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Brainerd W.S., Goldberg C.H., Gross J.L. — Pascal Programming : A Spiral Approach |
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Abs built-in function 178
accurateprices 189
add2 12
add2reals 14
Aiken, Howard 74
allgradeptavgs 108 109 110
Analytical engine 74 78 82 83 85
AND 60
anybeer 144
Apathy 184
Argument, array 290—291
Argument, dummy 284—287 292—293 320 340—342
Argument, explicit 283 284 340
Argument, outside function domain 323—324
Argument, passing of 283
Argument, passing through nested calls 308
Argument, supplied 287 293 320
Arithmetic expression 6—7
Array 21—23 99 205—281
Array assignment statement 239 279
Array declaration 210—211 559 568
Array, comparison with simple variable 212—214
Array, doubly subscripted 257 280 see
Array, singly subscripted 206 see
artificial intelligence 537—547
ASCII 352—353
Assignment of character values 22 170 347 407—408
assignment statement 16—17 19 87—88 561 570
Assignment statement, array 239 279
Assignment statement, data structure 439—441 502
Assignment statement, function value 314
attemptavg 48
Average 27—29 34—35
Average word length 380—386
averageof27 28
averageof4 15
AVG 37
avgof27version2 28
avgofscores 35 89
avgofscores2 212-213
avgofscores3 213-214
avgofseveral 71
avgwordlength1 380 381—383
avgwordlength2 384-386
Babbage Charles 74—76 78 82 83 85
Bad programming practice 27 104
Bank 522—525
Bar graph 262—264
BASEBALL 231—236 425—426
Batch processing 47
Beer 142
bigger 200-201
Binary computer 192—193 202—203
Binary number system 192—193
Binary search 225—229
Binary tree 492—498 505—506
Black book 420—422 428—444
blockofasterisks 260
Boolean constant 118
Boolean expression 53
Boolean operator 60—61
Boolean variable 118
Bottom-up program design 332
Bubble sort 303—311
bubbleprocess 306—307
bubblescores 309-310
built-in functions 177—181 319—320
Built-in functions, scientific 179
Built-in procedures 181 573—574
calc1version2 346
calc3version2 10
calculation1 3
calculation2 6
calculation3 10
calculation4 10
calculation5 10
calculation6 10
Card file 418
Card reader 446—447
cardcheck1 220
cardcheck1withfunction 322-323
cardcheck2 221-222
cardcheck3 223-224
cardcheck5 227-228
Case statement 172—173 199—200 561 571
cases 199
Change 376
character data 21—22 345—409
character string 4—5 345 564
Character string, assignment 22 170 407—408
Character string, constant 346
Character string, declaration 345
Character string, reading and writing 22 348
Character string, variable 407
Chars 353
Checkers 538
Chr built-in function 353—354 408
cleanup 511-512
Collating sequence 352—353 408
Columns indicator 24 185—186
comment 18 102
Comparison of arithmetic expressions 53—54
Comparison of character strings 62 352—353 408
Component of a data structure 423
composemelody 545—546
compound statement 29—30 91 560 570
Computer program 87
Computer programming 1
Computer programming, good old days of 40—41
Computer terminal 162
Computer-assisted instruction 158—177
Confederate flag 261—262
confusing 37
Constant 5 558 568
Constant, boolean 118
Constant, character string 5
Constant, integer 5
Constant, real 5
Constant, set 517
Constant, supplied argument 293
consultanthours 550 551-552
Control card 39
copyalist 278-279
copytext 180
costofsandwich 16
countbytwos1 145
countbytwos2 145
countcards 124-125 127
Counting cards 121—125
countto4 198
createblackbook 428 -429
createempfiles 471
Credit card 206—209 218—229
Cryptography 394—406
Cubic 269
Data base 412
Data processing 411—506
Data structure 420—426
Data structure, declaration 421—422 501—502
Data structure, dynamic 481—498 504
Debugging 47—49 92 150—154 155 162—163 215—216 294—300 497—498
Decimals indicator 24—25 186
