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McClure W.B. — Professional ADO NET 2: Programming with SQL Server 2005, Oracle, and MySQL
McClure W.B. — Professional ADO NET 2: Programming with SQL Server 2005, Oracle, and MySQL

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Íàçâàíèå: Professional ADO NET 2: Programming with SQL Server 2005, Oracle, and MySQL

Àâòîð: McClure W.B.


ADO.NET revolutionized the way data was accessed through SQL Server, Oracle, and MySQL. With Microsoft's release of ADO.NET 2, ADO and the .NET Framework are integrated with SQL Server for the first time-enabling you to program .NET applications directly within the SQL Server database.

Packed with sample code and recommended best practices for using ADO.NET 2, this code-intensive book explores the new data types that are available in the 2.0 Framework and discusses the appropriate time and way to use them. You'll learn how to make repetitive, mundane tasks much simpler and you'll walk away with a solid foundation for developing database-driven applications.

What you will learn from this book

  • The basics of creating a connection, executing a query, and returning a result
  • Best uses for Oracle in the ADO.NET Framework
  • The many new features that are available for XML
  • How to use the full text search capabilities of Microsoft(r) SQL Server 2005
  • Methods for retrieving data and presenting it in various ways
  • Why MySQL is a viable option for data storage

Who this book is for

This book is for experienced database developers who want to learn the latest release of ADO.NET 2.0. Knowledge of ADO.NET 1.0, general .NET development, and Microsoft SQL Server is necessary.

Wrox Professional guides are planned and written by working programmers to meet the real-world needs of programmers, developers, and IT professionals. Focused and relevant, they address the issues technology professionals face every day. They provide examples, practical solutions, and expert education in new technologies, all designed to help programmers do a better job.

