125
Rademacher chaos processes 220
Rademacher variables, Rademacher sequences 12 16
Random distances 228 231 241
Randomization in the law of the iterated logarithm for U-processes 148
Randomization inequalities for martingales 300
Randomization inequalities for sums 12 139
Randomization inequalities for U-statistics and U-processes: convex functions 140 144
Randomization inequalities for U-statistics and U-processes: tail probabilities 146 148
Rosenthal inequalities 43—46
Rosenthal inequalities for martingales 322
Rosenthal inequalities for martingales (sharp constants) 337
Sample bounded process 209
Sample continuous process 219
Sampling, conditionally independent 295
Sampling, conditionally independent, with replacement 295
Sampling, conditionally independent, without replacement 295
Separable process 218
Simplicial depth function 232 264
Simplicial depth process 232 248
Simplicial median, empirical simplicial median 265
Statistics of directions (example on) 248
Stochastic differentiability 274—275 280
Strassen's law of the iterated logarithm 194 205
Tangent sequences 293
Tetrahedral polynomial 118
Three series theorem 326
Truncated data 280—288
Two- -two tables 331
U-process 97 207
U-statistic 97
U-statistics, moments 358
U-statistics, randomization 358
U-statistics, randomly stopped (moments) 351 356 359
V-statistic or von Mises statistic 235
Vapnik — Cervonenkis class of sets 221
Vapnik — Cervonenkis subgraph class of functions 224
Wald's equations for randomly stopped processes 80
Wald's equations for sums of independent random variables 52 54
Wald's equations for U-statistics 351 356
Wald's equations, re-formulation 51
Weak convergence in probability 328
Woodroofe (Nelson — Aalen type) estimator 281
Young function or Young modulus 36 188
Young moduli of exponential type 188—189