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Fauvel J., Wilson R., Flood R. — Mobius and his Band: Mathematics and Astronomy in Nineteenth-Century Germany |
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Adams, John Couch (1819-1892), English astronomer 43 59
Airy, George Biddell (1801-1892), English astronomer 21 42—43 58
Apollonius (C.3), Greek geometer 88
Argelander, Friedrich (1799-1875), German astronomer 50 51 76
Arnol'd, Vladimir Igorevich (b. 1937), Russian mathematician 146
Beer, Wilhelm (1797-1850), German astronomer 68
Bernstein, Felix (1878-1956), German mathematician 159
Bessel, Friedrich Wilhelm (1784-1846), German mathematician and astronomer 21 37 40 53—57 54 58 68 71 72 74 75 76
Betti, Enrico (1823-1892), Italian mathematician 117
Bill, Max (C.20), sculptor 15
Bird, John (1709-1776), English instrument-maker 45 50
Bode, Johann Elert (1747-1826), German astronomer 46 57
Bolyai, Janos (1802-1860), Hungarian mathematician 5 159
Bradley, James (1693-1762), British astronomer 50 55 56
Brewster, David (1781-1868), Scottish physicist 65
Brouwer, Luitzen Egbertus Jan (1881-1966), Dutch mathematician 140
Brown, Scott (C.20) 152
Bunsen, Robert Wilhelm Eberhard (1811-1899), German chemist 64 65
Cauchy, Augustin-Louis (1789-1857), French mathematician 21
Chasles, Michel (1793-1880), French mathematician 97
Chossat, Pascal (C.20) 144
Clark, Alvan Graham (1832-1897), American instrument-maker 57
Clebsch, Rudolph Friedrich Alfred (1833-1872), German mathematician 92
Copernicus, Nicolas (1473-1543), Polish astronomer 4
Crelle, August Leopold (1780-1855), German engineer and promoter of mathematics 20 21 30—31 33
D'Ancona, Umberto, Italian biologist 129
D'Arrest, Heinrich Louis (1822-1875), German astronomer, son-in-law of A.F. Moebius 43 59 73
de Forest, Lee (1871-1961), American inventor 16
de la Hire, Philippe (1640-1718), French mathematician 88 89
Dehn, Max (1878-1952), German mathematician 118
Desberger Franz Eduard, (1786-1843), Bavarian mathematician 21
Deutsch, A.J. (C.20), writer 15
Dirichlet, Gustav Peter Lejeune (1805-1859), German mathematician 21 29 31
Dollond, John (1706-61), English optical instrument maker 73
Einstein, Albert (1879-1955), German-born mathematical physicist 127
Encke, Johann Franz (1791-1865), Prussian astronomer 36 43 57 75 76
Escher, Maurits (1898-1971), Dutch artist 15
Euler, Leonhard (1707-1783), Swiss mathematician 80 105—106 138
Fechner, Gustav Theodor (1801-1887), German psychophysicist 14—15
Field, Michael (C.20) 144
Flamsteed, John (1646-1719), British astronomer, first Astronomer Royal 56
Forbes, James David (1809-1868), Scottish physicist 65
Fourier, Joseph (1768-1830), French mathematical physicist 159
Frauenhofer, Joseph (1787-1826), Bavarian instrument-maker 43 44—45 56 63 64 66 70 71 72—75 76
Frederick the Great (1712-1786), Prussian king 1
Fricke, Karl Emanuel Robert, German mathematician 113
Gall, Franz Joseph (1758-1828), German neuroanatomist 16—17
Galle, Johann Gottfried (1812-1910), German astronomer 36 59 73
Galois, Evariste (1811-1832), French mathematician 125 159
Gardner, Martin (b. 1914), American writer 15
Gauss, Carl Friedrich (1777-1855), German mathematician 1 5 6 9 21 22 33 37 47 48 54 72 76 110 112 113 117 159
Gerver, Joseph (C.20) 150—153
Goldbach, Christian (1690-1764), Prussian-born Russian mathematician 106
Golubitsky, Martin (C.20), American mathematician 144
Graham, George (c. 1674-1751), English instrument-maker 50
Grashof, Franz (1826-93), German mechanical engineer 25
Grassmann, Herman Guenther (1809-1877), German mathematician 81
Grunert, Johann August (1797-1872), German journal-founder 31
Guinand, Pierre Louis (C.19), Swiss optician 73
Guthrie, Francis (1831-1899), British mathematician 14
Hale, George Ellery (1868-1938), American astrophysicist 76
