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Miranda R. — Graduate studies in mathematics (vol.5). Algebraic curves and Riemann surfaces
Miranda R. — Graduate studies in mathematics (vol.5). Algebraic curves and Riemann surfaces

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Название: Graduate studies in mathematics (vol.5). Algebraic curves and Riemann surfaces

Автор: Miranda R.


This text is an introduction to the theory of algebraic curves defined over the complex numbers. It begins with the definitions and first properties of Riemann surfaces, with special
attention paid to the Riemann sphere, complex tori, hyperelliptic curves, smooth plane curves, and projective curves. The heart of the book is the treatment of divisors and rational functions, culminating in the theorems of Riemann-Roch and Abel and the analysis of the canonical map.
Sheaves, cohomology, the Zariski topology, line bundles, and the Picard group are developed after these main theorems are proved and applied, as a bridge from the classical material to the modern language of algebraic geometry.

Язык: en

Рубрика: Математика/Алгебра/Алгебраическая геометрия/

Статус предметного указателя: Готов указатель с номерами страниц

ed2k: ed2k stats

Год издания: 1995

Количество страниц: 390

Добавлена в каталог: 23.03.2005

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Предметный указатель
Hodge filtration      317
Hole chart      66
Holomorphic, action      75
Holomorphic, embedding in $\mathbb{P}^n$      36
Holomorphic, function      21
Holomorphic, function is constant on a compact surface      29
Holomorphic, function of several variables      6
Holomorphic, function on an affine plane curve      22
Holomorphic, function, preserves orientation      5
Holomorphic, function, sheaf      270
Holomorphic, map      38
Holomorphic, map between tori      63
Holomorphic, map has discrete preimages      41
Holomorphic, map is an isomorphism if 1-1      40
Holomorphic, map is an isomorphism if degree one      48
Holomorphic, map to $\mathbb{P}^1$      166
Holomorphic, map to $\mathbb{P}^n$      153
Holomorphic, map to the Riemann Sphere      41
Holomorphic, map without coordinates      166
Holomorphic, map, 1-1 criterion      161
Holomorphic, map, branch divisor      134
Holomorphic, map, branch point      45
Holomorphic, map, defined by a linear system      160
Holomorphic, map, defined by monodromy      91
Holomorphic, map, degree      48
Holomorphic, map, degree of the image      164
Holomorphic, map, embedding      163
Holomorphic, map, embedding criterion      163
Holomorphic, map, hyperplane divisor      159
Holomorphic, map, inverse image divisor      133
Holomorphic, map, linear system of      156
Holomorphic, map, local normal form      44
Holomorphic, map, monodromy representation      87
Holomorphic, map, multiplicity      45
Holomorphic, map, ramification divisor      134
Holomorphic, map, ramification point      45
Holomorphic, map, the canonical map      203
Holomorphic, map, Veronese map      165
Holomorphic, one-form      105 106
Holomorphic, one-form on a hyperelliptic curve      193
Holomorphic, one-form on a projective plane curve      193
Holomorphic, one-form on a torus      193
Holomorphic, one-form, period of      248
Holomorphic, one-form, sheaf      271
Holomorphic, tangent vector field      341
Homogeneous coordinates      13 94
Homogeneous ideal      96
Homogeneous polynomial      14 31
Homomorphism of line bundles      334
Homomorphism of sheaves      278
Homotopic loops      84
Homotopy of paths      124
Hurwitz formula      52 135 244
Hurwitz’s theorem on automorphisms      82
Hyperelliptic involution      61
Hyperelliptic surface      61 92 167
Hyperelliptic surface and equality in Clifford      202
Hyperelliptic surface is an algebraic curve      170
Hyperelliptic surface, Abel — Jacobi fibers      264
Hyperelliptic surface, automorphisms      243
Hyperelliptic surface, function field      178
Hyperelliptic surface, homology generators      249
Hyperelliptic surface, meromorphic function on      62
Hyperelliptic surface, one-form on      193
Hyperelliptic surface, one-forms on      112
Hyperelliptic surface, the canonical map      204
Hyperelliptic surface, Weierstrass points and gap numbers      245
Hyperplane      96
Hyperplane, bitangent      220
Hyperplane, containing a divisor      208
Hyperplane, divisor      136
Hyperplane, divisor of a holomorphic map      159
