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Kirk J., Melrose D., Priest E. — Plasma astrophysics |
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Absorption, Alfven wave 42
Absorption, coefficient 129 see
Absorption, gyromagnetic 171 179
Absorption, Landau damping 124
Absorption, phase mixing 80f
Absorption, resonant 82
Absorption, self-absorption 184
Acceleration of particle, general bulk 162
Acceleration of particle, general efficiency 277
Acceleration of particle, general MHD frame 59
Acceleration of particle, general pre-acceleration 166
Acceleration of particle, general time scale 166
Acceleration of particle, specific, betatron 230
Acceleration of particle, specific, diffusive shock 167 230 256ff
Acceleration of particle, specific, Fermi 164
Acceleration of particle, specific, magnetic pumping 230
Acceleration of particle, specific, resonant 155ff
Acceleration of particle, specific, shock-drift (or fast Fermi) 230 239ff
Active galactic nuclei, cosmic ray acceleration 302
Active galactic nuclei, hot spot 293
Active galactic nuclei, jets 293
Active galactic nuclei, observations 291
Adiabatic expansion 246
Adiabatic invariant 159
Alfven critical point 55
Alfven velocity 38
Ampere equation 13
Amplification factor 252 255
Analytic function 61
Annihilation of magnetic field 57
Anti-reconnection theorem 62
Arcade 29 32 106
Archimedes spiral 54
Auroral kilometric radiation 175
Beat condition 200
Bohm diffusion 282
Braiding of field lines 82 see
Bulk acceleration 163
Buoyancy (magnetic) 36
Cerenkov resonance 122
Charge density 12 114
Chromosphere 3
Clumps of Langmuir waves 203
Coalescence of waves 197 200
Collapse of Langmuir waves 204
Compactness 297
Compactness, magnetic 299
Compton scattering 191ff
Conductivity 116
Corona, coronal bright points 75 77
Corona, coronal holes 52 75 80
Corona, coronal loops 75
Corona, general parameters 3f 75
Corona, heating 74ff 80
Cosmic rays, acceleration 274ff
Cosmic rays, confinement times 144
Cosmic rays, energy losses 300
Cosmic rays, maximum energy 294 299
Cosmic rays, observations 142 275
Cosmic rays, secondary cosmic rays 276
Cosmic rays, self-confinement 147
Cosmic rays, streaming speed 149
Cosmic rays, transport equation 261
Cosmic rays, two-fluid model 290
Current 73
Current density 12 114
Current sheet 14 56 59ff 99
Current sheet, dynamics 62
Current, current-free plasma 31
Cutoff of wave mode 119
Cyclotron frequency 119
Cyclotron maser, analytic estimate 174
Cyclotron maser, applications 175ff
Cyclotron maser, free energy 177
Cyclotron maser, general 172ff
Cyclotron maser, growth rate 174
Cyclotron maser, loss-cone driven 173
Cyclotron maser, mode 173
Cyclotron maser, semirelativistic approximation 172
Damping see "Absorption"
De Hoffmann — Teller frame of reference 236
Decay of magnetic field 14
Decay of waves 197
Dielectric constant or tensor 116
Diffusion of magnetic field 14 41 56f
Diffusion of particles in space 140
Diffusion of particles in space, Bohm 282
Diffusion of particles in space, coefficient 229
Diffusion of particles in space, compound 154
Diffusion of particles in space, cross-field 151 153f
Diffusion of particles in space, Kolmogorov turbulence 270
Diffusion of particles in space, pitch-angle 157
Diffusion of particles in space, quasi-linear 129 142
Diffusion of particles in space, steady state 159
Diffusion of particles in space, strong 162
Diffusion of particles in space, weak 162
Diffusive shock acceleration, diffusion approximation 258 260
Diffusive shock acceleration, escape probability 265
Diffusive shock acceleration, injection 235
Diffusive shock acceleration, irreversibility 257
Diffusive shock acceleration, isotropy 257
Diffusive shock acceleration, maximum energy gain 264
Diffusive shock acceleration, particle spectrum 263
Diffusive shock acceleration, pitch-angle scattering 257
Dispersion measure 189
dispersion relation see "Waves"
Displacement current 13
Doppler effect 125
Einstein coefficients 128
Electric conductivity 12
electric field 16 57 205 226
Electric permittivity 12
Electron-positron pair see "Pair plasma"
emission see also "Specific processes"
Emission, curvature 211 215
Emission, cyclotron 167
Emission, cyclotron maser 170 172ff
Emission, free electron maser 216
Emission, gyromagnetic 167
Emission, soft X-ray 9
Emission, spontaneous 127
Emissivity 168
Entropy condition of shocks 44
Equation of Boltzmann 114
Equation of continuity 248
Equation of energy 290
Equation of fluid mechanics 12
Equation of Grad — Shafranov 34
Equation of induction 14 56
Equation of kinetic see "Vlasov"
Equation of kinetic of waves 128 198
Equation of Kompaneets 193
Equation of Liouville equation 226
Equation of Maxwell 114
Equation of motion 21 226
Equation of Vlasov 114
Error function 15
evaporation 104
Faraday equation 13
Faraday rotation 189
