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Biedenharn L.C., Louck J.D. — Angular momentum in quantum physics |
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Scalar product, rotationally invariant, of tensor operators 155
Scalar product, solid harmonics 304
Scalar product, spherical harmonics 307
Scalar product, spherical vectors 172
Scalar product, tensor product space 148 281
Scalar product, vector operators 292
Scalar product, vector solid harmonics 296
Scalar triple product in terms of bosons 310
Scalar triple product, vectors in 3-space 308
Scalar Wigner coefficient, Herring metric 99 105 133
Scale transformation of quaternions 219
Scattering of electromagnetic waves 443
Schmidt model 498 516
Schroedinger factorization method 357
Schwinger’s generating function 126 259—261
Selection rules (molecular spectra) 577 612—624
Seniority 508—510 516
Seniority, Casimir operators, in terms of 517—523
Seniority, label 512—515 516
Seniority, operator 522 523
Seniority, quantum number 413 416
Shape of Young frame 231
Sharp orbital angular momentum, problem of finding states of 406—408
Sharp’s integral of three Bessel functions 161 162
Shell model see "Nuclear shell model"
Shift action of Wigner operators 134
Shockley — James examples on "hidden" momentum 3
Short-wavelength limit of multipole expansion 447 448 453
Single-particle energy-level system (nuclear shell model) 496
Slater determinant 394
Slater integrals 384 518
Slater state (states) 369 372—374 394 396
Slater’s determinantal basis 375
Slater’s diagonal sum rule 375
SO(3) 14 143 189 202 270 271 275 276 279 315
SO(3), double-valued representations 316—319
SO(3), irreps 271 318 319
SO(3), Lie algebra 321
SO(3), unitary irreps 317
SO(4) 321 345
SO(4), Lie algebra 321
Solid body 11 14 26 62 95 142
Solid body in Dirac’s construction 10—14
Solid body, entanglement, of strings in rotation of solid body 10—14
Solid body, generalization to arbitrary quaternionic variables 146
Solid harmonics 71 87 156 269 274 275 279 281 282 286—289 292 294 297 303 306 309 311 312 314 589
Solid harmonics, addition theorem 309 314
Solid harmonics, and potential theory 311—313
Solid harmonics, as tensor operators 156
Solid harmonics, generating function 307
Solid harmonics, product law 309
Solid harmonics, reduced Wigner coefficient matrix element 156
Solid harmonics, scalar product 302
Solid harmonics, tensor product 157
Solid harmonics, vectorial addition theorem 314
Sommerfeld’s "spatial quantization" 334
Space of entire analytic functions 208
Spatial inversion (parity) 87 533
Spatial quantization 36
Spatial quantization of angular momentum 333
Spatial quantization of Sommerfeld 334
Spatial translation 7
Spectra of fundamental transitions of 624—626
Spectroscopy, application of symmetry techniques 325
Spectroscopy, point of view 325
Spheres, group space of SU(2) 21
Spherical basis 169—175
Spherical basis, Danos standard 172
Spherical basis, definition 171
Spherical basis, general 171
Spherical basis, sets 174
Spherical basis, vectors 169—175 285
Spherical basis, vectors, norms 171
Spherical basis, vectors, orthogonality 170
Spherical Bessel functions 436 441 446
Spherical components 169—175
Spherical functions, application of Cartan map 305—307 309 310
Spherical harmonics 57 68—71 86 87 191 192 269 271 273 275 279 280 287 289 290 300 301 303 311 321
Spherical harmonics in four-space 347
Spherical harmonics, and D-matrices 68
Spherical harmonics, complex conjugate 316
Spherical harmonics, differential equations 269
Spherical harmonics, eigenvalue equations 320
Spherical harmonics, explicit forms 69
Spherical harmonics, half-integral l, nonexistence of 321
Spherical harmonics, lowering operator techniques 70
Spherical harmonics, normalization 273 275
Spherical harmonics, orthogonality 68 269
Spherical harmonics, phase convention 70 274
Spherical harmonics, scalar product 303
spherical polar coordinates 66 279
Spherical polar coordinates in 3-space 59
Spherical solid harmonics 170
Spherical top molecules, global formulation of the , reduction problem 628 629
Spherical top molecules, spectra 527—632
Spherical top molecules, triply degenerate vibration, first-order energy spectrum 572—578