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Ðóáðèêà: Computer science/

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" (double quote) characters, quoted identifiers      78—79
.NET Data Provider, SQL Server communications      265
.NET Framework 1.0, .Net Data Provider      265
.NET Framework 2.0, legacy API support issues      40—42
.NET Framework 2.0, version display      41
0DP.NET (Oracle Data Provider for .NET), Oracle data provider      516
0DP.NET (Oracle Data Provider for .NET), OracleDependency class      538—539
0DP.NET (Oracle Data Provider for .NET), provider classes      516—517
0DP.NET (Oracle Data Provider for .NET), tracing      534—535
@ (at) character, T-SQL variable names      239
A.C.I.D (atomicity/consistency/isolation/durability), transactions      140—141
Abstract Factory model, AD0.NET      2 35—37
Accent sensitivity, query results ranking      421
Accumulate() method, aggregate functions      322
Acronyms, naming convention avoidance      15
Active Directory versus user properties      221—226
Active Directory, provider shortcomings      201
ActiveX Data Objects (ADO), development history      8—10
AddNewCustomer procedure, Service Broker      382
ADF (application definition file), Notification Services      351—352
ADO (ActiveX Data Objects), development history      8—10
ADO.NET 2.0, Abstract Factory model      35—37
ADO.NET 2.0, asynchronous commands      266—272
ADO.NET 2.0, database-independent code      35
ADO.NET 2.0, DataSet optimizations      32
ADO.NET 2.0, development history      11—12
ADO.NET 2.0, Generic Factory Model      42—47
ADO.NET 2.0, interfaces      35—36
ADO.NET 2.0, legacy API support      40—42
ADO.NET 2.0, schema metadata system      67—77
ADO.NET, Command object      11
ADO.NET, Connection object      11
ADO.NET, constants/enums listing      549—584
ADO.NET, data types      109—116
ADO.NET, DataAdapter object      11
ADO.NET, DataReader object      11
ADO.NET, DataSet object      11
ADO.NET, DataSets      32
ADO.NET, development history      10—11
ADO.NET, MARS (Multiple Active Result Sets) support      9
AdsCommand class, data providers      211—219
AdsConnectionStringBuilder class, data providers      209—211
AdsDataAdapter class, data providers      228—231
AdsDataReader class, data providers      219—228
AdsFactory class, data providers      231—232
AdsParameterCollection class, data providers      212
AdsProvider property, data providers      205 206
Aggregate functions, CLR (Common Language Runtime) Objects      321—323
ALERT QUEUE statement, message queues      378
Alerts, Ingres      494
Anchors, queries      253—254
APls, legacy support issues      40—42
Application definition file (ADF), Notification Services      351—356
Applications, instance configuration file applications, instance configuration file      351—352
Architecture, CLR (Common Language Runtime) Objects      328—329
Architecture, Firebird      486—487
Architecture, Generic Factory Model providers      44—45
Architecture, legacy data access model      43—44
Archives, data deletion protection method      35
Arrays, Oracle      526—529
ASP.NET 1.x, data binding      163—164
ASP.NET 2.0, data binding      163—164
ASP.NET 2.0, Data Source controls      164—169
ASP.NET 2.0, Data Source window elements      192—196
ASP.NET 2.0, Web applications      430—432
ASP.NET, asynchronous operations      272—276
ASP.NET, change notification      539—543
ASP.NET, SqlCacheDependency object      293—295 538—543
ASSEMBLYPROPERTY, CLR (Common Language Runtime) Objects      311
AsyncCallBackObject() method, asynchronous commands      268—270
Asynchronous commands      see also "Commands"
Asynchronous commands, AsyncCallBackobject()      268—270
Asynchronous commands, BeginExecuteNonQuery() method      267—269
Asynchronous commands, BeginExecuteReader() method      269—271
Asynchronous commands, BeginExecuteXMLReader() method      271—272
Asynchronous commands, callback objects      269—270
Asynchronous commands, described      266—267
Asynchronous commands, EndExecuteNonQuery() method      268—269
Asynchronous commands, IO Completion ports      267
Asynchronous commands, SqlCommand class support      267—272
Asynchronous communications, Service Broker      370
Asynchronous operations, ASP.NET      272—276
Asynchronous operations, IAsyncResult interface      275—276
At (@) character, T-SQL variable names      239
Attributes, SqlProcedure      318—319
Attributes, SqlUserDefinedAggregate      322
Automatic change tracking, Full-Text Search population method      406
Backup class, SMO utility class      330
Backup() object, SQL Server Management Objects (SMOs)      338—340
Backup/restore, SQL Server Management Objects (SMOs)      338—341
Backups, MaxDB      480
Backups, queues      378
Batch updating, ADO support      9
BCP (Bulk Copy Program), data migration      29
BeginExecuteNonQuery() method, asynchronous commands      267—269
BeginExecuteReader() method, asynchronous commands      269—271
