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Biedenharn L.C., Louck J.D. — Angular momentum in quantum physics |
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Turn (turns), geometry of 184—193
Turn (turns), group composition law 198
Turn (turns), group of 186 189 196
Turn (turns), group of involutions 186
Turn (turns), group of SU(2) 196 202
Turn (turns), Hamilton 201
Turn (turns), head 184 193 195
Turn (turns), homomorphism with SO(3) 189
Turn (turns), identity 186
Turn (turns), infinitesimal 192
Turn (turns), infinitesimal, left translation 200
Turn (turns), infinitesimal, right translation 200
Turn (turns), intrinsic scale 192
Turn (turns), inverse 186 194
Turn (turns), left translations 198 220
Turn (turns), mapping on unit sphere in 4-space 194
Turn (turns), origin of 202
Turn (turns), parameters 194
Turn (turns), right translations 198 220
Turn (turns), scalar parameter 194
Turn (turns), scalar, 189
Turn (turns), sense of 193
Turn (turns), sum of 185
Turn (turns), sum of, associative 185
Turn (turns), sum of, noncommutative 185
Turn (turns), tail 184 193 195
Turn (turns), vector parameter 194
Two-electron configurations 381—393
Two-particle configurations 388
Two-particle reactions 467
U(2) 241 261
U(2), irrep matrices, orthogonality 264
U(2), irrep matrices, under conjugation 264
U(2), irreps 261—264
U(2), representations of 262
U(2), unitary irrep 263
U(2l+1), irreps branching into irreps of SO(2l+1) 416
U(2l+1), Lie algebra of 412
U(n) 219 231 235
U(n), matrix irrep 245
Umbral calculus 228
Umbral operator 226 228
Uncertainty principle 453
Uncertainty principle, angular momentum 31
Uncertainty principle, angular momentum, operator 36
Uncertainty principle, error from naive use 440
Uncertainty relation for angular momentum 478 482
Unimodular unitary matrix 16 47 251 252
Unit sphere 21
Unit sphere in four-space 256
Unit sphere in 3-space 67 188 272 275
Unit sphere in 4-space 24 66 86 144 194 254 317 318
Unit sphere in 4-space, upper and lower hemispheres 318
Unit tensor operators, defined 134
Unitary group methods, many-body physics 403
Unitary groups 231 243
Unitary groups, irreps 258
Unitary groups, SU(n) 247
Unitary groups, U(2) 240
Unitary groups, U(n) 243
Unitary matrix (matrices) 21 22 40 43 44 143 240 262 270 316
Unitary matrix (matrices), conjugate 262
Unitary operator 41 42 44
Unitary transformation 17 89
Unitary unimodular matrix (matrices) 19 21 22 53
Universal covering group, U(2) 263
Unpolarized electromagnetic waves, problem posed by 453
v-band (molecular), branches 577
v-band (molecular), fundamental 576
v-band (molecular), ideal spectrum 578
Vacuum ket 220
Van Vleck transformation 568
Vector coupling 99
Vector coupling, coefficients 76 see
Vector function 300 301
Vector function on the sphere, decomposition theorem 299
Vector function, cross-product relations 300
Vector function, expansion in vector solid harmonics 299 300 301
Vector function, orthogonality 300
Vector function, scalar product relations 300
Vector in Euclidean three-space 8
Vector model 36 333
Vector multipole fields 436
Vector operator (operators) 94 95 286—293 298—300 532
Vector operator (operators), null space 289 292
Vector operator (operators), scalar product 292 299
Vector operator (operators), solid harmonics 289
Vector operator (operators), spherical components 95 169
Vector potential, potential function 301 302
Vector product algebra 291
Vector product operator, eigenvectors, defining spherical basis set 174
Vector product, vector solid harmonics 297
Vector product, vectors in 3-space 173 194 287
Vector solid harmonics 288 292—298 300 301
Vector solid harmonics, conjugation 294
Vector solid harmonics, curl equations 295
Vector solid harmonics, definition 294
Vector solid harmonics, divergence equations 296
Vector solid harmonics, orthogonality 294
Vector solid harmonics, reflection property 296
Vector solid harmonics, relation to vector spherical harmonics 295
Vector solid harmonics, scalar product 296
Vector solid harmonics, vector and gradient formulas 295
Vector solid harmonics, vector product 297
Vector space 4 147
Vector spherical harmonics 284—286 290 295 435 445
Vector spherical harmonics in terms of Wigner coefficients 453
Vector triple product, vectors in 3-space 287
Vector Wigner coefficient 91
Vector Wigner coefficient, associativity of tensor couplings 99
Version 11 14
Version of a coordinate frame 193 529
Vibration absorption band 592
Vibration-rotation bands, laser-induced absorption 599
Vibration-rotation, energy spectrum 588
Vibration-rotation, motions 535
Vibration-rotation, spectra 527 528
| Watson’s term 566 571
Wave function (functions) 55 56 92
Wave function (functions), angular momentum 55—57
Wave function (functions), angular momentum, complex conjugate 132
Wave function (functions), as tensor operators 92
Wave function (functions), defined from density matrix 15
Wave function (functions), pair-free 513
Wave function (functions), single-valued assumption 319 320
Wave function (functions), state function 200 271 319
Weight (weights) 36 240
Weight (weights) of boson polynomial 243
Weight (weights) of double Gel’fand pattern 243
Weight (weights) of double standard tableau polynomial 240