Spherical triangle 193
Spin of photon, not possible to separate 442
Spin, as a relativistic effect 5 331
Spin, exchange operator 519—523
Spin- particle in rest frame 459 460
Spin- particle in rest frame, Larmor precession in uniform magnetic field 459
Spin- particle in rest frame, orientation 458
Spin-j for a relativistic particle 467—470
Spin-j, density matrix 467—469
Spin-j, geometric characterization of density matrices for pure states 463—467
Spin-j, precession 460
Spin-j, states 422—428 617 620
Spin-orbit coupling 283 497
Spin-orbit coupling, angular momentum eigenstates 496
Spin-orbit coupling, interaction 366 378 387 388 390
Spin-polarization measurements 449
Spinless particles 478
Spinor 14—16 193
Spinor spherical harmonics 283
Spinor, Cartan’s definition 15—17
Spinorial mass point 16
Splitting of Hilbert space (superselection rule) 5
Splitting patterns 594—602
Square of radiated angular momentum 453
Stability group (groups) 464
Stability group (groups), conjugate 465
Standard tableaux 247
Standard Weyl patterns 233 238 239
Standard Weyl tableaux 247
Standard Weyl tableaux, Weyl basis vector 246
Standard Young patterns, shape 234 235
Standard Young tableaux 231
Standard Young tableaux, shape 234
Stark effect 360
State function 270 271
State function, wave function 271
State vector (vectors) of sharp seniority 416 417 514 515
State vector (vectors), antisymmetric requirement 369 370
State vector (vectors), boson 396
State vector (vectors), jj-coupled 390 503 504
State vector (vectors), labels( ), occurrence of 32
State vector (vectors), LS-coupled 386—389 500—503
State vector (vectors), orthonormality of product 427
State vector (vectors), physical 394 396
State vector (vectors), rotator 622
State vector (vectors), vector space of 338
State, concept of 3
Statistical tensors 457—463
Statistical tensors, coupling 470—474
Statistical weight (weights) 617—624
Statistical weight (weights) of a level 586 623
Stereographic projection 21
Stokes parameters 450 452
Stratum 464
| Stretched angular momenta 484
Structure constants of Lie algebras 110 462
Structure theorem for rotational invariants 307
Structure theorem for rotational invariants, Weyl theorem on rotational invariants 307
SU(2) 14 17 24 143 175 189 192 196 199 202 263 264 270 279 305 314 318
SU(2) and SO(3), relations between 17—19 316—319
SU(2)*SU(2) 205
SU(2)*SU(2), generators, realized by boson operators 221
SU(2)*SU(2), symmetric top 221
SU(2), as group of turns 196
SU(2), irreps 222 263 321
SU(2), isospin group 499
SU(2), representation 219
Subduction coefficients 595
Superposition principle 3 5
Superselection rule 5
Symbolic powers 228 229
Symbolic powers, generalized powers 227
Symmetric group 231
Symmetric group, 122
Symmetric group, 126
Symmetric group, 169
Symmetric group, 231 234
Symmetric group, , dimension of irreps 237
Symmetric group, representations of 234
Symmetric orthogonalization 537
Symmetric top 200 205
Symmetric top, SU(2)*SU(2) 217
Symmetric top, wave functions 64
Symmetries of Euclidean space 7
Symmetries of spatial rotations 180
Symmetries of spatial translations 180
Symmetries, internal (molecules) 592
Symmetry axes (molecules) and induced representation 602—609
Symmetry axes (molecules), equivalence of 603
Symmetry breaking with respect to point groups 396
Symmetry breaking, Zeeman effect as 327—328
Symmetry techniques, application to spectroscopy 325
Symmetry, and separation of variables 347
Symmetry, as constructive technique 4
Symmetry, fundamental theorem 88 89
Symmetry, Wigner’s fundamental theorem on symmetry 89 325
Systematics of atomic spectra 368
Tableaux see also "Weyl tableaux" "Young
Tableaux, standard 399 621
Tableaux, standard for irreps of symmetric group 231 611
Tangent plane 192
Tchebichef polynomials, relation to Wigner coefficients 476
Tensor harmonics 435 589
Tensor operator (operators) 4 87—94 105 156 174
Tensor operator (operators), application of quasi-spin to 515—517
Tensor operator (operators), as forms on the angular momentum components 157
Tensor operator (operators), associative law 110
Tensor operator (operators), conjugate irreducible 131 132
Tensor operator (operators), coupling 97—99
