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McClure W.B. — Professional ADO NET 2: Programming with SQL Server 2005, Oracle, and MySQL
McClure W.B. — Professional ADO NET 2: Programming with SQL Server 2005, Oracle, and MySQL

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Íàçâàíèå: Professional ADO NET 2: Programming with SQL Server 2005, Oracle, and MySQL

Àâòîð: McClure W.B.


ADO.NET revolutionized the way data was accessed through SQL Server, Oracle, and MySQL. With Microsoft's release of ADO.NET 2, ADO and the .NET Framework are integrated with SQL Server for the first time-enabling you to program .NET applications directly within the SQL Server database.

Packed with sample code and recommended best practices for using ADO.NET 2, this code-intensive book explores the new data types that are available in the 2.0 Framework and discusses the appropriate time and way to use them. You'll learn how to make repetitive, mundane tasks much simpler and you'll walk away with a solid foundation for developing database-driven applications.

What you will learn from this book

  • The basics of creating a connection, executing a query, and returning a result
  • Best uses for Oracle in the ADO.NET Framework
  • The many new features that are available for XML
  • How to use the full text search capabilities of Microsoft(r) SQL Server 2005
  • Methods for retrieving data and presenting it in various ways
  • Why MySQL is a viable option for data storage

Who this book is for

This book is for experienced database developers who want to learn the latest release of ADO.NET 2.0. Knowledge of ADO.NET 1.0, general .NET development, and Microsoft SQL Server is necessary.

Wrox Professional guides are planned and written by working programmers to meet the real-world needs of programmers, developers, and IT professionals. Focused and relevant, they address the issues technology professionals face every day. They provide examples, practical solutions, and expert education in new technologies, all designed to help programmers do a better job.

