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Kirk J., Melrose D., Priest E. — Plasma astrophysics
Kirk J., Melrose D., Priest E. — Plasma astrophysics

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Название: Plasma astrophysics

Авторы: Kirk J., Melrose D., Priest E.


This volume presents the lecture notes of the 24th Advanced Course of the Swiss Society for Astrophysics and Astronomy in March 1994 at Les Diablerets. In three lectures on magnetohydrodynamics, on kinetic plasma physics and on particle acceleration leading experts describe the physical basis of their subjects and extend the discussion to several applications in modern problems of astrophysics. In style and presentation the texts are well-suited for graduate work in plasma astrophysics, one of the very important tools of modern astronomy. The themes developed in this book will be helpful in understanding many processes in the universe from the solar corona to active galaxies.

Язык: en

Рубрика: Физика/

Статус предметного указателя: Готов указатель с номерами страниц

ed2k: ed2k stats

Год издания: 1995

Количество страниц: 334

Добавлена в каталог: 27.07.2014

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Предметный указатель
Reconnection in bright points      78
Reconnection, central region      67
Reconnection, energy conversion      65ff
Reconnection, fast      63
Reconnection, linear      62
Reconnection, maximum rate      67 69
Reconnection, non-uniform      72
Reconnection, shocks      66
Reconnection, unified theory      68
Reference frames (shock), de Hoffmann — Teller      236 261
Reference frames (shock), laboratory      242
Reference frames (shock), perpendicular shock      238
Reference frames (shock), upstream      235 238
Refractive index      117
Relativistic shocks, distribution of accelerated particles      266 269f
Relativistic shocks, efficiency      268
Relativistic shocks, energy partition      269
Relativistic shocks, escape probability      266
Relativistic shocks, superluminal      266
Relativistic shocks, transport equation      267
Resonance condition, anomalous Doppler      125
Resonance condition, Cerenkov      122
Resonance condition, gyromagnetic      125
Resonance condition, normal Doppler      125
Resonance ellipse      127 170 172
Reynolds number (magnetic)      14 64
Rotation measure      189
Saturation      see also "Quasilinear diffusion"
Saturation, bump-in-tail instability      202
Saturation, three-wave interaction      201
Scale height      25 26
Scattering of particle by waves, diffusion      133 227ff
Scattering of particle by waves, electrons      155
Scattering of particle by waves, ions      135
Scattering of particle by waves, loss-cone      161
Scattering of particle by waves, pitch-angle      131 137 229
Scattering of particle by waves, resonant      131 160
Scattering of particle by waves, whistlers      155 160
Sedov phase      277 283
Semi-quantum mechanical approach      123ff
Semirelativistic approximation      172
Shear in magnetic field      34 105
Shock, compression ratio      308
Shock, fast-mode      46
Shock, front      234
Shock, hydro dynamic      42
Shock, intermediate      48
Shock, oblique      45 271
Shock, perpendicular      44 250
Shock, properties      46
Shock, radio emission      194
Shock, Rankine — Hugoniot relations      43f
Shock, relativistic, perpendicular      252
Shock, slow-mode      46 66
Shock, subluminal      241
Shock, superluminal      239
Shock, switch-off      47 66
Shock, switch-on      48
Shock-drift acceleration      230 239ff 246
Shock-drift acceleration, amplification factor      252 255
Shock-drift acceleration, applications      246
Shock-drift acceleration, for ions      245
Shock-drift acceleration, maximum energy gain      241 243f 254
Solar wind      49ff
Solar wind, angular momentum      55
Solar wind, magnetic field      52
Sound velocity      37
Stagnation-point flow      19 57
Strong turbulence      204
Sun, activity      4
Sun, atmosphere      3
Sun, overall properties      3
Sun, prominence      6f
Sun, radio bursts      see "Radio bursts of Sun"
Sun, sunspots      4
Supergranulation      4
Supernova      276ff
Supernova Remnants      274
Supernova remnants, end phase      289
Supernova remnants, hydrodynamics      287
Supernova remnants, onion-shell model      284
Supernova remnants, precursor      288
Supernova, adiabatic phase      277
Supernova, Explosion      277
Supernova, free expansion phase      277
Supernova, maximum energy      282
Supernova, particle distribution      281
Supernova, reverse shock      277
Supernova, Sedov phase      277 283
Supernova, snow-plow phase      279
Supernova, time dependence      279
Surface brightness      250
Sweet — Parker reconnection      63
Synchrotron emission      169
Synchrotron emission, absorption      184
Synchrotron emission, angular distribution      180
Synchrotron emission, bubble      246
Synchrotron emission, cut-off      295
Synchrotron emission, emission pattern      180
Synchrotron emission, emissivity      182 247
Synchrotron emission, equipartition argument      187
Synchrotron emission, general      169 179ff
Synchrotron emission, inverse Compton catastrophe      192
Synchrotron emission, loss time      190f 293
Synchrotron emission, polarization      183 188
Synchrotron emission, Razin effect      186
Synchrotron emission, self-absorption      184
Synchrotron emission, self-Compton effect      192
Synchrotron emission, source magnetic field      187
Synchrotron emission, spectral evolution      190
Synchrotron emission, spectrum      185 295
Synchrotron emission, turnover      186
Tangential discontinuity      47
Taylor theory      85
TeV energy      293
Thermal speed      118
Three-wave interaction      196ff
Three-wave interaction, saturation      201
Transport equation      248ff 260f 267
trapped particles      158
Turbulence, MHD      85 151
Turbulence, strong      204
Turbulence, weak      115 198
Twist in field line      35f 83
Type III burst etc.      see "Radio bursts"
Velocity, mean thermal      118
Vlasov equation      114
Wandering of field lines      151
Wave, general properties, dispersion relation      117
Wave, general properties, effective temperature      121
Wave, general properties, energy density      121
Wave, general properties, equation      116
Wave, general properties, longitudinal      117
Wave, general properties, phase speed      38
Wave, general properties, ratio of electric to total energy      118
Wave, general properties, resonance      120
Wave, general properties, transverse      118f
Wave, specific modes, Alfven wave      38 120
Wave, specific modes, compressional Alfven wave (MHD)      40
Wave, specific modes, ion cyclotron      135
Wave, specific modes, ion sound      119 196
Wave, specific modes, Langmuir      119 196
Wave, specific modes, magneto-acoustic wave      41 121
Wave, specific modes, o-mode      119
Wave, specific modes, sound wave (MHD)      37
Wave, specific modes, whistler      119
Wave, specific modes, x-mode      119
Wave, specific modes, z-mode      119
Wave-particle resonance      122
Weak-turbulence approximation      115
Weak-turbulence theory      198
X point      12 24 58 80 83f 157
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