BeginExecuteXMLReader() method, asynchronous commands      271—272
BeginTransaction() method, data providers      209
BerkeleyDB, concurrency      503
BerkeleyDB, data stores      503
BerkeleyDB, database elements      502—504
BerkeleyDB, development history      502
BerkeleyDB, fine-grained locking system      503
BerkeleyDB, in-memory transaction logs      503
BerkeleyDB, installation      504
BerkeleyDB, key-value pairs      503
BerkeleyDB, logically atomic transactions      503
BerkeleyDB, resource information      508
BerkeleyDB, single-master replication      503
BerkeleyDB, Sleepycat Public License      502
BerkeleyDB, small footprint      503
BerkeleyDB, SQL compliance      502
BerkeleyDB, transactional data store      503
BerkeleyDB, write-ahead logging      503
BerkeleyDB, XML layer      503
BerkeleyDB.NET interaction      504—507
BFile data type, Oracle      543
BI (Business Intelligence), described      427—428
BIGINT data type, SQL Server      100
BINARY data type, SQL Server      102—106
Binary serialization, DataTables      92—93
Binary storage, data types      102—106
BindingList control, Windows Forms      198
BindingNavigator control, Windows Forms      198
BindingSource control, Windows Forms      197—198
BIT data type, SQL Server      107
BLOBs, Full-Text Search      422—424
Boolean fields, naming conventions      16
Boolean values, BIT data type      107
Boolean values, OrderByColumnsInSelect property      71
BuildUpdateCommands() method, data providers      231
Bulk copy operations, SQL Server      291—292
Bulk Copy Program (BCP), data migration      29
Business Intelligence (BI), described      427—428
C# language, business object class      181—182
C# language, data class      180—181
C# language, null coalescing operator      113
C# language, nullable types      113—114
C# language, reachability      244
C# language, sealing classes      203
C# language, transaction processing      242—243
Caching, Data Source controls      167—169
Caching, page-level      168—169
Caching, user-control      168—169
Callback objects, asynchronous commands      269—270
Cancel() method, data providers      215
Capture execution, SQL Server Management Objects (SMOs)      330
CAS (Code Access Security), XML/ADO.NET integration      127—128
Case sensitivity, QuoteIdentifierCase property      72
Catalog views, Service Broker      396—399
Catalogs, Full-Text Search index setup      408
Change notification, Oracle      538—543
Change notification, XML/ADO.NET integration      133—134
Change tracking, Full-Text Search population methods      407
ChangeDatabase() method, data providers      209
ChangePassword() method, password management      281
Channels delivery      350
Channels instance configuration file      352
CHAR (character) data type, SQL Server      98
Character data storage, data types      98—99
Character sets, Firebird      487
Chronicles, generator component      350
Classes, AdsCommand      211—219
Classes, AdsConnection      203—209
Classes, AdsConnectionStringBuilder      209—211
Classes, AdsDataAdapter      228—231
Classes, AdsDataReader      219—228
Classes, AdsFactory      231—232
Classes, AdsParameterCollection      212
Classes, AdsProvider      202
Classes, ConfigurationManager      54
Classes, ConnectionStringBuilder      53—60
Classes, ConnectionStringCollection      54
Classes, data provider      202
Classes, DataSourceEnumerator      232
Classes, DataTableReader      93
Classes, DbConnection      202
classes, DirectorySearcher      212
classes, helper      48—51
Classes, Inference      132—133
Classes, instance      330
Classes, Microsoft Oracle provider      517—518
Classes, ObjectDataSource control      180—182
Classes, ODP.NET      518—519
Classes, Orac1eConnecti onStringBui1der      523
Classes, Orac1eConnection      523
Classes, Oracle provider      516—519
Classes, OracleDependency      538—539
Classes, OracleException      533—534
Classes, provider-independent      44—45
Classes, sealing      203
Classes, SMO utility      330
Classes, SqlBulkCopy      291—292
Classes, SqlBulkCopyColumnMapping      291—292
Classes, SqlBulkCopyColumnMappingCollection      291—292
Classes, SqlCacheDependencyAdmin      297
Classes, SqlCommand      267—272
Classes, SqlConnectionStringBuilder      281—283
Classes, SqlDataSourceEnumerator      278—279
Classes, SqlDependency      297—300
Classes, SqlTriggerContext      311—313
Classes, Utils      357—359 362
classes, XMLReader      121—124
Classes, XmlSchemaSet      131
Classes, XmlWriter      121—124
ClearAllPools() method, connection pooling      280
ClearPool() method, connection pooling      280
Client applications, Firebird      487
Client-side transactions 1.x Framework      145—146
Close() method, data providers      208 228
CLR (Common Language Runtime) Objects versus T-SQL objects      329
CLR (Common Language Runtime) Objects, advantages      303
CLR (Common Language Runtime) Objects, aggregate functions      321—323