Weight (weights) of double standard tableau polynomial, content of double standard tableau polynomial 240
Weight (weights) of Gel’fand pattern 233 243
Weight (weights) of standard tableau 243
Weight (weights), double standard Weyl tableau 243
Weight vector 274
Wendestreckung (Klein — Sommerfeld) 183 219
Weyl basis 412
Weyl basis vectors 247
Weyl basis vectors, standard Weyl tableau 246
Weyl canonical labeling of state vectors in SU(2j+1) 466
Weyl pattern (patterns) 230—247
Weyl pattern (patterns), content of 231
Weyl pattern (patterns), mapping to boson operators 236
Weyl pattern (patterns), shape 233
Weyl pattern (patterns), standard 231
Weyl tableaux 231 399
Weyl’s theorem 544 551
Weyl’s theorem on polynomials invariants 257
Weyl’s theorem on rotational invariants 307 308 543
Weyl’s theorem on rotational invariants, structure theorem for rotational invariants 307
Wigner coefficients 49 50 52 75—87 95 96 100 103 107 108 110 172 200 205 223 225—229 247—250 253 281 285 290 297 298 309 314 480 500 506 508 510 516 601 607 609
Wigner coefficients from integral over three rotation matrices 255 256
Wigner coefficients of SU(n) 250
Wigner coefficients, analytic continuation 361
Wigner coefficients, and hypergeometric functions 76
Wigner coefficients, as discretized rotation matrices 226—230
Wigner coefficients, as matrix element of boson polynomials 249 253
Wigner coefficients, asymptotic limit 119
Wigner coefficients, asymptotic limit, as asymptotic limit of Racah coefficients 111 118 120 168
Wigner coefficients, boson operator, determination 226
Wigner coefficients, coupling of tensor operators 101
Wigner coefficients, coupling of tensor properties 97—99
Wigner coefficients, definition as inner product of boson polynomial bases 226
Wigner coefficients, degenerate case (cases) 78 113 114 250 256
Wigner coefficients, determination by boson calculus 223—226
Wigner coefficients, different notations 148—152
Wigner coefficients, explicit form 226
Wigner coefficients, factorization of the group elements 76
Wigner coefficients, fundamental 115 118
Wigner coefficients, generating function for 76 256—261
Wigner coefficients, generating function for, 3-j coefficients 259
Wigner coefficients, method of highest weights 76
Wigner coefficients, notation 150
Wigner coefficients, orthogonality 80781 82 96 l06 109 110 248
Wigner coefficients, phase convention 78 86
Wigner coefficients, product of 255
Wigner coefficients, projection operator techniques 76
Wigner coefficients, Racah’s first form 78 79
Wigner coefficients, real, orthogonal matrices 80
Wigner coefficients, recursion relations 76 118
Wigner coefficients, reduced matrix element 103
Wigner coefficients, Regge symmetry 83
Wigner coefficients, rotation group 51
Wigner coefficients, scalar coupling, Herring metric 131
Wigner coefficients, scalar product coupling 133
Wigner coefficients, scalar, Herring metric 172
Wigner coefficients, stretched 314
Wigner coefficients, symmetries 82 106 109 110 124 127 148 169 226 250 252 254 256
Wigner coefficients, symmetries from D-matrix symmetries 254—256
Wigner coefficients, symmetries, deduced from boson polynomials 248
Wigner coefficients, symmetries, properties 462
Wigner coefficients, symmetries, relation to Racah coefficient symmetries 168
Wigner coefficients, U(n) 245
Wigner coefficients, van der Waerden form 79 82 148 227 228
Wigner coefficients, variety of forms 171
Wigner coefficients, Wigner 9-j coefficient 104
Wigner coefficients, Wigner’s form 78 79
Wigner matrices 462
Wigner operator (operators) 88 111 298 426 458 461 466 520 521 522 524
Wigner operator (operators), algebraic theory 111
Wigner operator (operators), defined 134—137
Wigner operator (operators), fundamental of the unitary group U(n) 401
Wigner operator (operators), orthonormal operator basis 457
Wigner operator (operators), representation of exchange operator 521
Wigner operator (operators), representation of seniority operator 522
Wigner operator (operators), vector 291
Wigner phase choice, Racah coefficient 112
Wigner phase choice, Wigner coefficient 80
Wigner product law 86 475
Wigner — Eckart theorem 94—97 101 113 135 157 290 291 296 298 332 333 344 375 466 510 597 615
Wigner — Eckart theorem on solid harmonics 156
Wigner — Eckart theorem, applications 99
Wigner — Eckart theorem, definition 96
Wigner — Eckart theorem, essence 136
Wigner — Eckart theorem, proof 96
Wigner — Eckart theorem, vector operators 289 see
Wigner — Eisenbud reaction theory (application) 488—491
Wigner’s 9-j coefficient 486
Wigner’s fundamental theorem on symmetry 89 325
Yamanouchi symbol 234 235 399 400 403 427 621
Young frame (frames) 230 231 233 238 239 247 248 398 425 427 520 621
Young frame (frames), conjugate 237
Young pattern (patterns) 232 234
Young pattern (patterns), maximal 244
Young tableau (tableaux) notation 231 394 397 400 401 520
Zeeman effect 37 94 326—335
Zeeman effect, anomalous 331 333
Zeeman effect, characteristic triplet pattern 333
Zeeman effect, definition 326 327
Zeeman effect, Larmor theorem 327
Zeeman effect, normal 327
Zeeman effect, quantal treatment 327—331
Zeeman effect, relation to development of angular momentum theory 333
Zero-energy Coulomb radial function 359
Zoepfegruppe 25
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