Fermi acceleration processes 164 see
Fick's law 260
Filament see "Prominence"
Flares, acceleration of electrons 163
Flares, acceleration of ions 164
Flares, electric field 109
Flares, emerging flux 106
Flares, emissions 8
Flares, energy 98 107
Flares, magnetoacoustic waves 164
| Flares, models 28 99ff
Flares, observations 98
Flares, occurance 104
Flares, reconnection 99ff
Fluctuations in plasma 115
Flux pile-up 70 72 100
Flux tube (or fiber) 10 35ff
Fokker — Planck equation 151 229 281
Footpoint displacement 34
Force balance, magnetohydrostatic 25 35
Frozen-in magnetic field 17
Geomagnetic storm 48
Grad — Shafranov equation 34
Granulation 4
Gyrofrequency 125
Heating see "Coronal heating"
Helicity 31 85
Hoffmann — Teller see "de Hoffmann — Teller frame of reference"
Hot spots in jets 256 293
Index of refraction see "Refractive index"
Induced Compton scattering 193
Induction equation 14 56
Instability, anisotropic electrons 156
Instability, bump-on-tail (or double hump) 124
Instability, compressional anisotropy 139
Instability, current sheet 60
Instability, electron cyclotron (maser) 167
Instability, external structure 92f
Instability, flux tube model 95
Instability, loss-cone 160
Instability, rarefactional anisotropy 139
Instability, Rayleigh — Taylor 188
Instability, spatial gradient 141
Instability, streaming ions 138 148
Instability, tearing mode 103
Instability, thermal instability 88
Instability, whistlers 156
Interstellar medium 228
Interstellar medium, anisotropy 145
Interstellar medium, MHD 36
Inverse Compton scattering 191ff 299
Joule heating see "Ohmic heating"
Jovian decametric radiation 175
Kolmogorov spectrum 151
Kompaneets equation 193
Landau damping 124
Landau levels 213
Laplace's equation 29
Legendre polynomials 30 140
Linear response 116
Liouville equation 226
Lorentz force 21
Loss-cone 160
Mach number 44
Magnetic diffusivity 14
Magnetic field 8 10 303
Magnetic field, current-free 31
Magnetic field, energy (free) 28
Magnetic field, force-free 25 30f 75
Magnetic field, potential field 26
Magnetic field, pressure 22
Magnetic field, superstrong 212
Magnetic field, tension 22
Magnetic flux conservation 17
Magnetic helicity 31 85
Magnetic induction 12 see
magnetic moment 159 231
Magnetic overshoot 246
Magnetic permeability 12
Magnetohydrodynamics (or MHD), assumptions 13
Magnetohydrodynamics (or MHD), equations 12
Magnetoionic theory 119
Magnetosphere 157
Maxwell — Vlasov equations see "Vlasov equation"
Maxwell's equations 12
Mean free path 10 234
Minimum energy theorem 27 31
Mode coupling see "Three wave interactions"
Neutral sheet 53
Neutral streaming speed 148
Neutrinos 8
Neutron star see "Pulsar"
Occupation number of waves 121
Ohm's law 12 57
Ohmic (or Joule) heating 16
Orbit tracing 253
Oscillations, global 8
Pair plasma 208 212 215 297 300
Petschek reconnection 66
Phase mixing 80
Photo-pion production 300
Photosphere 3
Planck distribution 121
plasma 9
Plasma beta ( ) 25
Plasma emission, brightness temperature 195
Plasma emission, fundamental 197
Plasma emission, general 193ff
Plasma emission, harmonic 197
Plasma emission, polarization 195 198
Plasma emission, relativistic 215
Plasma emission, theory 196
Plasma emission, type III bursts 194
Plasma frequency 118
Polarization 168
Polarization vector 117
Potential field 26f
Power-law distribution of particles 251 263
Poynting flux 76
Probability of three-wave process 199
Prominence 6f 86ff
Prominence, energy equation 88
Prominence, flares 105
Prominence, observations 86
Prominence, thermal instability 88
Pulsars, curvature emission 211
Pulsars, electric field 205
Pulsars, Goldreich — Julian density 206
Pulsars, light cylinder 207
Pulsars, magnetosphere 205
Pulsars, millisecond pulsars 216
Pulsars, models 209
Pulsars, polar cap 207
Pulsars, polar gap 209
Pulsars, potential 209
Pulsars, radio emission 215f
Pulsars, wind 214
Quantum mechanical notation 121
Quantum recoil 124
Quasilinear diffusion 129ff 142
Quasilinear diffusion, absorption coefficient 129
Quasilinear diffusion, diffusion equation 130
Radiation see "Emission"
Radio bursts of the Sun, spikes 8 176ff
Radio bursts of the Sun, type I 194
Radio bursts of the Sun, type II 194
Radio bursts of the Sun, type III 194 203
Radio emission of pulsars, curvature emission 215
Radio emission of pulsars, cyclotron instability 216
Radio emission of pulsars, free electron maser 216
Radio emission of pulsars, relativistic plasma emission 215
Radio emission of supernovae 303ff
Radio emission of supernovae, prompt emission 305
Radio emission of supernovae, spatial diffusion 306
Radio emission of supernovae, synchrotron flux 304
Radio emission of supernovae, time dependence 304
Rayleigh — Jean's limit 121
Rayleigh — Taylor instability 188 304
Recoil of emission 124
Reconnection 56ff
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