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Ðóáðèêà: Computer science/

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Configuration files, XML/ADO.NET integration      120
Configuration Wizard, ObjectDataSource control      182—184
Configuration Wizard, SQLDataSource control configuration      170—174
Configuration Wizard, TableAdapter method connection      187—189
Configuration() object, SQL Server Management Objects (SMOs)      332
ConfigurationManager class, retrieving connection strings      54
Connection object, establishing/maintaining connections      11
Connection objects, constructors      204
Connection objects, MARS (Multiple Active Result Sets)      276—278
Connection pooling, SQL Server      279—280
Connection property, data providers      213
Connection strings, configuration file storage      54
Connection strings, ConnectionStringBuilder class      53—60
Connection strings, ConnectionStringCollection class      54
Connection strings, creation methods      53—54
Connection strings, database      306
Connection strings, dynamic construction      57
Connection strings, provider-specific string parameters      57—60
Connection strings, provider-specific types      55—57
Connection strings, retrieving      54
Connection strings, SqlDataSource method      431—432
Connection strings, TableAdapter method      187
Connections, context      327—328
Connections, database opening/closing      60—62
Connections, exception error information collection      62—66
Connections, exception management methods      62—66
Connections, failover notification      526
Connections, Oracle      523—526
Connections, provider-specific issues      66—67
Connections, status checking      60—62
Connectionstring properties, data providers      204—205
ConnectionStringBuilder class, building connection strings      53—60
ConnectionStringCollection class, connection strings      54
ConnectionTimeout property, data providers      205
Constants, ADO.NET listing      549—584
Constraints, MySQL      473—474
Constraints, PostgreSQL      498
Constructors, AdsDataAdapter class      229—230
Constructors, connection object      204
Consumers, data access      6—12
Consumers, OLE-DB workflow process      5—6
Contacts, SOAP      447—448
Contacts, URL      439—446
CONTAINS function, Full-Text Search      412—413
CONTAINSTABLE function, Full-Text Search      415
Context connections, CLR (Common Language Runtime) Objects      327—328
Contracts, Service Broker      370 377—378
Controls, BindingList      198
Controls, BindingNavigator      198
Controls, Bindingsource      197—198
Controls, Data Source      164—169
Controls, multi-version concurrency      499
Controls, ObjectDataSource      176—185
Controls, SQLDataSource      170—175
Controls, UI      197—198
Conversions, XML/ADO.NET integration      123—124
Coordination, Service Broker element      370
CREATE AGGREGATE command, CLR mapping method      307
CREATE ASSEMBLY statement, assembly deployment      307
CREATE ENDPOINT command, SQL Server      344—345
CREATE FUNCTION command, CLR mapping method      307
CREATE PROCEDURE command, CLR mapping method      307
CREATE TRIGGER command, CLR mapping method      307
CREATE TYPE command, CLR mapping method      307
Create() method, SMO Index() object      336
CreateCommand() objects, Generic Factory Model      77
CreateDbCommand() method, data providers      208—209
CreateDbParameter() method, data providers      215
CreateParameter() method, adding parameters to an object      79—80
CreatePermission() method, data providers      232
CTEs (Common Table Expressions), T-SQL      252—254
Currency, data types      102
CURSOR data type, SQL Server      108
Cursors, server-side      480
Customer sign-up, Service Broker service      383—386
CustomerInfoSchema, Service Broker      376
DAO (Data Access Objects), development history      6—7
Data access layer, consumers      6—12
Data access layer, development history      2—4
Data access layer, industry support      2
Data access layer, performance factor      1
Data access layer, reliability      1
Data access layer, vendor commitment      2
Data Access Objects (DAO), development history      6—7
Data binding, ASP.NET 1.x      163—164
Data binding, ASP.NET 2.0      163—164
Data binding, data source caching      167—169
Data binding, Data Source controls      164—169
data binding, data sources      160—162
Data binding, DataSource control generation      189—190
Data binding, DBDirect methods      186—187
Data binding, defined      159
Data binding, ObjectDataSource control      176—185
Data binding, one-way versus two-way      163
Data binding, parameter data validation      166
Data binding, parameter passing      165—167
Data binding, provider-specific syntax issues      175—176
data binding, SqlDataSource control      170—175
Data binding, TableAdapter method      185—189
data binding, typed datasets      185—186
data binding, Windows Forms      191—198
Data binding, Windows Forms versus Web applications      159—160
Data concurrency, two-way data binding issues      163
Data Definition Language (DDL), event triggers      313—314
Data Definition Language (DDL), Full-Text Search index setup      407—408
Data exchange, XML/ADO.NET integration      119
Data migration, select statement      29
Data providers      see also "Providers"
Data providers, Active Directory shortcomings      201
Data providers, ADO.NET registration      233
Data providers, AdsCommand class      211—219
Data providers, AdsConnection class      203—209
Data providers, AdsConnectionStringBuilder class      209—211
Data providers, AdsDataAdapter class      228—231
Data providers, AdsDataReader class      219—228
Data providers, AdsFactory class      231—232
Data providers, AdsParaineterCollection class      212
Data providers, AdsProvider class      202
Data providers, classes      202
Data providers, connection object constructors      204
Data providers, connection string fields      203—204
Data providers, DataSourceEnumerator class      232
Data providers, deleting records      217—218
Data providers, DirectorySearcher class      212
Data providers, indexers      219—221
Data providers, Oracle      515—516
Data providers, parameter non-support reasons      212
Data providers, permissions      232
Data providers, reader (select) methods      216
Data providers, tables      212
Data providers, updating records      217—218
Data providers, user objects      212
Data providers, user properties versus Active Directory properties      221—226
Data Source caching, when to use      168—169
Data Source Configuration Wizard, data sources      193—196
Data Source controls, ASP.NET 2.0 data binding      164
Data Source controls, data caching      167—169
Data Source controls, generating      189—190
Data Source controls, parameter passing      165—167
Data Source controls, Visual Studio      2005 169—170
Data Source window, interface elements      192—196
Data sources, data binding      160—162
Data sources, data retrieval      81
Data sources, Data Source Configuration Wizard      193—196