Tensor operator (operators), coupling of reduced matrix elements 99
Tensor operator (operators), coupling of Wigner operators 135 136
Tensor operator (operators), coupling to rotational invariant 105—106
Tensor operator (operators), coupling, coupling law 98 101
Tensor operator (operators), coupling, properties 100 173
Tensor operator (operators), examples 156—158
Tensor operator (operators), general definition 92
Tensor operator (operators), Hecht’s 591
Tensor operator (operators), Hermitian conjugate 132 133
Tensor operator (operators), irreducible 92—95 98 100 588 589
Tensor operator (operators), irreducible, definition 90
Tensor operator (operators), matrix elements 96
Tensor operator (operators), multiplets, irreducible 154 155
Tensor operator (operators), physical 92
Tensor operator (operators), property of Wigner operators 135
Tensor operator (operators), quasi-spin classification 515—517
Tensor operator (operators), reduced matrix elements 96
Tensor operator (operators), rotational invariants 99
Tensor operator (operators), rotationally invariant products 131—133
Tensor operator (operators), scalar product coupling 99
Tensor parameters for density matrix of pure state with spin-j 466
Tensor parameters of radiation 451 458
Tensor parameters, multipole 461
Tensor product 157 283 285
Tensor product space 72 147 153 280 281
Tensor product space, angular momenta 85
Tensor product space, angular momenta, states 80
Tensor product space, n angular momenta 153 154
Tensor product, angular momentum basis states 84
Tensor product, angular momentum states 72 95
Tensor product, solid harmonics 157
Tensor solid harmonics 281 282
Tensor solid harmonics, definition 281
Tensor solid harmonics, eigenvalue equations 282
Tensor solid harmonics, rotation property 282
Tensor spherical harmonics 279—283
Tensor spherical harmonics, angular functions on the unit sphere 279 280
Tensor spherical harmonics, unit sphere in 3-space 279
Tensorial coupling 99
Tetrad formalism for massless particles 469 470
Tetrad multipole operators 469
Tetrad polarization operators 488
Tetrad vector 468 469
Tetrahedral permutations 124
Thomas term 497
Thomas — Fermi atom, distribution of angular momentum in 366
Three-dimensional harmonic oscillator model 320
Three-electron configurations 393
Time reversal 89 618
Time reversal and seniority operator 509
Trace (traces) 469
Trace (traces) of rotation matrix 143 144
Trace (traces), identities 551
Traceless boson operator 321
Transformation properties, rotator and spin basis vectors 622
Transformation to molecular coordinates 548 549 553
Transition amplitude 612—614
Transition in -band of 626
Transition probabilities 88
Translation (translations) 181 183
Translation (translations) and rotations, as successive reflections 182
Translation (translations), as successive reflections 182
Translation (translations), generator 180
Translational invariance (relative coordinates) 540 580 585
Translationally invariant particle position 529
Tree, labeled 388
Tree, labeled, jj-coupling scheme 388
Tree, labeled, LS-coupling scheme 386
Triangle coefficients 110 124
Triangle conditions 81 86 108 111 112 122 128 129 161 167
Triangle factors 121 122
Triangle sum rule 110
Triple correlations 484—487
Tseitlin basis 232
Turn (turns) 180—203 212 219
Turn (turns) of length 187 188
Turn (turns), 187 189 194
Turn (turns), 189 193 194
Turn (turns), addition of 195
Turn (turns), agreement with Hamilton’s definition of quaternion 202
Turn (turns), algebraic representation 194
Turn (turns), algebraic view 193—198
Turn (turns), and quantum theory of symmetric top 200
Turn (turns), as alternative approach to rotations 180—184
Turn (turns), as directed arc 184
Turn (turns), as unimodular quaternion 202
Turn (turns), associativity and kinematic independence of left and right translations 199
Turn (turns), carrier space for representations 199
Turn (turns), combination of parameters 196
Turn (turns), conjugate 188 194
Turn (turns), conjugation involution 196
Turn (turns), equivalence classes of 186 187
Turn (turns), equivalence of 184
Turn (turns), forming carrier space 198—203
Turn (turns), geometric view 184—193
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