CLR (Common Language Runtime) Objects, architecture      328—329
CLR (Common Language Runtime) Objects, business logic placement      328—329
CLR (Common Language Runtime) Objects, column updates      313
CLR (Common Language Runtime) Objects, complex operations      329
CLR (Common Language Runtime) Objects, context connections      327—328
CLR (Common Language Runtime) Objects, creating      304—306
CLR (Common Language Runtime) Objects, DDL event triggers      313—314
CLR (Common Language Runtime) Objects, debugging process      309—310
CLR (Common Language Runtime) Objects, deployment methods      307—308
CLR (Common Language Runtime) Objects, design goal code      316—317
CLR (Common Language Runtime) Objects, functions      310—311 319—324
CLR (Common Language Runtime) Objects, mapping methods      307
CLR (Common Language Runtime) Objects, permissions      309
CLR (Common Language Runtime) Objects, procedural programming      303
CLR (Common Language Runtime) Objects, results output      318
CLR (Common Language Runtime) Objects, scalar-valued functions      319—320
CLR (Common Language Runtime) Objects, scientific calculations      329
CLR (Common Language Runtime) Objects, security calculations      329
CLR (Common Language Runtime) Objects, set theory      302—303
CLR (Common Language Runtime) Objects, set-based programming      302—303
CLR (Common Language Runtime) Objects, SQL Server integration      301
CLR (Common Language Runtime) Objects, SQL Server projects      306—310
CLR (Common Language Runtime) Objects, sqlCLRObjects assembly      307
CLR (Common Language Runtime) Objects, SqlContext object      327
CLR (Common Language Runtime) Objects, SqlPipe object      318
CLR (Common Language Runtime) Objects, SqlProcedure attribute      318—319
CLR (Common Language Runtime) Objects, SqlTriggerContext class      311—313
CLR (Common Language Runtime) Objects, stored procedures      318—319
CLR (Common Language Runtime) Objects, sys.assemblies table      310
CLR (Common Language Runtime) Objects, sys.assembly preferences table      310
CLR (Common Language Runtime) Objects, sys.assembly_files table      310
CLR (Common Language Runtime) Objects, sys.assembly_modules table      310
CLR (Common Language Runtime) Objects, sys.assembly_types table      310
CLR (Common Language Runtime) Objects, sys.sql_modules table      310
CLR (Common Language Runtime) Objects, sys.types table      310
CLR (Common Language Runtime) Objects, tables      310—311
CLR (Common Language Runtime) Objects, tabular results      326—327
CLR (Common Language Runtime) Objects, triggers      311—317
CLR (Common Language Runtime) Objects, TVFs (table-valued functions)      320—321
CLR (Common Language Runtime) Objects, user-defined aggregate functions      323—324
CLR (Common Language Runtime) Objects, user-defined types      324—326
Clustering, Ingres      493
CODASYL (Conference on Data Systems Language), development history      2—3
Code Access Security (CAS), XML/AD0.NET integration      127—128
CodeBeside page, ReportServer      446
Column() object, SQL Server Management Objects (SMOs)      335
Columns, foreign key naming conventions      16
Columns, naming conventions      16
Columns, primary key definitions      19—20
Columns, primary key naming conventions      16
Columns, Service Broker queue tables      394—395
Columns, SQL Server Management Objects (SMOs)      334—336
Columns, updating      313
Columns, user properties versus Active Directory properties      222—225
Combined modes, MySQL      472
Command object, query storage      11
Commands      see also "Asynchronous commands" "Objects"
Commands, asynchronous      266—272
Commands, CLR mapping methods      307
Commands, CreateCommand()      77
Commands, DataReaders()      87
Commands, DbConunand()      77—78
Commands, DDL CREATE ENDPOINT      344—345
Commands, DROP ENDPOINT      344—345
Commands, ExecuteScalar()      83 96
commands, insert      218
Commands, named parameters      80
Commands, output parameters      84—85
Commands, positional parameters      80
Commands, provider-specific      78
Commands, provider-specific parameters      80—81
Commands, quoted identifiers      78—79
Commands, return codes      85—87
Commands, scalars      87
Commands, SqlCommand()      78
Commands, System.Data.CommandBehavior()      82—83
CommandText property, data providers      213
Commitment, data access factor      2
Common Language Runtime (CLR) Objects, SQL Server      301—328
Common Table Expressions (CTEs), T-SQL      252—254
Communications, Server Broker      369
Compilers, legacy API support issues      40—42
Complex operations, CLR (Common Language Runtime) Objects      329
CompositeIdentitierSeparatorPattern, schema metadata system      69—70
Concurrency, BerkeleyDB      503
Conference on Data Systems Language (CODASYL), development history      2—3
Configuration files, connection string storage      54
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
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