Data sources, distributed transactions      145—154
Data sources, listing available      51—53
Data sources, Reporting Services      436—437
Data sources, schema metadata system information      69—73
Data sources, Windows Forms      192—196
Data storage, legal issues      35
Data stores, BerkeleyDB      503
Data Transformation Services (DTS), data migration      29
Data types, ADO.NET      109—116
Data types, BFile      543
data types, BIGINT      100
data types, BINARY      102—106
data types, BIT      107
data types, boolean      97
Data types, CHAR (character)      98
Data types, CLR (Common Language Runtime) Objects      324—326
Data types, CURSOR      108
Data types, DATETIME (TIMESTAMP)      100
Data types, decimal (DEC and DEC (p,s))      101—102
Data types, FLOAT (FLOAT and DOUBLE PRECISION)      101
data types, floating-point      101
data types, IMAGE      102—103
Data types, INT (integer)      97 99
Data types, legacy support issues      40—41
data types, MONEY      102
Data types, NCHAR (national character storage)      99
Data types, NTEXT      99
data types, nullable types      113—114
data types, numeric      101
Data types, NVARCHAR (MAX)      99
Data types, nvarchar (national character storage)      99
Data types, Oracle      523
Data types, PostgreSQL      498
Data types, REAL (FLOAT(24))      101
Data types, schema metadata system      69
Data types, Service Broker queue tables      394—395
data types, SMALLDATETIME      100
data types, SMALLINT      100
data types, SMALLMONEY      102
data types, SQL Server      98—108
Data types, SqlTypes namespace      109—113
Data types, SQL_VARIANT      107—108
data types, string      97
Data types, table      108
data types, Text      99
Data types, TIMESTAMP      107
data types, TINYINT      100
Data types, UNIQUEIDENTIFIER      108
data types, VARBINARY      102—103
Data types, VARBINARY (MAX)      102—103
Data types, VARCHAR (char varying/character varying)      98
Data types, VARCHAR (MAX)      99
Data types, XML      108
Data types.NET Framework      109—116
DataAdapter object, data retrieval      11
DataAdapter() object, DataSet population method      89—90
Database connection strings, SQLServer projects      306
Database integration, Service Broker element      370
Database property, data providers      205 206
Database() object, SQL Server Management Objects (SMOs)      332 334—335
databases      see also "Open-source databases"
Databases, CODASYL definition      2
Databases, context connections      327—328
Databases, creating in SQL Server Management Objects (SMOs)      332—334
Databases, data deletion protection methods      35
Databases, data normalization      24—30
Databases, DbConnection class relational      3—4
Databases, design guidelines      30—35
Databases, flat      28—29
databases, indexes      22
Databases, normalized design      26
Databases, old/new design migration      34—35
Databases, opening/closing connections      60—62
Databases, planning process      13—14
Databases, quality data assurance      26—27
Databases, reports      23—24
Databases, security enforcement      23
Databases, Service Broker setup      372—373
Databases, SMO backup/restore      338—341
Databases, strongly typed business objects      33—34
databases, views      22—24
Databases, XML Web services      343—345
DataReaders() object, DataSet population method      90
DataReaders() object, forward-only read capability      11
DataReaders() object, value returns      88
DataReaders() object, when to use      95
DataSet() object, disconnected data storage      11
DataSets, binary serialization      92—93
DataSets, data filling      82
DataSets, data representation      88
DataSets, DataAdapter() object      89—90
DataSets, DataReaders() object      90
DataSets, in-memory database representations      32
DataSets, manual population methods      89
DataSets, serialization      92—93
DataSets, when to use      95—96
DataSource property, data providers      205
DataSourceEnumerator class, data providers      232
DataSourceProductName class, schema metadata system      70
DataTableReader() class, data representation      93
DataTables, data filling      82
DataTables, data representation      90
DataTables, DataTableReader() class      93
DataTables, DataView() object      91—92
DataTables, Oracle fills      529—531
DataTables, RowState() object      91
DataTables, serialization      92—93
DataTables, streaming data      93—94
DataView() object, DataTables      91—92
Date/time, data types      100
DATETIME (timestamp) data type, SQL Server      100
DateTime fields, naming conventions      16
DbCommand object, calling from a DbConnection object      78
DbCommand object, calling from Generic Factory Model      77
DbCommand object, provider independent class      44—45
DbConnection class, DbCommand object calls      78
DbConnection class, metadata retrieval      202
DbConnection class, provider-independent class      44—45
Dbconnection property, data providers      213
DbDatasourceEnumerator() method, listing available data sources      52—53
DbDirect methods, data binding      186—187
DbParameter, provider independent class      44—45
DbTransaction property, data providers      214—215
DDL (Data Definition Language), event triggers      313—314
DDL (Data Definition Language), Full-Text Search index setup      407—408
DDL CREATE ENDPOINT command, SQL Server      344—345
DDL triggers, T-SQL      263—264
Debugging, CLR (Common Language Runtime) Objects      309—310
Debugging, XSL      125—126
DECIMAL (DEC and DEC(p, s)) data type, SQL Server      101—102
Delete() method, removing subscribers      359
Delivery channels, distributor component      350
Delivery channels, instance configuration file      352
Delivery protocols, distributor component      350
Dense_Rank() function, T-SQL      248
Depth property, data providers      226
Device list, subscription management application      360—363
Deviceinfo object, ReportServer      453—460
devicelist.aspx file, subscription management application      360
Dialogs, Service Broker component      370
Direct execution, SQL Server Management Objects (SMOs)      330
DirectorySearcher class, data providers      212
Disconnected data access, ADO support      9
Dispose() method, data providers      208 228
Distributed data, Ingres      493
Distributed Transaction Coordinator, performance monitoring      149—150
Distributed transactions versus local transactions      141
Distributed transactions, client-side      145—146
Distributed transactions, flow-through      156
Distributed transactions, IDBDataAdapter object      150—153
Distributed transactions, local data effects      150—153
Distributed transactions, multiple data source spanning      145
Distributed transactions, nested transactions      153—155
Distributed transactions, performance monitoring      149—150
Distributed transactions, System.Transactions namespace      146—149
Distributed transactions, TransactionScope object      146—149
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
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