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Sneed J. — The Logical Structure of Mathematical Physics (Synthese Library, 35) |
Предметный указатель |
-dependent 31
-theoretical 33
Adams, E.W. 8 9 217 234
An extension of y 42
Application equivalent 187
Application of theories 27 184
Applied core 181
Applied core, correctly 182
Applied core, successfully 182
Axiomatic systems 5
Axiomatized deductive theory 7
Axiomatized deductive theory, relation to scientific theory 7
Beth's definability theorem 59
Catheodory 8
Cavendish balance 62
Connected with 255
Constrained, effectively vacuously 173
Constrained, heterogeneously 173
Constrained, only non-theoretically 172
Constrained, only theoretically 172
Constrained, vacuously 172
Constraints 66 170
Coordinating definitions 7
Core 171
Craig eliminability 55
Craig, W. 52
D-extendible 52
D-Ramsey eliminable 52
Duhem, P. 70 90
Effect dominates 187
Effect equivalent 188
Empirical statement 23
Expanded core, theoretically 179 180
expansion 180
Extensive scale system 86
Extensive system 18
Extensive system, numerical 18
F-relation 209
Fletcher trolley 61
Formal equivalence, strong sense 194
Formal equivalence, weak sense 194
Formal identity of theories 184
Formal language 6
Galilean invariant force laws 150
Galilean transformations 149
Giles, R. 8
Group theory 9
Hamel, G. 8
Having a theory 266 294
Hempel, C. 53
Holism 70 89
Initially dominates 187
Initially equivalent 187
Instrumentalism 1
Intended application of a theory 66
Interpretation 6
Is a 41
Is a CPM 115
Is a CRBM 239
Is a DNCPM 140
| Is a GNCPM 141
Is a P' 47
Is a PK 118
Is a PM 114
Is a UNCPM 139
Is an 42
Is an 17
Is an HNCPM 141
Is an INCPM 141
Is an MPM 131
Is an NCPM 129
Is an RBK 239
Is an RBM 235
Is an S 11
Is an S' 47
Kuhn, T. 70 90 288
Law 179
Law, non-theoretical 179
Law, theoretical 179
Logical consequence 7
Mach, E. 59
Mackey, G. 8
McKinsey, J. 11 113
Measurement, derived 20
Measurement, fundamental 19
Measurement, theory of 18
Mechanics, generalized 207
Mechanics, Lagrangian generalized 208
Mechanics, particle 114 131
Model 7 10
Montague, R. 8
Newtonian mechanics 16 45 129 139 140
Null expansion 180
Padoa's principle 39
Particle kinematics 118
Pendse, C.G. 51
Possible model 17
Possible partial model 41
Preferred theory 205
Ramsey eliminable 49
Ramsey eliminable in the strong sense 49
Ramsey sentence 53
Ramsey solution to the problem of theoretical terms 46
Ramsey, F. 46
Reduction, close 223 224 229
Reduction, strong 225 229
Restriction 47
Set theoretic predicate 9
Simon, H. 8 51 133
Sugar, A. 11
Suppes, P. 8 9 11
Theoretical terms, the problem of 38
Theoretically effect-dominates 188
Theoretically effect-equivalent 188
Theory of mathematical physics 179—181 183 260
Theory of mathematical physics in the sense of Kuhn 293
Theory of mathematical physics, a frame for a 165 166
Theory of mathematical physics, n-ary matrix for a 162
Toulmin, S. 1
Truesdell, C. 8
Vaught, R. 52
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