Halley, Edmond (1656-1732), English astronomer 55
Hamilton, William Rowan (1805-1865), Irish mathematician 81 145
Hansen, Peter Andreas (1795-1874), German theoretical astronomer 43 59
Harding, Karl Ludwig (1765-1834), German astronomer 48 68 76
Heegaard, Poul 118
Henderson, Thomas (1798-1844), Scottish astronomer 56
Herschel, John Frederick William (1792-1871), English scientist 60
Herschel, William (1738-1822), German-born astronomer 45 46 51 52 60—62 66 75 154
Hesse, Ludwig Otto (1811-1874), German mathematician 80
Hilbert, David (1862-1943), German mathematician 159
Hipparchus (C.2), Greek astronomer 49
Hohl, F. (C.20) 157—158
Hubble, Edwin Powell (1889-1953), American observational astronomer 155
Huggins, William (1824-1910), English astrophysicist 64
Hussein, Saddam (C.20), Iraqi dictator 16
Ivory, James (1765-1842), Scottish applied mathematician 21
Jacobi, Carl Gustav Jacob (1804-1851), German mathematician 21 26 28 29 31 33
Joseph II (1741-1790), Austrian emperor 1
Kaestner, Abraham Gotthelf (1719-1800), German mathematician 5 22 23
Kant, Immanuel (1724-1804), German philosopher 35 154
Karsten, Wenzeslaus (1732-1787), German mathematician 24—25 24
Kepler, Johannes (1571-1630), German astronomer 125—127
Kirchhoff, Gustav Robert (1824-1887), German physicist 64 65 113—115 114 117
Klein, Christian Felix (1849-1925), German mathematician 33 92 93 101 113
Kolmogorov, Andrei Nikolaevich (b. 1903), Russian mathematician 146
Kummer, Ernst Eduard (1810-1893), German mathematician 25 27
Lagrange, Joseph Louis (1736-1813), Italian-born mathematician 9 10 79
Lame, Gabriel (1795-1870), French engineer and mathematician 21
Laplace, Pierre-Simon (1749-1827), French mathematical astronomer 9 29 40
Lassell, William (1799-1880), English astronomer 74—75
Le Verrier, Urbain Jean Joseph (1811-1877), French astronomer 42 43 59
Legendre, Adrien-Marie (1752-1833), French mathematician 9 79
| Leibniz, Gottfried Wilhelm (1646-1716), German mathematician 4 45 159
Lhuilier, Simon-Antoine-Jean (1750-1840), Swiss mathematician 106—107 108 118
Lin, C.C. (C.20) 156—158
Lindblad, Bertil (C.20) 156
Lindemann, Carl Louis Ferdinand (1852-1939), German mathematician 159
Listing, Johann Benedict (1808-1882), German mathematician 11 109 110—112 117 118 133 159
Littrow, Joseph Johann (1781-1840), Austrian astronomer 21
Lobachevsky, Nicolai Ivanovich (1792-1856), Russian mathematician 5 159
Lotka, Alfred James (1880-1949), American statistician 130
Louis XVI (1754-93), French king 1 3
Maedler, Johann Friedrich (1794-1874), German astronomer 68
Maskelyne, Nevil (1732-1811), British astronomer 55 56 57
Mather, John (C.20) 150
Mayer, Johann Tobias (1723-1762), German astronomer 35 45
McGehee, Richard (C.20) 150
Miller, William Allen (1817-1870), British chemist and spectroscopist 65
Moebius, August Ferdinand (1790-1868), Saxon astronomer and mathematician 1—19 21 31 37 39 40 43 49 75—76 79—103 108—112 121—123 128 133 136—137 145 149 159—160
Moebius, Paul (1853-1907), German neurologist 16—17 17
Mollweide, Karl Brandan (1774-1825), German mathematician and astronomer 4 6
Monge, Gaspard (1746-1818), French mathematician 9 79
Morse, Marston (C.20), American mathematician 139
Moser, Jurgen (C.20) 146
Mozart, Wolfgang Amadeus (1756-1791), Austrian composer 1
Napoleon (1769-1821), French emperor 3 5
Navier, Claude-Louis-Marie-Henri (1785-1836), French engineer 21
Neumann, Franz Ernst (1798-1895), German theoretical physicist 28
Newton, Isaac (1642-1727), English mathematician 45 63 93 127 159
Ohm, Georg Simon (1789-1854), Bavarian physicist 21
Ohm, Martin (1792-1872), Bavarian mathematician 21
Olbers, Heinrich (1758-1840), German astronomer 35 38 39 46 48 54 58 62 76
Oscar II (1829-1907), Swedish king 127 128
Painleve, Paul (1863-1933), French mathematician and politician 149
