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Brainerd W.S., Goldberg C.H., Gross J.L. — Pascal Programming : A Spiral Approach |
Предметный указатель |
Library information 424—425
Linked list 484 505
LIST 205 see
List of character strings 211 232—234
List, dynamic 481—491 505
List, linked 484 505
List, variable length 211—212 215
listofprices 187
local 288 289
Local variable 209 283 287—289 291 314 342
Location 325
locinunsortedlist 322-323
Loop 27—38 89 95—203
Loop variable, upper limit never attained 154—155
Loop, comparison of constructs 128—130
Loop, constant increment 145 147
Lovelace, Ada Augusta, countess of 74 83
Machine language 82
magnetic disk 414—415 500
Magnetic tape 412—413 500
makexpositive 57
Mark I 74
Matchsticks 531—535 538—543
Median 247 327
Memory 79—80 411 427 503
Merge sorting 252—254
Mergesort 253 254
Merging 248—254
meterstoinches 20
MOD 175—176 201—202
MODE 230
Modular programming 219
morethorough 241
Mortgage 146—150
mortgage1 147
mortgage2 149 150
Moses 406
Multilevel search 222—225 279
Multiples 155
Multiplication table 257
Music composition 545—547
NAME 567
Name of a program 88—89
name of a variable 15—16 18 88—89 137
Nesting in record type declarations 444
Nesting of function calls 325
Nesting of function declarations 325
Nesting of if statements 64—66 168
Nesting of procedure calls 302 308—311 325
Nesting of procedure declarations 311
New built-in procedure 485 504 574
New Jersey 132—133
New year's day 315—318
newyearsday 315 317-318
Nicer 186
NIL 484 505
NIM 535—536
Nines record 448
Node 484 485 492 493 505
NOT 61
NUMBER 5 564
Number, nonrepresentable 185
Odd built-in function 179
oneyearinterest 326
oneyeartest1 326-327
oneyeartest2 327
Operating System 39—40
OR 60—61
Ord built-in function 319—320 353—354 408
ouncestopounds 175
Packed array 211 345—346
Palindrome 391-392
parabola 265-268
Pascal 2 87
Pascal, Blaise 75
path name 423
Payroll 50—51 458—479
payroll1 50
payroll2 51 55 90
phonecharges 259 - 260
playmatchsticks 532—535
Pointer data type 482—493 504 559 568
pollute 510-511
| Pollution 509—512
poppredict 133 135
Position of a substring in a character string 373—374
positional notation 5
powerof2 11
Pred built-in function 319—320 388
Predeclared identifiers 555
Prime number 183
printcharacters 4
Printer file 419
printflag 261
printlist 488 489
printlostcards 208 212
printtable 257
probability 522—529
Procedure 110—113
productof3 25
propersubtraction 285
QUEUE 523-525
Rabbits 549
raise 180
randomdigits 165
randominteger 166
readinput 117
ReadList 237 290
readname 162
readparagraph 350 351
readtextfile 349
reversealist 297—299
Rhyme 26
roulettewithfixedbet 517 518
roulettewithvariablebet 519-521
seven11 514-515
simpleadd 11
simpledrill 160 162-163
simplepower 330
smallestera 232-233
smallestera2 234-235
snapshot 299
sortlist 489 491-492
sortnumbers 495 - 498
sqrandsqrt 141
sqrtof2 196
squares1 129
squares2 129
squares3 130
stinkingsort 312
Subtract 25
sumofanyprog 152
sumwithdebug 153
Swap 289 341
swapintegers 284 288
swapreals 289
t 37
teachadd 167 170-172
teachdiv 177
tennumbers 140
testbackward 329-330
testfactorial 338
testfind 240—241
testhanoi 335-336
testintpower 314 341
testio 238
testpower 332-333
testreadlist 291-292
testreadsentence 348-349
testsign 347
testsimplepower 331-332
testsquares1 128
testsquares2 128
trimlength 372
tryreversal 294 - 295
ugh 27
updateandreorder 450 453-546
updateblackbook 430-431 435
updateempfiles 472—475
vectorsum 214-215
videoimage 270-271
weeklypayroll 460 465-470
wheeee 11
who 21
writebackward 329
yards1 190
yards2 191
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