Declaration of constants 17—18
Declaration of data structures 421—422 501—502
Declaration of dummy arguments 292—293 560 569
Declaration of functions 315
Declaration of pointers 482
Declaration of procedures 72 110
| Declaration of variables 12—13
Declaration, scope of 290
decodesub 397-398
Depth of recursive call 497
Dice 514—515
Direct access 416 458 500
Direct-access input/output 418 462—463 565—566
Dispose built-in procedure 492 504 574
distancetravelled 87
div 175—176 201—202
Division with remainder 176—177
domerge 250 252
dosort1 242 243
dosort2 244-245
downto 142—143 see
Driver 291 343
dynamic data structure 504
Dynamic list 481—491 505
Earned run average 231—236
EBCDIC 352—353
Echo of input data 12 13 28 100 151—152
Ecology 509—512
Editing a program 43—46
Editing tasks 358
editor1 359-369
editor2 370-377
else 52 56—57 65—66 see
Else, ambiguity 65—66
empty statement 19 561 570
encodeordecode 398—399
encodesub 395-396
END 9 173
Endless loop 119—120 150 197—198
endlessloop1 120
endlessloop2 151
endlessloop3 197
Enumerated data type 318—320 343 558 568
Eof built-in function 180 349
Eoln built-in function 161—162 180 350
Equality test 138 188
exer9a 68
exer9b 68
exer9c 69
exer9d 69
exer9e 69
exer9f 70
Exit conditions, multiple 121
Exit test, roundoff in 137—138 186—188
explainor 60
Exponential execution time 336—337
Exponential notation 5—6
exponentiation 180—181 330—332 313—314
Expression 572
Expression, tree representation of 493
extra1 62
extra2 62
extra2b 74
extra3 63
extra3b 65
Fabric 186
Factorial 338
fibonacci 337—338
Fibonacci numbers 337—338
Fibonacci sequence 339—340
FILE 218—219 366—367 416 426 500
File, buffer 573 574
File, comparison with an array 426
File, creating a 428 470—471 502—503
File, predeclared 219
File, sequential-access 445—457
File, updating a 430—442
File, updating a direct-access 471—475
File, updating a sequential-access 445—457
final preparation for soup 119
final preparation for soup 2 121
find 374-375
findsmallest 240
for statement 31 89 140—155 198—199 388 561 571
For-loop 31—32 198—199 see
For-loop, executed no times 144
For-loop, variable limits 143—144
For-variable 31
For-variable of type character 387—388
format1 24
format2 25
Formatting output 23—25
Function, built-in 177—181 319—320
Function, programmer-defined 166 283 313—325 341 560 569
Function, rules for writing 342
Function, when to use 321
game playing 531—543
Garbage 528
germantoenglish 354-355
Get built-in procedure 574
Global variable 209
Good programming practice 13 18 20 31 45 60 100 102 210 212 219 288
Goren, Charles 543
Gradepoint average 95—97 103—104
gradeptavg 97 100 102 104
Grades 262 - 264
Grammar 143
Graphics on a printer 261—275
Hand simulation 33—34
happybirthday 36
hellfreezesover 120
Hello 4
Heuristic 542—543 544
Hexapawn 536—537
hicontrast 273-274
histogram 262—264
Hollerith, Herman 77
idaho 508-509
If statement 51—52 90—91 561 570
illdefined 328
Image enhancement 272—277
Image processing 269—277
IN 517—518
inchestofeet 26
Income tax 57—59
incometax1 58
Increment coding 400—401
Index register 84
Index variable 209 278
Index variables, asynchronous 249—250
Index, to a direct-access file 461—462 503
Infinite recursive descent 339
Input data 125—127
Input data, variable length 161
Input prompt 160
Input/output bound 446—447 504
Interactive dialog 159
Interactive execution 45—46
Interactive input 162
Inventory 450—453
Keyword 8 553
Keyword coding 401—405
keyworddecoding 404 - 405
keywordencoding 402-403
Knuth, Donald 40
Language translation 354—356
largestof4 300
Leaf 493
learnmatchsticks 539-542
Leibnitz, Gottfreid 74
Length of a character string 347
Letter frequency 386—390
lettercount1 387
lettercount2 387 388-389
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