Hyperplane, divisor, form the linear system      159
Hyperplane, divisor, monodromy of      222
Hyperplane, flexed      233
Hyperplane, general      221
Hyperplane, monodromy representation      222
Hyperplane, tangent      217 233
Hyperplane, transverse      218 219
Hypersurface      16 95 226
Hypersurface, containing the canonical curve      204
Identity Theorem      29 40
Implicit function theorem      10
Imposing conditions on hypersurfaces      226
Imposing independent conditions      226
Incidence space      212
Index of speciality      198
Infinitely near triple point      72
Inflection point      219 234
Inflection point, counting      241
Inflection point, Wronskian criterion      235
Inflectionary basis      234
Inflectionary weight      240
Initial point      118
Integral around a closed chain      248
Integral of a 1-form along a chain      121
Integral of a 1-form along a path      119
Integral of a 2-form      122
Integral of a trace      255
Integral, depends holomorphically on the end-points      198
Intersection divisor      136
Inverse image divisor      133
Inverse of an invertible sheaf      328
Invertible sheaf      324
Invertible sheaf is locally trivial      358
Invertible sheaf of a divisor      325 348
Invertible sheaf of sections of a line bundle      338 355
Invertible sheaf of tangent vector fields      341 356 367
Invertible sheaf, cocycle for      350
Invertible sheaf, extensions      362
Invertible sheaf, group      330
Invertible sheaf, inverse      328
Invertible sheaf, local generator      325
Invertible sheaf, tensor product      327
Invertible sheaf, trivialization      324
Irreducible polynomial      11
Isomorphism between $L^{(1)}(D)$ and L(D + K)      149
Isomorphism between $L^{(1)}(D)$’s      148
Isomorphism between L(D)’s      148
Isomorphism of covering spaces      85
Isomorphism of line bundles      334
Isomorphism of Riemann surfaces      40
Isomorphism of sheaves      287
Isotropy subgroup      75
Jacobian      248 264 319 356
K-plane      96
Kernel of a sheaf map      282
Kernel of an action      75
Lattice      9 43
Lattice in $\mathbb{C}^g$      263
Lattice, hexagonal      64
Lattice, homothetic to $\mathbb{Z} + \mathbb{Z}\tau$      44
Lattice, square      63
Laurent series      25
Laurent Series Approximation      173
Laurent tail      171
Laurent tail 1-form divisors      201
Laurent tail divisor      179
Line      8 18 57 96 241
Line bundle      333
Line bundle, atlas      333
Line bundle, automorphism      358
Line bundle, canonical bundle      337 339
Line bundle, chart      331
Line bundle, compatibility of charts      332
Line bundle, defined by transition functions      336
Line bundle, fiber coordinate      332
Line bundle, glueing      335
Line bundle, group      351
Line bundle, homomorphism      334
Line bundle, rational section      342
Line bundle, regular section      337
Line bundle, structure      333
Line bundle, support of a chart      331
Line bundle, tangent bundle      337 341
Line bundle, tautological      334
Line bundle, transition function      332
Line bundle, trivial      333
Line, flexed      266
Line, secant      99
Line, tangent      100 241 266
Line, transverse      266
Linear equivalence      138
Linear isomorphism of projective spaces      97
Linear subspace of $\mathbb{P}^n$      95
Linear system      147
Linear system of a holomorphic map      156
Linear system, base-point-free, free      157
Linear system, canonical      200
Linear system, complete      147
Linear system, defining a holomorphic map      160
Linear system, dimension      147
Linear system, fixed part/divisor      161
Linear system, gap number      233
Linear system, moving part      161
Linearly dependent subset of $\mathbb{P}^n$      96
Linearly independent subset of $\mathbb{P}^n$      96
Local complete intersection curve      18 37 205
Local generator for an invertible sheaf      325
Local Normal Form      44
Locally constant sheaf      273
Locally finite covering      299
Long Exact Sequence      298 299
Loop      84
Maximum modulus theorem      29
Meromorphic, function      24
Meromorphic, function , separating tangents      169
Meromorphic, function on $\mathbb{P}^1$      24 32
Meromorphic, function on a cyclic covering of the line      74
Meromorphic, function on a hyperelliptic curve      62
Meromorphic, function on a projective curve      25 36 37
Meromorphic, function on a torus      25 35 50 150