Petzval, Joseph Max (1807-1891), Austrian mathematician and optical scientist 74
Pfaff, Johann Friedrich (1765-1825), German mathematician 6
Piazzi, Giuseppe (1746-1826), Italian astronomer 46 47 48
Plana, Giovanni (1781-1864), Italian mathematician and astronomer 21
Pluecker, Julius (1801-1868), German mathematician and physicist 21 33 80 92 101
Poincare, Jules Henri (1854-1912), French mathematician 118 118 127—129 132—133 139—141 143 145 147
Poinsot, Louis (1777-1859), French geometer 21 80 93—96
Poisson, Simeon-Denis (1781-1840), French mathematical physicist 21
Poncelet, Jean Victor (1788-1867), French engineer and geometer 21 80
Pythagoras (C.6), Greek sect-founder 159
Quetelet, Lambert-Adolphe-Jacques (1796-1874), Belgian statistician 21
Ramsden, Jesse (1735-1800), English instrument-maker 46 47 50 69 71
Regiomontanus, Johannes (1436-1476), German astronomer and mathematician 4
Repsold, Adolf (1806-1871), German instrument-maker 35 43 48 71
Repsold, Johann Georg (1770-1830), German instrument-maker 71—72 76
Rheticus, George Joachim (1514-1574), Austrian mathematician and astronomer 4
Richelot, Friedrich Julius (1808-75), German mathematician 33
Riemann, Georg Friedrich Bernhard (1826-1866), German mathematician 113
Rosse, William Parsons, Earl of (1800-1867), Irish astronomer 62
Saari, Donald (C.20) 150
Santini, Giovanni (1787-1877), Italian mathematician 21
Schlaefli, Ludwig (1814-95), Swiss mathematician 93
Schloemilch, Oscar Xavier (1823-1901), German journal-founder 31
Schroeder, Friedrich Wilhelm Karl Ernst (1841-1902), German mathematician 159
Schroter, Johann (1745-1816), Hanoverian astronomer 35 38 46 54 66—68 76
Schumaker, Heinrich Christian (1780-1850), German astronomer 40 43
Schweins, Franz Ferdinand (1780-1856), German mathematician, teacher of J. Steiner 21
Schwerd, Friedrich Magnus (1792-1871), German mathematician 21
Sharp, Abraham (1653-1742), English astronomer 50
Shu, Frank (C.20) 156—158
Sisson, Jonathan (1690-1749), English instrument-maker 75
Smale, Stephen (C.20), American mathematician 142
South, James (1785-1867), English astronomer 43
Sperling, H.J. (C.20) 150
Steiner, Jakob (1796-1863), Swiss-German geometer 21
Steiner, Rudolf (1861-1925), Austrian educational thinker 101
Stokes, George Gabriel (1819-1903), Anglo-Irish natural philosopher 65
Struve, Wilhelm (1793-1864), German astronomer 40 41 43 56 71 72 73 74 75 76
Sturm, Charles-Francois (1803-1855), Swiss mathematician and physicist 21
Thibaut, Bernhard Friedrich (1775-1832), German mathematics teacher 22
Tompion, Thomas (1639-1713), English clockmaker 50
Troughton, Edward (1753-1836), English instrument-maker 71
Upson, William (C.20), writer 15
van Beethoven, Ludwig (1770-1827), German composer 1 17 35
Veblen, Oswald (1889-1960), American mathematician 118
Volterra, Vito (1860-1940), Italian mathematician 129—131 132
von Goethe, Johann Wolfgang (1749-1832), German writer 1 35
von Gruithusen, Franz (C.19), German imaginative cosmologist 68
von Humboldt, Friedrich Heinrich Alexander (1769-1859), German explorer, scientist, and humanitarian 35
von Reichenbach, Georg Friedrich (1771-1826), Bavarian engineer and instrument-maker 69—71
von Schiller, Johann Christoph Friedrich (1759-1805), German writer 35
von Schmidt, Johann Friedrich Julius (1825-1884), German selenographer 68
von Staudt, Karl Georg Christian (1798-1867), German mathematician 21 32
von Zach, Franz Xavier (1754-1832), Austro-Hungarian astronomer 46
Von Zeipel, H. (C.20) 150
Weierstrass, Karl Theodor Wilhelm (1815-1897), German mathematician 25 27
Wollaston, Francis (1731-1815), English astronomer 63
Wright, Thomas (1711-1786), English cosmographer 154
Xia, Z. (C.20) 153
Zeiss, Carl (1816-1888), German optician 74
Zorn, M. (C.20), logician 159
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