Meromorphic, function on an affine plane curve      36
Meromorphic, function on the Riemann Sphere      24 30 149
Meromorphic, function with poles bounded by D      146
Meromorphic, function with prescribed Laurent tails      173
Meromorphic, function with prescribed orders      173
Meromorphic, function, divisor of      130
Meromorphic, function, Laurent tail divisor of      179
Meromorphic, function, multiplicity one      169
Meromorphic, function, order      26
Meromorphic, function, separating points      169
Meromorphic, function, sheaf      271
Meromorphic, function, sum of the orders is zero      31 33 42 49 124
Meromorphic, function, trace      251
Meromorphic, n-fold differential      236
Meromorphic, one-form      106 107
Meromorphic, one-form on a cyclic covering of the line      112
Meromorphic, one-form on a hyperelliptic curve      112
Meromorphic, one-form on an affine plane curve      111
Meromorphic, one-form on an projective plane curve      112
Meromorphic, one-form on an projective plane curve with nodes      112
Meromorphic, one-form on the Riemann Sphere      111
Meromorphic, one-form with poles bounded by D      148
Meromorphic, one-form with prescribed Laurent tails      200
Meromorphic, one-form, divisor of      131
Meromorphic, one-form, order      107
Meromorphic, one-form, product      237
Meromorphic, one-form, pullback order formula      115
Meromorphic, one-form, ratio of two is a function      131
Meromorphic, one-form, residue      121
Meromorphic, one-form, sheaf      271
Meromorphic, one-form, sum of the residues is zero      123
Meromorphic, one-form, trace      252
Minimum of a set of divisors      136
Mittag-Leffler Problem      180
Moduli space for curves      215 367
Monodromy representation of a covering map      86
Monodromy representation of a holomorphic map      87
Monodromy representation of hyperplane divisors      222
Monodromy representation, defining a covering space      89
Monodromy representation, defining a holomorphic map      91
Monodromy representation, surjectivity      223
Monomial singularity      71
Moving part of a linear system      161
Multiplicity of a holomorphic map      45
Multiplicity of a holomorphic map and the order      47
Multiplicity of a holomorphic map, derivative formula      45
Multiplicity of a hyperplane meeting a projective curve      219 241
Multiplicity one function      169
Net      147
Node of a plane curve      67 102 144
Node of a plane curve, meromorphic one-form      112
Node of a plane curve, resolving      69
Nonsingular polynomial      11
Nonspecial divisors      210
Nullstellensatz      35
One-form of type (0,1)      110
One-form of type (1,0)      110
One-form, $C^{\infty}$      109
One-form, $\bar{\partial}$-closed      114
One-form, $\partial$-closed      114
One-form, closed      114
One-form, defined with an atlas      106 107 110
One-form, differential of      114
One-form, exact      113
One-form, holomorphic      105 106
One-form, integral along a chain      121
One-form, integral along a path      119
One-form, meromorphic      106 107
One-form, pullback      115
One-form, rational      309
One-form, rational with bounded poles      310
One-form, regular      310
One-form, residue      121
One-form, wedge product      113
Onto sheaf map      282
Open mapping theorem      40
Orbit      75
Order of a meromorphic 1-form      107
Order of a meromorphic function      26
Order of a meromorphic n-fold differential      237
Order of a rational section of a line bundle      343
Ordinary cusp      72
Ordinary plane curve singularity      72
Ordinary triple point      72
Orientable      6
Paracompact      299
Partition of a path      119
Partition of unity      302
Path      84 118
Path-connected      5
Path-lifting property      85
Pencil      147
Period      248 257
Period, mapping      126
Period, matrix      259
Picard group      263 345
Picard group and the Jacobian      356
Picard group as the group of invertible sheaves      348
Picard group as the group of line bundles      354
Picard group, isomorphic to $\check{H}^1(X,\mathcal{0}^{\ast})$      347
Plane curve, affine      see “Affine plane curve”
Plane curve, projective      see “Projective plane curve”
Plucker’s Formula      70
Plugging a hole      66
Poincare’s Lemma      117 284 306
Pole      23
Pole of a meromorphic 1-form      107
Pole of a meromorphic function      26
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